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�����H��H���hhvhelpr2qdefaultratequantumceilpriocbursthtbUsage: nl-class-add [...] htb [OPTIONS]...
--help Show this help text.
--rate=RATE Rate limit.
--ceil=RATE Rate limit while borrowing (default: equal to --rate).
--prio=PRIO Priority, lower is served first (default: 0).
--quantum=SIZE Amount of bytes to serve at once (default: rate/r2q).
--burst=SIZE Max charge size of rate burst buffer (default: auto).
--cburst=SIZE Max charge size of ceil rate burst buffer (default: auto)
EXAMPLE # Attach class 1:1 to htb qdisc 1: and rate limit it to 20mbit
nl-class-add --dev=eth1 --parent=1: --classid=1:1 htb --rate=20mbitUnable to parse htb rate "%s": Invalid format.Unable to parse htb ceil rate "%s": Invalid format.Unable to parse quantum "%s": Invalid format.Unable to parse burst "%s": Invalid format.Unable to parse cburst "%s": Invalid format.Usage: nl-qdisc-add [...] htb [OPTIONS]...
--help Show this help text.
--r2q=DIV Rate to quantum divisor (default: 10)
--default=ID Default class for unclassified traffic.
EXAMPLE # Create htb root qdisc 1: and direct unclassified traffic to class 1:10
nl-qdisc-add --dev=eth1 --parent=root --handle=1: htb --default=10;< �X@����P���@����(p���������zRx�$�� FJw�?:*3$"D��H\���/F�B�E �E(�D0�A8�KP�
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