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<title>ProFTPD module mod_log</title>
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<h2><b>ProFTPD module <code>mod_log</code></b></h2>
This module is contained in the <code>mod_log.c</code> file for
ProFTPD 1.3.<i>x</i>, and is compiled by default.
<li><a href="#AllowLogSymlinks">AllowLogSymlinks</a>
<li><a href="#ExtendedLog">ExtendedLog</a>
<li><a href="#LogFormat">LogFormat</a>
<li><a href="#LogOptions">LogOptions</a>
<li><a href="#ServerLog">ServerLog</a>
<li><a href="#SystemLog">SystemLog</a>
<h3><a name="AllowLogSymlinks">AllowLogSymlinks</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> AllowLogSymlinks <em>on|off</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_log<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.2rc2 and later
By default, the server will the path of any configured
<a href="#SystemLog"><code>SystemLog</code></a>, any configured
<a href="mod_core.html#TransferLog"><code>TransferLog</code></a>s, and any
configured <a href="#ExtendedLog"><code>ExtendedLog</code></a>s to see if they
are symbolic links. If the paths <i>are</i> symbolic links, <code>proftpd</code>
will refuse to log to that link unless explicitly configured to do so via
this <code>AllowLogSymlinks</code> directive.
<b>Security Note</b>: This behaviour should not be allowed unless for a very
good reason. By allowing the server to open symbolic links with its root
privileges, you are allowing a potential symlink attack where the server could
be tricked into overwriting arbitrary system files. <i>You have been
<h3><a name="ExtendedLog">ExtendedLog</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ExtendedLog <em>path [cmd-classes [format-name]]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code>, <code><Anonymous></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_log<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.1.6p11 and later
The <code>ExtendedLog</code> directive allows customizable logfiles to be
generated, either globally or per <code><VirtualHost></code>. The
<em>path</em> argument should contain an absolute pathname to a logfile which
will be appended to when <code>proftpd</code> starts; the pathname should
<b>not</b> be to a file in a nonexistent directory, to a world-writable
directory, or be a symbolic link (unless
<a href="#AllowLogSymlinks"><code>AllowLogSymlinks</code></a> is set to
<em>on</em>). Multiple logfiles, potentially with different command classes and
formats) can be created. Optionally, the <em>cmd-classes</em> parameter can be
used to control which types of commands are logged. If no command classes are
specified, <code>proftpd</code> logs all commands by default.
<b>Note</b> that passwords are hidden. If used, the <em>cmd-classes</em>
parameter is a comma-delimited (with <b>no whitespace</b>) list of which
commands to log.
In <code>proftpd-1.2.8rc1</code> and later, the <em>path</em> argument can
be of the form "syslog:<i>level</i>". The "syslog:" prefix
configures <code>mod_log</code> to write the <code>ExtendedLog</code> data
to syslog rather than to a file. The <i>level</i> configures the syslog
level at which to log the data. For example:
ExtendedLog syslog:info ALL default
This table shows the supported command classes:
<table border=1 summary="Command Classes">
<td><b>Command Class</b></td>
<td><b>FTP Commands</b></td>
<td>All commands <i>except</i> the <code>EXIT</code> pseudo-command (<i>default</i>)</td>
<td>No commands</td>
<td>Authentication commands: <code>ACCT</code>, <code>PASS</code>,
<code>REIN</code>, <code>USER</code></td>
<td>Informational commands: <code>FEAT</code>, <code>HELP</code>,
<code>MDTM</code>, <code>QUIT</code>, <code>PWD</code>, <code>STAT</code>,
<code>SIZE</code>, <code>SYST</code>, <code>XPWD</code></td>
<td>Directory commands: <code>CDUP</code>, <code>CWD</code>,
<code>LIST</code>, <code>MKD</code>, <code>MLSD</code>, <code>MLST</code>,
<code>NLST</code>, <code>RMD</code>, <code>XCWD</code>, <code>XCUP</code>,
<code>XMKD</code>, <code>XRMD</code></td>
<td>File reading: <code>RETR</code></td>
<td>File/directory writing or creation: <code>APPE</code>, <code>MFF</code>,
<code>MFMT</code>, <code>MKD</code>, <code>RMD</code>, <code>RNFR</code>,
<code>RNTO</code>, <code>STOR</code>, <code>STOU</code>,
<code>XMKD</code>, <code>XRMD</code></td>
<td>Miscellaneous commands: <code>ABOR</code>, <code>ALLO</code>,
<code>EPRT</code>, <code>EPSV</code>, <code>MODE</code>,
<code>NOOP</code>, <code>OPTS</code>, <code>PASV</code>,
<code>PORT</code>, <code>REST</code>, <code>RNFR</code>,
<code>RNTO</code>, <code>SITE</code>, <code>SMNT</code>,
<code>STRU</code>, <code>TYPE</code></td>
<td>RFC2228-related security FTP commands: <code>AUTH</code>,
<code>CCC</code>, <code>PBSZ</code>, <code>PROT</code></td>
<td>Logs the configured <code>LogFormat</code> at session exit.<br>
<b>NOTE</b>: <code>EXIT</code> is <b>not</b> part of the
<code>ALL</code> command class, in order to preserve
backward-compatible <code>ALL</code> behavior.</td>
If a <em>format-name</em> parameter is used, <code>ExtendedLog</code> will
use the named <a href="#LogFormat"><code>LogFormat</code></a>. Otherwise, the
default format of "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" is used.
