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<title>ProFTPD module mod_auth_file</title>
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<h2><b>ProFTPD module <code>mod_auth_file</code></b></h2>
This module is contained in the <code>mod_auth_file.c</code> file for
ProFTPD 1.3.<i>x</i>, and is compiled by default.
<li><a href="#AuthGroupFile">AuthGroupFile</a>
<li><a href="#AuthUserFile">AuthUserFile</a>
<h3><a name="AuthGroupFile">AuthGroupFile</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> AuthGroupFile <em>path [id min-max] [name regex]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_auth_file<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.7rc2
The <code>AuthGroupFile</code> directive configures an alternate group file for
providing group membership information; the specified file must have the same
format as the system <code>/etc/group</code> file, and if specified is used
during authentication and group lookups for directory/access control
operations. The <em>path</em> argument should be the full path to the specified
file. This directive can be configured on a per-server basis, so that virtual
FTP servers can each have their own authentication file, often in conjunction
with an <a href="#AuthUserFile"><code>AuthUserFile</code></a>.
Note that this file does <i>not</i> need to reside inside a
<code>chroot()</code>ed directory structure for anonymous or
<code>DefaultRoot</code> logins, as it is held open for the duration of a
The optional parameters are used to set restrictions on the contents of
the specified file. The <em>id</em> restriction is used to specify a range
of GIDs that may appear in the file; when doing a lookup, if a group entry
has a GID that is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum is
encountered, that entry is ignored. The <em>name</em> restriction is used
to specify a regular expression that is applied to the name of a group
entry. If the group name does not match the regular expression, the group
entry is ignored. A leading <code>!</code> in the regular expression can
be used to negate the given expression.
# This makes an AuthGroupFile that can only have GIDs 2000 to 4000, and
# whose groups must start with 'cust'
AuthGroupFile /etc/ftpd/group id 2000-4000 name ^cust
<b>Note</b>: In order to prevent other users from modifying the
<code>AuthGroupFile</code>, the <code>mod_auth_file</code> module
<b>requires</b> that the permissions on the file <b>not</b> be world-readable
<b>or</b> world-writable, <b>and</b> that the directory containing the
file <b>not</b> be world-writable. In addition, if the file is not a file
(<i>e.g.</i> the path points to a symlink, or a FIFO, <i>etc</i>), a warning
will be logged on server startup/restart.
<h3><a name="AuthUserFile">AuthUserFile</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> AuthUserFile <em>path [id min-max] [home regex] [name regex]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_auth_file<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.7rc2
The <code>AuthUserFile</code> directive configures an alternate passwd file for
providing user account information; the specified file must have the same
format as the system <code>/etc/passwd</code> file, and if specified is used
during authentication and user lookups for directory/access control operations.
The <em>path</em> argument should be the full path to the specified file. This
directive can be configured on a per-server basis, so that virtual FTP servers
can each have their own authentication file, often in conjunction with an
<a href="#AuthGroupFile"><code>AuthGroupFile</code></a>.
Note that this file does <i>not</i> need to reside inside a
<code>chroot()</code>ed directory structure for anonymous or
<code>DefaultRoot</code> logins, as it is held open for the duration of a
The optional parameters are used to set restrictions on the contents of
the specified file. The <em>id</em> restriction is used to specify a range
of UIDs that may appear in the file; when doing a lookup, if a user entry
has a UID that is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum is
encountered, that entry is ignored. The <em>home</em> restriction is used
to specify a regular expression that is applied to the home directory of a user
entry. If the home does not match the regular expression, the user entry
is ignored. The <em>name</em> restriction is used to specify a regular
expression that is applied to the name of a user entry. If the user name does
not match the regular expression, the user entry is ignored. A leading
<code>!</code> in these regular expressions can be used to negate the given
# This makes an AuthUserFile whose user names must start with 'ftp', and
# whose homes cannot start with /home.
AuthUserFile /etc/ftpd/passwd name ^ftp home !^/home
<b>Note</b>: In order to prevent other users from modifying the
<code>AuthUserFile</code>, the <code>mod_auth_file</code> module
<b>requires</b> that the permissions on the file <b>not</b> be world-readable
<b>or</b> world-writable, <b>and</b> that the directory containing the
file <b>not</b> be world-writable. In addition, if the file is not a file
(<i>e.g.</i> the path points to a symlink, or a FIFO, <i>etc</i>), a warning
will be logged on server startup/restart.
<h2><a name="Installation">Installation</a></h2>
The <code>mod_auth_file</code> module is compiled by default.
The <code>mod_auth_file</code> module supports <a href="../howto/Tracing.html">trace logging</a>, via the module-specific log channels:
Thus for trace logging, to aid in debugging, you would use the following in
your <code>proftpd.conf</code>:
TraceLog /path/to/ftpd/trace.log
Trace auth.file:20
This trace logging can generate large files; it is intended for debugging use
only, and should be removed from any production configuration.
<p><a name="FAQ">
<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b><br>
<p><a name="Password8Characters">
<font color=red>Question</font>: I found that only the first 8 characters of
passwords are used! This is a security bug!<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: No, it is not.
The default Unix password hashing scheme uses the <a href="">Data Encryption Standard</a> (DES) algorithm.
As per the <code>crypt(3)</code> man page, <b>only the first 8 characters
of the password are used</b>. Thus this 8 character limitation comes from
the underlying system authentication, <b>not</b> from proftpd. The whole
purpose of the PAM system was to enable replacing the use of DES with other
authentication algorithms, which do not have this 8 character limitation.
Later, other <code>crypt(3)</code> implementations were made which can also
support algorithms such as MD5, or Blowfish. Some platforms support these
enhanced versions of <code>crypt(3)</code>, some do not. The
<a href="../utils/ftpasswd.html"><code>ftpasswd</code></a> script can generate
<code>AuthUserFiles</code> which use the MD5 algorithm instead of DES.
<p><a name="AuthFilePermissions">
<font color=red>Question</font>: Why does <code>mod_auth_file</code> refuse
to use an <code>AuthUserFile</code> (or <code>AuthGroupFile</code>) that is
world-readable/writable? I see messages like the following logged:
mod_auth_file/1.0: unable to use world-readable AuthUserFile '/etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd'
mod_auth_file/1.0: unable to use world-writable AuthUserFile '/etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd'
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: If an <code>AuthUserFile</code> or
<code>AuthGroupFile</code> is world-writable, then <b>any user on the system
can edit that file</b>. They can create new users, or change the entries
for existing users such that those users have different privileges, perhaps
even root privileges. In short, having <code>AuthUserFile</code> or
<code>AuthGroupFile</code> with world-writable permissions is an unsafe
configuration, and now <code>mod_auth_file</code> prevents this.
If the <code>AuthUserFile</code> is world-readable, then <b>any user on the
system can read that file</b>, including the hashed password. This can allow
for offline dictionary/cracking attempts against those hashes. This is also an
unsafe configuration, and thus <code>mod_auth_file</code> does not allow
world-readable <code>AuthUserFiles</code>.
Similarly, <code>mod_auth_file</code> will refuse to use an
<code>AuthUserFile</code> or <code>AuthGroupFile</code> if that file lives
in a directory, and that directory has world-writable permissions (even if
the configured file itself is <b>not</b> world-writable). A world-writable
directory would allow <b>any system user to delete the <code>AuthUserFile</code></b>, and add their own, or to add a symlink, <i>etc</i>. It is another
unsafe configuration against which <code>mod_auth_file</code> now guards.
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