Your IP :
-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.4.37
*) mod_ssl: Fix HTTP/2 failures when using OpenSSL 1.1.1. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ssl: Fix crash during SSL renegotiation with OptRenegotiate set,
when client certificates are available from the original handshake
but were originally not verified and should get verified now.
This is a regression in 2.4.36 (unreleased). [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_ssl: Correctly merge configurations that have client certificates set
by SSLProxyMachineCertificate{File|Path}. [Ruediger Pluem]
Changes with Apache 2.4.36
*) mod_brotli, mod_deflate: Restore the separate handling of 304 Not Modified
responses. Regression introduced in 2.4.35.
*) mod_proxy_scgi, mod_proxy_uwsgi: improve error handling when sending the
body of the response. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_http2: adding defensive code for stream EOS handling, in case the request handler
missed to signal it the normal way (eos buckets). Addresses github issues,
and [Stefan Eissing]
*) ab: Add client certificate support. [Graham Leggett]
*) ab: Disable printing temp key for OpenSSL before
version 1.0.2. SSL_get_server_tmp_key is not available
there. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ssl: Fix a regression that the configuration settings for verify mode
and verify depth were taken from the frontend connection in case of
connections by the proxy to the backend. PR 62769. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) MPMs: Initialize all runtime/asynchronous objects on a dedicated pool and
before signals handling to avoid lifetime issues on restart or shutdown.
PR 62658. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 and TLSv1.3. TLSv1.3 has
behavioural changes compared to v1.2 and earlier; client and
configuration changes should be expected. SSLCipherSuite is
enhanced for TLSv1.3 ciphers, but applies at vhost level only.
[Stefan Eissing, Yann Ylavic, Ruediger Pluem, Joe Orton]
*) mod_auth_basic: Be less tolerant when parsing the credencial. Only spaces
should be accepted after the authorization scheme. \t are also tolerated.
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: Fix issues with interval determination. PR 62318
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: Fix issues with TCP health checks. PR 61499
[Dominik Stillhard <dominik.stillhard>]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: take balancer's SSLProxy* directives into account.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_status, mod_echo: Fix the display of client addresses.
They were truncated to 31 characters which is not enough for IPv6 addresses.
This is done by deprecating the use of the 'client' field and using
the new 'client64' field in worker_score.
PR 54848 [Bernhard Schmidt <berni birkenwald de>, Jim Jagielski]
Changes with Apache 2.4.35
*) http: Enforce consistently no response body with both 204 and 304
statuses. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_status: Cumulate CPU time of exited child processes in the
"cu" and "cs" values. Add CPU time of the parent process to the
"c" and "s" values.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_proxy: Improve the balancer member data shown in mod_status when
"ProxyStatus" is "On": add "busy" count and show byte counts in
auto mode always in units of kilobytes. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_status: Add cumulated response duration time in milliseconds.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_status: Complete the data shown for async MPMs in "auto" mode.
Added number of processes, number of stopping processes and number
of busy and idle workers. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ratelimit: Don't interfere with "chunked" encoding, fixing regression
introduced in 2.4.34. PR 62568. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy: Remove load order and link dependency between mod_lbmethod_*
modules and mod_proxy. PR 62557. [Ruediger Pluem, William Rowe]
*) Allow the argument to <IfFile>, <IfDefine>, <IfSection>, <IfDirective>,
and <IfModule> to be quoted. This is primarily for the benefit of
<IfFile>. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_watchdog: Correct some log messages. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_md: When the last domain name from an MD is moved to another one,
that now empty MD gets moved to the store archive. PR 62572.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Fix merging of SSLOCSPOverrideResponder. [Jeff Trawick,
[Frank Meier <frank meier>]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Restore compatibility with APR 1.4. [Joe Orton]
Changes with Apache 2.4.34
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-8011 (
mod_md: DoS via Coredumps on specially crafted requests
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-1333 (
mod_http2: DoS for HTTP/2 connections by specially crafted requests
*) Introduce zh-cn and zh-tw (simplified and traditional Chinese) error
document translations. [CodeingBoy, popcorner]
*) event: avoid possible race conditions with modules on the child pool.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Fix a corner case where the ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain or
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath directive could fail to update correctly
'domain=' or 'path=' in the 'Set-Cookie' header. PR 61560.
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_ratelimit: fix behavior when proxing content. PR 62362.
[Luca Toscano, Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Re-allow '_' (underscore) in hostnames.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_authz_core: If several parameters are used in a AuthzProviderAlias
directive, if these parameters are not enclosed in quotation mark, only
the first one is handled. The other ones are silently ignored.
Add a message to warn about such a spurious configuration.
PR 62469 [Hank Ibell <hwibell>, Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_md: improvements and bugfixes
- MDNotifyCmd now takes additional parameter that are passed on to the called command.
- ACME challenges have better checks for interference with other modules
- ACME challenges are only handled for domains managed by the module, allowing
other ACME clients to operate for other domains in the server.
- better libressl integration
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Add default schema ports for 'ws' and 'wss'.
PR 62480. [Lubos Uhliarik <luhliari>}
*) logging: Some early logging-related startup messages could be lost
when using syslog for the global ErrorLog. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_cache: Handle case of an invalid Expires header value RFC compliant
like the case of an Expires time in the past: allow to overwrite the
non-caching decision using CacheStoreExpired and respect Cache-Control
"max-age" and "s-maxage". [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_xml2enc: Fix forwarding of error metadata/responses. PR 62180.
[Micha Lenk <micha>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_http: Fix response header thrown away after the previous one
was considered too large and truncated. PR 62196. [Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Add and handle AP_GETLINE_NOSPC_EOL flag for ap_getline() family
of functions to consume the end of line when the buffer is exhausted.
PR 62198. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_http: Add new worker parameter 'responsefieldsize' to
allow maximum HTTP response header size to be increased past 8192
bytes. PR 62199. [Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) mod_ssl: Extend SSLOCSPEnable with mode 'leaf' that only checks the leaf
of a certificate chain. PR62112.
[Ricardo Martin Camarero <rickyepoderi>]
*) http: Fix small memory leak per request when handling persistent
connections. [Ruediger Pluem, Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy_html: Fix variable interpolation and memory allocation failure
in ProxyHTMLURLMap. [Ewald Dieterich <ewald>]
*) mod_remoteip: Fix RemoteIP{Trusted,Internal}ProxyList loading broken by 2.4.30.
PR 62220. [Chritophe Jaillet, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_remoteip: When overriding the useragent address from X-Forwarded-For,
zero out what had been initialized as the connection-level port. PR59931.
[Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) core: In ONE_PROCESS/debug mode, cleanup everything when exiting.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Add hot spare member type and corresponding flag (R).
Hot spare members are used as drop-in replacements for unusable workers
in the same load balancer set. This differs from hot standbys which are
only used when all workers in a set are unusable. PR 61140. [Jim Riggs]
*) suexec: Add --enable-suexec-capabilites support on Linux, to use
setuid/setgid capability bits rather than a setuid root binary.
[Joe Orton]
*) suexec: Add support for logging to syslog as an alternative to
logging to a file; use --without-suexec-logfile --with-suexec-syslog.
[Joe Orton]
*) mod_ssl: Restore 2.4.29 behaviour in SSL vhost merging/enabling
which broke some rare but previously-working configs. [Joe Orton]
*) core, log: improve sanity checks for the ErrorLog's syslog config, and
explicitly allow only lowercase 'syslog' settings. PR 62102
[Luca Toscano, Jim Riggs, Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_http2: accurate reporting of h2 data input/output per request via
mod_logio. Fixes an issue where output sizes where counted n-times on
reused slave connections. [Stefan Eissing]
See github issue:
*) mod_http2: Fix unnecessary timeout waits in case streams are aborted.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: restoring the v1.10.16 keepalive timeout behaviour of mod_http2.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy: Do not restrict the maximum pool size for backend connections
any longer by the maximum number of threads per process and use a better
default if mod_http2 is loaded.
[Yann Ylavic, Ruediger Pluem, Stefan Eissing, Gregg Smith]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Add generation number to shm filename to fix races
with graceful restarts. PRs 62044 and 62308. [Jim Jagielski, Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Preserve the original HTTP request method in the '%<m' LogFormat
when an path-based ErrorDocument is used. PR 62186.
[Micha Lenk <micha>]
*) mod_remoteip: make proxy-protocol work on slave connections, e.g. in
HTTP/2 requests. [Stefan Eissing]
See also
*) mod_ssl: Fix merging of proxy SSL context outside <Proxy> sections,
regression introduced in 2.4.30. PR 62232. [Rainer Jung, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_md: Fix compilation with OpenSSL before version 1.0.2. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_dumpio: do nothing below log level TRACE7. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_remoteip: Restore compatibility with APR 1.4 (apr_sockaddr_is_wildcard).
[Eric Covener]
*) core: On ECBDIC platforms, some errors related to oversized headers
may be misreported or be logged as ASCII escapes. PR 62200
[Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) mod_ssl: Fix cmake-based build. PR 62266. [Rainer Jung]
*) core: Add <IfFile>, <IfDirective> and <IfSection> conditional
section containers. [Eric Covener, Joe Orton]
Changes with Apache 2.4.33
*) core: Fix request timeout logging and possible crash for error_log hooks.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_slomem_shm: Fix failure to create balancers's slotmems in Windows MPM,
where children processes need to attach them instead since they are owned
by the parent process already. [Yann Ylavic]
*) ab: try all destination socket addresses returned by
apr_sockaddr_info_get instead of failing on first one when not available.
Needed for instance if localhost resolves to both ::1 and
e.g. if both are in /etc/hosts. [Jan Kaluza]
*) ab: Use only one connection to determine working destination socket
address. [Jan Kaluza]
*) ab: LibreSSL doesn't have or require Windows applink.c. [Gregg L. Smith]
*) htpasswd/htdigest: Disable support for bcrypt on EBCDIC platforms.
apr-util's bcrypt implementation doesn't tolerate EBCDIC. [Eric Covener]
*) htpasswd/htdbm: report the right limit when get_password() overflows.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) htpasswd: Don't fail in -v mode if password file is unwritable.
PR 61631. [Joe Orton]
*) htpasswd: don't point to (unused) stack memory on output
to make static analysers happy. PR 60634.
[Yann Ylavic, reported by shqking and Zhenwei Zou]
Changes with Apache 2.4.32
*) mod_access_compat: Fail if a comment is found in an Allow or Deny
directive. [Jan Kaluza]
*) mod_authz_host: Ignore comments after "Require host", logging a
warning, or logging an error if the line is otherwise empty.
[Jan Kaluza, Joe Orton]
*) rotatelogs: Fix expansion of %Z in localtime (-l) mode, and fix
Y2K38 bug. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_ssl: Support SSL DN raw variable extraction without conversion
to UTF-8, using _RAW suffix on variable names. [Joe Orton]
*) ab: Fix https:// connection failures (regression in 2.4.30); fix
crash generating CSV output for large -n. [Joe Orton, Jan Kaluza]
Changes with Apache 2.4.31 (not released)
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Add the support for mod_proxy's flushpackets and flushwait
parameters. [Luca Toscano, Ruediger Pluem, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ldap: Avoid possible crashes, hangs, and busy loops due to
improper merging of the cache lock in vhost config.
PR 43164 [Eric Covener]
*) mpm_event: Do lingering close in worker(s). [Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_queue: Put fdqueue code in common for MPMs event and worker.
[Yann Ylavic]
Changes with Apache 2.4.30 (not released)
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-15710 (
Out of bound write in mod_authnz_ldap with AuthLDAPCharsetConfig enabled
[Eric Covener, Luca Toscano, Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-1283 (
mod_session: CGI-like applications that intend to read from mod_session's
'SessionEnv ON' could be fooled into reading user-supplied data instead.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-1303 (
mod_cache_socache: Fix request headers parsing to avoid a possible crash
with specially crafted input data. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-1301 (
core: Possible crash with excessively long HTTP request headers.
Impractical to exploit with a production build and production LogLevel.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-15715 (
core: Configure the regular expression engine to match '$' to the end of
the input string only, excluding matching the end of any embedded
newline characters. Behavior can be changed with new directive
'RegexDefaultOptions'. [Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-1312 (
mod_auth_digest: Fix generation of nonce values to prevent replay
attacks across servers using a common Digest domain. This change
may cause problems if used with round robin load balancers. PR 54637
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2018-1302 (
mod_http2: Potential crash w/ mod_http2.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy: Worker schemes and hostnames which are too large are no
longer fatal errors; it is logged and the truncated values are stored.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy: Allow setting options to globally defined balancer from
ProxyPass used in VirtualHost. Balancers are now merged using the new
merge_balancers method which merges the balancers options. [Jan Kaluza]
*) logresolve: Fix incorrect behavior or segfault if -c flag is used
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_remoteip: Add support for PROXY protocol (code donated by Cloudzilla).
Add ability for PROXY protocol processing to be optional to donated code.
See also:
[Cloudzilla/roadrunner2@GitHub, Jim Jagielski, Daniel Ruggeri]
*) mod_proxy, mod_ssl: Handle SSLProxy* directives in <Proxy> sections,
allowing per backend TLS configuration. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_uwsgi: Add in UWSGI proxy (sub)module. [Roberto De Ioris,
Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_balancer,mod_slotmem_shm: Rework SHM reuse/deletion to not
depend on the number of restarts (non-Unix systems) and preserve shared
names as much as possible on configuration changes for SHMs and persisted
files. PR 62044. [Yann Ylavic, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_http2: obsolete code removed, no more events on beam pool destruction,
discourage content encoders on http2-status response (where they do not work).
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mpm_event: Let the listener thread do its maintenance job on resources
shortage. PR 61979. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_event: Wakeup the listener to re-enable listening sockets.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: The SSLCompression directive will now give an error if used
with an OpenSSL build which does not support any compression methods.
[Joe Orton]
*) mpm_event,worker: Mask signals for threads created by modules in child
init, so that they don't receive (implicitely) the ones meant for the MPM.
PR 62009. [Armin Abfalterer <a.abfalterer gmail com>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_md: new experimental, module for managing domains across virtual hosts,
implementing the Let's Encrypt ACMEv1 protocol to signup and renew
certificates. Please read the modules documentation for further instructions
on how to use it. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_html: skip documents shorter than 4 bytes
PR 56286 [Micha Lenk <micha lenk info>]
*) core, mpm_event: Avoid a small memory leak of the scoreboard handle, for
the lifetime of the connection, each time it is processed by MPM event.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_event: Update scoreboard status for KeepAlive state. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ldap: Fix a case where a full LDAP cache would continually fail to
purge old entries and log AH01323. PR61891.
[Hendrik Harms <hendrik.harms>]
*) mpm_event: close connections not reported as handled by any module to
avoid losing track of them and leaking scoreboard entries. PR 61551.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) core: A signal received while stopping could have crashed the main
process. PR 61558. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: support for mod_md added. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_html: process parsed comments immediately.
Fixes bug (seen in the wild when used with IBM's HTTPD bundle)
where parsed comments may be lost. [Nick Kew]
*) mod_proxy_html: introduce doctype for HTML 5 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_proxy_html: fix typo-bug processing "strict" vs "transitional"
HTML/XHTML. PR 56457 [Nick Kew]
*) mpm_event: avoid a very unlikely race condition between the listener and
the workers when the latter fails to add a connection to the pollset.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) core: silently ignore a not existent file path when IncludeOptional
is used. PR 57585. [Alberto Murillo Silva <powerbsd>, Luca Toscano]
*) mod_macro: fix usability of globally defined macros in .htaccess files.
PR 57525. [Jose Kahan <jose>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_rewrite, core: add the Vary header when a condition evaluates to true
and the related RewriteRule is used in a Directory context
(triggering an internal redirect). [Luca Toscano]
*) ab: Make the TLS layer aware that the underlying socket is nonblocking,
and use/handle POLLOUT where needed to avoid busy IOs and recover write
errors when appropriate. [Yann Ylavic]
*) ab: Keep reading nonblocking to exhaust TCP or SSL buffers when previous
read was incomplete (the SSL case can cause the next poll() to timeout
since data are buffered already). PR 61301 [Luca Toscano, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http2: avoid unnecessary data retrieval for a trace log. Allow certain
information retrievals on null bucket beams where it makes sense. [Stefan Eissing]
Changes with Apache 2.4.29
*) mod_unique_id: Use output of the PRNG rather than IP address and
pid, avoiding sleep() call and possible DNS issues at startup,
plus improving randomness for IPv6-only hosts. [Jan Kaluza]
*) mod_rewrite, core: Avoid the 'Vary: Host' response header when HTTP_HOST
is used in a condition that evaluates to true. PR 58231 [Luca Toscano, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http2: v0.10.12, removed optimization for mutex handling in bucket
beams that could lead to assertion failure in edge cases.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy: Fix regression for non decimal loadfactor parameter introduced
in 2.4.28. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_authz_dbd: fix a segmentation fault if AuthzDBDQuery is not set.
PR 61546. [Lubos Uhliarik <luhliari>]
*) mod_rewrite: Add support for starting External Rewriting Programs
as non-root user on UNIX systems by specifying username and group
name as third argument of RewriteMap directive. [Jan Kaluza]
*) core: Rewrite the Content-Length filter to avoid excessive memory
consumption. Chunked responses will be generated in more cases
than in previous releases. PR 61222. [Joe Orton, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_ssl: Fix SessionTicket callback return value, which does seem to
matter with OpenSSL 1.1. [Yann Ylavic]
Changes with Apache 2.4.28
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-9798 (
Corrupted or freed memory access. <Limit[Except]> must now be used in the
main configuration file (httpd.conf) to register HTTP methods before the
.htaccess files. [Yann Ylavic]
*) event: Avoid possible blocking in the listener thread when shutting down
connections. PR 60956. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_speling: Don't embed referer data in a link in error page.
PR 38923 [Nick Kew]
*) htdigest: prevent a buffer overflow when a string exceeds the allowed max
length in a password file. PR 61511.
[Luca Toscano, Hanno Böck <hanno hboeck de>]
*) mod_proxy: loadfactor parameter can now be a decimal number (eg: 1.25).
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Allow upgrade to any protocol dynamically.
PR 61142.
*) mod_watchdog/mod_proxy_hcheck: Time intervals can now be spefified
down to the millisecond. Supports 'mi' (minute), 'ms' (millisecond),
's' (second) and 'hr' (hour!) time suffixes. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_http2: Fix for stalling when more than 32KB are written to a
suspended stream. [Stefan Eissing]
*) build: allow configuration without APR sources. [Jacob Champion]
*) mod_ssl, ab: Fix compatibility with LibreSSL. PR 61184.
[Bernard Spil <brnrd>, Michael Schlenker <msc>,
Yann Ylavic]
*) core/log: Support use of optional "tag" in syslog entries.
PR 60525. [Ben Rubson <ben.rubson>, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy: Fix ProxyAddHeaders merging. [Joe Orton]
*) core: Disallow multiple Listen on the same IP:port when listener buckets
are configured (ListenCoresBucketsRatio > 0), consistently with the single
bucket case (default), thus avoiding the leak of the corresponding socket
descriptors on graceful restart. [Yann Ylavic]
*) event: Avoid listener periodic wake ups by using the pollset wake-ability
when available. PR 57399. [Yann Ylavic, Luca Toscano]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Fix detection of unresponded request which could have
led to spurious HTTP 502 error messages sent on upgrade connections.
PR 61283. [Yann Ylavic]
Changes with Apache 2.4.27
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-9789 (
mod_http2: Read after free. When under stress, closing many connections,
the HTTP/2 handling code would sometimes access memory after it has been
freed, resulting in potentially erratic behaviour.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-9788 (
mod_auth_digest: Uninitialized memory reflection. The value placeholder
in [Proxy-]Authorization headers type 'Digest' was not initialized or
reset before or between successive key=value assignments.
[William Rowe]
*) COMPATIBILITY: mod_lua: Remove the undocumented exported 'apr_table'
global variable when using Lua 5.2 or later. This was exported as a
side effect from luaL_register, which is no longer supported as of
Lua 5.2 which deprecates pollution of the global namespace.
[Rainer Jung]
*) COMPATIBILITY: mod_http2: Disable and give warning when using Prefork.
The server will continue to run, but HTTP/2 will no longer be negotiated.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) COMPATIBILITY: mod_proxy_fcgi: Revert to 2.4.20 FCGI behavior for the
default ProxyFCGIBackendType, fixing a regression with PHP-FPM. PR 61202.
[Jacob Champion, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_lua: Improve compatibility with Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.
PR58188, PR60831, PR61245. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_http2: Simplify ready queue, less memory and better performance. Update
mod_http2 version to 1.10.7. [Stefan Eissing]
*) Allow single-char field names inadvertently disallowed in 2.4.25.
PR 61220. [Yann Ylavic]
*) htpasswd / htdigest: Do not apply the strict permissions of the temporary
passwd file to a possibly existing passwd file. PR 61240. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) core: Avoid duplicate HEAD in Allow header.
This is a regression in 2.4.24 (unreleased), 2.4.25 and 2.4.26.
PR 61207. [Christophe Jaillet]
Changes with Apache 2.4.26
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-7679 (
mod_mime can read one byte past the end of a buffer when sending a
malicious Content-Type response header. [Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-7668 (
The HTTP strict parsing changes added in 2.2.32 and 2.4.24 introduced a
bug in token list parsing, which allows ap_find_token() to search past
the end of its input string. By maliciously crafting a sequence of
request headers, an attacker may be able to cause a segmentation fault,
or to force ap_find_token() to return an incorrect value.
[Jacob Champion]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-7659 (
A maliciously constructed HTTP/2 request could cause mod_http2 to
dereference a NULL pointer and crash the server process.
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-3169 (
mod_ssl may dereference a NULL pointer when third-party modules call
ap_hook_process_connection() during an HTTP request to an HTTPS port.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2017-3167 (
Use of the ap_get_basic_auth_pw() by third-party modules outside of the
authentication phase may lead to authentication requirements being
[Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu>, Jacob Champion, Eric Covener]
*) HTTP/2 support no longer tagged as "experimental" but is instead considered
fully production ready.
*) mod_http2: Fix for possible CPU busy loop introduced in v1.10.3 where a stream may keep
the session in continuous check for state changes that never happen.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Add "upgrade" parameter to allow upgrade to other
protocols. [Jean-Frederic Clere]
*) MPMs unix: Place signals handlers and helpers out of DSOs to avoid
a possible crash if a signal is caught during (graceful) restart.
PR 60487. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_rewrite: When a substitution is a fully qualified URL, and the
scheme/host/port matches the current virtual host, stop interpreting the
path component as a local path just because the first component of the
path exists in the filesystem. Adds RewriteOption "LegacyPrefixDocRoot"
to revert to previous behavior. PR60009.
[Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) core: ap_parse_form_data() URL-decoding doesn't work on EBCDIC
platforms. PR61124. [Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) ab: enable option processing for setting a custom HTTP method also for
non-SSL builds. [Rainer Jung]
*) core: EBCDIC fixes for interim responses with additional headers.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_env: when processing a 'SetEnv' directive, warn if the environment
variable name includes a '='. It is likely a configuration error.
PR 60249 [Christophe Jaillet]
*) Evaluate nested If/ElseIf/Else configuration blocks.
[Luca Toscano, Jacob Champion]
*) mod_rewrite: Add 'BNP' (backreferences-no-plus) flag to RewriteRule to
allow spaces in backreferences to be encoded as %20 instead of '+'.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_rewrite: Add the possibility to limit the escaping to specific
characters in backreferences by listing them in the B flag.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_substitute: Fix spurious AH01328 (Line too long) errors on EBCDIC
systems. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_http2: fail requests without ERROR log in case we need to read interim
responses and see only garbage. This can happen if proxied servers send
data where none should be, e.g. a body for a HEAD request. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_http2: adding support for Reverse Proxy Request headers.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixed possible deadlock that could occur when connections were
terminated early with ongoing streams. Fixed possible hanger with timeout
on race when connection considers itself idle. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: MaxKeepAliveRequests now limits the number of times a
slave connection gets reused. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_brotli: Add a new module for dynamic Brotli (RFC 7932) compression.
[Evgeny Kotkov]
*) mod_proxy_http2: Fixed bug in re-attempting proxy requests after
connection error. Reliability of reconnect handling improved.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: better performance, eliminated need for nested locks and
thread privates. Moving request setups from the main connection to the
worker threads. Increase number of spare connections kept.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: input buffering and dynamic flow windows for increased
throughput. Requires nghttp2 >= v1.5.0 features. Announced at startup
in mod_http2 INFO log as feature 'DWINS'. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: h2 workers with improved scalability for better scheduling
performance. There are H2MaxWorkers threads created at start and the
number is kept constant for now. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: obsoleted option H2SessionExtraFiles, will be ignored and
just log a warning. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_autoindex: Add IndexOptions UseOldDateFormat to allow the date
format from 2.2 in the Last Modified column. PR60846.
[Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) core: Add %{REMOTE_PORT} to the expression parser. PR59938
[Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) mod_cache: Fix a regression in 2.4.25 for the forward proxy case by
computing and using the same entity key according to when the cache
checks, loads and saves the request.
PR 60577. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: Don't validate timed out responses. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: Ensure thread-safety when concurrent healthchecks are
in use (ProxyHCTPsize > 0). PR 60071. [Yann Ylavic, Jim Jagielski]
*) core: %{DOCUMENT_URI} used in nested SSI expressions should point to the
URI originally requsted by the user, not the nested documents URI. This
restores the behavior of this variable to match the "legacy" SSI parser.
PR60624. [Hank Ibell <hwibell>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Add ProxyFCGISetEnvIf to fixup CGI environment
variables just before invoking the FastCGI. [Eric Covener,
Jacob Champion]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Return to 2.4.20-and-earlier behavior of leaving
a "proxy:fcgi://" prefix in the SCRIPT_FILENAME environment variable by
default. Add ProxyFCGIBackendType to allow the type of backend to be
specified so these kinds of fixups can be restored without impacting
FPM. PR60576 [Eric Covener, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_ssl: work around leaks on (graceful) restart. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.0. [Rainer Jung]
*) Don't set SO_REUSEPORT unless ListenCoresBucketsRatio is greater
than zero. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_http2: moving session cleanup to pre_close hook to avoid races with
modules already shut down and slave connections still operating.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_lua: Support for Lua 5.3
*) mod_proxy_http2: support for ProxyPreserverHost directive. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fix for crash when running out of memory.
[Robert Swiecki <robert>, Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Return HTTP 504 rather than 503 in case of proxy timeout.
[Luca Toscano]
*) mod_http2: not counting file buckets again stream max buffer limits.
