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var_expand_crypt plugin
This plugins provides generic encrypt/decrypt facility for var_expand. It
requires functional lib-dcrypt backend. For dovecot-auth process this plugin is
automatically usable.
* key - hex-encoded value
* iv - hex-encoded value
* noiv - whether iv is included in return value
* algo - algorithm name (defaults to aes-256-cbc)
* format - return format
decrypt expects input in base64 or hex format.
NOTE: It is usually best to leave iv management to dovecot, and not use iv and
noiv options at all.
Return formats
Without noiv encrypt returns iv$encrypted$. With noiv, just encrypted data is
returned. Field(s) are encoded using format.
key and iv must be the length required by the given algorithm.
= 93736a0f910df27f89210e096e1d639a$966c2b4f3e7487f6acdb836f8d1dc3e0$
= pass
(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)