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Revision history for Perl extension MRO::Compat.
0.13 - 2017-03-28
- don't run pod tests on user installs
- stop using Module::Install to fix installation when @INC doesn't have
the current directory (RT#119016)
- repository migrated to the github moose organization
0.12 - 2012-12-04
- Bump Class::C3 dependency on 5.8 which in turn will automatically
install Class::C3::XS if possible
- Fix nonfunctional SYNOPSIS (RT#78325)
0.11 - 2009-05-27
- Fix misspelled docs for get_isarev. Closes RT#46401.
- Bump optional prereq on Class::C3 to 0.20.
0.10 - 2009-03-25
- Remove the fake Build.PL. Module::Install doesn't support that anymore.
(Florian Ragwitz)
- Remove auto_install from Makefile.PL. Its use is strongly discouraged.
(Closes RT#44542) (Simon Betrang)
0.09 - 2008-06-05
- No change from 0.08_01
0.08_01 - 2008-06-02
- Add fixup (and new tests) for RT#36256
0.07 - 2008-05-20
- Add explicit dependency on perl 5.6.0 or higher
in Makefile.PL + META.yml
0.06_01 - 2008-05-19
- Fix for false classnames in mro::get_isarev, I guess
I missed an instance during the 0.04 fixes.
(reported by Daniel Austin)
0.05 - 2007-09-09
- Fix for RT#28661 (ill-formated %INC filenames aren't nice)
0.04 - 2007-07-18
- Removed doc warning now that 5.9.5 is out
- Stopped the code from assuming valid classnames
are true in boolean context
- Misc small tweaks
0.03 - 2007-06-04
- Bumped C3 requirements
- Loads on 5.9.5+
0.02 - 2007-05-12
- Added mro::get_pkg_gen (which optionally works
even faster with Class::C3::XS 0.04) in
anticipation of it being added to 5.9.5
- Changed mro::get_isarev to return arrayref in
anticipation of that change in 5.9.5
- Bumped requirements, added more docs
0.01_01 - 2007-05-11
- Initial dev release