Effectively transfering static files in one step from slave to master
connection. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: comforting ap_check_pipeline() on slave connections
to facilitate reuse (see
[Stefan Eissing, reported by Armin Abfalterer]
*) mod_http2: http/2 streams now with state handling/transitions as defined
in RFC7540. Stream cleanup/connection shutdown reworked to become easier
to understand/maintain/debug. Added many asserts on state and cleanup
transitions. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_auth_digest: Use an anonymous shared memory segment by default,
preventing startup failure after unclean shutdown. PR 54622.
[Jan Kaluza]
*) mod_filter: Fix AddOutputFilterByType with non-content-level filters.
PR 58856. [Micha Lenk <micha>]
*) mod_watchdog: Fix semaphore leak over restarts. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_http2: regression fix on PR 59348, on graceful restart, ongoing
streams are finished normally before the final GOAWAY is sent.
[Stefan Eissing, <slavko>]
*) mod_proxy: Allow the per-request environment variable "no-proxy" to
be used as an alternative to ProxyPass /path !. This is primarily
to set exceptions for ProxyPass specified in <Location> context.
Use SetEnvIf, not SetEnv. PR 60458. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_http2: fixes PR60599, sending proper response for conditional requests
answered by mod_cache. [Jeff Wheelhouse, Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: rework of stream resource cleanup to avoid a crash in a close
of a lingering connection. Prohibit special file bucket beaming for
shared buckets. Files sent in stream output now use the stream pool
as read buffer, reducing memory footprint of connections.
[Yann Ylavic, Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi, mod_fcgid: Fix crashes in ap_fcgi_encoded_env_len() when
modules add empty environment variables to the request. PR 60275.
[<alex2grad AT>]
*) mod_http2: fix for possible page fault when stream is resumed during
session shutdown. [sidney-j-r-m (github)]
*) mod_http2: fix for h2 session ignoring new responses while already
open streams continue to have data available. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: adding support for MergeTrailers directive. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: limiting DATA frame sizes by TLS record sizes in use on the
connection. Flushing outgoing frames earlier. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: cleanup beamer registry on server reload. PR 60510.
[Pavel Mateja <pavel>, Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_{ajp,fcgi}: Fix a possible crash when reusing an established
backend connection, happening with LogLevel trace2 or higher configured,
or at any log level with compilers not detected as C99 compliant (e.g.
MSVC on Windows). [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ext_filter: Don't interfere with "error buckets" issued by other
modules. PR 60375. [Eric Covener, Lubos Uhliarik]
*) mod_http2: fixes e.g. beam
bucket lifetime handling when data is sent over temporary pools.
[Stefan Eissing]
Changes with Apache 2.4.25
*) Fix some build issues related to various modules.
[Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.4.24 (not released)
*) SECURITY: CVE-2016-8740 (
mod_http2: Mitigate DoS memory exhaustion via endless
[Naveen Tiwari <> and CDF/SEFCOM at Arizona State
University, Stefan Eissing]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2016-2161 (
mod_auth_digest: Prevent segfaults during client entry allocation when
the shared memory space is exhausted.
[Maksim Malyutin <m.malyutin>, Eric Covener, Jacob Champion]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2016-0736 (
mod_session_crypto: Authenticate the session data/cookie with a
MAC (SipHash) to prevent deciphering or tampering with a padding
oracle attack. [Yann Ylavic, Colm MacCarthaigh]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2016-8743 (
Enforce HTTP request grammar corresponding to RFC7230 for request lines
and request headers, to prevent response splitting and cache pollution by
malicious clients or downstream proxies. [William Rowe, Stefan Fritsch]
*) Validate HTTP response header grammar defined by RFC7230, resulting
in a 500 error in the event that invalid response header contents are
detected when serving the response, to avoid response splitting and cache
pollution by malicious clients, upstream servers or faulty modules.
[Stefan Fritsch, Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Mitigate [f]cgi CVE-2016-5387 "httpoxy" issues.
[Dominic Scheirlinck <dominic>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_rewrite: Limit runaway memory use by short circuiting some kinds of
looping RewriteRules when the local path significantly exceeds
LimitRequestLine. PR 60478. [Jeff Wheelhouse <apache>]
*) mod_ratelimit: Allow for initial "burst" amount at full speed before
throttling: PR 60145 [Andy Valencia <ajv-etradanalhos>,
Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_socache_memcache: Provide memcache stats to mod_status.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_file_cache: mod_file_cache should be able to serve files that
haven't had a Content-Type set via e.g. mod_mime. [Eric Covener]
*) http_filters: Fix potential looping in new check_headers() due to new
pattern of ap_die() from http header filter. Explicitly clear the
previous headers and body.
*) core: Drop Content-Length header and message-body from HTTP 204 responses.
PR 51350 [Luca Toscano]
*) mod_proxy: Honor a server scoped ProxyPass exception when ProxyPass is
configured in <Location>, like in 2.2. PR 60458.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: Fix default value of LuaInherit directive. It should be
'parent-first' instead of 'none', as per documentation. PR 60419
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) core: New directive HttpProtocolOptions to control httpd enforcement
of various RFC7230 requirements. [Stefan Fritsch, William Rowe]
*) core: Permit unencoded ';' characters to appear in proxy requests and
Location: response headers. Corresponds to modern browser behavior.
[William Rowe]
*) core: ap_rgetline_core now pulls from r->proto_input_filters.
*) core: Correctly parse an IPv6 literal host specification in an absolute
URL in the request line. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: New directive RegisterHttpMethod for registering non-standard
HTTP methods. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_socache_memcache: Pass expiration time through to memcached. PR 55445.
[Faidon Liambotis <paravoid>, Joe Orton]
*) mod_cache: Use the actual URI path and query-string for identifying the
cached entity (key), such that rewrites are taken into account when
running afterwards (CacheQuickHandler off). PR 21935. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http2: new directive 'H2EarlyHints' to enable sending of HTTP status
103 interim responses. Disabled by default. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Fix quick renegotiation (OptRenegotiaton) with no intermediate
in the client certificate chain. PR 55786. [Yann Ylavic]
*) event: Allow to use the whole allocated scoreboard (up to ServerLimit
slots) to avoid scoreboard full errors when some processes are finishing
gracefully. Also, make gracefully finishing processes close all
keep-alive connections. PR 53555. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: Don't take over scoreboard slots from gracefully finishing
threads. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: Free memory earlier when shutting down processes.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_status: Display the process slot number in the async connection
overview. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dir: Responses that go through "FallbackResource" might appear to
hang due to unterminated chunked encoding. PR58292. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_dav: Fix a potential cause of unbounded memory usage or incorrect
behavior in a routine that sends <DAV:response>'s to the output filters.
[Evgeny Kotkov]
*) mod_http2: new directive 'H2PushResource' to enable early pushes before
processing of the main request starts. Resources are announced to the
client in Link headers on a 103 early hint response.
All responses with status code <400 are inspected for Link header and
trigger pushes accordingly. 304 still does prevent pushes.
'H2PushResource' can mark resources as 'critical' which gives them higher
priority than the main resource. This leads to preferred scheduling for
processing and, when content is available, will send it first. 'critical'
is also recognized on Link headers. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_http2: uris in Link headers are now mapped back to a suitable
local url when available. Relative uris with an absolute path are mapped
as well. This makes reverse proxy mapping available for resources
announced in this header.
With 103 interim responses being forwarded to the main client connection,
this effectively allows early pushing of resources by a reverse proxied
backend server. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_http2: adding support for newly proposed 103 status code.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mpm_unix: Apache fails to start if previously crashed then restarted with
the same PID (e.g. in container). PR 60261.
[Val <valentin.bremond>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http2: unannounced and multiple interim responses (status code < 200)
are parsed and forwarded to client until a final response arrives.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_http2: improved robustness when main connection is closed early
by resetting all ongoing streams against the backend.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: allocators from slave connections are released earlier,
resulting in less overall memory use on busy, long lived connections.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_remoteip: Pick up where we left off during a subrequest rather
than running with the modified XFF but original TCP address.
PR 49839/PR 60251
*) http: Respond with "408 Request Timeout" when a timeout occurs while
reading the request body. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http2: connection shutdown revisited: corrected edge cases on
shutting down ongoing streams, changed log warnings to be less noisy
when waiting on long running tasks. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: changed all AP_DEBUG_ASSERT to ap_assert to have them
available also in normal deployments. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2/mod_proxy_http2: 100-continue handling now properly implemented
up to the backend. Reused HTTP/2 proxy connections with more than a second
not used will block request bodies until a PING answer is received.
Requests headers are not delayed by this, since they are repeatable in
case of failure. This greatly increases robustness, especially with
busy server and/or low keepalive connections. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_http2: fixed duplicate symbols with mod_http2.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: rewrite of how responses and trailers are transferred between
master and slave connection. Reduction of internal states for tasks
and streams, stability. Heuristic id generation for slave connections
to better keep promise of connection ids unique at given point int time.
Fix for mod_cgid interop in high load situtations.
Fix for handling of incoming trailers when no request body is sent.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fix suspended handling for streams. Output could become
blocked in rare cases. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mpm_winnt: Prevent a denial of service when the 'data' AcceptFilter is in
use by replacing it with the 'connect' filter. PR 59970. [Jacob Champion]
*) mod_cgid: Resolve a case where a short CGI response causes a subsequent
CGI to be killed prematurely, resulting in a truncated subsequent
response. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: Set health check URI and expression correctly for health
check worker. PR 60038 [zdeno <>]
*) mod_http2: if configured with nghttp2 1.14.0 and onward, invalid request
headers will immediately reset the stream with a PROTOCOL error. Feature
logged by module on startup as 'INVHD' in info message.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixed handling of stream buffers during shutdown.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_reqtimeout: Fix body timeout disabling for CONNECT requests to avoid
triggering mod_proxy_connect's AH01018 once the tunnel is established.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) ab: Set the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension on outgoing TLS
connections (unless -I is specified), according to the Host header (if
any) or the requested URL's hostname otherwise. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: avoid loops when ProxyErrorOverride is enabled
and the error documents are proxied. PR 55415. [Luca Toscano]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: read the whole FCGI response even when the content
has not been modified (HTTP 304) or in case of a precondition failure
(HTTP 412) to avoid subsequent bogus reads and confusing
error messages logged. [Luca Toscano]
*) mod_http2: h2 status resource follows latest draft, see
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: handling graceful shutdown gracefully, e.g. handling existing
streams to the end. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_{http,ajp,fcgi}: don't reuse backend connections with data
available before the request is sent. PR 57832. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Prevent redirect loops between workers within a
balancer by limiting the number of redirects to the number balancer
members. PR 59864 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy: Correctly consider error response codes by the backend when
processing failonstatus. PR 59869 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_dav: Add dav_get_provider_name() function to obtain the name
of the provider from mod_dav. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_dav: Add support for childtags to dav_error.
[Jari Urpalainen <jari.urpalainen>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix 2.4.23 breakage for mod_rewrite per-dir and query
string showing up in SCRIPT_FILENAME. PR59815
*) mod_include: Fix a potential memory misuse while evaluating expressions.
PR59844. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_http2: new H2CopyFiles directive that changes treatment of file
handles in responses. Necessary in order to fix broken lifetime handling
in modules such as mod_wsgi.
*) mod_http2: removing timeouts on master connection while requests are
being processed. Requests may timeout, but the master only times out when
no more requests are active. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixes connection flush when answering SETTINGS without any
stream open. [Moto Ishizawa <@summerwind>, Stefan Eissing]
Changes with Apache 2.4.23
*) mod_ssl: reset client-verify state of ssl when aborting renegotiations.
[Erki Aring <>, Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_sed: Fix 'x' command processing. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) configure: Fix ./configure edge-case failures around dependencies
of mod_proxy_hcheck. [William Rowe, Ruediger Pluem, Jeff Trawick]
Changes with Apache 2.4.22
*) mod_http2: fix for request abort when connections drops, introduced in
Changes with Apache 2.4.21
*) core: Added support for HTTP code 451. PR 58985.
[Yehuda Katz <yehuda>, Jim Jagielski]
*) ab: Use caseless matching for HTTP tokens (e.g. content-length). PR 59111.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http2: more rigid error handling in DATA frame assembly, leading
to deterministic connection errors if assembly fails.
[Stefan Eissing, Pal Nilsen <>]
*) abs: Include OPENSSL_Applink when compiling on Windows, to resolve
failures under Visual Studio 2015 and other mismatched MSVCRT flavors.
PR59630 [Jan Ehrhardt <phpdev>]
*) mod_ssl: Add "no_crl_for_cert_ok" flag to SSLCARevocationCheck directive
to opt-in previous behaviour (2.2) with CRLs verification when checking
certificate(s) with no corresponding CRL. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_event, mpm_worker: Fix computation of MinSpareThreads' lower bound
according the number of listeners buckets. [Yann Ylavic]
*) Add ap_cstr_casecmp[n]() - placeholder of apr_cstr_casecmp[n] functions
for case-insensitive C/POSIX-locale token comparison.
[Jim Jagielski, William Rowe, Yann Ylavic, Branko Čibej]
*) mod_userdir: Constify and save a few bytes in the conf pool when
parsing the "UserDir" directive. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_cache: Fix (max-stale with no '=') and enforce (check
integers after '=') Cache-Control header parsing.
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) core: Add -DDUMP_INCLUDES configtest option to show the tree
of Included configuration files.
[Jacob Champion <champion.pxi>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Avoid passing a filename of proxy:fcgi:// as
SCRIPT_FILENAME to a FastCGI server. PR59618.
[Jacob Champion <champion.pxi>]
*) mod_dav: Add dav_get_provider_name() function to obtain the name
of the provider from mod_dav.
[Jari Urpalainen <jari.urpalainen>]
*) mod_proxy_http2: properly care for HTTP2 flow control of the frontend
connection is HTTP/1.1. [Patch supplied by Evgeny Kotkov]
*) mod_http2: improved cleanup of connection/streams/tasks to always
have deterministic order regardless of event initiating it. Addresses
reported crashes due to memory read after free issues.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Correct the interaction between SSLProxyCheckPeerCN and newer
SSLProxyCheckPeerName directives since release 2.4.5, such that disabling
either disables both, and that enabling either triggers the new, more
comprehensive SSLProxyCheckPeerName behavior. Only a single configuration
remains to enable the legacy behavior, which is to explicitly disable
SSLProxyCheckPeerName, and enable SSLProxyCheckPeerCN. [William Rowe]
*) mod_include: add the <!--#comment ...> syntax in order to include comments
in a SSI file. [Christophe Jaillet based on a suggestion from Rob]
*) mod_http2: improved event handling for suspended streams, responses
and window updates. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_hcheck: Provide for dynamic background health
checks on reverse proxies associated with BalancerMember
workers. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_http2: Fix async write issue that led to selection of wrong timeout
vs. keepalive timeout selection for idle sessions. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: checking LimitRequestLine, LimitRequestFields and
LimitRequestFieldSize configurated values for incoming streams. Returning
HTTP status 431 for too long/many headers fields and 414 for a too long
pseudo header. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: tracking conn_rec->current_thread on slave connections, so
that mod_lua finds the correct one. Fixes PR 59542. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_http2: new experimental http2 proxy module for h2: and h2c: proxy
urls. Part of the httpd mod_proxy framework, common settings apply.
Requests from the same HTTP/2 frontend connection against the same backend
are aggregated on a single connection.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: slave connections have conn_rec->aborted flag set when a stream
has been reset by the client. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: merge of some 2.4.x adaptions re filters on slave connections.
Small fixes in bucket beams when forwarding file buckets. Output handling
on master connection uses less FLUSH and passes automatically when more
than half of H2StreamMaxMemSize bytes have accumulated.
Workaround for http: when forwarding partial file buckets to keep the
output filter from closing these too early. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: elimination of fixed master connection buffer for TLS
connections. New scratch bucket handling optimized for TLS write sizes.
File bucket data read directly into scratch buffers, avoiding one
copy. Non-TLS connections continue to pass buckets unchanged to the core
filters to allow sendfile() usage. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2/mod_proxy_http2: h2_request.c is no longer shared between these
modules. This simplifies building on platforms such as Windows, as module
reference used in logging is now clear. [Stefan Eissing]
*) Scoreboard: Fix a regression in 2.4.20 that causes wrong request data
to be displayed on the status page. PR 59333. [Yann Ylavic, William Rowe]
*) mod_http2: fixed a bug that caused mod_proxy_http2 to be called for window
updates on requests it had already reported done. Added synchronization
on early connection/stream close that lets ongoing requests safely drain
their input filters.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: scoreboard updates that summarize the h2 session (and replace
the last request information) will only happen when the session is idle or
in shutdown/done phase. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: new "bucket beam" technology to transport buckets across
threads without buffer copy. Delaying response start until flush or
enough body data has been accumulated. Overall significantly smaller
memory footprint. [Stefan Eissing]
*) core: New CGIVar directive can configure REQUEST_URI to represent the
current URI being processed instead of always the original request.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) scoreboard/status: Restore behavior of showing workers' previous Client,
VHost and Request values when idle, like in 2.4.18 and earlier.
*) mod_http2: r->protocol changed to "HTTP/2.0" (was "HTTP/2") as this will
give expected syntax in CGI's SERVER_PROTOCOL is more compatible with
existing major/minor handling. Fixes PR 59313.
*) mod_http2: disabling mmap for file buckets transport due to segmenation
faults when files change on the fly.
Changes with Apache 2.4.20
*) SECURITY: CVE-2016-1546 (
mod_http2: restricting number of concurrent stream workers per connection
if client is slow.
*) core: Do not read .htaccess if AllowOverride and AllowOverrideList
are "None". PR 58528.
[Michael Schlenker <msc, Ruediger Pluem, Daniel Ruggeri]
*) mod_proxy_express: Fix possible use of DB handle after close. PR 59230.
[Petr <pgajdos>]
*) core/util_script: relax alphanumeric filter of environment variable names
on Windows to allow '(' and ')' for passing PROGRAMFILES(X86)
unadulterated in 64 bit versions of Windows. PR 46751.
[John <john leineweb de>]
*) mod_http2: incrementing keepalives on each request started so that logging
%k gives increasing numbers per master http2 connection.
New documented variables in env, usable in custom log formats: H2_PUSH,
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: more efficient passing of response bodies with less contention
and file bucket forwarding. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fix for missing score board updates on request count, fix for
memory leak on slave connection reuse. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: Fix build on Windows from dsp files.
[Stefan Eissing]
Changes with Apache 2.4.19
*) mod_ssl: Add missing Upgrade/Connection headers in case of TRACE or
OPTIONS * requests. PR 58688. [William Rowe]
*) mod_include: Add variable DOCUMENT_ARGS, with the arguments to the
request for the SSI document. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_authz_host: Add a new "forward-dns" authorization type, not relying on
reverse DNS lookups. [Fabien]
*) mod_proxy_http2: new experimental http2 proxy module for h2: and h2c: proxy
urls. Uses backend connections for concurrent requests if frontend
connection is http2 as well.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Add hooks to allow other modules to perform processing at
several stages of initialization and connection handling. See
mod_ssl_openssl.h. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_http2: disabling PUSH when client sends GOAWAY. Slave connections are
reused for several requests, improved performance and better memory use.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_rewrite: Don't implicitly URL-escape the original query string
when no substitution has changed it (like PR50447 but server context)
[Evgeny Kotkov <evgeny.kotkov>]
*) mod_http2: fixes problem with wrong lifetime of file buckets on main
connection. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixes incorrect denial of requests without :authority header.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_reqtimeout: Prevent long response times from triggering a timeout once
the request has been fully read. PR 59045. [Yann Ylavic]
*) ap_expr: expression support for variable HTTP2=on|off. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: give control to async mpm for keepalive timeouts only when
no streams are open and even if only after 1 sec delay. Under load, event
mpm discards connections otherwise too quickly. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Don't lose track of the SSL context if an unlikely failure occurs
in ssl_init_ssl_connection(). [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_rewrite: Add QSL|qslast flag to allow rewrites to files with
literal question marks in their names. PR 58777. [Eric Covener]
*) event: use pre_connection hook to properly initialize connection state for
slave connections. use protocol_switch hook to initialize server config
early based on SNI selected vhost.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) hostname: Test and log useragent_host per-request across various modules,
including the scoreboard, expression and rewrite engines, setenvif,
authz_host, access_compat, custom logging, ssl and REMOTE_HOST variables.
PR55348 [William Rowe]
*) core: Track the useragent_host per-request when mod_remoteip or similar
modules track a per-request useragent_ip. Modules should be updated
to inquire for ap_get_useragent_host() in place of ap_get_remote_host().
[William Rowe]
*) core: fix a bug in <UnDefine ...> directive processing. When used, the last
<Define...>'ed variable was also withdrawn. PR 59019
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_http2: Accept-Encoding is, when present on the initiating request,
added to push promises. This lets compressed content work in pushes.
by the client. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixed possible read after free when streams were cancelled early
by the client. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixed possible deadlock during connection shutdown. Thanks to
@FrankStolle for reporting and getting the necessary data.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixed apr_uint64_t formatting in a log statement to user proper
APR def, thanks to @Sp1l.
*) mod_http2: number of worker threads allowed to a connection is adjusting
dynamically. Starting with 4, the number is doubled when streams can be
served without block on http/2 connection flow. The number is halfed, when
the server has to wait on client flow control grants.
This can happen with a maximum frequency of 5 times per second.
When a connection occupies too many workers, repeatable requests
(GET/HEAD/OPTIONS) are cancelled and placed back in the queue. Should that
not suffice and a stream is busy longer than the server timeout, the
connection will be aborted with error code ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM.
This does *not* limit the number of streams a client may open, rather the
number of server threads a connection might use.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: allowing link header to specify multiple "rel" values,
space-separated inside a quoted string. Prohibiting push when Link
parameter "nopush" is present.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: reworked connection state handling. Idle connections accept a
GOAWAY from the client without further reply. Otherwise the
module makes a best effort to send one last GOAWAY to the client.
*) mod_http2: the values from standard directives Timeout and KeepAliveTimeout
properly are applied to http/2 connections.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: idle connections are returned to async mpms. new hook
"pre_close_connection" used to send GOAWAY frame when not already done.
Setting event mpm server config "by hand" for the main connection to
the correct negotiated server.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: keep-alive blocking reads are done with 1 second timeouts to
check for MPM stopping. Will announce early GOAWAY and finish processing
open streams, then close.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: bytes read/written on slave connections are reported via the
optional mod_logio functions. Fixes PR 58871.
*) prefork: Initialize the POD when running in ONE_PROCESS (or -X) mode to
avoid a crash. [Jan Kaluza, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: When SSLVerify is disabled (NONE), don't force a renegotiation if
the SSLVerifyDepth applied with the default/handshaken vhost differs from
the one applicable with the finally selected vhost. [Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Ensure that httpd exits with an error status when the MPM fails
to run. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Fix a possible memory leak on restart for custom [EC]DH params.
[Jan Kaluza, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Add SSLOCSPProxyURL to add the possibility to do all queries
to OCSP responders through a HTTP proxy. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy: Play/restore the TLS-SNI on new backend connections which
had to be issued because the remote closed the previous/reusable one
during idle (keep-alive) time. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_cache_socache: Fix a possible cached entity body corruption when it
is received from an origin server in multiple batches and forwarded by
mod_proxy. [Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Add expression support to SetHandler.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_remoteip: Prevent an external proxy from presenting an internal
proxy. PR 55962. [Mike Rumph]
*) core: Prevent a server crash in case of an invalid CONNECT request with
a custom error page for status code 400 that uses server side includes.
PR 58929 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_ssl: handle TIMEOUT on empty SSL input as non-fatal, returning
APR_TIMEUP and preserving connection state for later retry.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Save some TLS record (application data) fragmentations by
including the last and subsequent suitable buckets when coalescing.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Suppress HTTP error 503 and message 01075,
"Error dispatching request", when the cause appears to be
due to the client closing the connection.
PR58118. [Tobias Adolph <adolph>]
*) mod_cgid: Message AH02550, failure to flush a response to the client,
is now logged at TRACE1 level to match the underlying core output filter
severity. [Eric Covener]
*) mime.types: add common extension "m4a" for MPEG 4 Audio.
PR 57895 [Dylan Millikin <dylan.millikin>]
*) Added many log numbers to log statements that had none.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_log_config: Add GlobalLog to allow a globally defined log to
be inherited by virtual hosts that define a CustomLog.
[Edward Lu]
*) mod_http2: connections how keep a "push diary" where hashes of already
pushed resources are kept. See directive H2PushDiarySize for managing this.
Push diaries can be initialized by clients via the "Cache-Digest" request
header. This carries a base64url encoded. compressed Golomb set as described
Introduced a status handler for HTTP/2 connections, giving various counters
and statistics about the current connection, plus its cache digest value
in a JSON record. Not a replacement for more HTTP/2 in the server status.
Configured as
<Location "/http2-status">
SetHandler http2-status
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: Fixed flushing of last GOAWAY frame. Previously, that frame
did not always reach the client, causing some to fail the next request.
Fixed calculation of last stream id accepted as described in rfc7540.
Reading in KEEPALIVE state now correctly shown in scoreboard.
Fixed possible race in connection shutdown after review by Ylavic.
Fixed segfault on connection shutdown, callback ran into a semi dismantled session.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: Added support for experimental accept-push-policy draft
( Clients
may now influence server pushes by sending accept-push-policy headers.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: new r->subprocess_env variables HTTP2 and H2PUSH, set to "on"
when available for request.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixed bug in input window size calculation by moving chunked
request body encoding into later stage of processing. Fixes PR 58825.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) core: new hook "pre_close_connection" which is run before the lingering
close of connections is started. This gives protocol handlers one last
chance to use a connection before it goes down.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_status/scoreboard: showing connection protocol in new column, new
ap_update_child_status methods for updating server/description. mod_ssl
sets vhost negotiated by servername directly.
[Stefan Eissing]
Changes with Apache 2.4.18
*) mod_ssl: for all ssl_engine_vars.c lookups, fall back to master connection
if conn_rec itself holds no valid SSLConnRec*. Fixes PR58666.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: connection level window for flow control is set to protocol
maximum of 2GB-1, preventing window exhaustion when sending data on many
streams with higher cumulative window size.
Reducing write frequency unless push promises need to be flushed.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: required minimum version of libnghttp2 is 1.2.1
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_fdpass: Fix AH01153 error when using the default configuration.
In earlier version of httpd, you can explicitelly set the 'flusher' parameter
to 'flush' as a workaround. (i.e. flusher=flush)
Add documentation for the 'flusher' parameter when defining a proxy worker.
