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<title>ProFTPD: Upgrading</title>
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<center><h2><b>ProFTPD: Upgrading</b></h2></center>
Upgrading <code>proftpd</code> is usually a straightforward process, but
as with any upgrade, double-checking that the upgrade will not break anything
is a Good Idea.
Recent ProFTPD releases have a <code>RELEASE_NOTES</code> file in the
source distribution that documents the changes in that release, including
new configuration directives, new contrib modules, deprecated directives,
special instructions, <i>etc</i>. In addition, the <code>NEWS</code> file
contains a list of the bugs that have fixed, and comments about any changes
the bugfix required. <b>Please</b> read these files carefully before
starting your upgrade.
One safe way to test the upgrade is to compile the new <code>proftpd</code>,
and test it out on your existing configuration file before actually installing
the new version into the "live" location:
$ tar zxvf proftpd-<i>version</i>.tar.gz
$ cd proftpd-<i>version</i>/
$ ./configure ..
$ make
$ ./proftpd -t -d10 -c /path/to/proftpd.conf
The "<code>./proftpd</code>" means to use the new
<code>proftpd</code> binary compiled by <code>make</code>, but not yet
installed. If the new binary reports errors, make a copy of your existing
<code>proftpd.conf</code> file, keeping the old one as a backup:
$ cp /path/to/proftpd.conf /path/to/
Make any needed changes to the <code></code> file, until
the new <code>proftpd</code> binary reports a successful syntax check:
$ ./proftpd -t -d10 -c /path/to/
Once everything is configured the way you like, install the new binary and
configuration file:
$ make install
$ cp /path/to/proftpd.conf /path/to/proftpd.conf.old
$ mv /path/to/ /path/to/proftpd.conf
Now do a stop/start on <code>proftpd</code>, and the new version of ProFTPD
will be running.
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