For example, to log all read and write operations to
<code>/var/log/ftp.log</code> using the default format, use:
ExtendedLog /var/log/ftp.log READ,WRITE
and to log all read and write operations to <code>/var/log/ftp.log</code>
using your own <code>LogFormat</code> named "custom", use:
LogFormat custom ...
ExtendedLog /var/log/ftp.log READ,WRITE custom
See also: <a href="#AllowLogSymlinks"><code>AllowLogSymlinks</code></a>,
<a href="#LogFormat"><code>LogFormat</code></a>,
<a href="mod_core.html#TransferLog"><code>TransferLog</code></a>
<h3><a name="LogFormat">LogFormat</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> LogFormat <em>format-name format-string</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> LogFormat default "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_log<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.1.6p11 and later
The <code>LogFormat</code> directive can be used to create a custom logging
format for use with the <a href="#ExtendedLog"><code>ExtendedLog</code></a>
directive. Once created, the format can be referenced by the specified
<em>format-name</em>. The <em>format-string</em> parameter can consist of
any combination of letters, numbers and symbols. The special character '%' is
used to start a meta sequence/variable (see below). To insert a literal '%'
character, use "%%".
The default <code>LogFormat</code> is:
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
which produces log entries in the <a href="">Common Log Format</a>.
The following meta sequences/variables are available and are replaced as
indicated when logging.
<table border=1 summary="LogFormat Variables">
<td> <code>%a</code> </td>
<td>Remote client IP address</td>
<td> <code>%A</code> </td>
<td>Anonymous login password, or "UNKNOWN" for regular logins</td>
<td> <code>%{basename}</code> </td>
<td>Last component of path, <i>i.e.</i> just the file or directory name.</td>
<td> <code>%b</code> </td>
<td>Number of bytes sent for this command</td>
<td> <code>%c</code> </td>
<td>Client connection class, or "-" if undefined</td>
<td> <code>%d</code> </td>
<td>Directory name (<i>not</i> full path) for: <code>CDUP</code>,
<code>CWD</code>, <code>LIST</code>, <code>MLSD</code>, <code>MKD</code>,
<code>NLST</code>, <code>RMD</code>, <code>XCWD</code>, <code>XCUP</code>,
<code>XMKD</code>, <code>XRMD</code></td>
<td> <code>%D</code> </td>
<td>Directory path (full path) for: <code>CDUP</code>,
<code>CWD</code>, <code>LIST</code>, <code>MLSD</code>, <code>MKD</code>,
<code>NLST</code>, <code>RMD</code>, <code>XCWD</code>, <code>XCUP</code>,
<code>XMKD</code>, <code>XRMD</code></td>
<td> <code>%E</code> </td>
<td>End-of-session reason</td>
<td> <code>%{<em>NAME</em>}e</code> </td>
<td>Contents of environment variable <em>NAME</em></td>
<td> <code>%f</code> </td>
<td>Absolute path of the filename stored or retrieved (not chrooted)</td>
<td> <code>%F</code> </td>
<td>Filename stored or retrieved, as the client sees it</td>
<td> <code>%{file-modified}</code> </td>
<td>Indicates whether a file is modified (<i>i.e.</i> already exists): "true" or "false"</td>
<td> <code>%{file-size}</code> </td>
<td>Indicates the file size <b>after</b> data transfer, or "-" if not applicable</td>
<td> <code>%{gid}</code> </td>
<td>GID of authenticated user</td>
<td> <code>%g</code> </td>
<td>Primary group of authenticated user</td>
<td> <code>%h</code> </td>
<td>Remote client DNS name</td>
<td> <code>%H</code> </td>
<td>Local IP address of vhost/server hosting/handling the session</td>