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_ssl: For the "SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors off" case, make sure
to only staple responses with certificate status "good". [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_http2: new directive 'H2PushPriority' to allow priority specifications
on server pushed streams according to their content-type.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fixes crash on connection abort for a busy connection.
fixes crash on a request that did not produce any response.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: trailers are sent after response body if set in request_rec
trailers_out before the end-of-request bucket is sent through the
output filters. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: incoming trailers (headers after request body) are properly
forwarded to the processing engine. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: new directive 'H2Push' to en-/disable HTTP/2 server
pushes a server/virtual host. Pushes are initiated by the presence
of 'Link:' headers with relation 'preload' on a response. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: write performance of http2 improved for larger resources,
especially static files. [Stefan Eissing]
*) core: if the first HTTP/1.1 request on a connection goes to a server that
prefers different protocols, these protocols are announced in a Upgrade:
header on the response, mentioning the preferred protocols.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: new directives 'H2TLSWarmUpSize' and 'H2TLSCoolDownSecs'
to control TLS record sizes during connection lifetime.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: new directive 'H2ModernTLSOnly' to enforce security
requirements of RFC 7540 on TLS connections. [Stefan Eissing]
*) core: add ap_get_protocol_upgrades() to retrieve the list of protocols
that a client could possibly upgrade to. Use in first request on a
connection to announce protocol choices. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: reworked deallocation on connection shutdown and worker
abort. Separate parent pool for all workers. worker threads are joined
on planned worker shutdown. [Yann Ylavic, Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: when receiving requests for other virtual hosts than the handshake
server, the SSL parameters are checked for equality. With equal
configuration, requests are passed for processing. Any change will trigger
the old behaviour of "421 Misdirected Request".
SSL now remembers the cipher suite that was used for the last handshake.
This is compared against for any vhost/directory cipher specification.
Detailed examination of renegotiation is only done when these do not
Renegotiation is 403ed when a master connection is present. Exact reason
is given additionally in a request note. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_ssl: Make the output filter more friendly with deferred write and
response pipelining. [Yann Ylavic, Joe Orton]
*) core: Fix scoreboard crash (SIGBUS) on hardware requiring strict 64bit
alignment (SPARC64, PPC64). [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_cache: Accept HT (Horizontal Tab) when parsing cache related header
fields as described in RFC7230. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) core/util_script: making REDIRECT_URL a full URL is now opt-in
via new 'QualifyRedirectURL' directive.
*) core: Limit to ten the number of tolerated empty lines between request,
and consume them before the pipelining check to avoid possible response
delay when reading the next request without flushing. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Extend expression parser registration to support ssl variables
in any expression using mod_rewrite syntax "%{SSL:VARNAME}" or function
syntax "ssl(VARNAME)". [Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.4.17
*) mod_http2: added donated HTTP/2 implementation via core module. Similar
configuration options to mod_ssl. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy: don't recyle backend announced "Connection: close" connections
to avoid reusing it should the close be effective after some new request
is ready to be sent. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_substitute: Allow to configure the patterns merge order with the new
SubstituteInheritBefore on|off directive. PR 57641
[Marc.Stern <Marc.Stern>, Yann Ylavic, William Rowe]
*) mod_proxy: Fix ProxySourceAddress binding failure with AH00938.
PR 56687. [Arne de Bruijn <apache>
*) mod_ssl: Support compilation against libssl built with OPENSSL_NO_SSL3,
and change the compiled-in default for SSL[Proxy]Protocol to "all -SSLv3",
in accordance with RFC 7568. PR 58349, PR 57120. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: append :!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXP to the cipher string settings,
instead of prepending !aNULL:!eNULL:!EXP: (as was the case in 2.4.7
and later). Enables support for configuring the SUITEB* cipher
strings introduced in OpenSSL 1.0.2. PR 58213. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for extracting the msUPN and dnsSRV forms
of subjectAltName entries of type "otherName" into
SSL_{CLIENT,SERVER}_SAN_OTHER_{msUPN,dnsSRV}_n environment
variables. Addresses PR 58020. [Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora>,
Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_logio: Fix logging of %^FB (time to first byte) on the first request on
an SSL connection. PR 58454.
[Konstantin J. Chernov <k.j.chernov>]
*) mod_cache: r->err_headers_out is not merged into
r->headers when mod_cache is enabled and the response
is cached for the first time. [Edward Lu]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Fix slots/SHM files names on restart for systems that
can't create new (clear) slots while previous children gracefully stopping
still use the old ones (e.g. Windows, OS2). mod_proxy_balancer failed to
restart whenever the number of configured balancers/members changed during
restart. PR 58024. [Yann Ylavic]
*) core/util_script: make REDIRECT_URL a full URL. PR 57785. [Nick Kew]
*) MPMs: Support SO_REUSEPORT to create multiple duplicated listener
records for scalability. [Yingqi Lu <>,
Jeff Trawick, Jim Jagielski, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_alias: Introduce expression parser support for Alias, ScriptAlias
and Redirect. Limit Redirect expressions to directory (Location) context
and redirect statuses (implicit or explicit).
[Graham Leggett, Yann Ylavic, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy: Fix a race condition that caused a failed worker to be retried
before the retry period is over. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_autoindex: Allow autoindexes when neither mod_dir nor mod_mime are
loaded. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_rewrite: Allow cookies set by mod_rewrite to contain ':' by accepting
';' as an alternate separator. PR47241.
[<bugzilla schermesser com>, Eric Covener]
*) apxs: Add HTTPD_VERSION and HTTPD_MMN to the variables available with
apxs -q. PR58202. [Daniel Shahaf <danielsh>]
*) mod_rewrite: Avoid a crash when lacking correct DB access permissions
when using RewriteMap with MapType dbd or fastdbd. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_authz_dbd: Avoid a crash when lacking correct DB access permissions.
PR 57868. [Jose Kahan <jose>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_socache_memcache: Add the 'MemcacheConnTTL' directive to control how
long to keep idle connections with the memcache server(s).
Change default value from 600 usec (!) to 15 sec. PR 58091
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_dir: Prevent the internal identifier "httpd/unix-directory" from
appearing as a Content-Type response header when requests for a directory
are rewritten by mod_rewrite. [Eric Covener]
Changes with Apache 2.4.16
*) http: Fix LimitRequestBody checks when there is no more bytes to read.
[Michael Kaufmann <mail>]
*) mod_alias: Revert expression parser support for Alias, ScriptAlias
and Redirect due to a regression (introduced in 2.4.13, not released).
*) mod_reqtimeout: Don't let pipelining checks and keep-alive times interfere
with the timeouts computed for subsequent requests. PR 56729.
[Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Avoid a possible truncation of the faulty header included in the
HTML response when LimitRequestFieldSize is reached. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ldap: In some case, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE could be returned instead
of an error during a compare operation. [Eric Covener]
Changes with Apache 2.4.15 (not released)
*) mod_ext_filter, mod_charset_lite: Avoid inadvertent filtering of protocol
data during read of chunked request bodies. PR 58049.
[Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) mod_ldap: Stop leaking LDAP connections when 'LDAPConnectionPoolTTL 0'
is configured. PR 58037. [Ted Phelps <phelps>]
*) core: Allow spaces after chunk-size for compatibility with implementations
using a pre-filled buffer. [Yann Ylavic, Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Remove deprecated SSLCertificateChainFile warning.
[Yann Ylavic]
Changes with Apache 2.4.14 (not released)
*) SECURITY: CVE-2015-3183 (
core: Fix chunk header parsing defect.
Remove apr_brigade_flatten(), buffering and duplicated code from
the HTTP_IN filter, parse chunks in a single pass with zero copy.
Limit accepted chunk-size to 2^63-1 and be strict about chunk-ext
authorized characters. [Graham Leggett, Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2015-3185 (
Replacement of ap_some_auth_required (unusable in Apache httpd 2.4)
with new ap_some_authn_required and ap_force_authn hook. [Ben Reser]
Changes with Apache 2.4.13 (not released)
*) SECURITY: CVE-2015-0253 (
core: Fix a crash with ErrorDocument 400 pointing to a local URL-path
with the INCLUDES filter active, introduced in 2.4.11. PR 57531.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2015-0228 (
mod_lua: A maliciously crafted websockets PING after a script
calls r:wsupgrade() can cause a child process crash.
[Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) mod_proxy: Don't put the worker in error state for 500 or 503 errors
returned by the backend unless failonstatus is configured to. PR 56925.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Don't lowercase the argument to SetHandler if it begins with
"proxy:unix". PR 57968. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl OCSP Stapling: Don't block initial handshakes while refreshing
the OCSP response for a different certificate. mod_ssl has an additional
global mutex, "ssl-stapling-refresh". PR 57131 (partial fix).
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_authz_dbm: Fix crashes when "dbm-file-group" is used and
authz modules were loaded in the "wrong" order. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_authn_dbd, mod_authz_dbd, mod_session_dbd, mod_rewrite: Fix lifetime
of DB lookup entries independently of the selected DB engine. PR 46421.
[Steven whitson <steven.whitson gmail com>, Jan Kaluza, Yann Ylavic].
*) In alignment with RFC 7525, the default recommended SSLCipherSuite
and SSLProxyCipherSuite now exclude RC4 as well as MD5. Also, the
default recommended SSLProtocol and SSLProxyProtocol directives now
exclude SSLv3. Existing configurations must be adjusted by the
administrator. [William Rowe]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for extracting subjectAltName entries of type
rfc822Name and dNSName into SSL_{CLIENT,SERVER}_SAN_{Email,DNS}_n
environment variables. Also addresses PR 57207. [Kaspar Brand]
*) dav_validate_request: avoid validating locks and ETags when there are
no If headers providing them on a resource we aren't modifying.
[Ben Reser]
*) mod_proxy_scgi: ProxySCGIInternalRedirect now allows an alternate
response header to be used by the application, for when the application
or framework is unable to return Location in the internal-redirect
form. [Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Cleanup the request soon/even if some output filter fails to
handle the EOR bucket. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_event: Allow for timer events duplicates. [Jim Jagielski, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy, mod_ssl, mod_cache_socache, mod_socache_*: Support machine
readable server-status produced when using the "?auto" query string.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_status: Add more data to machine readable server-status produced
when using the "?auto" query string. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ssl: Check for the Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD) availability at
configure time (RAND_egd), and complain if SSLRandomSeed requires using
it otherwise. [Bernard Spil <pil.oss gmail com>, Stefan Sperling,
Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: make sure to consistently output SSLCertificateChainFile
deprecation warnings, when encountered in a VirtualHost block.
[Falco Schwarz <hiding>]
*) mod_log_config: Add "%{UNIT}T" format to output request duration in
seconds, milliseconds or microseconds depending on UNIT ("s", "ms", "us").
[Ben Reser, Rainer Jung]
*) Allow FallbackResource to work when a directory is requested and
there is no autoindex nor DirectoryIndex.
[Jack <tjerk.meesters>, Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Bypass the handler while the connection is not
upgraded to WebSocket, so that other modules can possibly take over
the leading HTTP requests. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_http: Fix incorrect If-Match handling. PR 57358
[Kunihiko Sakamoto <ksakamoto>]
*) mod_ssl: Add a warning if protocol given in SSLProtocol or SSLProxyProtocol
will override other parameters given in the same directive. This could be
a missing + or - prefix. PR 52820 [Christophe Jaillet]
*) core, modules: Avoid error response/document handling by the core if some
handler or input filter already did it while reading the request (causing
a double response body). [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Fix client connection errors handling and logged status
when it occurs. PR 56823. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy: Use the correct server name for SNI in case the backend
SSL connection itself is established via a proxy server.
PR 57139 [Szabolcs Gyurko <szabolcs>]
*) mod_ssl: Fix possible crash when loading server certificate constraints.
PR 57694. [Paul Spangler <paul.spangler ni com>, Yann Ylavic]
*) build: Don't load both mod_cgi and mod_cgid in the default configuration
if they're both built. [olli hauer <ohauer>]
*) mod_logio: Add LogIOTrackTTFB and %^FB logformat to log the time
taken to start writing response headers. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Avoid compilation errors with LibreSSL related to
[Stuart Henderson <sthen>]
*) mod_proxy_http: Use the "Connection: close" header for requests to
backends not recycling connections (disablereuse), including the default
reverse and forward proxies. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy: Add ap_connection_reusable() for checking if a connection
is reusable as of this point in processing. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Avoid an empty response by failing with 502 (Bad
Gateway) when no response is ever received from the backend.
[Jan Kaluza]
*) core_filters: Restore/disable TCP_NOPUSH option after non-blocking
sendfile. PR 53253. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_buffer: Forward flushed input data immediately and avoid (unlikely)
access to freed memory. [Yann Ylavic, Christophe Jaillet]
*) core: Add CGIPassAuth directive to control whether HTTP authorization
headers are passed to scripts as CGI variables. PR 56855. [Jeff
*) core: Initialize scoreboard's used optional functions on graceful restarts
to avoid a crash when relocation occurs. PR 57177. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_dav: Avoid a potential integer underflow in the lock timeout value sent
back to a client. The answer to a LOCK request could be an extremly large
integer if the time needed to lock the resource was longer that the
requested timeout given in the LOCK request. In such a case, we now answer
"Second-0". PR55420
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_cgid: Within the first minute of a server start or restart,
allow mod_cgid to retry connecting to its daemon process. Previously,
'No such file or directory: unable to connect to cgi daemon...' could
be logged without an actual retry. PR57685.
[Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) mod_proxy: Use the original (non absolute) form of the request-line's URI
for requests embedded in CONNECT payloads used to connect SSL backends via
a ProxyRemote forward-proxy. PR 55892. [Hendrik Harms <hendrik.harms
gmail com>, William Rowe, Yann Ylavic]
*) http: Make ap_die() robust against any HTTP error code and not modify
response status (finally logged) when nothing is to be done. PR 56035.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_connect/wstunnel: If both client and backend sides get readable
at the same time, don't lose errors occurring while forwarding on the first
side when none occurs next on the other side, and abort. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_rewrite: Improve relative substitutions in per-directory/htaccess
context for directories found by mod_userdir and mod_alias. These no
longer require RewriteBase to be specified. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_http: Don't expect the backend to ack the "Connection: close" to
finally close those not meant to be kept alive by SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive
or force-proxy-request-1.0. [Yann Ylavic]
*) core: If explicitly configured, use the KeepaliveTimeout value of the
virtual host which handled the latest request on the connection, or by
default the one of the first virtual host bound to the same IP:port.
PR56226. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_lua: After a r:wsupgrade(), mod_lua was not properly
responding to a websockets PING but instead invoking the specified
script. PR57524. [Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) mod_ssl: Add the SSL_CLIENT_CERT_RFC4523_CEA variable, which provides
a combination of certificate serialNumber and issuer as defined by
CertificateExactMatch in RFC4523. [Graham Leggett]
*) core: Add expression support to ErrorDocument. Switch from a fixed
sized 664 byte array per merge to a hash table. [Graham Leggett]
*) ab: Add missing longest request (100%) to CSV export.
[Marcin Fabrykowski <bugzilla>]
*) mod_macro: Clear macros before initialization to avoid use-after-free
on startup or restart when the module is linked statically. PR 57525
[, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_alias: Introduce expression parser support for Alias, ScriptAlias
and Redirect. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: 'SSLProtocol ALL' was being ignored in virtual host context.
PR 57100. [Michael Kaufmann <apache-bugzilla>,
Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_event: Avoid access to the scoreboard from the connection while
it is suspended (waiting for events). [Eric Covener, Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Fix renegotiation failures redirected to an ErrorDocument.
PR 57334. [Yann Ylavic].
*) mod_deflate: A misplaced check prevents limiting small bodies with the
new inflate limits. PR56872. [Edward Lu, Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Forward SSL protocol name (SSLv3, TLSv1.1 etc.) as a
request attribute to the backend. Recent Tomcat versions will extract
it and provide it as a servlet request attribute named
"". [Rainer Jung]
*) core: Optimize string concatenation in expression parser when evaluating
a string expression. [Rainer Jung]
*) acinclude.m4: Generate #LoadModule directive in default httpd.conf for
every --enable-mpms-shared. PR 53882. [olli hauer <ohauer>,
Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_authn_dbd: Fix the error message logged in case of error while querying
the database. This is associated to AH01656 and AH01661. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_authz_groupfile: Reduce the severity of AH01667 from ERROR to DEBUG,
because it may be evaluated inside <RequireAny>. PR55523. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Fix small memory leak during initialization when ECDH is used.
[Jan Kaluza]
Changes with Apache 2.4.12
*) mpm_winnt: Accept utf-8 (Unicode) service names and descriptions for
internationalization. [William Rowe]
*) mpm_winnt: Normalize the error and status messages emitted by service.c,
the service control interface for Windows. [William Rowe]
*) configure: Fix --enable-v4-mapped configuration on *BSD. PR 53824.
[ olli hauer <ohauer>, Yann Ylavic ]
*) Reverted <DirectoryMatch > behavior regression introduced in 2.4.11
(not released).
Changes with Apache 2.4.11 (not released)
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-3583 (
mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix a potential crash due to buffer over-read, with
response headers' size above 8K. [Yann Ylavic, Jeff Trawick]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-3581 (
mod_cache: Avoid a crash when Content-Type has an empty value.
PR 56924. [Mark Montague <mark>, Jan Kaluza]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-8109 (
mod_lua: Fix handling of the Require line when a LuaAuthzProvider is
used in multiple Require directives with different arguments.
PR57204 [Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2013-5704 (
core: HTTP trailers could be used to replace HTTP headers
late during request processing, potentially undoing or
otherwise confusing modules that examined or modified
request headers earlier. Adds "MergeTrailers" directive to restore
legacy behavior. [Edward Lu, Yann Ylavic, Joe Orton, Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: New directive SSLSessionTickets (On|Off).
The directive controls the use of TLS session tickets (RFC 5077),
default value is "On" (unchanged behavior).
Session ticket creation uses a random key created during web
server startup and recreated during restarts. No other key
recreation mechanism is available currently. Therefore using session
tickets without restarting the web server with an appropriate frequency
(e.g. daily) compromises perfect forward secrecy. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Provide some basic alternate options for specifying
how PATH_INFO is passed to FastCGI backends by adding significance to
the value of proxy-fcgi-pathinfo. PR 55329. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Enable UDS backends configured with SetHandler/RewriteRule
to opt-in to connection reuse and other Proxy options via explicitly
declared "proxy workers" (<Proxy unix:... enablereuse=on max=...)
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy: Add "enablereuse" option as the inverse of "disablereuse".
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Enable opt-in to TCP connection reuse by explicitly
setting proxy option disablereuse=off. [Eric Covener] PR 57378.
*) event: Update the internal "connection id" when requests
move from thread to thread. Reuse can confuse modules like
mod_cgid. PR 57435. [Michael Thorpe <mike>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Remove proxy:balancer:// prefix from SCRIPT_FILENAME
passed to fastcgi backends. [Eric Covener]
*) core: Configuration files with long lines and continuation characters
are not read properly. PR 55910. [Manuel Mausz <manuel-as>]
*) mod_include: the 'env' function was incorrectly handled as 'getenv' if the
leading 'e' was written in upper case in <!--#if expr="..." -->
statements. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) split-logfile: Fix perl error: 'Can't use string ("")
as a symbol ref while "strict refs"'. PR 56329.
[Holger Mauermann <mauermann>]
*) mod_proxy: Prevent ProxyPassReverse from doing a substitution when
the URL parameter interpolates to an empty string. PR 56603.
*) core: Fix -D[efined] or <Define>[d] variables lifetime across restarts.
PR 57328. [Armin Abfalterer <a.abfalterer>, Yann Ylavic].
*) mod_proxy: Preserve original request headers even if they differ
from the ones to be forwarded to the backend. PR 45387.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: dump SSL IO/state for the write side of the connection(s),
like reads (level TRACE4). [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Ignore body data from backend for 304 responses. PR 57198.
[Jan Kaluza]
*) mod_ssl: Do not crash when looking up SSL related variables during
expression evaluation on non SSL connections. PR 57070 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Fix handling of the default port (8009) in the
ProxyPass and <Proxy> configurations. PR 57259. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mpm_event: Avoid a possible use after free when notifying the end of
connection during lingering close. PR 57268. [Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Fix recognition of OCSP stapling responses that are encoded
improperly or too large. [Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Add ap_log_data(), ap_log_rdata(), etc. for logging buffers.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi, mod_authnz_fcgi: stop reading the response and issue an
error when parsing or forwarding the response fails. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Fix a memory leak in case of graceful restarts with OpenSSL >= 0.9.8e
PR 53435 [tadanori <tadanori2007>, Sebastian Wiedenroth <wiedi>]
*) mod_proxy_connect: Don't issue AH02447 on sockets hangups, let the read
determine whether it is a normal close or a real error. PR 57168. [Yann
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: abort backend connection on polling error to avoid
further processing. [Yann Ylavic]
*) core: Support custom ErrorDocuments for HTTP 501 and 414 status codes.
PR 57167 [Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) mod_proxy_connect: Fix ProxyRemote to https:// backends on EBCDIC
systems. PR 57092 [Edward Lu <Chaosed0>]
*) mod_cache: Avoid a 304 response to an unconditional requst when an AH00752
CacheLock error occurs during cache revalidation. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Move OCSP stapling information from a per-certificate store to
a per-server hash. PR 54357, PR 56919. [Alex Bligh <alex>,
Yann Ylavic, Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_cache_socache: Change average object size hint from 32 bytes to
2048 bytes. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_cache_socache: Add cache status to server-status. [Rainer Jung]
*) event: Fix worker-listener deadlock in graceful restart.
PR 56960.
*) Concat strings at compile time when possible. PR 53741.
*) mod_substitute: Restrict configuration in .htaccess to
FileInfo as documented. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_substitute: Make maximum line length configurable. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_substitute: Fix line length limitation in case of regexp plus flatten.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_proxy: Truncated character worker names are no longer fatal
errors. PR53218. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_dav: Set r->status_line in dav_error_response. PR 55426.
*) mod_proxy_http, mod_cache: Avoid (unlikely) accesses to freed memory.
[Yann Ylavic, Christophe Jaillet]
*) http_protocol: fix logic in ap_method_list_(add|remove) in order:
- to correctly reset bits
- not to modify the 'method_mask' bitfield unnecessarily
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Increase log level for some originally debug messages.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_ldap: In 2.4.10, some LDAP searches or comparisons might be done with
the wrong credentials when a backend connection is reused.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_macro: Add missing APLOGNO for some Warning log messages.
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_cache: Avoid sending 304 responses during failed revalidations
PR56881. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_status: Honor client IP address using mod_remoteip. PR 55886.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) cmake-based build for Windows: Fix incompatibility with cmake 2.8.12
and later. PR 56615. [Chuck Liu <cliu81>, Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ratelimit: Drop severity of AH01455 and AH01457 (ap_pass_brigade
failed) messages from ERROR to TRACE1. Other filters do not bother
re-reporting failures from lower level filters. PR56832. [Eric Covener]
*) core: Avoid useless warning message when parsing a section guarded by
<IfDefine foo> if $(foo) is used within the section.
PR 56503 [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix faulty logging of large amounts of stderr from the
application. PR 56858. [Manuel Mausz <manuel-asf>]
*) mod_proxy_http: Proxy responses with error status and
"ProxyErrorOverride On" hang until proxy timeout.
PR53420 [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_log_config: Allow three character log formats to be registered. For
backwards compatibility, the first character of a three-character format
must be the '^' (caret) character. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: Don't quote Expires and Path values. PR 56734.
[Keith Mashinter, <kmashint yahoo com>]
*) mod_authz_core: Allow <AuthzProviderAlias>'es to be seen from auth
stanzas under virtual hosts. PR 56870. [Eric Covener]
Changes with Apache 2.4.10
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0117 (
mod_proxy: Fix crash in Connection header handling which allowed a denial
of service attack against a reverse proxy with a threaded MPM.
[Ben Reser]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-3523 (
Fix a memory consumption denial of service in the WinNT MPM, used in all
Windows installations. Workaround: AcceptFilter <protocol> {none|connect}
[Jeff Trawick]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0226 (
Fix a race condition in scoreboard handling, which could lead to
a heap buffer overflow. [Joe Orton, Eric Covener]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0118 (
mod_deflate: The DEFLATE input filter (inflates request bodies) now
limits the length and compression ratio of inflated request bodies to
avoid denial of service via highly compressed bodies. See directives
DeflateInflateLimitRequestBody, DeflateInflateRatioLimit,
and DeflateInflateRatioBurst. [Yann Ylavic, Eric Covener]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0231 (
mod_cgid: Fix a denial of service against CGI scripts that do
not consume stdin that could lead to lingering HTTPD child processes
filling up the scoreboard and eventually hanging the server. By
default, the client I/O timeout (Timeout directive) now applies to
communication with scripts. The CGIDScriptTimeout directive can be
used to set a different timeout for communication with scripts.
[Rainer Jung, Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Extend the scope of SSLSessionCacheTimeout to sessions
resumed by TLS session resumption (RFC 5077). [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_deflate: Don't fail when flushing inflated data to the user-agent
and that coincides with the end of stream ("Zlib error flushing inflate
buffer"). PR 56196. [Christoph Fausak <christoph fausak>]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Forward local IP address as a custom request attribute
like we already do for the remote port. [Rainer Jung]
*) core: Include any error notes set by modules in the canned error
response for 403 errors. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Set an error note for requests rejected due to
SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Fix issue with redirects to error documents when handling
SNI errors. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Fix tmp DH parameter leak, adjust selection to prefer
larger keys and support up to 8192-bit keys. [Ruediger Pluem,
Joe Orton]
*) mod_dav: Fix improper encoding in PROPFIND responses. PR 56480.
[Ben Reser]
*) WinNT MPM: Improve error handling for termination events in child.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy: When ping/pong is configured for a worker, don't send or
forward "100 Continue" (interim) response to the client if it does
not expect one. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ldap: Be more conservative with the last-used time for
LDAPConnectionPoolTTL. PR54587 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ldap: LDAP connections used for authn were not respecting
LDAPConnectionPoolTTL. PR54587 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix occasional high CPU when handling request bodies.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) event MPM: Fix possible crashes (third-party modules accessing c->sbh)
or occasional missed mod_status updates under load. PR 56639.
[Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail com>]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Support primitive LDAP servers do not accept
filters, such as "SDBM-backed LDAP" on z/OS, by allowing a special
filter "none" to be specified in AuthLDAPURL. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_deflate: Fix inflation of files larger than 4GB. PR 56062.
[Lukas Bezdicka <social>]
*) mod_deflate: Handle Zlib header and validation bytes received in multiple
chunks. PR 46146. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy: Allow reverse-proxy to be set via explicit handler.
[ryo takatsuki <ryotakatsuki gmail com>]
*) ab: support custom HTTP method with -m argument. PR 56604.
