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Current File : //sbin/rotatelogs

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�5 H��E���zH�T$`��H������D$�������H��$p�x��H����I��H��H�p
�gH�=�$ H�
�$ H��1����H�=�$ ����L�5 H�=�$ H��1�H����������H�D$P����f�H�\$`H��1�H�{������H��$p�x���D�H�
�4 �H�=$ I��H��	1����;���H�\$`H���1�H�{A������F�����H�=�# H��H�
1�����H�t$@�&���f�H�=�# H���1�H�e���d����	�I��H��H�$
H�=U# �1��i���/�H��$p�x��H���X�I��H��H�=# L��3 H��1��!��������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%d UH�-d SL)�H����H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.����f.����H� 1��>���H��H���Error truncating the file %s
%s%s.%d%s.%010ldCreating directory tree %s
Opening file %s
Linking %s to %s
Closing file %s
%pmyesnonot usedlL:p:fDtvecn:Incorrect number of argumentsInvalid filename givenInvalid -n argument
Unable to open stdin
Unable to open stdout
Rotation file name: %21s
Post-rotation prog: %21s
Unable to poll stdin
Unable to write to stdout
NoneOpen a new fileTime interval expiredMaximum size reachedForced rotationUsage: %s [-v] [-l] [-L linkname] [-p prog] [-f] [-D] [-t] [-e] [-c] [-n number] <logfile> {<rotation time in seconds>|<rotation size>(B|K|M|G)} [offset minutes from UTC]

Add this:

TransferLog "|%s /some/where 86400"


TransferLog "|%s /some/where 5M"

to httpd.conf. By default, the generated name will be
<logfile>.nnnn where nnnn is the system time at which the log
nominally starts (N.B. if using a rotation time, the time will
always be a multiple of the rotation time, so you can synchronize
cron scripts with it). If <logfile> contains strftime conversion
specifications, those will be used instead. At the end of each
rotation time or when the file size is reached a new log is

  -v       Verbose operation. Messages are written to stderr.
  -l       Base rotation on local time instead of UTC.
  -L path  Create hard link from current log to specified path.
  -p prog  Run specified program after opening a new log file. See below.
  -f       Force opening of log on program start.
  -D       Create parent directories of log file.
  -t       Truncate logfile instead of rotating, tail friendly.
  -e       Echo log to stdout for further processing.
  -c       Create log even if it is empty.
  -n num   Rotate file by adding suffixes '.1', '.2', ..., '.num'.

The program for '-p' is invoked as "[prog] <curfile> [<prevfile>]"
where <curfile> is the filename of the newly opened logfile, and
<prevfile>, if given, is the filename of the previously used logfile.

Error writing error (%s) to the file %s
Could not create directory '%s' (%s)
Error linking file %s to %s (%s)
post_rotate: apr_procattr_create failed for '%s': %s
post_rotate: could not set up process attributes for '%s': %s
Calling post-rotate program: %s
Could not spawn post-rotate process '%s': %s
Could not open log file '%s' (%s)
Resetting log file due to error opening new log file, %10d messages lost: %-25.25s
Rotation time parameter allowed only onceUTC offset parameter is not valid with -lInvalid rotation size parameterInvalid rotation time parameterRotation size parameter allowed only onceCannot use -n with %% in filename
Rotation time interval:      %12d
Rotation size interval:      %12d
Rotation time UTC offset:    %12d
Rotation based on localtime: %12s
Rotation file date pattern:  %12s
Rotation file forced open:   %12s
Create parent directories:   %12s
Rotation verbose:            %12s
Rotation create empty logs:  %12s
No rotation time or size specified
File rotation needed, reason: %s
Error %d writing to log file at offset %ld. %10d messages lost (%pm)
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