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Current File : //bin/sg_sync

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�H�=����� �H�= H� H9�tH�^ H��t	�����H�=� H�5� H)�H��H��H��?H�H�tH�5 H��t��fD�����=� u+UH�= H��tH�=& �	����d����� ]������w������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%� UH�-� SL)�H������H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���c:g:hil:sSt:vVbad argument to '--count'
bad argument to '--group'
bad argument to '--lba'
bad argument to '--timeout'
1.23 20180628version: %s
Missing device name!

open error: %s: %s
%02x synchronize cache(16)Synchronize cache failed: %s
close error: %s
sg_sync failed: 16countgrouphelpimmedlbasync-nvtimeoutverboseversionUsage: sg_sync    [--16] [--count=COUNT] [--group=GN] [--help] [--immed]
                  [--lba=LBA] [--sync-nv] [--timeout=SECS] [--verbose]
                  [--version] DEVICE
    --16|-S             calls SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(16) (def: is 10 byte
    --count=COUNT|-c COUNT    number of blocks to sync (def: 0 which
                              implies rest of device)
    --group=GN|-g GN    set group number field to GN (def: 0)
    --help|-h           print out usage message
    --immed|-i          command returns immediately when set else wait
                        for 'sync' to complete
    --lba=LBA|-l LBA    logical block address to start sync operation
                        from (def: 0)
    --sync-nv|-s        synchronize to non-volatile storage (if distinct
                        from medium). Obsolete in sbc3r35d.
    --timeout=SECS|-t SECS    command timeout in seconds, only active
                              if '--16' given (def: 60 seconds)
    --verbose|-v        increase verbosity
    --version|-V        print version string and exit

Performs a SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(10 or 16) command
unrecognised option code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
    synchronize cache(16) cdb: synchronize cache(16): out of memory
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
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