[Roman Jurkov <winfinit>]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Correctly encode user provided data in management
interface. PR 56532 [Maksymilian, <max>]
*) mod_proxy: Don't limit the size of the connectable Unix Domain Socket
paths. [Graham Dumpleton, Christophe Jaillet, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Support iobuffersize parameter. [Jeff Trawick]
*) event: Send the SSL close notify alert when the KeepAliveTimeout
expires. PR54998. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: Ensure that the SSL close notify alert is flushed to the client.
PR54998. [Tim Kosse <tim.kosse>, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy: Shutdown (eg. SSL close notify) the backend connection before
closing. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_auth_form: Add a debug message when the fields on a form are not
recognised. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Preserve non-cacheable headers forwarded from an origin 304
response. PR 55547. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Fix the use of SSL connections with the "wss:"
scheme. PR55320. [Alex Liu <>]
*) mod_socache_shmcb: Correct counting of expirations for status display.
Expirations happening during retrieval were not counted. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_cache: Retry unconditional request with the full URL (including the
query-string) when the origin server's 304 response does not match the
conditions used to revalidate the stale entry. [Yann Ylavic].
*) mod_alias: Stop setting CONTEXT_PREFIX and CONTEXT_DOCUMENT environment
variables as a result of AliasMatch. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_cache: Don't add cached/revalidated entity headers to a 304 response.
PR 55547. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_scgi: Support Unix sockets. ap_proxy_port_of_scheme():
Support default SCGI port (4000). [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_cache: Fix AH00784 errors on Windows when the the CacheLock directive
is enabled. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_expires: don't add Expires header to error responses (4xx/5xx),
be they generated or forwarded. PR 55669. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Don't segfault when failing to connect to the backend.
(regression in 2.4.9 release) [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_authn_socache: Fix crash at startup in certain configurations.
PR 56371. (regression in 2.4.7) [Jan Kaluza]
*) mod_ssl: restore argument structure for "exec"-type SSLPassPhraseDialog
programs to the form used in releases up to 2.4.7, and emulate
a backwards-compatible behavior for existing setups. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: Add SSLOCSPUseRequestNonce directive to control whether or not
OCSP requests should use a nonce to be checked against the responder's
one. PR 56233. [Yann Ylavic, Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: "SSLEngine off" will now override a Listen-based default
and does disable mod_ssl for the vhost. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_lua: Enforce the max post size allowed via r:parsebody()
[Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Use binary comparison to find boundaries for multipart
objects, as to not terminate our search prematurely when hitting
a NULL byte. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_ssl: add workaround for SSLCertificateFile when using OpenSSL
versions before 0.9.8h and not specifying an SSLCertificateChainFile
(regression introduced with 2.4.8). PR 56410. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: bring SNI behavior into better conformance with RFC 6066:
no longer send warning-level unrecognized_name(112) alerts,
and limit startup warnings to cases where an OpenSSL version
without TLS extension support is used. PR 56241. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_proxy_html: Avoid some possible memory access violation in case of
specially crafted files, when the ProxyHTMLMeta directive is turned on.
Follow up of PR 56287 [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_auth_form: Make sure the optional functions are loaded even when
the AuthFormProvider isn't specified. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: avoid processing bogus SSLCertificateKeyFile values
(and logging garbled file names). PR 56306. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: fix merging of global and vhost-level settings with the
SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and SSLOpenSSLConfCmd
directives. PR 56353. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_headers: Allow the "value" parameter of Header and RequestHeader to
contain an ap_expr expression if prefixed with "expr=". [Eric Covener]
*) rotatelogs: Avoid creation of zombie processes when -p is used on
Unix platforms. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_authnz_fcgi: New module to enable FastCGI authorizer
applications to authenticate and/or authorize clients.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy: Do not try to parse the regular expressions passed by
ProxyPassMatch as URL as they do not follow their syntax.
PR 56074. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_reqtimeout: Resolve unexpected timeouts on keepalive requests
under the Event MPM. PR56216. [Frank Meier <frank meier ergon ch>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix sending of response without some HTTP headers
that might be set by filters. PR 55558. [Jim Riggs <jim>]
*) mod_proxy_html: Do not delete the wrong data from HTML code when a
"http-equiv" meta tag specifies a Content-Type behind any other
"http-equiv" meta tag. PR 56287 [Micha Lenk <micha lenk info>]
*) mod_proxy: Don't reuse a SSL backend connection whose requested SNI
differs. PR 55782. [Yann Ylavic]
*) Add suspend_connection and resume_connection hooks to notify modules
when the thread/connection relationship changes. (Should be implemented
for any third-party async MPMs.) [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Don't issue AH02447 and log a 500 on routine
hangups from websockets origin servers. PR 56299
[Yann Ylavic, Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail com>, Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Don't pool backend websockets connections,
because we need to handshake every time. PR 55890.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: Redesign how request record table access behaves,
in order to utilize the request record from within these tables.
[Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Add r:wspeek for peeking at WebSocket frames. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Log an error when the initial parsing of a Lua file fails.
[Daniel Gruno, Felipe Daragon <filipe syhunt com>]
*) mod_lua: Reformat and escape script error output.
[Daniel Gruno, Felipe Daragon <filipe syhunt com>]
*) mod_lua: URL-escape cookie keys/values to prevent tainted cookie data
from causing response splitting.
[Daniel Gruno, Felipe Daragon <filipe syhunt com>]
*) mod_lua: Disallow newlines in table values inside the request_rec,
to prevent HTTP Response Splitting via tainted headers.
[Daniel Gruno, Felipe Daragon <filipe syhunt com>]
*) mod_lua: Remove the non-working early/late arguments for
LuaHookCheckUserID. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Change IVM storage to use shm [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: More verbose error logging when a handler function cannot be
found. [Daniel Gruno]
Changes with Apache 2.4.9
*) mod_ssl: Work around a bug in some older versions of OpenSSL that
would cause a crash in SSL_get_certificate for servers where the
certificate hadn't been sent. [Stephen Henson]
*) mod_lua: Add a fixups hook that checks if the original request is intended
for LuaMapHandler. This fixes a bug where FallbackResource invalidates the
LuaMapHandler directive in certain cases by changing the URI before the map
handler code executes [Daniel Gruno, Daniel Ferradal <dferradal gmail com>].
Changes with Apache 2.4.8 (not released)
*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0098 (
Clean up cookie logging with fewer redundant string parsing passes.
Log only cookies with a value assignment. Prevents segfaults when
logging truncated cookies.
[William Rowe, Ruediger Pluem, Jim Jagielski]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2013-6438 (
mod_dav: Keep track of length of cdata properly when removing
leading spaces. Eliminates a potential denial of service from
specifically crafted DAV WRITE requests
[Amin Tora <Amin.Tora>]
*) core: Support named groups and backreferences within the LocationMatch,
DirectoryMatch, FilesMatch and ProxyMatch directives. (Requires
non-ancient PCRE library) [Graham Leggett]
*) core: draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-23 corrections regarding
TE/CL conflicts. [Yann Ylavic, Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Detect incomplete request and response bodies, log an error and
forward it to the underlying filters. PR 55475 [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_dir: Add DirectoryCheckHandler to allow a 2.2-like behavior, skipping
execution when a handler is already set. PR53929. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Do not perform SNI / Host header comparison in case of a
forward proxy request. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_ssl: Remove the hardcoded algorithm-type dependency for the
SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile directives, to enable
future algorithm agility, and deprecate the SSLCertificateChainFile
directive (obsoleted by SSLCertificateFile). [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_rewrite: Add RewriteOptions InheritDown, InheritDownBefore,
and IgnoreInherit to allow RewriteRules to be pushed from parent scopes
to child scopes without explicitly configuring each child scope.
PR56153. [Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail com>]
*) prefork: Fix long delays when doing a graceful restart.
PR 54852 [Jim Jagielski, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <arekm maven pl>]
*) FreeBSD: Disable IPv4-mapped listening sockets by default for versions
5+ instead of just for FreeBSD 5. PR 53824. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Avoid busy loop on client errors, drop message
IDs 02445, 02446, and 02448 to TRACE1 from DEBUG. PR 56145.
[Joffroy Christen <joffroy.christen solvaxis com>, Eric Covener]
*) mod_remoteip: Correct the trusted proxy match test. PR 54651.
[Yoshinori Ehara <yoshinori ehara gmail com>, Eugene L <eugenel amazon com>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix error message when an unexpected protocol version
number is received from the application. PR 56110. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_remoteip: Use the correct IP addresses to populate the proxy_ips field.
PR 55972. [Mike Rumph]
*) mod_lua: Update r:setcookie() to accept a table of options and add domain,
path and httponly to the list of options available to set.
PR 56128 [Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail com>, Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Fix r:setcookie() to add, rather than replace,
the Set-Cookie header. PR56105
[Kevin J Walters <kjw ms com>, Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail com>]
*) mod_lua: Allow for database results to be returned as a hash with
row-name/value pairs instead of just row-number/value. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_rewrite: Add %{CONN_REMOTE_ADDR} as the non-useragent counterpart to
%{REMOTE_ADDR}. PR 56094. [Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail com>]
*) WinNT MPM: If ap_run_pre_connection() fails or sets c->aborted, don't
save the socket for reuse by the next worker as if it were an
APR_SO_DISCONNECTED socket. Restores 2.2 behavior. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_dir: Don't search for a DirectoryIndex or DirectorySlash on a URL
that was just rewritten by mod_rewrite. PR53929. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_session: When we have a session we were unable to decode,
behave as if there was no session at all. [Thomas Eckert
<thomas.r.w.eckert gmail com>]
*) mod_session: Fix problems interpreting the SessionInclude and
SessionExclude configuration. PR 56038. [Erik Pearson
*) mod_authn_core: Allow <AuthnProviderAlias>'es to be seen from auth
stanzas under virtual hosts. PR 55622. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Use apr_socket_timeout_get instead of hard-coded
30 seconds timeout. [Jan Kaluza]
*) build: only search for modules (config*.m4) in known subdirectories, see
build/config-stubs. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache_disk: Fix potential hangs on Windows when using mod_cache_disk.
PR 55833. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for OpenSSL configuration commands by introducing
the SSLOpenSSLConfCmd directive. [Stephen Henson, Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_proxy: Remove (never documented) <Proxy ~ wildcard-url> syntax which
is equivalent to <ProxyMatch wildcard-url>. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_authz_user, mod_authz_host, mod_authz_groupfile, mod_authz_dbm,
mod_authz_dbd, mod_authnz_ldap: Support the expression parser within the
require directives. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_proxy_http: Core dumped under high load. PR 50335.
[Jan Kaluza <jkaluza>]
*) mod_socache_shmcb.c: Remove arbitrary restriction on shared memory size
previously limited to 64MB. [Jens Låås <jelaas>]
*) mod_lua: Use binary copy when dealing with uploads through r:parsebody()
to prevent truncating files. [Daniel Gruno]
Changes with Apache 2.4.7
*) SECURITY: CVE-2013-4352 (
mod_cache: Fix a NULL pointer deference which allowed untrusted
origin servers to crash mod_cache in a forward proxy
configuration. [Graham Leggett]
*) APR 1.5.0 or later is now required for the event MPM.
*) slotmem_shm: Error detection. [Jim Jagielski]
*) event: Use skiplist data structure. [Jim Jagielski]
*) event: Fail at startup with message AP02405 if the APR atomic
implementation is not compatible with the MPM. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mpm_unix: Add ap_mpm_podx_* implementation to avoid code duplication
and align w/ trunk. [Jim Jagielski]
*) Fix potential rejection of valid MaxMemFree and ThreadStackSize
directives. [Mike Rumph <mike.rumph>]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Remove 64K limit on encoded length of all envvars.
An individual envvar with an encoded length of more than 16K will be
omitted. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Handle reading protocol data that is split between
packets. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Improve handling of ephemeral DH and ECDH keys by
allowing custom parameters to be configured via SSLCertificateFile,
and by adding standardized DH parameters for 1024/2048/3072/4096 bits.
Unless custom parameters are configured, the standardized parameters
are applied based on the certificate's RSA/DSA key size. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl, configure: Require OpenSSL 0.9.8a or later. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: drop support for export-grade ciphers with ephemeral RSA
keys, and unconditionally disable aNULL, eNULL and EXP ciphers
(not overridable via SSLCipherSuite). [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_proxy: Added support for unix domain sockets as the
backend server endpoint. This also introduces an unintended
incompatibility for third party modules using the mod_proxy
proxy_worker_shared structure, especially for balancer lbmethod
modules. [Jim Jagielski, Blaise Tarr <blaise tarr gmail com>]
*) Add experimental cmake-based build system for Windows. [Jeff Trawick,
Tom Donovan]
*) event MPM: Fix possible crashes (third party modules accessing c->sbh)
or occasional missed mod_status updates for some keepalive requests
under load. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_authn_socache: Support optional initialization arguments for
socache providers. [Chris Darroch]
*) mod_session: Reset the max-age on session save. PR 47476. [Alexey
Varlamov <alexey.v.varlamov gmail com>]
*) mod_session: After parsing the value of the header specified by the
SessionHeader directive, remove the value from the response. PR 55279.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_headers: Allow for format specifiers in the substitution string
when using Header edit. [Daniel Ruggeri]
*) mod_dav: dav_resource->uri is treated as unencoded. This was an
unnecessary ABI changed introduced in 2.4.6. PR 55397.
*) mod_dav: Don't require lock tokens for COPY source. PR 55306.
*) core: Don't truncate output when sending is interrupted by a signal,
such as from an exiting CGI process. PR 55643. [Jeff Trawick]
*) WinNT MPM: Exit the child if the parent process crashes or is terminated.
[Oracle Corporation]
*) Windows: Correct failure to discard stderr in some error log
configurations. (Error message AH00093) [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_session_crypto: Allow using exec: calls to obtain session
encryption key. [Daniel Ruggeri]
*) core: Add missing Reason-Phrase in HTTP response headers.
PR 54946. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_rewrite: Make rewrite websocket-aware to allow proxying.
PR 55598. [Chris Harris <chris.harris kitware com>]
*) mod_ldap: When looking up sub-groups, use an implicit objectClass=*
instead of an explicit cn=* filter. [David Hawes <dhawes>]
*) ab: Add wait time, fix processing time, and output write errors only if
they occurred. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) worker MPM: Don't forcibly kill worker threads if the child process is
exiting gracefully. [Oracle Corporation]
*) core: apachectl -S prints wildcard name-based virtual hosts twice.
PR54948 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_auth_basic: Add AuthBasicUseDigestAlgorithm directive to
allow migration of passwords from digest to basic authentication.
[Chris Darroch]
*) ab: Add a new -l parameter in order not to check the length of the responses.
This can be useful with dynamic pages.
PR9945, PR27888, PR42040 [<ccikrs1 cranbrook edu>]
*) Suppress formatting of startup messages written to the console when
ErrorLogFormat is used. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_auth_digest: Be more specific when the realm mismatches because the
realm has not been specified. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_proxy: Add a note in the balancer manager stating whether changes
will or will not be persisted and whether settings are inherited.
[Daniel Ruggeri, Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Add util_fcgi.h and associated definitions and support
routines for FastCGI, based largely on mod_proxy_fcgi.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_headers: Add 'Header note header-name note-name' for copying a response
headers value into a note. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_headers: Add 'setifempty' command to Header and RequestHeader.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_logio: new format-specifier %S (sum) which is the sum of received
and sent byte counts.
PR54015 [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_deflate: Improve error detection when decompressing request bodies
with trailing garbage: handle case where trailing bytes are in
the same bucket. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_authz_groupfile, mod_authz_user: Reduce severity of AH01671 and AH01663
from ERROR to DEBUG, since these modules do not know what mod_authz_core
is doing with their AUTHZ_DENIED return value. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ldap: add TRACE5 for LDAP retries. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ldap: retry on an LDAP timeout during authn. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ldap: Change "LDAPReferrals off" to actually set the underlying LDAP
SDK option to OFF, and introduce "LDAPReferrals default" to take the SDK
default, sans rebind authentication callback.
[Jan Kaluza <kaluze AT>]
*) core: Log a message at TRACE1 when the client aborts a connection.
[Eric Covener]
*) WinNT MPM: Don't crash during child process initialization if the
Listen protocol is unrecognized. [Jeff Trawick]
*) modules: Fix some compiler warnings. [Guenter Knauf]
*) Sync 2.4 and trunk
- Avoid some memory allocation and work when TRACE1 is not activated
- fix typo in include guard
- indent
- No need to lower the string before removing the path, it is just
a waste of time...
- Save a few cycles
[Christophe Jaillet <christophe.jaillet>]
*) mod_filter: Add "change=no" as a proto-flag to FilterProtocol
to remove a providers initial flags set at registration time.
[Eric Covener]
*) core, mod_ssl: Enable the ability for a module to reverse the sense of
a poll event from a read to a write or vice versa. This is a step on
the way to allow mod_ssl taking full advantage of the event MPM.
[Graham Leggett]
*) Install proper pcre DLL file during debug build install.
PR 55235. [Ben Reser <ben reser org>]
*) mod_ldap: Fix a potential memory leak or corruption. PR 54936.
[Zhenbo Xu <zhenbo1987 gmail com>]
*) ab: Fix potential buffer overflows when processing the T and X
command-line options. PR 55360.
[Mike Rumph <mike.rumph>]
*) fcgistarter: Specify SO_REUSEADDR to allow starting a server
with old connections in TIME_WAIT. [Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Add open_htaccess hook which, in conjunction with dirwalk_stat
and post_perdir_config (introduced in 2.4.5), allows mpm-itk to be
used without patches to httpd core. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) support/htdbm: fix processing of -t command line switch. Regression
introduced in 2.4.4
PR 55264 [Jo Rhett <jrhett netconsonance com>]
*) mod_lua: add websocket support via r:wsupgrade, r:wswrite, r:wsread
and r:wsping. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: add support for writing/reading cookies via r:getcookie and
r:setcookie. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: If the first yield() of a LuaOutputFilter returns a string, it should
be prefixed to the response as documented. [Eric Covener]
Note: Not present in 2.4.7 CHANGES
*) mod_lua: Remove ETAG, Content-Length, and Content-MD5 when a LuaOutputFilter
is configured without mod_filter. [Eric Covener]
Note: Not present in 2.4.7 CHANGES
*) mod_lua: Register LuaOutputFilter scripts as changing the content and
content-length by default, when run my mod_filter. Previously,
growing or shrinking a response that started with Content-Length set
would require mod_filter and FilterProtocol change=yes. [Eric Covener]
Note: Not present in 2.4.7 CHANGES
*) mod_lua: Return a 500 error if a LuaHook* script doesn't return a
numeric return code. [Eric Covener]
Note: Not present in 2.4.7 CHANGES
Changes with Apache 2.4.6
*) Revert a broken fix for PR54948 that was applied to 2.4.5 (which was
not released) and found post-2.4.5 tagging.
Changes with Apache 2.4.5
*) SECURITY: CVE-2013-1896 (
mod_dav: Sending a MERGE request against a URI handled by mod_dav_svn with
the source href (sent as part of the request body as XML) pointing to a
URI that is not configured for DAV will trigger a segfault. [Ben Reser
*) SECURITY: CVE-2013-2249 (
mod_session_dbd: Make sure that dirty flag is respected when saving
sessions, and ensure the session ID is changed each time the session
changes. This changes the format of the updatesession SQL statement.
Existing configurations must be changed.
[Takashi Sato, Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_basic: Add a generic mechanism to fake basic authentication
using the ap_expr parser. AuthBasicFake allows the administrator to
construct their own username and password for basic authentication based
on their needs. [Graham Leggett]
*) mpm_event: Check that AsyncRequestWorkerFactor is not negative. PR 54254.
[Jackie Zhang <jackie qq zhang gmail com>]
*) mod_proxy: Ensure we don't attempt to amend a table we are iterating
through, ensuring that all headers listed by Connection are removed.
[Graham Leggett, Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) mod_proxy_http: Make the proxy-interim-response environment variable
effective by formally overriding origin server behaviour. [Graham
Leggett, Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) mod_proxy: Fix seg-faults when using the global pool on threaded
MPMs [Thomas Eckert <thomas.r.w.eckert>, Graham Leggett,
Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_deflate: Remove assumptions as to when an EOS bucket might arrive.
Gracefully step aside if the body size is zero. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Fix possible truncation of OCSP responses when reading from the
server. [Joe Orton]
*) core: Support the SINGLE_LISTEN_UNSERIALIZED_ACCEPT optimization
on Linux kernel versions 3.x and above. PR 55121. [Bradley Heilbrun
*) mod_cache_socache: Make sure the CacheSocacheMaxSize directive is merged
correctly. [Jens Låås <jelaas>]
*) rotatelogs: add -n number-of-files option to rotate through a number
of fixed-name logfiles. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy: Support web-socket tunnels via mod_proxy_wstunnel.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_cache_socache: Use the name of the socache implementation when performing
a lookup rather than using the raw arguments. [Martin Ksellmann
*) core: Add dirwalk_stat hook. [Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Add post_perdir_config hook.
[Steinar Gunderson <sgunderson>]
*) proxy_util: NULL terminate the right buffer in 'send_http_connect'.
[Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_remoteip: close file in error path. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) core: make the "default" parameter of the "ErrorDocument" option case
insensitive. PR 54419 [Tianyin Xu <tixu cs ucsd edu>]
*) mod_proxy_html: make the "ProxyHTMLFixups" options case insensitive.
PR 54420 [Tianyin Xu <tixu cs ucsd edu>]
*) mod_cache: Make option "CacheDisable" in mod_cache case insensitive.
PR 54462 [Tianyin Xu <tixu cs ucsd edu>]
*) mod_cache: If a 304 response indicates an entity not currently cached, then
the cache MUST disregard the response and repeat the request without the
conditional. [Graham Leggett, Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) mod_cache: Ensure that we don't attempt to replace a cached response
with an older response as per RFC2616 13.12. [Graham Leggett, Co-Advisor
*) core, mod_cache: Ensure RFC2616 compliance in ap_meets_conditions()
with weak validation combined with If-Range and Range headers. Break
out explicit conditional header checks to be useable elsewhere in the
server. Ensure weak validation RFC compliance in the byteranges filter.
Ensure RFC validation compliance when serving cached entities. PR 16142
[Graham Leggett, Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) core: Add the ability to do explicit matching on weak and strong ETags
as per RFC2616 Section 13.3.3. [Graham Leggett, Co-Advisor
*) mod_cache: Ensure that updated responses to HEAD requests don't get
mistakenly paired with a previously cached body. Ensure that any existing
body is removed when a HEAD request is cached. [Graham Leggett,
Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) mod_cache: Honour Cache-Control: no-store in a request. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Make sure that contradictory entity headers present in a 304
Not Modified response are caught and cause the entity to be removed.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Make sure Vary processing handles multivalued Vary headers and
multivalued headers referred to via Vary. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: When serving from cache, only the last header of a multivalued
header was taken into account. Fixed. Ensure that Warning headers are
correctly handled as per RFC2616. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Ignore response headers specified by no-cache=header and
private=header as specified by RFC2616 14.9.1 What is Cacheable. Ensure
that these headers are still processed when multiple Cache-Control
headers are present in the response. PR 54706 [Graham Leggett,
Yann Ylavic <>]
*) mod_cache: Invalidate cached entities in response to RFC2616 Section
13.10 Invalidation After Updates or Deletions. PR 15868 [Graham
*) mod_dav: Improve error handling in dav_method_put(), add new
dav_join_error() function. PR 54145. [Ben Reser <ben>]
*) mod_dav: Do not fail PROPPATCH when prop namespace is not known.
PR 52559 [Diego Santa Cruz <diego.santaCruz>]
*) mod_dav: When a PROPPATCH attempts to remove a non-existent dead
property on a resource for which there is no dead property in the same
namespace httpd segfaults. PR 52559 [Diego Santa Cruz
*) mod_dav: Sending an If or If-Match header with an invalid ETag doesn't
result in a 412 Precondition Failed for a COPY operation. PR54610
[Timothy Wood <tjw>]
*) mod_dav: Make sure that when we prepare an If URL for Etag comparison,
we compare unencoded paths. PR 53910 [Timothy Wood <tjw>]
*) mod_deflate: Remove assumptions as to when an EOS bucket might arrive.
Gracefully step aside if the body size is zero. [Graham Leggett]
*) 'AuthGroupFile' and 'AuthUserFile' do not accept anymore the optional
'standard' keyword . It was unused and not documented.
PR54463 [Tianyin Xu <tixu> and Christophe Jaillet]
*) core: Do not over allocate memory within 'ap_rgetline_core' for
the common case. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) core: speed up (for common cases) and reduce memory usage of
ap_escape_logitem(). This should save 70-100 bytes in the request
pool for a default config. [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_dav: Ensure URI is correctly uriencoded on return. PR 54611
[Timothy Wood <tjw>]
*) mod_proxy: Reject invalid values for Max-Forwards. [Graham Leggett,
Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) mod_cache: RFC2616 14.9.3 The s-maxage directive also implies the
semantics of the proxy-revalidate directive. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: add support for subjectAltName-based host name checking
in proxy mode (SSLProxyCheckPeerName). PR 54030. [Kaspar Brand]
*) core: Use the proper macro for HTTP/1.1. [Graham Leggett]
*) event MPM: Provide error handling for ThreadStackSize. PR 54311
[Tianyin Xu <tixu>, Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_dav: Do not segfault on PROPFIND with a zero length DBM.
PR 52559 [Diego Santa Cruz <diego.santaCruz>]
*) core: Improve error message where client's request-line exceeds
LimitRequestLine. PR 54384 [Christophe Jaillet]
*) mod_macro: New module that provides macros within configuration files.
[Fabien Coelho]
*) mod_cache_socache: New cache implementation backed by mod_socache
that replaces mod_mem_cache known from httpd 2.2. [Graham
*) htpasswd: Add -v option to verify a password. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Add BalancerInherit and ProxyPassInherit to control
whether Proxy Balancers and Workers are inherited by vhosts
(default is On). [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Allow using exec: calls to obtain LDAP bind
password. [Daniel Ruggeri]
*) Added balancer parameter failontimeout to allow server admin
to configure an IO timeout as an error in the balancer.
[Daniel Ruggeri]
*) mod_auth_digest: Fix crashes if shm initialization failed. [Stefan
*) htpasswd, htdbm: Fix password generation. PR 54735. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add workaround for gcc bug on sparc/64bit. PR 52900.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_setenvif: Fix crash in case SetEnvif and SetEnvIfExpr are used
together. PR 54881. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) htdigest: Fix buffer overflow when reading digest password file
with very long lines. PR 54893. [Rainer Jung]
*) ap_expr: Add the ability to base64 encode and base64 decode
strings and to generate their SHA1 and MD5 hash.
[Graham Leggett, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_log_config: Fix crash when logging request end time for a failed
request. PR 54828 [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ssl: Catch missing, mismatched or encrypted client cert/key pairs
with SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile/Path directives. PR 52212, PR 54698.
