Your IP :
Current Path : /usr/lib/.build-id/57/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/.build-id/57/ea13acd9389e38b26c14c9f26dc6789f415df1 |
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1�D�T$ �t$H�L$����H�L$�t$D��H�����D�T$ ��������H�L$�����؉lj��V���H�=H��1��������.���A���;���H�=W
1�����������H�=1����A�b���,A�b�DD�����|$P ���t$p���<r����D$S�����H�=0
���A������|$?�����A� A�����D��H�=� 1�D�T$��D�T$����A�E�������H�=� 1�D�T$��D�T$���fD��1�I��^H��H���PTL�FH�
�H�=�� �H�=� H�� H9�tH�� H��t �����H�=� H�5� H)�H��H��H��?H�H�tH�� H��t��fD�����=U u+UH�=� H��tH�=� �I��d����- ]������w������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%| UH�-| SL)�H����H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���c:Cef:hl:L:rvVbad argument for '--count'
bad argument for '--feature'
bad argument for '--lba'
1.18 20180628version: %s
Missing device name!
error opening file: %s: %s
ATA pass through:
Aborted command
Unexpected SCSI status=0x%x
ATA pass through (%d) failed
sg_sat_set_feature failed: close error: %s
countck_condck-condextendedfeaturehelplenlbareadonlyverboseversionUsage: sg_sat_set_features [--count=CO] [--ck_cond] [--extended] [--feature=FEA]
[--help] [--lba=LBA] [--len=16|12] [--readonly]
[--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
--count=CO | -c CO count field contents (def: 0)
--ck_cond | -C set ck_cond field in pass-through (def: 0)
--extended | -e enable extended lba values
--feature=FEA|-f FEA feature field contents
(def: 0 (which is reserved))
--help | -h output this usage message
--lba=LBA | -L LBA LBA field contents (def: 0)
meaning depends on sub-command (feature)
--len=16|12 | -l 16|12 cdb length: 16 or 12 bytes (def: 16)
--verbose | -v increase verbosity
--readonly | -r open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
recommended if DEVICE is ATA disk
--version | -V print version string and exit
Sends an ATA SET FEATURES command via a SAT pass through.
Primary feature code is placed in '--feature=FEA' with '--count=CO' and
'--lba=LBA' being auxiliaries for some features. The arguments CO, FEA
and LBA are decimal unless prefixed by '0x' or have a trailing 'h'.
Example enabling write cache: 'sg_sat_set_feature --feature=2 /dev/sdc'
argument to '--len' should be 12 or 16
unrecognised option code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
Since lba > 0xffffff, forcing cdb length to 16
Since lba > 0xffffff, set extend bit
command completed with SCSI GOOD status
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d) not supported
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), bad field in cdb
did not find ATA Return (sense) Descriptor
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), Unit Attention detected
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), device not ready
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), medium or hardware error
Aborted command: protection information
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d): data protect, read only media?
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d), some sense data, use '-v' for more information
CHECK CONDITION without response code ??
expected descriptor sense format, response code=0x%x
try adding '-v' for more information
Seem to have got ATA Result Descriptor but it was not indicated
error indication in returned FIS: aborted command
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
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