Your IP :
Teapop 0.3.8
*WARNING: Badly done migration will cause your IMAP and/or POP3 clients to
re-download all mails. Read <Migration.txt> page first carefully.*
First at all sorry for my bad English. At work I had to migrate our existing
teapop/mbox setup to Dovecot/Maildir without change the UIDL. At first I think
I must set the option pop3_uidl_format to %Mf. But this doesn't work because
Teapop use different algorithm. So the only way I found was to set the X-UIDL
in the mbox and then use the mb2md script. My Co-worker Robert (many thanks for
programming the script) and I use the following script:
use Digest::MD5;
$context = Digest::MD5->new;
$gotmail = 0;
$counter = 1;
@mail = ();
while (<>)
$line = $_;
if(/^From /)
if ($gotmail)
processMail ();
@mail = ();
$gotmail = 1;
push (@mail, $line);
next if ($line =~ /^(Status|X-Status|Lines|Content-Length): /);
if ($gotmail)
processMail ();
print STDERR "Mailbox is empty!\n";
sub processMail ()
if ($#mail > 2)
print shift(@mail);
print shift(@mail);
print "X-UIDL: " . $context->hexdigest() . "\n";
foreach $l (@mail)
print $l;
print STDERR "Email has less then 3 lines!\n";
Usage: scriptname $mboxfile > $newbox
The script read the mbox file and generate the MD5 sum, if the line don't start
with Status,X-Status,Lines and Content-Length, for each mail and insert the
X-UIDL: after the Return-Path line. After that you can use the mb2md
script.Important: You must set the 'pop3_reuse_xuidl=yes'.
(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)