[Keith Burdis <keith>, Joe Orton, Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: Quiet FIPS mode weak keys disabled and FIPS not selected emits
in the error log to debug level. [William Rowe]
*) mod_cache_disk: CacheMinFileSize and CacheMaxFileSize were always
using compiled in defaults of 1000000/1 respectively. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_lbmethod_heartbeat, mod_heartmonitor: Respect DefaultRuntimeDir/
DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR for the heartbeat storage file. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_include: Use new ap_expr for 'elif', like 'if',
if legacy parser is not specified. PR 54548 [Tom Donovan]
*) mod_lua: Add some new functions: r:htpassword(), r:mkdir(), r:mkrdir(),
r:rmdir(), r:touch(), r:get_direntries(), r.date_parse_rfc().
[Guenter Knauf]
*) mod_lua: Add multipart form data handling. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: If a LuaMapHandler doesn't return any value, log a warning
and treat it as apache2.OK. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: Add bindings for apr_dbd/mod_dbd database access
[Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Add LuaInputFilter/LuaOutputFilter for creating content
filters in Lua [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Allow scripts handled by the lua-script handler to return
a status code to the client (such as a 302 or a 500) [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Decline handling 'lua-script' if the file doesn't exist,
rather than throwing an internal server error. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Add functions r:flush and r:sendfile as well as additional
request information to the request_rec structure. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Add a server scope for Lua states, which creates a pool of
states with manageable minimum and maximum size. [Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Add new directive, LuaMapHandler, for dynamically mapping
URIs to Lua scripts and functions using regular expressions.
[Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_lua: Add new directive LuaCodeCache for controlling in-memory
caching of lua scripts. [Daniel Gruno]
Changes with Apache 2.4.4
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-3499 (
Various XSS flaws due to unescaped hostnames and URIs HTML output in
mod_info, mod_status, mod_imagemap, mod_ldap, and mod_proxy_ftp.
[Jim Jagielski, Stefan Fritsch, Niels Heinen <heinenn google com>]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-4558 (
XSS in mod_proxy_balancer manager interface. [Jim Jagielski,
Niels Heinen <heinenn google com>]
*) mod_dir: Add support for the value 'disabled' in FallbackResource.
[Vincent Deffontaines]
*) mod_proxy_connect: Don't keepalive the connection to the client if the
backend closes the connection. PR 54474. [Pavel Mateja <pavel netsafe cz>]
*) mod_lua: Add bindings for mod_dbd/apr_dbd database access.
[Daniel Gruno]
*) mod_proxy: Allow for persistence of local changes made via the
balancer-manager between graceful/normal restarts and power
cycles. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy: Fix startup crash with mis-defined balancers.
PR 52402. [Jim Jagielski]
*) --with-module: Fix failure to integrate them into some existing
module directories. PR 40097. [Jeff Trawick]
*) htcacheclean: Fix potential segfault if "-p" is omitted. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy_http: Honour special value 0 (unlimited) of LimitRequestBody
PR 54435. [Pavel Mateja <pavel>]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Support unknown HTTP methods. PR 54416.
[Rainer Jung]
*) htcacheclean: Fix list options "-a" and "-A".
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Fix mistaken reset of num_free for restored shm.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy: non-existence of byrequests is not an immediate error.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Improve output of balancer-manager (re: Drn,
Dis, Ign, Stby). PR 52478 [Danijel <dt-ng rbfh de>]
*) configure: Fix processing of --disable-FEATURE for various features.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_dialup/mod_http: Prevent a crash in mod_dialup in case of internal
redirect. PR 52230.
*) various modules, rotatelogs: Replace use of apr_file_write() with
apr_file_write_full() to prevent incomplete writes. PR 53131.
[Nicolas Viennot <apache viennot biz>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) ab: Support socket timeout (-s timeout).
[Guido Serra <zeph fsfe org>]
*) httxt2dbm: Correct length computation for the 'value' stored in the
DBM file. PR 47650 [jon buckybox com]
*) core: Be more correct about rejecting directives that cannot work in <If>
sections. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Fix directives like LogLevel that need to know if they are invoked
at virtual host context or in Directory/Files/Location/If sections to
work properly in If sections that are not in a Directory/Files/Location.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_xml2enc: Fix problems with charset conversion altering the
Content-Length. [Micha Lenk <micha lenk info>]
*) ap_expr: Add req_novary function that allows HTTP header lookups
without adding the name to the Vary header. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_slotmem_*: Add in new fgrab() function which forces a grab and
slot allocation on a specified slot. Allow for clearing of inuse
array. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_ftp: Fix segfaults on IPv4 requests to hosts with DNS
AAAA records. PR 40841. [Andrew Rucker Jones <arjones simultan
dyndns org>, <ast domdv de>, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_auth_form: Make sure that get_notes_auth() sets the user as does
get_form_auth() and get_session_auth(). Makes sure that REMOTE_USER
does not vanish during mod_include driven subrequests. [Graham
*) mod_cache_disk: Resolve errors while revalidating disk-cached files on
Windows ("...rename tempfile to datafile failed..."). PR 38827
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Bring XML output up to date. [Jim Jagielski]
*) htpasswd, htdbm: Optionally read passwords from stdin, as more
secure alternative to -b. PR 40243. [Adomas Paltanavicius <adomas
paltanavicius gmail com>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) htpasswd, htdbm: Add support for bcrypt algorithm (requires
apr-util 1.5 or higher). PR 49288. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) htpasswd, htdbm: Put full 48bit of entropy into salt, improve
error handling. Add some of htpasswd's improvements to htdbm,
e.g. warn if password is truncated by crypt(). [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_auth_form: Support the expr parser in the
AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation, AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation and
AuthFormLogoutLocation directives. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for TLS-SRP (Secure Remote Password key exchange
for TLS, RFC 5054). PR 51075. [Quinn Slack <sqs cs stanford edu>,
Christophe Renou, Peter Sylvester]
*) mod_rewrite: Stop mergeing RewriteBase down to subdirectories
unless new option 'RewriteOptions MergeBase' is configured.
PR 53963. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_header: Allow for exposure of loadavg and server load using new
format specifiers %l, %i, %b [Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Make ap_regcomp() return AP_REG_ESPACE if out of memory. Make
ap_pregcomp() abort if out of memory. This raises the minimum PCRE
requirement to version 6.0. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Add ability to configure the sticky session separator.
PR 53893. [<inu inusasha de>, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_dumpio: Correctly log large messages
PR 54179 [Marek Wianecki <mieszek2 interia pl>]
*) core: Don't fail at startup with AH00554 when Include points to
a directory without any wildcard character. [Eric Covener]
*) core: Fail startup if the argument to ServerTokens is unrecognized.
[Jackie Zhang <jackie.qq.zhang>]
*) mod_log_forensic: Don't log a spurious "-" if a request has been rejected
before mod_log_forensic could attach its id to it. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) rotatelogs: Omit the second argument for the first invocation of
a post-rotate program when -p is used, per the documentation.
[Joe Orton]
*) mod_session_dbd: fix a segmentation fault in the function dbd_remove.
PR 53452. [<rebanerebane gmail com>, Reimo Rebane]
*) core: Functions to provide server load values: ap_get_sload() and
ap_get_loadavg(). [Jim Jagielski, Jan Kaluza <jkaluza>,
Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ldap: Fix regression in handling "server unavailable" errors on
Windows. PR 54140. [Eric Covener]
*) syslog logging: Remove stray ", referer" at the end of some messages.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) "Iterate" directives: Report an error if no arguments are provided.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Change default for SSLCompression to off, as compression
causes security issues in most setups. (The so called "CRIME" attack).
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) ab: add TLS1.1/TLS1.2 options to -f switch, and adapt output
to more accurately report the negotiated protocol. PR 53916.
[Nicolás Pernas Maradei <nico emutex com>, Kaspar Brand]
*) core: ErrorDocument now works for requests without a Host header.
PR 48357. [Jeff Trawick]
*) prefork: Avoid logging harmless errors during graceful stop.
[Joe Orton, Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy: When concatting for PPR, avoid cases where we
concat ".../" and "/..." to create "...//..." [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_cache: Wrong content type and character set when
mod_cache serves stale content because of a proxy error.
PR 53539. [Rainer Jung, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Fix crash in packet dump code when logging
with LogLevel trace7 or trace8. PR 53730. [Rainer Jung]
*) httpd.conf: Removed the configuration directives setting a bad_DNT
environment introduced in 2.4.3. The actual directives are commented
out in the default conf file.
*) core: Apply length limit when logging Status header values.
[Jeff Trawick, Chris Darroch]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: The nonce is only derived from the UUID iff
not set via the 'nonce' balancer param. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_ssl: Match wildcard SSL certificate names in proxy mode.
PR 53006. [Joe Orton]
*) Windows: Fix output of -M, -L, and similar command-line options
which display information about the server configuration.
[Jeff Trawick]
Changes with Apache 2.4.3
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-3502 (
mod_proxy_ajp, mod_proxy_http: Fix an issue in back end
connection closing which could lead to privacy issues due
to a response mixup. PR 53727. [Rainer Jung]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-2687 (
mod_negotiation: Escape filenames in variant list to prevent a
possible XSS for a site where untrusted users can upload files to
a location with MultiViews enabled. [Niels Heinen <heinenn>]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Don't try a potentially expensive nested groups
search before exhausting all AuthLDAPGroupAttribute checks on the
current group. PR 52464 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: Add new directive LuaAuthzProvider to allow implementing an
authorization provider in lua. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Be less strict when checking whether Content-Type is set to
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" when parsing POST data,
or we risk losing data with an appended charset. PR 53698
[Petter Berntsen <petterb>]
*) httpd.conf: Added configuration directives to set a bad_DNT environment
variable based on User-Agent and to remove the DNT header field from
incoming requests when a match occurs. This currently has the effect of
removing DNT from requests by MSIE 10.0 because it deliberately violates
the current specification of DNT semantics for HTTP. [Roy T. Fielding]
*) mod_socache_shmcb: Fix bus error due to a misalignment
in some 32 bit builds, especially on Solaris Sparc.
PR 53040. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_cache: Set content type in case we return stale content.
[Ruediger Pluem]
*) Windows: Fix SSL failures on windows with AcceptFilter https none.
PR 52476. [Jeff Trawick]
*) ab: Fix read failure when targeting SSL server. [Jeff Trawick]
*) The following now respect DefaultRuntimeDir/DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR:
- mod_auth_digest: shared memory file
[Jeff Trawick]
*) htpasswd: Use correct file mode for checking if file is writable.
PR 45923. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Fix crash with dbd RewriteMaps. PR 53663. [Mikhail T.
<mi apache aldan algebra com>]
*) mod_ssl: Add new directive SSLCompression to disable TLS-level
compression. PR 53219. [Björn Jacke <bjoern j3e de>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Add a few missing request_rec fields. Rename remote_ip to
client_ip to match conn_rec. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Change prototype of vm_construct, to work around gcc bug which
causes a segfault. PR 52779. [Dick Snippe <Dick Snippe tech omroep nl>]
*) mpm_event: Don't count connections in lingering close state when
calculating how many additional connections may be accepted.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: If exiting during initialization because of a fatal error,
log a message to the main error log pointing to the appropriate
virtual host error log. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Reduce memory usage in case of many keep-alive requests on
one connection. PR 52275. [Naohiro Ooiwa <naohiro ooiwa miraclelinux com>]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Restore balancing after a failed worker has
recovered when using lbmethod_bybusyness. PR 48735. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_setenvif: Compile some global regex only once during startup.
This should save some memory, especially with .htaccess.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add the port number to the vhost's name in the scoreboard.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Fix ProxyPassReverse for balancer configurations.
PR 45434. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_lua: Add the parsebody function for parsing POST data. PR 53064.
[Daniel Gruno]
*) apxs: Use LDFLAGS from in addition to CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Fix memory leak or possible corruption in ProxyBlock
implementation. [Ruediger Pluem, Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy: Check hostname from request URI against ProxyBlock list,
not forward proxy, if ProxyRemote* is configured. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy_connect: Avoid DNS lookup on hostname from request URI
if ProxyRemote* is configured. PR 43697. [Joe Orton]
*) mpm_event, mpm_worker: Remain active amidst prevalent child process
resource shortages. [Jeff Trawick]
*) Add "strict" and "warnings" pragmas to Perl scripts. [Rich Bowen]
*) The following now respect DefaultRuntimeDir/DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR:
- core: the scoreboard (ScoreBoardFile), pid file (PidFile), and
mutexes (Mutex)
[Jim Jagielski]
*) ab: Fix bind() errors. [Joe Orton]
*) mpm_event: Don't do a blocking write when starting a lingering close
from the listener thread. PR 52229. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_so: If a filename without slashes is specified for LoadFile or
LoadModule and the file cannot be found in the server root directory,
try to use the standard dlopen() search path. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event, mpm_worker: Fix cases where the spawn rate wasn't reduced
after child process resource shortages. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mpm_prefork: Reduce spawn rate after a child process exits due to
unexpected poll or accept failure. [Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Log value of Status header line in script responses rather
than the fixed header name. [Chris Darroch]
*) mod_ssl: Fix handling of empty response from OCSP server.
[Jim Meyering <meyering>, Joe Orton]
*) mpm_event: Fix handling of MaxConnectionsPerChild. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_authz_core: If an expression in "Require expr" returns denied and
references %{REMOTE_USER}, trigger authentication and retry. PR 52892.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Always log if LimitRequestFieldSize triggers. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_deflate: Skip compression if compression is enabled at SSL level.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add missing HTTP status codes registered with IANA.
[Julian Reschke <julian.reschke>, Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ldap: Treat the "server unavailable" condition as a transient
error with all LDAP SDKs. [Filip Valder <filip.valder>]
*) core: Fix spurious "not allowed here" error returned when the Options
directive is used in .htaccess and "AllowOverride Options" (with no
specific options restricted) is configured. PR 53444. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_authz_core: Fix parsing of Require arguments in <AuthzProviderAlias>.
PR 53048. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_log_config: Fix %{abc}C truncating cookie values at first "=".
PR 53104. [Greg Ames]
*) mod_ext_filter: Fix error_log spam when input filters are configured.
[Joe Orton]
*) mod_rewrite: Add "AllowAnyURI" option. PR 52774. [Joe Orton]
*) htdbm, htpasswd: Don't crash if crypt() fails (e.g. with FIPS enabled).
[Paul Wouters <pwouters>, Joe Orton]
*) core: Use a TLS 1.0 close_notify alert for internal dummy connection if
the chosen listener is configured for https. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy: Use the the same hostname for SNI as for the HTTP request when
forwarding to SSL backends. PR 53134.
[Michael Weiser <michael>, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_info: Display all registered providers. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: Send the error message for speaking http to an https port using
HTTP/1.0 instead of HTTP/0.9, and omit the link that may be wrong when
using SNI. PR 50823. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Fix segfault in logging if r->useragent_addr or c->client_addr is
unset. PR 53265. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) log_server_status: Bring Perl style forward to the present, use
standard modules, update for new format of server-status output.
PR 45424. [Richard Bowen, Dave Brondsema, and others]
*) mod_sed, mod_log_debug, mod_rewrite: Symbol namespace cleanups.
[Joe Orton, André Malo]
*) core: Prevent "httpd -k restart" from killing server in presence of
config error. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: If there is an error reading the headers from the
backend, send an error to the client. PR 52879. [Stefan Fritsch]
Changes with Apache 2.4.2
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0883 (
envvars: Fix insecure handling of LD_LIBRARY_PATH that could lead to the
current working directory to be searched for DSOs. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Honor DefaultRuntimeDir [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_ssl: Fix crash with threaded MPMs due to race condition when
initializing EC temporary keys. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Fix RewriteCond integer checks to be parsed correctly.
PR 53023. [Axel Reinhold <apache>, André Malo]
*) mod_proxy: Add the forcerecovery balancer parameter that determines if
recovery for balancer workers is enforced. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) Fix MPM DSO load failure on AIX. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy: Correctly set up reverse proxy worker. PR 52935.
[Petter Berntsen <petterb>]
*) mod_sed: Don't define PATH_MAX to a potentially undefined value, causing
compile problems on GNU hurd. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add ap_runtime_dir_relative() and DefaultRuntimeDir.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Fix breakage of Listen directives with MPMs that use a
per-directory config. PR 52904. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Disallow directives in AllowOverrideList which are only allowed
in VirtualHost or server context. These are usually not prepared to be
called in .htaccess files. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: In AllowOverrideList, do not allow 'None' together with other
directives. PR 52823. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Support DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR for file-based shm.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Fix merging of AllowOverrideList and ContentDigest.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_request: Fix validation of the KeptBodySize argument so it
doesn't always throw a configuration error. PR 52981 [Eric Covener]
*) core: Add filesystem paths to access denied / access failed messages
AH00035 and AH00036. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_dumpio: Properly handle errors from subsequent input filters.
PR 52914. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Unix MPMs: Fix small memory leak in parent process if connect()
failed when waking up children. [Joe Orton]
*) "DirectoryIndex disabled" now undoes DirectoryIndex settings in
the current configuration section, not just previous config sections.
PR 52845. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_xml2enc: Fix broken handling of EOS buckets which could lead to
response headers not being sent. PR 52766. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: Properly free the GENERAL_NAMEs. PR 32652. [Kaspar Brand]
*) core: Check during config test that directories for the access
logs actually exist. PR 29941. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_xml2enc, mod_proxy_html: Enable per-module loglevels.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_filter: Fix segfault with AddOutputFilterByType. PR 52755.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_session: Sessions are encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
strings, however we do not handle the encoding of spaces properly.
Fixed. [Graham Leggett]
*) Configuration: Example in comment should use a path consistent
with the default configuration. PR 52715.
[Rich Bowen, Jens Schleusener, Rainer Jung]
*) Configuration: Switch documentation links from trunk to 2.4.
[Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Fix out of tree build using apr and apr-util in srclib.
[Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.4.1
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0053 (
Fix an issue in error responses that could expose "httpOnly" cookies
when no custom ErrorDocument is specified for status code 400.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Fix crash on Windows. PR 52402 [Mladen Turk]
*) core: Check during configtest that the directories for error logs exist.
PR 29941 [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Core configuration: add AllowOverride option to treat syntax
errors in .htaccess as non-fatal. PR 52439 [Nick Kew, Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Fix memory consumption in core output filter with streaming
bucket types like CGI or PIPE. [Joe Orton, Stefan Fritsch]
*) configure: Disable modules at configure time if a prerequisite module
is not enabled. PR 52487. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Rewrite and proxy now decline what they don't support rather
than fail the request. [Joe Orton]
*) Fix building against external apr plus apr-util if apr is not installed
in a system default path. [Rainer Jung]
*) Doxygen fixes and improvements. [Joe Orton, Igor Galić]
*) core: Fix building against PCRE 8.30 by switching from the obsolete
pcre_info() to pcre_fullinfo(). PR 52623 [Ruediger Pluem, Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.4.0
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0031 (
Fix scoreboard issue which could allow an unprivileged child process
to cause the parent to crash at shutdown rather than terminate
cleanly. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_ssl: Fix compilation with xlc on AIX. PR 52394. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0021 (
mod_log_config: Fix segfault (crash) when the '%{cookiename}C' log format
string is in use and a client sends a nameless, valueless cookie, causing
a denial of service. The issue existed since version 2.2.17 and 2.3.3.
PR 52256. [Rainer Canavan <rainer-apache 7val com>]
*) mod_ssl: when compiled against OpenSSL 1.0.1 or later, allow explicit
control of TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 through the SSLProtocol directive.
[Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: set OPENSSL_NO_SSL_INTERN when compiling against OpenSSL 1.0.1
or later, to improve binary compatibility with future OpenSSL releases.
[Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_mime: Don't arbitrarily bypass AddOutputFilter during a ProxyPass,
but then allow AddOutputFilter during a RewriteRule [P]. Make mod_mime
behave identically in both cases. PR52342. [Graham Leggett]
*) Move ab, logresolve, httxt2dbm and apxs to bin from sbin, along with
corresponding man pages. [Graham Leggett]
*) Distinguish properly between the bindir and sbindir directories when
installing binaries. Previously all binaries were silently installed to
sbindir, whether they were system administration commands or not.
[Graham Leggett]
Changes with Apache 2.3.16
*) SECURITY: CVE-2011-4317 (
Resolve additional cases of URL rewriting with ProxyPassMatch or
RewriteRule, where particular request-URIs could result in undesired
backend network exposure in some configurations.
[Joe Orton]
*) core: Limit line length in .htaccess to 8K like in 2.2.x, to avoid
additional DoS potential. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core, all modules: Add unique tag to most error log messages. [Stefan
*) mod_socache_memcache: Change provider name from "mc" to "memcache" to
match module name. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Change provider name from "shared" to "shm" to match
module name. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ldap: Fix segfault with Solaris LDAP when enabling ldaps. This
requires an apr-util fix in which is available in apr-util >= 1.4.0.
PR 42682. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Add the AllowNoSlash RewriteOption, which makes it possible
for RewriteRules to be placed in .htaccess files that match the directory
with no trailing slash. PR 48304.
[Matthew Byng-Maddick <matthew byng-maddick>]
*) mod_session_crypto: Add a SessionCryptoPassphraseFile directive so that
the administrator can hide the keys from the configuration. [Graham
*) Introduce a per request version of the remote IP address, which can be
optionally modified by a module when the effective IP of the client
is not the same as the real IP of the client (such as a load balancer).
Introduce a per connection "peer_ip" and a per request "client_ip" to
distinguish between the raw IP address of the connection and the effective
IP address of the request. [Graham Leggett]
*) ap_pass_brigade_fchk() function added. [Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Pass ap_errorlog_info struct to error log hook. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache_disk: Make sure we check return codes on all writes and
attempts to close, and clean up after ourselves in these cases.
PR43589. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache_disk: Remove the unnecessary intermediate brigade while
writing to disk. Fixes a problem where mod_disk_cache was leaving
buckets in the intermediate brigade and not passing them to out on
exit. [Florian S. <f_los_ch>, Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: use a shorter setting for SSLCipherSuite in the default
default configuration file, and add some more information about
configuring a speed-optimized alternative.
[Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: drop support for the SSLv2 protocol. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_lua: Stop losing track of all but the most specific LuaHook* directives
when multiple per-directory config sections are used. Adds LuaInherit
directive to control how parent sections are merged. [Eric Covener]
*) Server directive display (-L): Include directives of DSOs.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_cache: Make sure we merge headers correctly when we handle a
non cacheable conditional response. PR52120. [Graham Leggett]
*) Pre GA removal of components that will not be included:
- mod_noloris was superseded by mod_reqtimeout
- mod_serf
- mpm_simple
[Rainer Jung]
*) core: Set MaxMemFree 2048 by default. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: Fix assertion failure during very high load. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) configure: Additional modules loaded by default: mod_headers.
Modules moved from module set "few" to "most" and no longer loaded
by default: mod_actions, mod_allowmethods, mod_auth_form, mod_buffer,
mod_cgi(d), mod_include, mod_negotiation, mod_ratelimit, mod_request,
mod_userdir. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_lua: Use the right lua scope when used as a hook. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Only load the really imporant modules (i.e. those enabled by
the 'few' selection) by default. Don't handle modules enabled with
--enable-foo specially. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) end-generation hook: Fix false notification of end-of-generation for
temporary intervals with no active MPM children. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for configuring persistent TLS session ticket
encryption/decryption keys (useful for clustered environments).
[Paul Querna, Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_usertrack: Use random value instead of remote IP address.
[Stefan Fritsch]
Changes with Apache 2.3.15
*) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3348 (
mod_proxy_ajp: Respond with HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when the method is not
recognized. [Jean-Frederic Clere]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3192 (
core: Fix handling of byte-range requests to use less memory, to avoid
denial of service. If the sum of all ranges in a request is larger than
the original file, ignore the ranges and send the complete file.
PR 51714. [Stefan Fritsch, Jim Jagielski, Ruediger Pluem, Eric Covener,
*) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3607 (
core: Fix integer overflow in ap_pregsub. This can be triggered e.g.
with mod_setenvif via a malicious .htaccess. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3368 (
Reject requests where the request-URI does not match the HTTP
specification, preventing unexpected expansion of target URLs in
some reverse proxy configurations. [Joe Orton]
*) configure: Load all modules in the generated default configuration
when using --enable-load-all-modules. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_reqtimeout: Change the default to set some reasonable timeout
values. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core, mod_dav_fs: Change default ETag to be "size mtime", i.e. remove
the inode. PR 49623. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Expose SSL variables via r:ssl_var_lookup(). [Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: LuaHook{AccessChecker,AuthChecker,CheckUserID,TranslateName}
can now additionally be run as "early" or "late" relative to other modules.
[Eric Covener]
*) configure: By default, only load those modules that are either required
or explicitly selected by a configure --enable-foo argument. The
LoadModule statements for modules enabled by --enable-mods-shared=most
and friends will be commented out. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Prevent early Lua hooks (LuaHookTranslateName and
LuaHookQuickHandler) from being configured in <Directory>, <Files>,
and htaccess where the configuration would have been ignored.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_lua: Resolve "attempt to index local 'r' (a userdata value)" errors
in LuaMapHandler scripts [Eric Covener]
*) mod_log_debug: Rename optional argument from if= to expr=, to be more
in line with other config directives. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_headers: Require an expression to be specified with expr=, to be more
in line with other config directives. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_substitute: To prevent overboarding memory usage, limit line length
to 1MB. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_lua: Make the query string (r.args) writable. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_include: Add support for application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding
and decoding. [Graham Leggett]
*) rotatelogs: Add -c option to force logfile creation in every rotation
interval, even if empty. [Jan Kaluža <jkaluza>]
*) core: Limit ap_pregsub() to 64K, add ap_pregsub_ex() for longer strings.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_session_crypto: Refactor to support the new apr_crypto API.
[Graham Leggett]
*) http: Add missing Location header if local URL-path is used as
ErrorDocument for 30x. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_buffer: Make sure we step down for subrequests, but not for internal
redirects triggered by mod_rewrite. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_lua: add r:construct_url as a wrapper for ap_construct_url.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_remote_ip: Fix configuration of internal proxies. PR 49272.
[Jim Riggs <jim riggs me>]
*) mpm_winnt: Handle AcceptFilter 'none' mode correctly; resolve specific
server IP endpoint and remote client IP upon connection. [William Rowe]
*) mod_setenvif: Remove OID match which is obsoleted by SetEnvIfExpr with
PeerExtList(). [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_prefork, mpm_worker, mpm_event: If a child is created just before
graceful restart and then exits because of a missing lock file, don't
shutdown the whole server. PR 39311. [Shawn Michael
<smichael rightnow com>]
*) mpm_event: Check the return value from ap_run_create_connection.
