Your IP :
# Legend:
# --- = A new release
# + = Add a feature (in a backwards compatible way)
# ! = Change something significant, or remove a feature
# * = Fix a bug, or make a minor improvement
--- ?
+ Implement "policy source" concept in mechanisms. Make the policy source
accessible from Mail::SPF::Result.
* Implement DNS cache? If so, revert changes to the Mail::SPF::Server's
"DESCRIPTION" POD section in r36.
* Remove or conditionalize debug output generation. Add more debug code?
! Resolve remaining XXXs, FIXMEs, and TODOs:
grep -rn 'XXX\|TODO\|FIXME' lib | grep -v '\.svn' | less
+ Enable/implement 'debug' option.
+ Implement black magic options.
+ Implement black magic options.
Please DO report documentation bugs!
# $Id: TODO 57 2012-01-30 08:15:31Z julian $
# vim:tw=79 sts=2 sw=2