<td> <code>%I</code> </td>
<td>Total number of "raw" bytes read in from network</td>
<td> <code>%{iso8601}</code> </td>
<td>shorthand form of <code>%{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}t,%{millisecs}</code>, <i>e.g.</i> "2013-01-30 20:14:05,670"</td>
<td> <code>%J</code> </td>
<td>Command arguments received from client, <i>e.g.</i> "file.txt"</td>
<td> <code>%l</code> </td>
<td>Remote username (from <code>identd</code>), or "UNKNOWN" if IdentLookup
<td> <code>%L</code> </td>
<td>Local IP address contacted by client</td>
<td> <code>%m</code> </td>
<td>Command (method) name received from client, <i>e.g.</i> <code>RETR</code></td>
<td> <code>%{microsecs}</code> </td>
<td>6 digit value of the microseconds of the current time</td>
<td> <code>%{millisecs}</code> </td>
<td>3 digit value of the milliseconds of the current time</td>
<td> <code>%O</code> </td>
<td>Total number of "raw" bytes written out to network</td>
<td> <code>%p</code> </td>
<td>Local port</td>
<td> <code>%P</code> </td>
<td>Local server process ID (pid)</td>
<td> <code>%{protocol}</code> </td>
<td>Current protocol: "ftp", "ftps", "ssh2", "sftp", "scp"</td>
<td> <code>%r</code> </td>
<td>Full command received from client</td>
<td> <code>%R</code> </td>
<td>Response time, in milliseconds</td>
<td> <code>%{remote-port}</code> </td>
<td>Remote client port</td>
<td> <code>%s</code> </td>
<td>Numeric FTP response code (status); see <a href="">RFC 959</a> Section 4.2.1</td>
<td> <code>%S</code> </td>
<td>Response message sent to client (available since 1.3.1rc1)</td>
<td> <code>%t</code> </td>
<td>Current local time</td>
<td> <code>%{<em>format</em>}t</code> </td>
<td>Current local time using <code>strftime(3)</code> <em>format</em></td>
<td> <code>%T</code> </td>
<td>Time taken to transfer file, in seconds</td>
<td> <code>%{transfer-failure}</code> </td>
<td>Reason for data transfer failure (if applicable), or "-"</td>
<td> <code>%{transfer-millisecs}</code> </td>
<td>Time taken to transfer file, in milliseconds</td>
<td> <code>%{transfer-status}</code> </td>
<td>Status of data transfer: "success", "failed", "cancelled", "timeout", or "-"</td>
<td> <code>%{transfer-type}</code> </td>
<td>Data transfer type: "binary" or "ASCII" (if applicable), or "-"</td>
<td> <code>%u</code> </td>
<td>Authenticated local username</td>
<td> <code>%U</code> </td>
<td><code>USER</code> name originally sent by client</td>
<td> <code>%{uid}</code> </td>
<td>UID of authenticated user</td>
<td> <code>%v</code> </td>
<td>Local server <code>ServerName</code></td>
<td> <code>%V</code> </td>
<td>Local server DNS name</td>
<td> <code>%{version}</code> </td>
<td>ProFTPD version</td>
<td> <code>%w</code> </td>
<td>Absolute path for the <code>RNFR</code> path ("whence" a rename comes)</td>
See also: <a href="#ExtendedLog"><code>ExtendedLog</code></a>,
<a href="mod_core.html#TransferLog"><code>TransferLog</code></a>
<h3><a name="LogOptions">LogOptions</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> LogOptions <em>opt1 ... optN</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_core<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.3.7rc4 and later
The <code>LogOptions</code> directive can be used to change the format
of the <a href="#SystemLog"><code>SystemLog</code></a> messages, <i>e.g.</i>
adding/remove certain fields of data. These options <i>also</i> apply to
all module logging; ProFTPD logging is centralized, and the
<code>LogOptions</code> are applied to any/all logging.