PR 41194. [Davi Arnaut]
*) mod_mime_magic: Add signatures for PNG and SWF to the example config.
PR 48352. [Jeremy Wagner-Kaiser <jwagner-kaiser adknowledge com>]
*) core, unixd: Add -D DUMP_RUN_CFG option to dump some configuration items
from the parsed (or default) config. This is useful for init scripts that
need to setup temporary directories and permissions. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core, mod_actions, mod_asis: Downgrade error log messages which accompany
a 404 request status from loglevel error to info. PR 35768. [Stefan
*) core: Fix hook sorting with Perl modules. PR 45076. [Torsten Foertsch
<torsten foertsch gmx net>]
*) core: Enforce LimitRequestFieldSize after multiple headers with the same
name have been merged. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: If MaxMemFree is set, ask OpenSSL >= 1.0.0 to reduce memory
usage. PR 51618. [Cristian Rodríguez <crrodriguez opensuse org>,
Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: At startup, when checking a server certificate whether it
matches the configured ServerName, also take dNSName entries in the
subjectAltName extension into account. PR 32652, PR 47051. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_substitute: Reduce memory usage and copying of data. PR 50559.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl/proxy: enable the SNI extension for backend TLS connections
[Kaspar Brand]
*) Add wrappers for malloc, calloc, realloc that check for out of memory
situations and use them in many places. PR 51568, PR 51569, PR 51571.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) Fix cross-compilation of mod_cgi/mod_cgid when APR_HAVE_STRUCT_RLIMIT is
false but RLIMIT_* are defined. PR51371. [Eric Covener]
*) core: Correctly obey ServerName / ServerAlias if the Host header from the
request matches the VirtualHost address.
PR 51709. [Micha Lenk <micha>]
*) mod_unique_id: Use random number generator to initialize counter.
PR 45110. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add convenience API for apr_random. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add MaxRangeOverlaps and MaxRangeReversals directives to control
the number of overlapping and reversing ranges (respectively) permitted
before returning the entire resource, with a default limit of 20.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_ldap: Optional function uldap_ssl_supported(r) always returned false
if called from a virtual host with mod_ldap directives in it. Did not
affect mod_authnz_ldap's usage of mod_ldap. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_filter: Instead of dropping the Accept-Ranges header when a filter
registered with AP_FILTER_PROTO_NO_BYTERANGE is present,
set the header value to "none". [Eric Covener, Ruediger Pluem]
*) core: Allow MaxRanges none|unlimited|default and set 'Accept-Ranges: none'
in the case Ranges are being ignored with MaxRanges none.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: revamp CRL-based revocation checking when validating
certificates of clients or proxied servers. Completely delegate
CRL processing to OpenSSL, and add a new [Proxy]CARevocationCheck
directive for controlling the revocation checking mode. [Kaspar Brand]
*) core: Add MaxRanges directive to control the number of ranges permitted
before returning the entire resource, with a default limit of 200.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_cache: Ensure that CacheDisable can correctly appear within
a LocationMatch. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Fix the moving of the CACHE filter, which erroneously
stood down if the original filter was not added by configuration.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: improve certificate error logging. PR 47408. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_authz_groupfile: Increase length limit of lines in the group file to
16MB. PR 43084. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Increase length limit of lines in the configuration file to 16MB.
PR 45888. PR 50824. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add API for resizable buffers. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ldap: Enable LDAPConnectionTimeout for LDAP toolkits that have
as Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 and later. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ldap: Change default number of retries from 10 to 3, and add
an LDAPRetries and LDAPRetryDelay directives. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Don't retry during authentication, because this just
multiplies the ample retries already being done by mod_ldap. [Eric Covener]
*) configure: Allow to explicitly disable modules even with module selection
'reallyall'. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Check validity of each internal (int:) RewriteMap even if the
RewriteEngine is disabled in server context, avoiding a crash while
referencing the invalid int: map at runtime. PR 50994.
[Ben Noordhuis <info noordhuis nl>]
*) mod_ssl, configure: require OpenSSL 0.9.7 or later. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: remove ssl_toolkit_compat layer. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl, configure, ab: drop support for RSA BSAFE SSL-C toolkit.
[Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_usertrack: Run mod_usertrack earlier in the fixups hook to ensure the
cookie is set when modules such as mod_rewrite trigger a redirect. Also
use r->err_headers_out for the cookie, for the same reason. PR29755.
[Sami J. Mäkinen <sjm almamedia fi>, Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_connect: Add 'proxy-status' and
'proxy-source-port' request notes for logging. PR 30195. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) configure: Enable ldap modules in 'all' and 'most' selections if ldap
is compiled into apr-util. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add ap_check_cmd_context()-check if a command is executed in
.htaccess file. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_deflate: Fix endless loop if first bucket is metadata. PR 51590.
[Torsten Foertsch <torsten foertsch gmx net>]
*) mod_authn_socache: Fix to work in .htaccess if not configured anywhere
in httpd.conf, and introduce an AuthnCacheEnable directive.
PR 51991 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_xml2enc: new (formerly third-party) module supporting
internationalisation for filters via smart charset sniffing
and conversion. [Nick Kew]
*) mod_proxy_html: new (formerly third-party) module to fix up
HTML links in a reverse proxy situation, where a backend
generates URLs that are not resolvable by Clients. [Nick Kew]
Changes with Apache 2.3.14
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Improve trace logging. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Respect "reuse" flag in END_REPONSE packets.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_proxy: enable absolute URLs to be rewritten with ProxyPassReverse,
e.g. to reverse proxy "Location: https://other-internal-server/login"
[Nick Kew]
*) prefork, worker, event: Make sure crashes are logged to the error log if
httpd has already detached from the console. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) prefork, worker, event: Reduce period during startup/restart where a
successive signal may be lost. PR 43696. [Arun Bhalla <arun shme net>]
*) mod_allowmethods: Correct Merging of "reset" and do not allow an
empty parameter list for the AllowMethods directive. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Update selection of modules for 'all' and 'most'. 'all' will
now enable all modules except for example and test modules. Make the
selection for 'most' more useful (including ssl and proxy). Both 'all'
and 'most' will now disable modules if dependencies are missing instead
of aborting. If a specific module is requested with --enable-XXX=yes,
missing dependencies will still cause configure to exit with an error.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ldap: Revert the integration of apr-ldap as ap_ldap which was done
in 2.3.13. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: For '*' or '_default_' vhosts, use a wildcard address of any
address family, rather than IPv4 only. [Joe Orton]
*) core, mod_rewrite, mod_ssl, mod_nw_ssl: Make the SERVER_NAME variable
include [ ] for literal IPv6 addresses, as mandated by RFC 3875.
PR 26005. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_negotiation: Fix parsing of Content-Length in type maps. PR 42203.
[Nagae Hidetake <nagae eagan jp>]
*) core: Add more logging to ap_scan_script_header_err* functions. Add
ap_scan_script_header_err*_ex functions that take a module index for
mod_cgi, mod_cgid, mod_proxy_fcgi, mod_proxy_scgi, mod_isapi: Use the
new functions in order to make logging configurable per-module.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dir: Add DirectoryIndexRedirect to send an external redirect to
the proper index. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_deflate: Don't try to compress requests with a zero sized body.
PR 51350. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Fix startup on IPv6-only systems. PR 50592. [Joe Orton,
<root linkage white-void net>]
*) suexec: Add environment variables CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT, CONTEXT_PREFIX,
whitelist in suexec. PR 51499. [Graham Laverty <graham reg ca>,
Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Fix regexp RewriteCond with NoCase. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_log_debug: New module that allows to log custom messages at various
phases in the request processing. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: Add some debug logging when loading server certificates.
PR 37912. [Nick Burch <nick burch alfresco com>]
*) configure: Support reallyall option also for --enable-mods-static.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_socache_dc: add --with-distcache to configure for choosing
the distcache installation directory. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_socache_dc: use correct build variable MOD_SOCACHE_DC_LDADD
instead of MOD_SOCACHE_LDADD in build macro. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_lua, mod_deflate: respect platform specific runpath linker
flag. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Only link the httpd binary against PCRE. No other support
binary needs PCRE. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: tolerate dependency checking failures for modules if
they have been enabled implicitly. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Allow to specify module specific custom linker flags via
the MOD_XXX_LDADD variables. [Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.3.13
*) ab: Support specifying the local address to use. PR 48930.
[Peter Schuller <scode spotify com>]
*) core: Add support to ErrorLogFormat for logging the system unique
thread id under Linux. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) event: New AsyncRequestWorkerFactor directive to influence how many
connections will be accepted per process. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) prefork, worker, event: Rename MaxClients to MaxRequestWorkers which
describes more accurately what it does. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) rotatelogs: Add -p argument to specify custom program to invoke
after a log rotation. PR 51285. [Sven Ulland <sveniu>,
Joe Orton]
*) mod_ssl: Don't do OCSP checks for valid self-issued certs. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_ssl: Avoid unnecessary renegotiations with SSLVerifyDepth 0.
PR 48215. [Kaspar Brand]
*) mod_status: Display information about asynchronous connections in the
server-status. PR 44377. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: If the number of connections of a process is very high, or if
all workers are busy, don't accept new connections in that process.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: Process lingering close asynchronously instead of tying up
worker threads. [Jeff Trawick, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: If MaxMemFree is set, limit the number of pools that is kept
around. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_event: Fix graceful restart aborting connections. PR 43359.
[Takashi Sato <takashi lans-tv com>]
*) mod_ssl: Disable AECDH ciphers in example config. PR 51363.
[Rob Stradling <rob comodo com>]
*) core: Introduce new function ap_get_conn_socket() to access the socket of
a connection. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_data: Introduce a filter to support RFC2397 data URLs. [Graham
*) mod_userdir/mod_alias/mod_vhost_alias: Correctly set DOCUMENT_ROOT,
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Allow to override document_root on a per-request basis. Introduce
new context_document_root and context_prefix which provide information
about non-global URI-to-directory mappings (from e.g. mod_userdir or
mod_alias) to scripts. PR 49705. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add <ElseIf> and <Else> to complement <If> sections.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ext_filter: Remove DebugLevel option in favor of per-module loglevel.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_include: Make the "#if expr" element use the new "ap_expr" expression
parser. The old parser can still be used by setting the new directive
SSILegacyExprParser. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add some features to ap_expr for use by mod_include: a restricted
mode that does not allow to bypass request access restrictions; new
variables DOCUMENT_URI (alias for REQUEST_URI), LAST_MODIFIED; -A as an
alias for -U; an additional data entry in ap_expr_eval_ctx_t for use by
the consumer; an extensible ap_expr_exec_ctx() API that allows to use that
data entry. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_include: Merge directory configs instead of one SSI* config directive
causing all other per-directory SSI* config directives to be reset.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_charset_lite: Remove DebugLevel option in favour of per-module
loglevel. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add ap_regexec_len() function that works with non-null-terminated
strings. PR 51231. [Yehezkel Horowitz <horowity checkpoint com>]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: If the LDAP server returns constraint violation,
don't treat this as an error but as "auth denied". [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi|scgi: Add support for "best guess" of PATH_INFO
for SCGI/FCGI. PR 50880, 50851. [Mark Montague <mark>,
Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_cache: When content is served stale, and there is no means to
revalidate the content using ETag or Last-Modified, and we have
mandated no stale-on-error behaviour, stand down and don't cache.
Saves a cache write that will never be read.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_reqtimeout: Fix a timed out connection going into the keep-alive
state after a timeout when discarding a request body. PR 51103.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add various file existence test operators to ap_expr.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_express: New mass reverse-proxy switch extension for
mod_proxy. [Jim Jagielski]
*) configure: Fix script error when configuring module set "reallyall".
[Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.3.12
*) configure, core: Provide easier support for APR's hook probe
capability. [Jim Jagielski, Jeff Trawick]
*) Silence autoconf 2.68 warnings. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Resolve crash when LDAP is used for authorization only
[Scott Hill <shill>]
*) support: Make sure check_forensic works with mod_unique_id loaded
[Joe Schaefer]
*) Add child_status hook for tracking creation/termination of MPM child
processes. Add end_generation hook for notification when the last
MPM child of a generation exits. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ldap: Make LDAPSharedCacheSize 0 create a non-shared-memory cache per
process as opposed to disabling caching completely. This allows to use
the non-shared-memory cache as a workaround for the shared memory cache
not being available during graceful restarts. PR 48958. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Add new ap_reserve_module_slots/ap_reserve_module_slots_directive API,
necessary if a module (like mod_perl) registers additional modules late
in the startup phase. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Prevent segfault if DYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT is reached. PR 51072.
[Torsten Förtsch <torsten foertsch gmx net>]
*) WinNT MPM: Improve robustness under heavy load. [Jeff Trawick]
*) MinGW build improvements. PR 49535. [John Vandenberg
<jayvdb>, Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Support module names with colons in loglevel configuration.
[Torsten Förtsch <torsten foertsch gmx net>]
*) mod_ssl, ab: Support OpenSSL compiled without SSLv2 support.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Abort if the MPM is changed across restart. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Add support for 'ProxyErrorOverride on'. PR 50945.
[Peter Pramberger <peter>, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Add support for 'ProxyErrorOverride on'. PR 50913.
[Mark Montague <mark>, Jim Jagielski]
*) core: Change the APIs of ap_cfg_getline() and ap_cfg_getc() to return an
error code. Abort with a nice error message if a config line is too long.
Partial fix for PR 50824. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_info: Dump config to stdout during startup if -DDUMP_CONFIG is
specified. PR 31956. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Restore visibility of DEFAULT_PIDLOG to core and modules. MPM
helper function ap_remove_pid() added. [Jeff Trawick]
*) Enable DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR on Windows and NetWare. [various]
*) Correct C++ incompatibility with http_log.h. [Stefan Fritsch, Jeff
*) mod_log_config: Prevent segfault. PR 50861. [Torsten Förtsch
*) core: AllowEncodedSlashes new option NoDecode to allow encoded slashes
in request URL path info but not decode them. Change behavior of option
"On" to decode the encoded slashes as 2.0 and 2.2 do. PR 35256,
PR 46830. [Dan Poirier]
*) mod_ssl: Check SNI hostname against Host header case-insensitively.
PR 49491. [Mayank Agrawal <magrawal.08>]
*) mod_ldap: Add LDAPConnectionPoolTTL to give control over lifetime
of bound backend LDAP connections. PR47634 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_cache: Make CacheEnable and CacheDisable configurable per
directory in addition to per server, making them work from within
a LocationMatch. [Graham Leggett]
*) worker, event, prefork: Correct several issues when built as
DSOs; most notably, the scoreboard was reinitialized during graceful
restart, such that processes of the previous generation were not
observable. [Jeff Trawick]
Changes with Apache 2.3.11
*) mod_win32: Added shebang check for '! so that .vbs scripts work as CGI.
Win32's cscript interpreter can only use a single quote as comment char.
[Guenter Knauf]
*) mod_proxy: balancer-manager now uses POST instead of GET.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) core: new util function: ap_parse_form_data(). Previously,
this capability was tucked away in mod_request. [Jim Jagielski]
*) core: new hook: ap_run_pre_read_request. [Jim Jagielski]
*) modules: Fix many modules that were not correctly initializing if they
were not active during server startup but got enabled later during a
graceful restart. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Create new ap_state_query function that allows modules to determine
if the current configuration run is the initial one at server startup,
and if the server is started for testing/config dumping only.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Runtime configuration of many parameters for existing
balancers via the balancer-manager. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy: Runtime addition of new workers (BalancerMember) for existing
balancers via the balancer-manager. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_cache: When a bad Expires date is present, we need to behave as if
the Expires is in the past, not as if the Expires is missing. PR 16521.
[Co-Advisor <coad>]
*) mod_cache: We must ignore quoted-string values that appear in a
Cache-Control header. PR 50199. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_dav: Revert change to send 501 error if unknown Content-* header is
received for a PUT request. PR 42978. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache: Respect s-maxage as described by RFC2616 14.9.3, which must
take precedence if present. PR 35247. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Fix a possible startup failure if multiple SSL vhosts
are configured with the same ServerName and private key file.
[Masahiro Matsuya <mmatsuya>, Joe Orton]
*) mod_socache_dc: Make module compile by fixing some typos.
PR 50735 [Mark Montague <mark>]
*) prefork: Update MPM state in children during a graceful stop or
restart. PR 41743. [Andrew Punch <andrew.punch>]
*) mod_mime: Ignore leading dots when looking for mime extensions.
PR 50434 [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Add support to set variables with the 'Define' directive. The
variables that can then be used in the config using the ${VAR} syntax
known from envvar interpolation. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_http: make adding of X-Forwarded-* headers configurable.
ProxyAddHeaders defaults to On. [Vincent Deffontaines]
*) mod_slotmem_shm: Increase memory alignment for slotmem data.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ssl: Add config options for OCSP: SSLOCSPResponderTimeout,
SSLOCSPResponseMaxAge, SSLOCSPResponseTimeSkew.
[Kaspar Brand <httpd-dev.2011>]
*) mod_ssl: Revamp output buffering to reduce network overhead for
output fragmented into many buckets, such as chunked HTTP responses.
[Joe Orton]
*) core: Apply <If> sections to all requests, not only to file base requests.
Allow to use <If> inside <Directory>, <Location>, and <Files> sections.
The merging of <If> sections now happens after the merging of <Location>
sections, even if an <If> section is embedded inside a <Directory> or
<Files> section. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Refactor usage of shared data by dropping the scoreboard
and using slotmem. Create foundation for dynamic growth/changes of
members within a balancer. Remove BalancerNonce in favor of a
per-balancer 'nonce' parameter. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_status: Don't show slots which are disabled by MaxClients as open.
PR 47022 [Jordi Prats <jordi prats gmail com>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mpm_prefork: Fix ap_mpm_query results for AP_MPMQ_MAX_DAEMONS and
*) mod_authz_core: Fix bug in merging logic if user-based and non-user-based
authorization directives were mixed. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_authn_socache: change directive name from AuthnCacheProvider
to AuthnCacheProvideFor. The term "provider" is overloaded in
this module, and we should avoid confusion between the provider
of a backend (AuthnCacheSOCache) and the authn provider(s) for
which this module provides cacheing (AuthnCacheProvideFor).
[Nick Kew]
*) mod_proxy_http: Allocate the fake backend request from a child pool
of the backend connection, instead of misusing the pool of the frontend
request. Fixes a thread safety issue where buckets set aside in the
backend connection leak into other threads, and then disappear when
the frontend request is cleaned up, in turn causing corrupted buckets
to make other threads spin. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Change the format of the SSL_{CLIENT,SERVER}_{I,S}_DN variables
to be RFC 2253 compatible, convert non-ASCII characters to UTF8, and
escape other special characters with backslashes. The old format can
still be used with the LegacyDNStringFormat argument to SSLOptions.
*) core, mod_rewrite: Make the REQUEST_SCHEME variable available to
scripts and mod_rewrite. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Allow to use arbitrary boolean expressions (ap_expr) in
RewriteCond. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Allow to unset environment variables using E=!VAR.
PR 49512. [Mark Drayton <mark markdrayton info>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_headers: Restore the 2.3.8 and earlier default for the first
argument of the Header directive ("onsuccess"). [Eric Covener]
*) core: Disallow the mixing of relative and absolute Options PR 33708.
[Sönke Tesch <st>]
*) core: When exporting request headers to HTTP_* environment variables,
drop variables whose names contain invalid characters. Describe in the
docs how to restore the old behaviour. [Malte S. Stretz <mss apache org>]
*) core: When selecting an IP-based virtual host, favor an exact match for
the port over a wildcard (or omitted) port instead of favoring the one
that came first in the configuration file. [Eric Covener]
*) core: Overlapping virtual host address/port combinations now implicitly
enable name-based virtual hosting for that address. The NameVirtualHost
directive has no effect, and _default_ is interpreted the same as "*".
[Eric Covener]
*) core: In the absence of any Options directives, the default is now
"FollowSymlinks" instead of "All". [Igor Galić]
*) rotatelogs: Add -e option to write logs through to stdout for optional
further processing. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Correctly read full lines in input filter when the line is
incomplete during first read. PR 50481. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_authz_core: Add AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure directive to allow
sending '403 FORBIDDEN' instead of '401 UNAUTHORIZED' if authorization
fails for an authenticated user. PR 40721. [Stefan Fritsch]
Changes with Apache 2.3.10
*) mod_rewrite: Don't implicitly URL-escape the original query string
when no substitution has changed it. PR 50447. [Eric Covener]
*) core: Honor 'AcceptPathInfo OFF' during internal redirects,
such as per-directory mod_rewrite substitutions. PR 50349.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_rewrite: Add 'RewriteOptions InheritBefore' to put the base
rules/conditions before the overridden rules/conditions. PR 39313.
[Jérôme Grandjanny <jerome.grandjanny>]
*) mod_autoindex: add IndexIgnoreReset to reset the list of IndexIgnored
filenames in higher precedence configuration sections. PR 24243.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_cgid: RLimit* directive support for mod_cgid. PR 42135
[Eric Covener]
*) core: Fail startup when the argument to ServerName looks like a glob
or a regular expression instead of a hostname (*?[]). PR 39863
[Rahul Nair <rahul.g.nair>]
*) mod_userdir: Add merging of enable, disable, and filename arguments
to UserDir directive, leaving enable/disable of userlists unmerged.
PR 44076 [Eric Covener]
*) httpd: When no -k option is provided on the httpd command line, the server
was starting without checking for an existing pidfile. PR 50350
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy: Put the worker in error state if the SSL handshake with the
backend fails. PR 50332.
[Daniel Ruggeri <DRuggeri>, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_cache_disk: Fix Windows build which was broken after renaming
the module. [Gregg L. Smith]
Changes with Apache 2.3.9
*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-1623 (
Fix a denial of service attack against mod_reqtimeout.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_headers: Change default first argument of Header directive
from "onsuccess" to "always". [Eric Covener]
*) mod_include: Add the onerror attribute to the include element,
allowing an URL to be specified to include on error. [Graham
*) mod_cache_disk: mod_disk_cache renamed to mod_cache_disk, to be
consistent with the naming of other modules. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_setenvif: Add SetEnvIfExpr directive to set env var depending on
expression. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Fix ProxyPassInterpolateEnv directive. PR 50292.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) suEXEC: Add Suexec directive to disable suEXEC without renaming the
binary (Suexec Off), or force startup failure if suEXEC is required
but not supported (Suexec On). Change SuexecUserGroup to fail
startup instead of just printing a warning if suEXEC is disabled.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Add Error directive for aborting startup or htaccess processing
with a specified error message. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_rewrite: Fix the RewriteEngine directive to work within a
location. Previously, once RewriteEngine was switched on globally,
it was impossible to switch off. [Graham Leggett]
*) core, mod_include, mod_ssl: Move the expression parser derived from
mod_include back into mod_include. Replace ap_expr with a parser
derived from mod_ssl's parser. Make mod_ssl use the new parser. Rework
ap_expr's public interface and provide hooks for modules to add variables
and functions. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Do the hook sorting earlier so that the hooks are properly sorted
for the pre_config hook and during parsing the config. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: In the absence of any AllowOverride directives, the default is now
"None" instead of "All". PR49823 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_proxy: Don't allow ProxyPass or ProxyPassReverse in
<Directory> or <Files>. PR47765 [Eric Covener]
*) prefork/worker/event MPMS: default value (when no directive is present)
of MaxConnectionsPerChild/MaxRequestsPerChild is changed to 0 from 10000
to match default configuration and manual. PR47782 [Eric Covener]
*) proxy_connect: Don't give up in the middle of a CONNECT tunnel
when the child process is starting to exit. PR50220. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_autoindex: Fix inheritance of mod_autoindex directives into
contexts that don't have any mod_autoindex directives. PR47766.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_rewrite: Add END flag for RewriteRule to prevent further rounds
of rewrite processing when a per-directory substitution occurs.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Make sure to always log an error if loading of CA certificates
fails. PR 40312. [Paul Tiemann <issues apache org ourdetour com>]
*) mod_dav: Send 501 error if unknown Content-* header is received for a PUT
request (RFC 2616 9.6). PR 42978. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dav: Send 400 error if malformed Content-Range header is received for
a put request (RFC 2616 14.16). PR 49825. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Release the backend connection as soon as EOS is detected,
so the backend isn't forced to wait for the client to eventually
acknowledge the data. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_proxy: Optimise ProxyPass within a Location so that it is stored
per-directory, and chosen during the location walk. Make ProxyPass
work correctly from within a LocationMatch. [Graham Leggett]
*) core: Fix segfault if per-module LogLevel is on virtual host
scope. PR 50117. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Move the ProxyErrorOverride directive to have per
directory scope. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_allowmethods: New module to deny certain HTTP methods without
interfering with authentication/authorization. [Paul Querna,
Igor Galić, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: Log certificate information and improve error message if client
cert verification fails. PR 50093, PR 50094. [Lassi Tuura <lat cern ch>,
Stefan Fritsch]
*) htcacheclean: Teach htcacheclean to limit cache size by number of
inodes in addition to size of files. Prevents a cache disk from
running out of space when many small files are cached.
[Graham Leggett]
*) core: Rename MaxRequestsPerChild to MaxConnectionsPerChild, which
describes more accurately what the directive does. The old name
still works but logs a warning. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache: Optionally serve stale data when a revalidation returns a
5xx response, controlled by the CacheStaleOnError directive.
[Graham Leggett]
*) htcacheclean: Allow the listing of valid URLs within the cache, with
the option to list entry metadata such as sizes and times. [Graham
*) mod_cache: correctly parse quoted strings in cache headers.
PR 50199 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_cache: Allow control over the base URL of reverse proxied requests
using the CacheKeyBaseURL directive, so that the cache key can be
calculated from the endpoint URL instead of the server URL. [Graham
*) mod_cache: CacheLastModifiedFactor, CacheStoreNoStore, CacheStorePrivate,
CacheStoreExpired, CacheIgnoreNoLastMod, CacheDefaultExpire,
CacheMinExpire and CacheMaxExpire can be set per directory/location.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_disk_cache: CacheMaxFileSize, CacheMinFileSize, CacheReadSize and
CacheReadTime can be set per directory/location. [Graham Leggett]
*) core: Speed up config parsing if using a very large number of config
files. PR 50002 [andrew cloudaccess net]
*) mod_cache: Support the caching of HEAD requests. [Graham Leggett]
*) htcacheclean: Allow the option to round up file sizes to a given
block size, improving the accuracy of disk usage. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Add authz providers for use with mod_authz_core and its
RequireAny/RequireAll containers: 'ssl' (equivalent to SSLRequireSSL),
'ssl-verify-client' (for use with 'SSLVerifyClient optional'), and
'ssl-require' (expressions with same syntax as SSLRequire).
