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Revision history for Perl extension Exporter.
- doc patches:
x TODO new section BUGS
x TODO new section AUTHORS
x TODO new section COPYRIGHT
x TODO history in Changes
x TODO rewrite docs (FUNCTIONS, etc.)
x TODO new functions "combine_tags" (or "generate_tag")
x TODO all indentation 2 spaces
5.70 Sun Apr 13 2014 Todd Rinaldo
- No changes. Production release after CPAN testers cleared.
5.70_01 Wed Apr 9 2014 Todd Rinaldo
- perl # 39739 - Exporter::Heavy ignores custom $SIG{__WARN__} handlers
- perl # 119673 - Documentation fixes.
- Fixup to POD due to unit test failures from #119673 - TODDR
5.68 Wed Mar 27 2013 Todd Rinaldo
- Fix erroneous INSTALLDIRS on perls < 5.8 - allows one to
upgrade Exporter on perl 5.6 again
5.67 Thu Sep 20 2012 Todd Rinaldo
- Documentation changes from p5p.
- Fix logic to install to site after perl 5.11
5.66 Wed Dec 23 2011 Todd Rinaldo
- No changes. Production release after CPAN testers cleared.
5.65_01 Wed Dec 14 2011 Todd Rinaldo
- Updaate Exporter from blead. Bump to dev version for release testing.
- Remove local $_ from Exporter - The changes in that commit did
not necessitate the addition of
local $_. So the localisation is wasting CPU cycles. Worse, it
causes bugs in 5.12 and earlier. (local $_ is always wrong if you
don’t control what is in $_ already, because it could be a read-only
tied variable.) Actually, it causes bugs in 5.14-15 still, because
it seems that the changes to ‘local $_’ still weren’t sufficient (it
still calls FETCH, but not STORE). That itself needs fixing, but that
should not obviate the need for this change, as Exporter has been liv-
ing a double life.
5.65 Tue Aug 30 2011 Todd Rinaldo
- No changes. Tests clean. Bumping to production release.
5.64_04 Wed Aug 24 2011 Todd Rinaldo
- Re-vamp module to work in Git.
- Update Makefile.PL with extra META bits.
- Point bugs to perl's RT.
- Add a README from perldoc.
- Depend on Carp 1.05 now we're assuming a fix from 1.05
5.64_03 Wed Aug 24 2011 (Cumulative)
- Fix RT #74472 blocks Signal handling
- Avoid creating @EXPORT_FAIL in every package using Exporter.
- Test exported arrays and hashes without using defined()
- Carp 1.05 shipped with 5.8.8. Remove work-around for pre 1.05
5.63 Sat Jul 19 2008
- fix doc bugs (pointed by Philippe Bricout at
CPAN RT #33546)
- reconciliate Exporter with Carp older than 1.05
(thanks to Anno Siegel, perlbug RT #57079)
5.62 Fri Dec 9 2007
- no code change
- fix typo in section link
- mention Exporter::Easy
5.61 Fri Dec 9 2007
- no code change
- sync with changes 32596 (fixes by rgs)
and 32599 (typo spotted by Matt Kraai)
5.60_01 Thu Dec 6 2007
- "use 5.006" in Makefile.PL
- no code change
- doc patch: new section SEE ALSO (Exporter is not alone)
- doc patch: new section Good Practices - mentions
"our" and "use vars", "base" and "parent"
and advocates against exporting variables
5.60 Sat Mar 10 2007
- Bump Exporter's $VERSION (change 30525)
- Don't swallow up other warnings in Exporter's test. Remove a needless
eval that happened to generate 4 warnings. (change 30531)
- Make Exporter::Heavy correctly not warn when exporting a symbol only
declared in the export specification. Ensure that the test actually
tests this. (change 30529)
- added t/use.t and t/pod.t
5.59 Wed Sep 6 2006
- Dual life began. (perl-current @ 28789)
5.59 ? Jan 7 2005
- Exporter can finally live w/o Carp (change 23768)
5.58 ? Jan 26 2004
- Document change 22192 (change 22224)
The 50 most recent changes for lib/ (APC)