Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Translate\Index;
use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Translate;
use Bitrix\Translate\Index;
class FileIndexSearch
* Performs search query and returns result.
* @param array $params Orm type params for the query.
* @return Main\ORM\Query\Query
public static function query($params = [])
[$select, $runtime, $filter] = self::processParams($params);
/** @var \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Entity $entity */
$entity = Index\Internals\PathIndexTable::getEntity();
foreach ($runtime as $field)
return new Main\ORM\Query\Query($entity);
* Counts rows in search result.
* @param array $filterIn Filter params.
* @return int
public static function getCount($filterIn): int
[$select, $runtime, $filter] = self::processParams(['filter' => $filterIn]);
/** @var \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Entity $entity */
$entity = Index\Internals\PathIndexTable::getEntity();
foreach ($runtime as $field)
$query = new Main\ORM\Query\Query($entity);
->addSelect(new Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(1)'))
$result = $query->exec()->fetch();
return (int)$result['CNT'];
* Searches phrase by index.
* @param array $params Orm type params for the query.
* @return Main\ORM\Query\Result
public static function getList($params): Main\ORM\Query\Result
[$select, $runtime, $filter] = self::processParams($params);
$executeParams = [
'select' => \array_merge(
'PATH_ID' => 'ID',
'PATH' => 'PATH',
'IS_DIR' => 'IS_DIR',
'TITLE' => 'NAME',
'runtime' => $runtime,
'filter' => $filter,
if (isset($params['order']))
$executeParams['order'] = $params['order'];
if (isset($params['offset']))
$executeParams['offset'] = $params['offset'];
if (isset($params['limit']))
$executeParams['limit'] = $params['limit'];
if (isset($params['count_total']))
$executeParams['count_total'] = true;
return Index\Internals\PathIndexTable::getList($executeParams);
* Processes select and filter params to convert them into orm type.
* @param array $params Orm type params for the query.
* @return array
private static function processParams($params): array
$select = $runtime = $filterIn = $filterOut = [];
if (isset($params['filter']))
if (\is_object($params['filter']))
$filterIn = clone $params['filter'];
$filterIn = $params['filter'];
$enabledLanguages = Translate\Config::getEnabledLanguages();
$languageUpperKeys = \array_combine($enabledLanguages, \array_map('mb_strtoupper', $enabledLanguages));
$selectedLanguages = [];
foreach ($languageUpperKeys as $langId => $langUpper)
$alias = "{$langUpper}_LANG";
if (isset($params['select']) && \in_array($alias, $params['select']))
$selectedLanguages[] = $langId;
elseif (isset($params['order'], $params['order'][$alias]))
$selectedLanguages[] = $langId;
elseif (isset($filterIn['LANGUAGE_ID']) && $filterIn['LANGUAGE_ID'] == $langId)
$selectedLanguages[] = $langId;
if (empty($selectedLanguages))
$selectedLanguages = $enabledLanguages;
// top folder
if (!empty($filterIn['PATH']))
$topIndexPath = Index\PathIndex::loadByPath($filterIn['PATH']);
if ($topIndexPath instanceof Index\PathIndex)
$filterOut['=DESCENDANTS.PARENT_ID'] = $topIndexPath->getId();//ancestor
foreach ($languageUpperKeys as $langId => $langUpper)
if (
!\in_array($langId, $selectedLanguages) &&
$alias = "{$langUpper}_LANG";
$tblAlias = "File{$alias}";
$searchByLang = false;
if (!empty($filterIn['LANGUAGE_ID']) && $langId == $filterIn['LANGUAGE_ID'])
$searchByLang = true;
$runtime[] = new Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference(
Main\ORM\Query\Join::on('ref.PATH_ID', '=', 'this.ID')->where('ref.LANG_ID', '=', $langId),
['join_type' => $searchByLang ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT']
$select[$alias] = "{$tblAlias}.PHRASE_COUNT";
// is any file exists in main rep
if (Main\Localization\Translation::useTranslationRepository())
$statement = '';
$fields = [];
foreach ($languageUpperKeys as $langId => $langUpper)
if (Main\Localization\Translation::isDefaultTranslationLang($langId))
$alias = "{$langUpper}_LANG";