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ssl: Make the ssl expression parser thread-safe. It now requires
bison instead of yacc. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_disk_cache: Change on-disk header file format to support the
link of the device/inode of the data file to the matching header
file, and to support the option of not writing a data file when
the data file is empty. [Graham Leggett]
*) core/mod_unique_id: Add generate_log_id hook to allow to use
the ID generated by mod_unique_id as error log ID for requests.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache: Make sure that we never allow a 304 Not Modified response
that we asked for to leak to the client should the 304 response be
uncacheable. PR45341 [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Add the cache_status hook to register the final cache
decision hit/miss/revalidate. Add optional support for an X-Cache
and/or an X-Cache-Detail header to add the cache status to the
response. PR48241 [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_authz_host: Add 'local' provider that matches connections originating
on the local host. PR 19938. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Event MPM: Fix crash accessing pollset on worker thread when child
process is exiting. [Jeff Trawick]
*) core: For process invocation (cgi, fcgid, piped loggers and so forth)
pass the system library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH or platform-specific
variables) along with the system PATH, by default. Both should be
overridden together as desired using PassEnv etc; see mod_env.
[William Rowe]
*) mod_cache: Introduce CacheStoreExpired, to allow administrators to
capture a stale backend response, perform If-Modified-Since requests
against the backend, and serving from the cache all 304 responses.
This restores pre-2.2.4 cache behavior. [William Rowe]
*) mod_rewrite: Introduce <=, >= string comparison operators, and integer
comparators -lt, -le, -eq, -ge, and -gt. To help bash users and drop
the ambiguity of the symlink test "-ltest", introduce -h or -L as
symlink test operators. [William Rowe]
*) mod_cache: Give the cache provider the opportunity to choose to cache
or not cache based on the buckets present in the brigade, such as the
presence of a FILE bucket.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_authz_core: Allow authz providers to check args while reading the
config and allow to cache parsed args. Move 'all' and 'env' authz
providers from mod_authz_host to mod_authz_core. Add 'method' authz
provider depending on the HTTP method. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_include: Move the request_rec within mod_include to be
exposed within include_ctx_t. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_include: Reinstate support for UTF-8 character sets by allowing a
variable being echoed or set to be decoded and then encoded as separate
steps. PR47686 [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Add a discrete commit_entity() provider function within the
mod_cache provider interface which is called to indicate to the
provider that caching is complete, giving the provider the opportunity
to commit temporary files permanently to the cache in an atomic
fashion. Replace the inconsistent use of error cleanups with a formal
set of pool cleanups attached to a subpool, which is destroyed on error.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Change the signature of the store_body() provider function
within the mod_cache provider interface to support an "in" brigade
and an "out" brigade instead of just a single input brigade. This
gives a cache provider the option to consume only part of the brigade
passed to it, rather than the whole brigade as was required before.
This fixes an out of memory and a request timeout condition that would
occur when the original document was a large file. Introduce
CacheReadSize and CacheReadTime directives to mod_disk_cache to control
the amount of data to attempt to cache at a time. [Graham Leggett]
*) core: Add ErrorLogFormat to allow configuring error log format, including
additional information that is logged once per connection or request. Add
error log IDs for connections and request to allow correlating error log
lines and the corresponding access log entry. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Disable sendfile by default. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache: Check the request to determine whether we are allowed
to return cached content at all, and respect a "Cache-Control:
no-cache" header from a client. Previously, "no-cache" would
behave like "max-age=0". [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cache: Use a proper filter context to hold filter data instead
of misusing the per-request configuration. Fixes a segfault on trunk
when the normal handler is used. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_cgid: Log a warning if the ScriptSock path is truncated because
it is too long. PR 49388. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) vhosts: Do not allow _default_ in NameVirtualHost, or mixing *
and non-* ports on NameVirtualHost, or multiple NameVirtualHost
directives for the same address:port, or NameVirtualHost
directives with no matching VirtualHosts, or multiple ip-based
VirtualHost sections for the same address:port. These were
previously accepted with a warning, but the behavior was
undefined. [Dan Poirier]
*) mod_remoteip: Fix a segfault when using mod_remoteip in conjunction with
Allow/Deny. PR 49838. [Andrew Skalski <voltara>]
*) core: DirectoryMatch can now match on the end of line character ($),
and sub-directories of matched directories are no longer implicitly
matched. PR49809 [Eric Covener]
*) Regexps: introduce new higher-level regexp utility including parsing
and executing perl-style regexp ops (e.g s/foo/bar/i) and regexp memory
[Nick Kew]
*) Proxy: support setting source address. PR 29404
[Multiple contributors iterating through bugzilla,
Aron Ujvari <xanco>, Aleksey Midenkov <asm>,
<dan; trunk version Nick Kew]
*) HTTP protocol: return 400 not 503 if we have to abort due to malformed
chunked encoding. [Nick Kew]
Changes with Apache 2.3.8
*) suexec: Support large log files. PR 45856. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Abort with sensible error message if no or more than one MPM is
loaded. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy: Rename erroronstatus to failonstatus.
[Daniel Ruggeri <DRuggeri>]
*) mod_dav_fs: Fix broken "creationdate" property.
Regression in version 2.3.7. [Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.3.7
*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-1452 (
mod_dav, mod_cache, mod_session: Fix Handling of requests without a path
segment. PR 49246 [Mark Drayton, Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ldap: Properly check the result returned by apr_ldap_init. PR 46076.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Log errors if rewrite map files cannot be opened. PR 49639.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_http: Support the 'ping' property for backend HTTP/1.1 servers
via leveraging 100-Continue as the initial "request".
[Jim Jagielski]
*) core/mod_authz_core: Introduce new access_checker_ex hook that enables
mod_authz_core to bypass authentication if access should be allowed by
IP address/env var/... [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Introduce note_auth_failure hook to allow modules to add support
for additional auth types. This makes ap_note_auth_failure() work with
mod_auth_digest again. PR 48807. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) socache modules: return APR_NOTFOUND when a lookup is not found [Nick Kew]
*) mod_authn_socache: new module [Nick Kew]
*) configure: Add reallyall option for --enable-mods-shared. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) Fix Windows build when using VC6. [Gregg L. Smith <lists glewis com>]
*) mod_rewrite: Allow to set environment variables without explicitly
giving a value. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_rewrite: Remove superfluous EOL from rewrite logging. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_include: recognise "text/html; parameters" as text/html
PR 49616 [Andrey Chernov <ache>]
*) CGI vars: allow PATH to be set by SetEnv, consistent with LD_LIBRARY_PATH
PR 43906 [Nick Kew]
*) Core: Extra robustness: don't try authz and segfault if authn
fails to set r->user. Log bug and return 500 instead.
PR 42995 [Nick Kew]
*) HTTP protocol filter: fix handling of longer chunk extensions
PR 49474 [<tee.bee>]
*) Update SSL cipher suite and add example for SSLHonorCipherOrder.
[Lars Eilebrecht, Rainer Jung]
*) move AddOutputFilterByType from core to mod_filter. This should
fix nasty side-effects that happen when content_type is set
more than once in processing a request, and make it fully
compatible with dynamic and proxied contents. [Nick Kew]
*) mod_log_config: Implement logging for sub second timestamps and
request end time. [Rainer Jung]
Changes with Apache 2.3.6
*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (
mod_ssl: Comprehensive fix of the TLS renegotiation prefix injection
attack when compiled against OpenSSL version 0.9.8m or later. Introduces
the 'SSLInsecureRenegotiation' directive to reopen this vulnerability
and offer unsafe legacy renegotiation with clients which do not yet
support the new secure renegotiation protocol, RFC 5746.
[Joe Orton, and with thanks to the OpenSSL Team]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (
mod_ssl: A partial fix for the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack
by rejecting any client-initiated renegotiations. Forcibly disable
keepalive for the connection if there is any buffered data readable. Any
configuration which requires renegotiation for per-directory/location
access control is still vulnerable, unless using OpenSSL >= 0.9.8l.
[Joe Orton, Ruediger Pluem, Hartmut Keil <Hartmut.Keil>]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-0408 (
mod_proxy_ajp: Respond with HTTP_BAD_REQUEST when the body is not sent
when request headers indicate a request body is incoming; not a case of
HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. [Niku Toivola <niku.toivola>]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-0425 (
mod_isapi: Do not unload an isapi .dll module until the request
processing is completed, avoiding orphaned callback pointers.
[Brett Gervasoni <brettg>, Jeff Trawick]
*) core: Filter init functions are now run strictly once per request
before handler invocation. The init functions are no longer run
for connection filters. PR 49328. [Joe Orton]
*) core: Adjust the output filter chain correctly in an internal
redirect from a subrequest, preserving filters from the main
request as necessary. PR 17629. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_cache: Explicitly allow cache implementations to cache a 206 Partial
Response if they so choose to do so. Previously an attempt to cache a 206
was arbitrarily allowed if the response contained an Expires or
Cache-Control header, and arbitrarily denied if both headers were missing.
[Graham Leggett]
*) core: Add microsecond timestamp fractions, process id and thread id
to the error log. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: The "most" module set gets build by default. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Building dynamic modules (DSO) by default. [Rainer Jung]
*) configure: Fix broken VPATH build when using included APR.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_session_crypto: Fix configure problem when building
with APR 2 and for VPATH builds with included APR.
[Rainer Jung]
*) mod_session_crypto: API compatibility with APR 2 crypto and
APR Util 1.x crypto. [Rainer Jung]
*) ab: Fix memory leak with -v2 and SSL. PR 49383.
[Pavel Kankovsky <peak argo troja mff cuni cz>]
*) core: Add per-module and per-directory loglevel configuration.
Add some more trace logging.
mod_rewrite: Replace RewriteLog/RewriteLogLevel with trace log levels.
mod_ssl: Replace LogLevelDebugDump with trace log levels.
mod_ssl/mod_proxy*: Adjust loglevels to be less verbose at levels info
and debug.
mod_dumpio: Replace DumpIOLogLevel with trace log levels.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ldap: LDAP caching was suppressed (and ldap-status handler returns
title page only) when any mod_ldap directives were used in VirtualHost
context. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_disk_cache: Decline the opportunity to cache if the response is
a 206 Partial Content. This stops a reverse proxied partial response
from becoming cached, and then being served in subsequent responses.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_deflate: avoid the risk of forwarding data before headers are set.
PR 49369 [Matthew Steele <mdsteele>]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Ensure nested groups are checked when the
top-level group doesn't have any direct non-group members
of attributes in AuthLDAPGroupAttribute. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Search or Comparison during authorization phase
can use the credentials from the authentication phase
PR 48340 [Domenico Rotiroti, Eric Covener]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Allow the initial DN search during authentication
to use the HTTP username/pass instead of an anonymous or hard-coded
LDAP id (AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser, AuthLDAPInitialBindPattern).
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Publish requested LDAP data with an AUTHORIZE_ prefix
when this module is used for authorization. See AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix.
PR 45584 [Eric Covener]
*) apxs -q: Stop filtering out ':' characters from the reported values.
PR 45343. [Bill Cole]
*) prefork MPM: Work around possible crashes on child exit in APR reslist
cleanup code. PR 43857. [Tom Donovan]
*) ab: fix number of requests sent by ab when keepalive is enabled. PR 48497.
[Bryn Dole <dole>]
*) Log an error for failures to read a chunk-size, and return 408 instead of
413 when this is due to a read timeout. This change also fixes some cases
of two error documents being sent in the response for the same scenario.
[Eric Covener] PR49167
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Add new directive BalancerNonce to allow admin
to control/set the nonce used in the balancer-manager application.
[Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_connect: Support port ranges in AllowConnect. PR 23673.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) Proxy balancer: support setting error status according to HTTP response
code from a backend. PR 48939. [Daniel Ruggeri <DRuggeri>]
*) htcacheclean: Introduce the ability to clean specific URLs from the
cache, if provided as an optional parameter on the command line.
[Graham Leggett]
*) core: Introduce the IncludeStrict directive, which explicitly fails
server startup if no files or directories match a wildcard path.
[Graham Leggett]
*) htcacheclean: Report additional statistics about entries deleted.
PR 48944. [Mark Drayton mark]
*) Introduce SSLFIPS directive to support OpenSSL FIPS_mode; permits all
builds of mod_ssl to use 'SSLFIPS off' for portability, but the proper
build of openssl is required for 'SSLFIPS on'. PR 46270.
[Dr Stephen Henson <steve>, William Rowe]
*) mod_proxy_http: Log the port of the remote server in various messages.
PR 48812. [Igor Galić <i galic brainsware org>]
*) mod_reqtimeout: Do not wrongly enforce timeouts for mod_proxy's backend
connections and other protocol handlers (like mod_ftp). [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Really regard the operation a success, when the client
aborted the connection. In addition adjust the log message if the client
aborted the connection. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_ssl: Add the 'SSLInsecureRenegotiation' directive, which
allows insecure renegotiation with clients which do not yet
support the secure renegotiation protocol. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_ssl: Fix a potential I/O hang if a long list of trusted CAs
is configured for client cert auth. PR 46952. [Joe Orton]
*) core: Only log a 408 if it is no keepalive timeout. PR 39785
[Ruediger Pluem, Mark Montague <markmont>]
*) support/rotatelogs: Add -L option to create a link to the current
log file. PR 48761 [<lyndon>, Dan Poirier]
*) mod_ldap: Update LDAPTrustedClientCert to consistently be a per-directory
setting only, matching most of the documentation and examples.
PR 46541 [Paul Reder, Eric Covener]
*) mod_ldap: LDAPTrustedClientCert now accepts CA_DER/CA_BASE64 argument
types previously allowed only in LDAPTrustedGlobalCert. [Eric Covener]
*) mod_negotiation: Preserve query string over multiviews negotiation.
This buglet was fixed for type maps in 2.2.6, but the same issue
affected multiviews and was overlooked.
PR 33112 [Joergen Thomsen <apache>]
*) mod_ldap: Eliminate a potential crash with multiple LDAPTrustedClientCert
when some are not password-protected. [Eric Covener]
*) Fix startup segfault when the Mutex directive is used but no loaded
modules use httpd mutexes. PR 48787. [Jeff Trawick]
*) Proxy: get the headers right in a HEAD request with
ProxyErrorOverride, by checking for an overridden error
before not after going into a catch-all code path.
PR 41646. [Nick Kew, Stuart Children]
*) support/rotatelogs: Support the simplest log rotation case, log
truncation. Useful when the log is being processed in real time
using a command like tail. [Graham Leggett]
*) support/htcacheclean: Teach it how to write a pid file (modelled on
httpd's writing of a pid file) so that it becomes possible to run
more than one instance of htcacheclean on the same machine.
[Graham Leggett]
*) Log command line on startup, so there's a record of command line
arguments like -f. PR 48752. [Dan Poirier]
*) Introduce mod_reflector, a handler capable of reflecting POSTed
request bodies back within the response through the output filter
stack. Can be used to turn an output filter into a web service.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_proxy_http: Make sure that when an ErrorDocument is served
from a reverse proxied URL, that the subrequest respects the status
of the original request. This brings the behaviour of proxy_handler
in line with default_handler. PR 47106. [Graham Leggett]
*) Support wildcards in both the directory and file components of
the path specified by the Include directive. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http: Support remote https proxies
by using HTTP CONNECT. PR 19188.
[Philippe Dutrueux <lilas>, Rainer Jung]
*) apxs: Fix -A and -a options to ignore whitespace in httpd.conf
[Philip M. Gollucci]
*) worker: Don't report server has reached MaxClients until it has.
Add message when server gets within MinSpareThreads of MaxClients.
PR 46996. [Dan Poirier]
*) mod_session: Session expiry was being initialised, but not updated
on each session save, resulting in timed out sessions when there
should not have been. Fixed. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_log_config: Add the R option to log the handler used within the
request. [Christian Folini <christian.folini netnea com>]
*) mod_include: Allow fine control over the removal of Last-Modified and
ETag headers within the INCLUDES filter, making it possible to cache
responses if desired. Fix the default value of the SSIAccessEnable
directive. [Graham Leggett]
*) Add new UnDefine directive to undefine a variable. PR 35350.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) Make ap_pregsub(), used by AliasMatch and friends, use the same syntax
for regex backreferences as mod_rewrite and mod_include: Remove the use
of '&' as an alias for '$0' and allow to escape any character with a
backslash. PR 48351. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: If AuthLDAPCharsetConfig is set, also convert the
password to UTF-8. PR 45318.
[Johannes Müller <joh_m>, Stefan Fritsch]
*) ab: Fix calculation of requests per second in HTML output. PR 48594.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Failures to map a username to a DN, or to check a user
password now result in an informational level log entry instead of
warning level. [Eric Covener]
Changes with Apache 2.3.5
*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-0434 (
Ensure each subrequest has a shallow copy of headers_in so that the
parent request headers are not corrupted. Eliminates a problematic
optimization in the case of no request body. PR 48359
[Jake Scott, William Rowe, Ruediger Pluem]
*) Turn static function get_server_name_for_url() into public
ap_get_server_name_for_url() and use it where appropriate. This
fixes mod_rewrite generating invalid URLs for redirects to IPv6
literal addresses. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ldap: Introduce new config option LDAPTimeout to set the timeout
for LDAP operations like bind and search. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_proxy, mod_proxy_ftp: Move ProxyFtpDirCharset from mod_proxy to
mod_proxy_ftp. [Takashi Sato]
*) mod_proxy, mod_proxy_connect: Move AllowCONNECT from mod_proxy to
mod_proxy_connect. [Takashi Sato]
*) mod_cache: Do an exact match of the keys defined by
CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers against the querystring instead of
a partial match. PR 48401.
[Dodou Wang <wangdong.08>, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Fix crash in balancer-manager. [Rainer Jung]
*) Core HTTP: disable keepalive when the Client has sent
Expect: 100-continue
but we respond directly with a non-100 response.
Keepalive here led to data from clients continuing being treated as
a new request.
PR 47087 [Nick Kew]
*) Core: reject NULLs in request line or request headers.
PR 43039 [Nick Kew]
*) Core: (re)-introduce -T commandline option to suppress documentroot
check at startup.
PR 41887 [Jan van den Berg <janvdberg>]
*) mod_autoindex: support XHTML as equivalent to HTML in IndexOptions,
ScanHTMLTitles, ReadmeName, HeaderName
PR 48416 [Dmitry Bakshaev <dab18>, Nick Kew]
*) Proxy: Fix ProxyPassReverse with relative URL
Derived (slightly erroneously) from PR 38864 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_headers: align Header Edit with Header Set when used on Content-Type
PR 48422 [Cyril Bonté <cyril.bonte>, Nick Kew>]
*) mod_headers: Enable multi-match-and-replace edit option
PR 46594 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_filter: enable it to act on non-200 responses.
PR 48377 [Nick Kew]
Changes with Apache 2.3.4
*) Replace AcceptMutex, LockFile, RewriteLock, SSLMutex, SSLStaplingMutex,
and WatchdogMutexPath with a single Mutex directive. Add APIs to
simplify setup and user customization of APR proc and global mutexes.
(See util_mutex.h.) Build-time setting DEFAULT_LOCKFILE is no longer
respected; set DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR instead. [Jeff Trawick]
*) http_core: KeepAlive no longer accepts other than On|Off.
[Takashi Sato]
*) mod_dav: Remove errno from dav_error interface. Calls to dav_new_error()
and dav_new_error_tag() must be adjusted to add an apr_status_t parameter.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Add AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative to allow Authentication to
try other providers in the case of an LDAP bind failure.
PR 46608 [Justin Erenkrantz, Joe Schaefer, Tony Stevenson]
*) Build: fix --with-module to work as documented
PR 43881 [Gez Saunders <gez.saunders>]
Changes with Apache 2.3.3
*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3095 (
mod_proxy_ftp: sanity check authn credentials.
[Stefan Fritsch <sf>, Joe Orton]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3094 (
mod_proxy_ftp: NULL pointer dereference on error paths.
[Stefan Fritsch <sf>, Joe Orton]
*) mod_ssl: enable support for ECC keys and ECDH ciphers. Tested against
OpenSSL 1.0.0b3. [Vipul Gupta <vipul.gupta>, Sander Temme]
*) mod_dav: Include uri when logging a PUT error due to connection abort.
PR 38149. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dav: Return 409 instead of 500 for a LOCK request if the parent
resource does not exist or is not a collection. PR 43465. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dav_fs: Return 409 instead of 500 for Litmus test case copy_nodestcoll
(a COPY request where the parent of the destination resource does not
exist). PR 39299. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dav_fs: Don't delete the whole file if a PUT with content-range failed.
PR 42896. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dav_fs: Make PUT create files atomically and no longer destroy the
old file if the transfer aborted. PR 39815. [Paul Querna, Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_dav_fs: Remove inode keyed locking as this conflicts with atomically
creating files. On systems with inode numbers, this is a format change of
the DavLockDB. The old DavLockDB must be deleted on upgrade.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_log_config: Make ${cookie}C correctly match whole cookie names
instead of substrings. PR 28037. [Dan Franklin <dan>,
Stefan Fritsch]
*) vhost: A purely-numeric Host: header should not be treated as a port.
PR 44979 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_ldap: Avoid 500 errors with "Unable to set LDAP_OPT_REFHOPLIMIT option to 5"
when built against openldap by using SDK LDAP_OPT_REFHOPLIMIT defaults unless
LDAPReferralHopLimit is explicitly configured.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_charset_lite: Honor 'CharsetOptions NoImplicitAdd'.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for OCSP Stapling. PR 43822.
[Dr Stephen Henson <shenson>]
*) mod_socache_shmcb: Allow parens in file name if cache size is given.
Fixes SSLSessionCache directive mis-parsing parens in pathname.
PR 47945. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) htpasswd: Improve out of disk space handling. PR 30877. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) htpasswd: Use MD5 hash by default on all platforms. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_sed: Reduce memory consumption when processing very long lines.
PR 48024 [Basant Kumar Kukreja <basant.kukreja>]
*) ab: Fix segfault in case the argument for -n is a very large number.
PR 47178. [Philipp Hagemeister <oss>]
*) Allow ProxyPreserveHost to work in <Proxy> sections. PR 34901.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) configure: Fix THREADED_MPMS so that mod_cgid is enabled again
for worker MPM. [Takashi Sato]
*) mod_dav: Provide a mechanism to obtain the request_rec and pathname
from the dav_resource. [Jari Urpalainen <jari.urpalainen>,
Brian France <brian>]
*) Build: Use install instead of cp if available on installing
modules to avoid segmentation fault. PR 47951. [hirose31]
*) mod_cache: correctly consider s-maxage in cacheability
decisions. [Dan Poirier]
*) mod_logio/core: Report more accurate byte counts in mod_status if
mod_logio is loaded. PR 25656. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_ldap: If LDAPSharedCacheSize is too small, try harder to purge
some cache entries and log a warning. Also increase the default
LDAPSharedCacheSize to 500000. This is a more realistic size suitable
for the default values of 1024 for LdapCacheEntries/LdapOpCacheEntries.
PR 46749. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_rewrite: Make sure that a hostname:port isn't fully qualified if
the request is a CONNECT request. [Bill Zajac <billz>]
*) mod_cache: Teach CacheEnable and CacheDisable to work from within a
Location section, in line with how ProxyPass works. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_reqtimeout: New module to set timeouts and minimum data rates for
receiving requests from the client. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) core: Fix potential memory leaks by making sure to not destroy
bucket brigades that have been created by earlier filters.
[Stefan Fritsch]
*) core, mod_deflate, mod_sed: Reduce memory usage by reusing bucket
brigades in several places. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache: Fix uri_meets_conditions() so that CacheEnable will
match by scheme, or by a wildcarded hostname. PR 40169
[Peter Grandi <pg_asf>, Graham Leggett]
*) suxec: Allow to log an error if exec fails by setting FD_CLOEXEC
on the log file instead of closing it. PR 10744. [Nicolas Rachinsky]
*) mod_mime: Make RemoveType override the info from TypesConfig.
PR 38330. [Stefan Fritsch]
*) mod_cache: Introduce the option to run the cache from within the
normal request handler, and to allow fine grained control over
where in the filter chain content is cached. Adds CacheQuickHandler
directive. [Graham Leggett]
*) core: Treat timeout reading request as 408 error, not 400.
Log 408 errors in access log as was done in Apache 1.3.x.
PR 39785 [Nobutaka Mantani <nobutaka>,
Stefan Fritsch <sf>, Dan Poirier]
*) mod_ssl: Reintroduce SSL_CLIENT_S_DN, SSL_CLIENT_I_DN, SSL_SERVER_S_DN,
SSL_SERVER_I_DN back to the environment variables to be set by mod_ssl.
[Peter Sylvester <peter.sylvester>]
*) mod_disk_cache: don't cache incomplete responses, per RFC 2616, 13.8.
PR15866. [Dan Poirier]
*) ab: ab segfaults in verbose mode on https sites
PR46393. [Ryan Niebur]
*) mod_dav: Allow other modules to become providers and add resource types
to the DAV response. [Jari Urpalainen <jari.urpalainen>,
Brian France <brian>]
*) mod_dav: Allow other modules to add things to the DAV or Allow headers
of an OPTIONS request. [Jari Urpalainen <jari.urpalainen>,
Brian France <brian>]
*) core: Lower memory usage of core output filter.
[Stefan Fritsch <sf>]
*) mod_mime: Detect invalid use of MultiviewsMatch inside Location and
LocationMatch sections. PR47754. [Dan Poirier]
*) mod_request: Make sure the KeptBodySize directive rejects values
that aren't valid numbers. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_crypto: Sanity check should the potentially encrypted
session cookie be too short. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session.c: Prevent a segfault when session is added but not
configured. [Graham Leggett]
*) htcacheclean: 19 ways to fail, 1 error message. Fixed. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_digest: Fail server start when nonce count checking
is configured without shared memory, or md5-sess algorithm is
configured. [Dan Poirier]
*) mod_proxy_connect: The connect method doesn't work if the client is
connecting to the apache proxy through an ssl socket. Fixed.
PR29744. [Brad Boyer, Mark Cave-Ayland, Julian Gilbey, Fabrice Durand,
David Gence, Tim Dodge, Per Gunnar Hans, Emmanuel Elango,
Kevin Croft, Rudolf Cardinal]
*) mod_ssl: The error message when SSLCertificateFile is missing should
at least give the name or position of the problematic virtual host
definition. [Stefan Fritsch sf]
*) mod_auth_digest: Fix null pointer when qop=none. [Dan Poirier]
*) Add support for HTTP PUT to ab. [Jeff Barnes <jbarnesweb>]
*) mod_headers: generalise the envclause to support expression
evaluation with ap_expr parser [Nick Kew]
*) mod_cache: Introduce the thundering herd lock, a mechanism to keep
the flood of requests at bay that strike a backend webserver as
a cached entity goes stale. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_digest: Fix usage of shared memory and re-enable it.