The options supported by the <code>LogOptions</code> directive are:
All of these options are <em>enabled</em> by default, <i>except</i> for the
<code>RoleBasedProcessLabels</code> option.
To enable an option, preface the option name with a '+' (plus) character;
to disable the option, use a '-' (minus) character prefix. For example:
# Log messages without timestamps or hostname
LogOptions -Hostname -Timestamp
The <code>RoleBasedProcessLabels</code> option changes the <em>label</em>
just for the PID, from <i>e.g.</i>:
to one of the following, depending on whether the process is the master
<em>daemon</em> process, or a forked <em>session</em> process:
This is useful, for example, when relying on <code>systemd</code> logging:
LogOptions -Timestamp -Hostname +RoleBasedProcessLabels
<h3><a name="ServerLog">ServerLog</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ServerLog <em>path</em>|"none"<br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_log<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.8rc1 and later
The <code>ServerLog</code> directive is used to configure a
<code><VirtualHost></code>-specific logfile at the given <em>path</em>,
rather than a single <a href="#SystemLog"><code>SystemLog</code></a> for the
entire configuration.
A <em>path</em> value of "none" will disable file logging for that vhost;
this can be used to override a global <code>ServerLog</code> setting.
<h3><a name="SystemLog">SystemLog</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> SystemLog <em>path</em>|"none"<br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_log<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.1.6p11 and later
The <code>SystemLog</code> directive disables <code>proftpd</code>'s use of the
<code>syslog</code> mechanism and instead redirects all logging output to the
specified <em>path</em>. The <em>path</em> should contain an absolute path,
and should not be to a file in a nonexistent directory, in a world-writable
directory, or be a symbolic link (unless
<a href="#AllowLogSymlinks"><code>AllowLogSymlinks</code></a> is set to
Use of this directive overrides any facility set by the
<a href="mod_core.html#SyslogFacility"><code>SyslogFacility</code></a>
A <em>path</em> value of "none" will disable logging for the entire daemon.
<h2><a name="Installation">Installation</a></h2>
The <code>mod_log</code> module is compiled by default.
<h2><a name="Usage">Usage</a></h2>
<p><a name="FAQ">
<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b><br>
<font color=red>Question</font>: I have configured ProFTPD to use DNS names
in my <code>proftpd.conf</code> using:
UseReverseDNS on
But in my <code>ExtendedLog</code>, I still see IP addresses rather than the
DNS names I expect to see. How can that happen?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: The
<a href="#LogFormat"><code>LogFormat</code></a> <code>%h</code> is what is used
to log DNS names. The logged value might be an IP address if ProFTPD cannot
properly verify that the client IP address resolves to a DNS name.
"Properly verifying" an IP address, in this case, means resolving the DNS name
for an IP address <em>and then resolving that DNS name back to its IP
$ host domain name pointer
$ host has address
In this example, the IP address does not resolve back to itself via
DNS, but rather to a <i>different</i> IP address.
If the DNS name does not resolve back to the original IP address, then that
DNS name is <b>not used</b>, as that DNS name is considered "unreliable"; only
<em>reliable</em> information is logged (and used elsewhere). Thus ProFTPD
resorts to logging just the client IP address for the <code>%h</code> variable,
rather than the DNS name, in these situations.
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I get the reason a client was
disconnected, for whatever reason, logged to my <code>ExtendedLog</code>?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: You can use the <code>%E</code>
<a href="#LogFormat"><code>LogFormat</code></a> variable for this, <b>in
conjunction with</b> the <code>EXIT</code> log class.
For example, assume you have configured the following:
MaxConnectionsPerUser 2
and you would like your <code>ExtendedLog</code> to record when this limit
is reached. To do this, you would use something like the following:
LogFormat eos "%a: user=%U disconnect_reason=\"%E\""
ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/ext.log EXIT eos
Of course, you can include other logging classes than just <code>EXIT</code>;
the above is just an example.
With the above, when the <code>MaxConnectionsPerUser</code> is reached,
your log would have a line like:
<pre> user=tj disconnect_reason="Denied by MaxConnectionsPerUser"
<font size=2><b><i>
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