$fields[] = "File{$alias}.ID";
$statement .= ' WHEN %s IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ';
unset($langId, $langUpper, $alias, $tblAlias, $fieldAlias);
$runtime[] =
new Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField(
"CASE {$statement} ELSE 0 END",
$select[] = 'IS_EXIST';
unset($statement, $fields);
// folder name
if (!empty($filterIn['FOLDER_NAME']))
$filterOut['!=NAME'] = '#LANG_ID#';
if (empty($filterIn['FILE_NAME']))
$filterOut['%NAME'] = $filterIn['FOLDER_NAME'];
$filterOut['=IS_DIR'] = 'Y';
$filterOut['%=PATH'] = '%/'. $filterIn['FOLDER_NAME']. '/%';
$filterOut['=IS_DIR'] = 'N';
if (!empty($filterIn['FOLDER_NAME']))
$filterOut['%=PATH'] = '%/'. $filterIn['FOLDER_NAME']. '/%';
// only files
if (!empty($filterIn['FILE_NAME']))
$filterOut['%NAME'] = $filterIn['FILE_NAME'];
unset($filterIn['FILE_NAME'], $filterIn['FOLDER_NAME']);
$replaceLangId = static function(&$val)
$val = Translate\IO\Path::replaceLangId($val, '#LANG_ID#');
$trimSlash = static function(&$val)
if (Translate\IO\Path::isPhpFile($val))
$val = '/'. \trim($val, '/');
$val = '/'. \trim($val, '/'). '/%';
if (!empty($filterIn['INCLUDE_PATHS']))
$pathIncludes = \preg_split("/[\r\n\t,; ]+/".\BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $filterIn['INCLUDE_PATHS']);
$pathIncludes = \array_filter($pathIncludes);
if (\count($pathIncludes) > 0)
$pathPathIncludes = [];
$pathNameIncludes = [];
foreach ($pathIncludes as $testPath)
if (!empty($testPath) && \trim($testPath) !== '')
if (\mb_strpos($testPath, '/') === false)
$pathNameIncludes[] = $testPath;
$pathPathIncludes[] = $testPath;
if (\count($pathNameIncludes) > 0 && \count($pathPathIncludes) > 0)
\array_walk($pathNameIncludes, $replaceLangId);
\array_walk($pathPathIncludes, $replaceLangId);
\array_walk($pathPathIncludes, $trimSlash);
$filterOut[] = [
'LOGIC' => 'OR',
'%=NAME' => $pathNameIncludes,
'%=PATH' => $pathPathIncludes,
elseif (\count($pathNameIncludes) > 0)
\array_walk($pathNameIncludes, $replaceLangId);
$filterOut[] = [
'LOGIC' => 'OR',
'%=NAME' => $pathNameIncludes,
'%=PATH' => $pathNameIncludes,
elseif (\count($pathPathIncludes) > 0)
\array_walk($pathPathIncludes, $replaceLangId);
\array_walk($pathPathIncludes, $trimSlash);
$filterOut['%=PATH'] = $pathPathIncludes;
unset($testPath, $pathIncludes, $pathNameIncludes, $pathPathIncludes);
if (!empty($filterIn['EXCLUDE_PATHS']))
$pathExcludes = \preg_split("/[\r\n\t,; ]+/".\BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $filterIn['EXCLUDE_PATHS']);
$pathExcludes = \array_filter($pathExcludes);
if (\count($pathExcludes) > 0)
$pathPathExcludes = [];
$pathNameExcludes = [];
foreach ($pathExcludes as $testPath)
if (!empty($testPath) && \trim($testPath) !== '')
if (\mb_strpos($testPath, '/') === false)
$pathNameExcludes[] = $testPath;
$pathPathExcludes[] = $testPath;
if (\count($pathNameExcludes) > 0 && \count($pathPathExcludes) > 0)
\array_walk($pathNameExcludes, $replaceLangId);
\array_walk($pathPathExcludes, $replaceLangId);
\array_walk($pathPathExcludes, $trimSlash);
$filterOut[] = [
'LOGIC' => 'AND',
'!=%NAME' => $pathNameExcludes,
'!=%PATH' => $pathPathExcludes,
elseif (\count($pathNameExcludes) > 0)
\array_walk($pathNameExcludes, $replaceLangId);
$filterOut[] = [
'LOGIC' => 'AND',
'!=%NAME' => $pathNameExcludes,
'!=%PATH' => $pathNameExcludes,
elseif (\count($pathPathExcludes) > 0)
\array_walk($pathPathExcludes, $replaceLangId);
\array_walk($pathPathExcludes, $trimSlash);
$filterOut["!=%PATH"] = $pathPathExcludes;
unset($testPath, $pathExcludes, $pathPathExcludes, $pathNameExcludes);
unset($filterIn['INCLUDE_PATHS'], $filterIn['EXCLUDE_PATHS']);
todo: Revert type assignment
if (!empty($filterIn['ASSIGNMENT']))
$filterOut['=ASSIGNMENT'] = $filterIn['ASSIGNMENT'];
todo: Revert module assignment
if (!empty($filterIn['MODULE_ID']))
$filterOut['=MODULE_ID'] = $filterIn['MODULE_ID'];
foreach ($filterIn as $key => $value)
if (\in_array($key, ['tabId', 'FILTER_ID', 'PRESET_ID', 'FILTER_APPLIED', 'FIND']))
$filterOut[$key] = $value;
return [$select, $runtime, $filterOut];