PR 16057 [Dan Poirier]
*) Preserve Port information over internal redirects
PR 35999 [Jonas Ringh <jonas.ringh>]
*) Proxy: unable to connect to a backend is SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
rather than BAD_GATEWAY or (especially) NOT_FOUND.
PR 46971 [evanc]
*) Various modules: Do better checking of pollset operations in order to
avoid segmentation faults if they fail. PR 46467
[Stefan Fritsch <sf>]
*) mod_autoindex: Correctly create an empty cell if the description
for a file is missing. PR 47682 [Peter Poeml <poeml>]
*) ab: Fix broken error messages after resolver or connect() failures.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-1890 (
Fix a potential Denial-of-Service attack against mod_proxy in a
reverse proxy configuration, where a remote attacker can force a
proxy process to consume CPU time indefinitely. [Nick Kew, Joe Orton]
*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-1191 (
mod_proxy_ajp: Avoid delivering content from a previous request which
failed to send a request body. PR 46949 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) htdbm: Fix possible buffer overflow if dbm database has very
long values. PR 30586 [Dan Poirier]
*) core: Return APR_EOF if request body is shorter than the length announced
by the client. PR 33098 [ Stefan Fritsch <sf>]
*) mod_suexec: correctly set suexec_enabled when httpd is run by a
non-root user and may have insufficient permissions.
PR 42175 [Jim Radford <radford>]
*) mod_ssl: Fix SSL_*_DN_UID variables to use the 'userID' attribute
type. PR 45107. [Michael Ströder <michael>,
Peter Sylvester <peter.sylvester>]
*) mod_proxy_http: fix case sensitivity checking transfer encoding
PR 47383 [Ryuzo Yamamoto <ryuzo.yamamoto>]
*) mod_alias: ensure Redirect issues a valid URL.
PR 44020 [Håkon Stordahl <hakon>]
*) mod_dir: add FallbackResource directive, to enable admin to specify
an action to happen when a URL maps to no file, without resorting
to ErrorDocument or mod_rewrite. PR 47184 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_cgid: Do not leak the listening Unix socket file descriptor to the
CGI process. PR 47335 [Kornél Pál <kornelpal>]
*) mod_rewrite: Remove locking for writing to the rewritelog.
PR 46942 [Dan Poirier <poirier>]
*) mod_alias: check sanity in Redirect arguments.
PR 44729 [Sönke Tesch <st>, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_proxy_http: fix Host: header for literal IPv6 addresses.
PR 47177 [Carlos Garcia Braschi <cgbraschi>]
*) mod_cache: Add CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers directive to ignore
defined session identifiers encoded in the URL when caching.
[Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_rewrite: Fix the error string returned by RewriteRule.
RewriteRule returned "RewriteCond: bad flag delimiters" when the 3rd
argument of RewriteRule was not started with "[" or not ended with "]".
PR 45082 [Vitaly Polonetsky <m_vitaly>]
*) Windows: Fix usage message.
[Rainer Jung]
*) apachectl: When passing through arguments to httpd in
non-SysV mode, use the "$@" syntax to preserve arguments.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_dbd: add DBDInitSQL directive to enable SQL statements to
be run when a connection is opened. PR 46827
[Marko Kevac <mkevac>]
*) mod_cgid: Improve handling of long AF_UNIX socket names (ScriptSock).
PR 47037. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Check more strictly that the backend follows the AJP
protocol. [Mladen Turk]
*) mod_proxy_ajp: Forward remote port information by default.
[Rainer Jung]
*) Allow MPMs to be loaded dynamically, as with most other modules. Use
--enable-mpms-shared={list|"all"} to enable. This required changes to
the MPM interfaces. Removed: mpm.h, mpm_default.h (as an installed
header), APACHE_MPM_DIR, MPM_NAME, ap_threads_per_child,
ap_max_daemons_limit, ap_my_generation, etc. ap_mpm_query() can't be
called until after the register-hooks phase. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_ssl: Add SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire and SSLProxyCheckPeerCN directives
to enable stricter checking of remote server certificates.
[Ruediger Pluem]
*) ab: Fix a 100% CPU loop on platforms where a failed non-blocking connect
returns EINPROGRESS and a subsequent poll() returns only POLLERR.
Observed on HP-UX. [Eric Covener]
*) Remove broken support for BeOS, TPF, and even older platforms such
as A/UX, Next, and Tandem. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_ftp: Add ProxyFtpListOnWildcard directive to allow files with
globbing characters to be retrieved instead of converted into a
directory listing. PR 46789 [Dan Poirier <poirier>]
*) Provide ap_retained_data_create()/ap_retained_data_get() for preservation
of module state across unload/load. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_substitute: Fix a memory leak. PR 44948
[Dan Poirier <poirier>]
Changes with Apache 2.3.2
*) mod_mime_magic: Fix detection of compressed content. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_negotiation: Escape paths of filenames in 406 responses to avoid
HTML injections and HTTP response splitting. PR 46837.
[Geoff Keating <geoffk>]
*) mod_ssl: add support for type-safe STACK constructs in OpenSSL
development HEAD. PR 45521. [Kaspar Brand, Sander Temme]
*) ab: Fix maintenance of the pollset to resolve EALREADY errors
with kqueue (BSD/OS X) and excessive CPU with event ports (Solaris).
PR 44584. Use APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY for better performance with some
pollset implementations. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_disk_cache: The module now turns off sendfile support if
'EnableSendfile off' is defined globally. [Lars Eilebrecht]
*) mod_deflate: Adjust content metadata before bailing out on 304
responses so that the metadata does not differ from 200 response.
[Roy T. Fielding]
*) mod_deflate: Fix creation of invalid Etag headers. We now make sure
that the Etag value is properly quoted when adding the gzip marker.
PR 39727, 45023. [Lars Eilebrecht, Roy T. Fielding]
*) Added 20x22 icons for ODF, SVG, and XML documents. PR 37185.
[Peter Harlow]
*) Disabled DefaultType directive and removed ap_default_type()
from core. We now exclude Content-Type from responses for which
a media type has not been configured via mime.types, AddType,
ForceType, or some other mechanism. PR 13986. [Roy T. Fielding]
*) mod_rewrite: Add IPV6 variable to RewriteCond
[Ryan Phillips <ryan-apache>]
*) core: Enhance KeepAliveTimeout to support a value in milliseconds.
PR 46275. [Takashi Sato]
*) rotatelogs: Allow size units B, K, M, G and combination of
time and size based rotation. [Rainer Jung]
*) rotatelogs: Add flag for verbose (debug) output. [Rainer Jung]
*) mod_ssl: Fix merging of SSLRenegBufferSize directive. PR 46508
*) core: Translate the the status line to ASCII on EBCDIC platforms in
ap_send_interim_response() and for locally generated "100 Continue"
responses. [Eric Covener]
*) prefork: Fix child process hang during graceful restart/stop in
configurations with multiple listening sockets. PR 42829. [Joe Orton,
Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_session_crypto: Ensure that SessionCryptoDriver can only be
set in the global scope. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ext_filter: We need to detect failure to startup the filter
program (a mangled response is not acceptable). Fix to detect
failure, and offer configuration option either to abort or
to remove the filter and continue.
PR 41120 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_session_crypto: Rewrite the session_crypto module against the
apr_crypto API. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_form: Fix a pool lifetime issue, don't remove the subrequest
until the main request is cleaned up. [Graham Leggett]
Changes with Apache 2.3.1
*) ap_slotmem: Add in new slot-based memory access API impl., including
2 providers (mod_sharedmem and mod_plainmem) [Jim Jagielski,
Jean-Frederic Clere, Brian Akins <brian.akins>]
*) mod_include: support generating non-ASCII characters as entities in SSI
PR 25202 [Nick Kew]
*) core/utils: Enhance ap_escape_html API to support escaping non-ASCII chars
PR 25202 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_rewrite: fix "B" flag breakage by reverting r5589343
PR 45529 [Bob Ionescu <bobsiegen>]
*) CGI: return 504 (Gateway timeout) rather than 500 when a script
times out before returning status line/headers.
PR 42190 [Nick Kew]
*) mod_cgid: fix segfault problem on solaris.
PR 39332 [Masaoki Kobayashi <masaoki>]
*) mod_proxy_scgi: Added. [André Malo]
*) mod_cache: Introduce 'no-cache' per-request environment variable
to prevent the saving of an otherwise cacheable response.
[Eric Covener]
*) mod_rewrite: Introduce DiscardPathInfo|DPI flag to stop the troublesome
way that per-directory rewrites append the previous notion of PATH_INFO
to each substitution before evaluating subsequent rules.
PR 38642 [Eric Covener]
*) mod_cgid: Do not add an empty argument when calling the CGI script.
PR 46380 [Ruediger Pluem]
*) scoreboard: Remove unused sb_type from process_score.
[Torsten Foertsch <torsten.foertsch>, Chris Darroch]
*) mod_ssl: Add SSLRenegBufferSize directive to allow changing the
size of the buffer used for the request-body where necessary
during a per-dir renegotiation. PR 39243. [Joe Orton]
*) mod_proxy_fdpass: New module to pass a client connection over to a separate
process that is reading from a unix daemon socket.
*) mod_ssl: Improve environment variable extraction to be more
efficient and to correctly handle DNs with duplicate tags.
PR 45975. [Joe Orton]
*) Remove the obsolete serial attribute from the RPM spec file. Compile
against the external pcre. Add missing binaries fcgistarter, and
mod_socache* and mod_session*. [Graham Leggett]
Changes with Apache 2.3.0
*) mod_ratelimit: New module to do bandwidth rate limiting. [Paul Querna]
*) Remove X-Pad header which was added as a work around to a bug in
Netscape 2.x to 4.0b2. [Takashi Sato <takashi>]
*) Add DTrace Statically Defined Tracing (SDT) probes.
[Theo Schlossnagle <jesus>, Paul Querna]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Move all load balancing implementations
as individual, self-contained mod_proxy submodules under
modules/proxy/balancers [Jim Jagielski]
*) Rename APIs to include ap_ prefix:
find_child_by_pid -> ap_find_child_by_pid
suck_in_APR -> ap_suck_in_APR
sys_privileges_handlers -> ap_sys_privileges_handlers
unixd_accept -> ap_unixd_accept
unixd_config -> ap_unixd_config
unixd_killpg -> ap_unixd_killpg
unixd_set_global_mutex_perms -> ap_unixd_set_global_mutex_perms
unixd_set_proc_mutex_perms -> ap_unixd_set_proc_mutex_perms
unixd_set_rlimit -> ap_unixd_set_rlimit
[Paul Querna]
*) mod_lbmethod_heartbeat: New module to load balance mod_proxy workers
based on heartbeats. [Paul Querna]
*) mod_heartmonitor: New module to collect heartbeats, and write out a file
so that other modules can load balance traffic as needed. [Paul Querna]
*) mod_heartbeat: New module to generate multicast heartbeats to know if a
server is online. [Paul Querna]
*) mod_buffer: Honour the flush bucket and flush the buffer in the
input filter. Make sure that metadata buckets are written to
the buffer, not to the final brigade. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_buffer: Optimise the buffering of heap buckets when the heap
buckets stay exactly APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE long. [Graham Leggett,
Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_buffer: Optional support for buffering of the input and output
filter stacks. Can collapse many small buckets into fewer larger
buckets, and prevents excessively small chunks being sent over
the wire. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_privileges: new module to make httpd on Solaris privileges-aware
and to enable different virtualhosts to run with different
privileges and Unix user/group IDs [Nick Kew]
*) mod_mem_cache: this module has been removed. [William Rowe]
*) authn/z: Remove mod_authn_default and mod_authz_default.
[Chris Darroch]
*) authz: Fix handling of authz configurations, make default authz
logic replicate 2.2.x authz logic, and replace <Satisfy*>, Reject,
and AuthzMergeRules directives with Match, <Match*>, and AuthzMerge
directives. [Chris Darroch]
*) mod_authn_core: Prevent crash when provider alias created to
provider which is not yet registered. [Chris Darroch]
*) mod_authn_core: Add AuthType of None to support disabling
authentication. [Chris Darroch]
*) core: Allow <Limit> and <LimitExcept> directives to nest, and
constrain their use to conform with that of other access control
and authorization directives. [Chris Darroch]
*) unixd: turn existing code into a module, and turn the set user/group
and chroot into a child_init function. [Nick Kew]
*) mod_dir: Support "DirectoryIndex disabled"
Suggested By André Warnier <aw> [Eric Covener]
*) mod_ssl: Send Content-Type application/ocsp-request for POST requests to
OSCP responders. PR 46014 [Dr Stephen Henson <steve>]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: don't return NULL-valued environment variables to
other modules. PR 39045 [Francois Pesce <francois.pesce>]
*) Don't adjust case in pathname components that are not of interest
to mod_mime. Fixes mod_negotiation's use of such components.
PR 43250 [Basant Kumar Kukreja <basant.kukreja>]
*) Be tolerant in what you accept - accept slightly broken
status lines from a backend provided they include a valid status code.
PR 44995 [Rainer Jung <rainer.jung>]
*) New module mod_sed: filter Request/Response bodies through sed
[Basant Kumar Kukreja <basant.kukreja>]
*) mod_auth_form: Make sure that basic authentication is correctly
faked directly after login. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_cookie, mod_session_dbd: Make sure cookies are set both
within the output headers and error output headers, so that the
session is maintained across redirects. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_form: Make sure the logged in user is populated correctly
after a form login. Fixes a missing REMOTE_USER variable directly
following a login. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_cookie: Make sure that cookie attributes are correctly
included in the blank cookie when cookies are removed. This fixes an
inability to log out when using mod_auth_form. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session: Prevent a segfault when a CGI script sets a cookie with a
null value. [David Shane Holden <dpejesh>]
*) core, authn/z: Determine registered authn/z providers directly in
ap_setup_auth_internal(), which allows optional functions that just
wrapped ap_list_provider_names() to be removed from authn/z modules.
[Chris Darroch]
*) authn/z: Convert common provider version strings to macros.
[Chris Darroch]
*) core: When testing for slash-terminated configuration paths in
ap_location_walk(), don't look past the start of an empty string
such as that created by a <Location ""> directive.
[Chris Darroch]
*) core, mod_proxy: If a kept_body is present, it becomes safe for
subrequests to support message bodies. Make sure that safety
checks within the core and within the proxy are not triggered
when kept_body is present. This makes it possible to embed
proxied POST requests within mod_include. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_form: Make sure the input filter stack is properly set
up before reading the login form. Make sure the kept body filter
is correctly inserted to ensure the body can be read a second
time safely should the authn be successful. [Graham Leggett,
Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_request: Insert the KEPT_BODY filter via the insert_filter
hook instead of during fixups. Add a safety check to ensure the
filters cannot be inserted more than once. [Graham Leggett,
Ruediger Pluem]
*) ap_cache_cacheable_headers_out() will (now) always
merge an error headers _before_ clearing them and _before_
merging in the actual entity headers and doing normal
hop-by-hop cleansing. [Dirk-Willem van Gulik].
*) cache: retire ap_cache_cacheable_hdrs_out() which was used
for both in- and out-put headers; and replace it by a single
ap_cache_cacheable_headers() wrapped in a in- and out-put
specific ap_cache_cacheable_headers_in()/out(). The latter
which will also merge error and ensure content-type. To keep
cache modules consistent with ease. This API change bumps
up the minor MM by one [Dirk-Willem van Gulik].
*) Move the KeptBodySize directive, kept_body filters and the
ap_parse_request_body function out of the http module and into a
new module called mod_request, reducing the size of the core.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_dbd: Handle integer configuration directive parameters with a
dedicated function.
*) Change the directives within the mod_session* modules to be valid
both inside and outside the location/directory sections, as
suggested by wrowe. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_auth_form: Add a module capable of allowing end users to log
in using an HTML form, storing the credentials within mod_session.
[Graham Leggett]
*) Add a function to the http filters that is able to parse an HTML
form request with the type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_crypto: Initialise SSL in the post config hook.
[Ruediger Pluem, Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_dbd: Add a session implementation capable of storing
session information in a SQL database via the dbd interface. Useful
for sites where session privacy is important. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_crypto: Add a session encoding implementation capable
of encrypting and decrypting sessions wherever they may be stored.
Introduces a level of privacy when sessions are stored on the
browser. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session_cookie: Add a session implementation capable of storing
session information within cookies on the browser. Useful for high
volume sites where server bound sessions are too resource intensive.
[Graham Leggett]
*) mod_session: Add a generic session interface to unify the different
attempts at saving persistent sessions across requests.
[Graham Leggett]
*) core, authn/z: Avoid calling access control hooks for internal requests
with configurations which match those of initial request. Revert to
original behaviour (call access control hooks for internal requests
with URIs different from initial request) if any access control hooks or
providers are not registered as permitting this optimization.
Introduce wrappers for access control hook and provider registration
which can accept additional mode and flag data. [Chris Darroch]
*) Introduced ap_expr API for expression evaluation.
This is adapted from mod_include, which is the first module
to use the new API.
[Nick Kew]
*) mod_authz_dbd: When redirecting after successful login/logout per
AuthzDBDRedirectQuery, do not report authorization failure, and use
first row returned by database query instead of last row.
[Chris Darroch]
*) mod_ldap: Correctly return all requested attribute values
when some attributes have a null value.
PR 44560 [Anders Kaseorg <anders>]
*) core: check symlink ownership if both FollowSymlinks and
SymlinksIfOwnerMatch are set [Nick Kew]
*) core: fix origin checking in SymlinksIfOwnerMatch
PR 36783 [Robert L Mathews <>]
*) Activate mod_cache, mod_file_cache and mod_disk_cache as part of the
'most' set for '--enable-modules' and '--enable-shared-mods'. Include
mod_mem_cache in 'all' as well. [Dirk-Willem van Gulik]
*) Also install mod_so.h, mod_rewrite.h and mod_cache.h; as these
contain public function declarations which are useful for
third party module authors. PR 42431 [Dirk-Willem van Gulik].
*) mod_dir, mod_negotiation: pass the output filter information
to newly created sub requests; as these are later on used
as true requests with an internal redirect. This allows for
mod_cache to trap the results of the redirect.
[Dirk-Willem van Gulik, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_ldap: Add support (taking advantage of the new APR capability)
for ldap rebind callback while chasing referrals. This allows direct
searches on LDAP servers (in particular MS Active Directory 2003+)
using referrals without the use of the global catalog.
PRs 26538, 40268, and 42557 [Paul J. Reder]
*) ApacheMonitor.exe: Introduce --kill argument for use by the
installer. This will permit the installation tool to remove
all running instances before attempting to remove the .exe.
[William Rowe]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for OCSP validation of client certificates.
PR 41123. [Marc Stern <marc.stern>, Joe Orton]
*) mod_serf: New module for Reverse Proxying. [Paul Querna]
*) core: Add the option to keep aside a request body up to a certain
size that would otherwise be discarded, to be consumed by filters
such as mod_include. When enabled for a directory, POST requests
to shtml files can be passed through to embedded scripts as POST
requests, rather being downgraded to GET requests. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_ssl: Fix TLS upgrade (RFC 2817) support. PR 41231. [Joe Orton]
*) scoreboard: Correctly declare ap_time_process_request.
PR 43789 [Tom Donovan <Tom.Donovan>]
*) core; scoreboard: ap_get_scoreboard_worker(sbh) now takes the sbh member
from the connection rec, ap_get_scoreboard_worker(proc, thread) will now
provide the unusual legacy lookup. [William Rowe]
*) mpm winnt: fix null pointer dereference
PR 42572 [Davi Arnaut]
*) mod_authnz_ldap, mod_authn_dbd: Tidy up the code to expose authn
parameters to the environment. Improve portability to
EBCDIC machines by using apr_toupper(). [Martin Kraemer]
*) mod_ldap, mod_authnz_ldap: Add support for nested groups (i.e. the ability
to authorize an authenticated user via a "require ldap-group X" directive
where the user is not in group X, but is in a subgroup contained in X.
PR 42891 [Paul J. Reder]
*) mod_ssl: Add support for caching SSL Sessions in memcached. [Paul Querna]
*) apxs: Enhance -q flag to print all known variables and their values
when invoked without variable name(s).
[William Rowe, Sander Temme]
*) apxs: Eliminate run-time check for mod_so. PR 40653.
[David M. Lee <dmlee>]
*) beos MPM: Create pmain pool and run modules' child_init hooks when
entering ap_mpm_run(), then destroy pmain when exiting ap_mpm_run().
[Chris Darroch]
*) netware MPM: Destroy pmain pool when exiting ap_mpm_run() so that
cleanups registered in modules' child_init hooks are performed.
[Chris Darroch]
*) Fix issue which could cause error messages to be written to access logs
on Win32. PR 40476. [Tom Donovan <Tom.Donovan>]
*) The LockFile directive, which specifies the location of
the accept() mutex lockfile, is deprecated. Instead, the
AcceptMutex directive now takes an optional lockfile
location parameter, ala SSLMutex. [Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_authn_dbd: Export any additional columns queried in the SQL select
into the environment with the name AUTHENTICATE_<COLUMN>. This brings
mod_authn_dbd behaviour in line with mod_authnz_ldap. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_dbd: Key the storage of prepared statements on the hex string
value of server_rec, rather than the server name, as the server name
may change (eg when the server name is set) at any time, causing
weird behaviour in modules dependent on mod_dbd. [Graham Leggett]
*) mod_proxy_fcgi: Added win32 build. [Mladen Turk]
*) sendfile_nonblocking() takes the _brigade_ as an argument, gets
the first bucket from the brigade, finds it not to be a FILE
bucket and barfs. The fix is to pass a bucket rather than a brigade.
[Niklas Edmundsson <nikke>]
*) mod_rewrite: support rewritemap by SQL query [Nick Kew]
*) ap_get_server_version() has been removed. Third-party modules must
now use ap_get_server_banner() or ap_get_server_description().
[Jeff Trawick]
*) All MPMs: Introduce a check_config phase between pre_config and
open_logs, to allow modules to review interdependent configuration
directive values and adjust them while messages can still be logged
to the console. Handle relevant MPM directives during this phase
and format messages for both the console and the error log, as
appropriate. [Chris Darroch]
*) core: Do not allow internal redirects like the DirectoryIndex of mod_dir
to circumvent the symbolic link checks imposed by FollowSymLinks and
SymLinksIfOwnerMatch. [Nick Kew, Ruediger Pluem, William Rowe]
*) New SSLLogLevelDebugDump [ None (default) | IO (not bytes) | Bytes ]
configures the I/O Dump of SSL traffic, when LogLevel is set to Debug.
The default is none as this is far greater debugging resolution than
the typical administrator is prepared to untangle. [William Rowe]
*) mod_disk_cache: If possible, check if the size of an object to cache is
within the configured boundaries before actually saving data.
[Niklas Edmundsson <nikke>]
*) Worker and event MPMs: Remove improper scoreboard updates which were
performed in the event of a fork() failure. [Chris Darroch]
*) Add support for fcgi:// proxies to mod_rewrite.
[Markus Schiegl <ms>]
*) Remove incorrect comments from scoreboard.h regarding conditional
loading of worker_score structure with mod_status, and remove unused
definitions relating to old life_status field.
[Chris Darroch <chrisd>]
*) Remove allocation of memory for unused array of lb_score pointers
in ap_init_scoreboard(). [Chris Darroch <chrisd>]
*) Add mod_proxy_fcgi, a FastCGI back end for mod_proxy.
[Garrett Rooney, Jim Jagielski, Paul Querna]
*) Event MPM: Fill in the scoreboard's tid field. PR 38736.
[Chris Darroch <chrisd>]
*) mod_charset_lite: Remove Content-Length when output filter can
invalidate it. Warn when input filter can invalidate it.
[Jeff Trawick]
*) Authz: Add the new module mod_authn_core that will provide common
authn directives such as 'AuthType', 'AuthName'. Move the directives
'AuthType' and 'AuthName' out of the core module and merge mod_authz_alias
into mod_authn_core. [Brad Nicholes]
*) Authz: Move the directives 'Order', 'Allow', 'Deny' and 'Satisfy'
into the new module mod_access_compat which can be loaded to provide
support for these directives.
[Brad Nicholes]
*) Authz: Move the 'Require' directive from the core module as well as
add the directives '<SatisfyAll>', '<SatisfyOne>', '<RequireAlias>'
and 'Reject' to mod_authz_core. The new directives introduce 'AND/OR'
logic into the authorization processing. [Brad Nicholes]
*) Authz: Add the new module mod_authz_core which acts as the
authorization provider vector and contains common authz
directives. [Brad Nicholes]
*) Authz: Renamed mod_authz_dbm authz providers from 'group' and
'file-group' to 'dbm-group' and 'dbm-file-group'. [Brad Nicholes]
*) Authz: Added the new authz providers 'env', 'ip', 'host', 'all' to handle
host-based access control provided by mod_authz_host and invoked
through the 'Require' directive. [Brad Nicholes]
*) Authz: Convert all of the authz modules from hook based to
provider based. [Brad Nicholes]
*) mod_cache: Add CacheMinExpire directive to set the minimum time in
seconds to cache a document.
[Brian Akins <brian.akins>, Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_authz_dbd: SQL authz with Login/Session support [Nick Kew]
*) Fix typo in ProxyStatus syntax error message.
[Christophe Jaillet <christophe.jaillet>]
*) Asynchronous write completion for the Event MPM. [Brian Pane]
*) Added an End-Of-Request bucket type. The logging of a request and
the freeing of its pool are now done when the EOR bucket is destroyed.
This has the effect of delaying the logging until right after the last
of the response is sent; ap_core_output_filter() calls the access logger
indirectly when it destroys the EOR bucket. [Brian Pane]
*) Rewrite of logresolve support utility: IPv6 addresses are now supported
and the format of statistical output has changed. [Colm MacCarthaigh]
*) Rewrite of ap_coreoutput_filter to do nonblocking writes [Brian Pane]
*) Added new connection states for handler and write completion
[Brian Pane]
*) mod_cgid: Refuse to work on Solaris 10 due to OS bugs. PR 34264.
[Justin Erenkrantz]
*) Teach mod_ssl to use arbitrary OIDs in an SSLRequire directive,
allowing string-valued client certificate attributes to be used for
access control, as in: SSLRequire "value" in OID("")
[Martin Kraemer, David Reid]
[Apache 2.3.0-dev includes those bug fixes and changes with the
Apache 2.2.xx tree as documented, and except as noted, below.]
Changes with Apache 2.2.x and later:
Changes with Apache 2.0.x and later: