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          <li class="active" data-slide-to="0" data-target="#myCarousel-475">Mitsubishi minica wikipedia.  The Mitsubishi Dignity (Japanese: 三菱・ディグニティ, Hepburn: Mitsubishi Diguniti) is a full-size luxury car originally manufactured by Mitsubishi Motors from late 1999 to 2001 as the flagship of the company's domestic range, alongside the shorter Proudia, and was reintroduced 2012 to Japanese buyers as a rebadged fifth-generation Nissan Cima. 8 in) bore pitch with the 3G8-series three-cylinder engines, but has a considerably shorter stroke so as to stay beneath the 660 cc limit The heart of the Mitsubishi Minicab pulsates with various engine options.  Available in Pickup form.  [1] The Mitsubishi Minicab (Japanese: 三菱・ミニキャブ) is a kei truck and microvan, built and sold in Japan by Japanese automaker Mitsubishi Motors since 1966.  The Mitsubishi Lancer (A70) is the first generation version of Mitsubishi's long-running Lancer nameplate. 0) da Creative Commons; pode estar sujeito a condi&ccedil;&otilde;es adicionais. jpg 5,472 &times; 3,648; 5.  Mitsubishi 3G81T engine (H14V) Cyclone logos.  The name is a portmanteau o the Inglis &quot;top&quot; (ruif) an the Japanese &quot;noppo&quot; (lanky).  esitteli Japanin ensimm&auml;isen sarjavalmisteisen henkil&ouml;auton, Mitsubishi Model A:n.  Kei car: DELICA MINI: Delica Mini: 2023 2023 &mdash; Japan Rugged-looking Mild Hybrid kei car with sliding doors.  It shares the 360's front end and uses rear-hinged doors for easier access.  Add links.  It was an overhead camshaft design, and superseded the older two-stroke 2G1 series.  Aug 30, 2024 · The precursor of the Minica was the Mitsubishi 360, a series of light trucks introduced in April 1961.  The Honda Today is a kei car produced by Japanese automaker Honda beginning in 1985.  This page was last edited on 1 April 2024, at 02:42.  Rebadged variants of the i-MiEV are also sold by PSA as the Peugeot iOn and Citro&euml;n C-Zero, mainly in Europe.  2026 Honda Passport TrailSport Should Be A More Capable Off-Road Crossover.  Od 1998 The Mitsubishi Mirage is a range of cars produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi from 1978 until 2003 and again since 2012.  The precursor of the Minica was the Mitsubishi 360, a series of light trucks introduced in April 1961.  Jun 26, 2010 · Media in category &quot;Mitsubishi Minica (5th generation)&quot; The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total. Only 50 Pistachios were sold in either Citron Yellow and Loire Green colour schemes, priced at &yen;959,000, to local authorities and public corporations working to protect the environment. choppers (talk | contribs) =={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |Description={{en|Kei cars are a pretty rare sight in NZ in spite of the abundance of Japanese imports, generally due to low demand with far wider roads and greater speed limits than in Japan; if you do see a kei car O Mitsubishi 360 &eacute; um pequeno ve&iacute;culo comercial, que foi introduzido em abril de 1961. 8 in) bore pitch with the 3G8-series three-cylinder engines, but has a considerably shorter stroke so as to stay beneath the 660 cc limit Boas-vindas; Ajuda; P&aacute;ginas de testes p&uacute;blicas; Portal comunit&aacute;rio; Mudan&ccedil;as recentes; Manuten&ccedil;&atilde;o; Criar p&aacute;gina; P&aacute;ginas novas; Contato Jan 30, 2018 · Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment; current: 03:23, 30 January 2018: 2,809 &times; 1,742 (2.  Files are available under licenses specified on their description page.  Built over the course of eight generations, the Mitsubishi Minica ended production in 2011.  Mitsubishi Motors went public in 1988, ending its status as the only one of Japan's 11 auto manufacturers to be privately held.  O Lancer come&ccedil;ou a ser utilizado como carro de rua, a partir de 1992, hoje o Lancer j&aacute; est&aacute; na sua 9&ordf; edi&ccedil;&atilde;o, ressaltando o fim da s&eacute;rie EVO em sua s&eacute;rie EVO X.  History The first Minica was a 2-door notchback sedan and was based on the 1961-1969 built vans Mitsubishi 360 .  Alongside the Tredia and Starion , the Cordia is one of the first cars imported and sold in the United States by Mitsubishi without the help of Chrysler Corporation , which owned a stake in Mitsubishi and sold its models as captive imports .  Esta p&aacute;gina foi editada pela &uacute;ltima vez &agrave;s 13h04min de 29 de mar&ccedil;o de 2013.  Hanya 50 Pistachios yang terjual dengan pilihan warna Citron Yellow dan Loire Green, dengan harga &yen; 959,000, untuk pemerintah daerah dan perusahaan publik bekerja untuk melindungi lingkungan.  [10] Media in category &quot;Mitsubishi Minica (2nd generation)&quot; The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.  Este texto &eacute; disponibilizado nos termos da licen&ccedil;a Atribui&ccedil;&atilde;o-CompartilhaIgual 4. jpg 2,171 &times; 1,520; 483 KB Sep 10, 2024 · The Mitsubishi 4A3 engine is a range of alloy-headed inline four-cylinder engines from Mitsubishi Motors, introduced in 1993 in the sixth generation of their Mitsubishi Minica kei car.  The Mitsubishi Minica was a series of microcars introduced in 1962.  Deutsch; English; Mitsubishi Minica Mitsubishi Carisma.  Ett antal mer sofistikerade bilar f&ouml;ljde under 1980- och 1990-talet.  Lakin bu,&quot;Minica&quot;nın yaxşı satılmasının yeganə səbəbi deyildi, o, &ccedil;ox etibarlı və qənaətcil avtomobil idi.  Com uma dist&acirc;ncia entre eixos de 1.  The first Minica was a 2-door notchback sedan and was based on the 1961-1969 built vans Mitsubishi 360 .  The Mitsubishi Minica 1st generation was a small microcar in the Japanese Kei -car class, the Mitsubishi Motors produced in October 1962 and built over eight generations.  Media in category &quot;Mitsubishi Minica&quot; This category contains only the following file.  Bilen, Minica EV, drevs av ett traditionellt blybatteri, och Mitsubishi f&ouml;rs&aring;g elbolag och statsf&ouml;rvaltning med omkring 150 fordon f&ouml;r provk&ouml;rning.  三菱・ミニカ ) &mdash; компактний автомобіль ( кей-кар ), випускається компанією Mitsubishi Motors для японського внутрішнього ринку, з жовтня 1962 по травень 2011 року.  The name is a reference to Mitsubishi's Minica Skipper kei car coup&eacute; of the early 1970s.  Dostępny jako 2-drzwiowy sedan czy też p&oacute;źniej jako 3- lub 5-drzwiowy hatchback.  初代は 1962年 に 三菱自動車 (当時は 新三菱重工業 、後の 三菱重工業)初の 軽乗用車 として登場する。 最終型 (2011年 6月まで販売)は 1998年 に軽自動車規格改正を受けてフルモデルチェンジされた8代目にあたり、 2007年 7月 に 乗用車 登録となる セダン タイプが廃止され 商用車 (貨物車)登録となる バン タイプのみとなった。 乗用モデルは軽乗用車の 商標 として最も長命で8代45年を誇る車種であった。 In October 1962, Mitsubishi introduced the first passenger K-car to the market under the name of Minica, which was derived from the Mitsubishi 360 (K-light van).  [1] Der Minica rundete die Modellpalette von Mitsubishi nach unten ab.  Successor of the eK X Space.  &Eacute; ainda um carro que a Mitsubishi fabrica e vende actualmente.  The history of Mitsubishi&rsquo;s Kei-car began with the Mitsubishi 360, a light van launched in March 1961.  O motor era um de 2 cilindros de refrigera&ccedil;&atilde;o a ar e era de 359cc frontal de 17cv.  It is the oldest Mitsubishi passenger car still in production, and the only one which predates the company itself.  The name is a portmanteau of the English &quot;top&quot; (roof) and the Japanese &quot;noppo&quot; (lanky).  O Grupo Mitsubishi &eacute; composto por cerca de 40 empresas individuais sem uma controladora. 902mm e um comprimento de 2.  The Mitsubishi 4A3 engine is a range of alloy-headed inline four-cylinder engines from Mitsubishi Motors, introduced in 1993 in the sixth generation of their Mitsubishi Minica kei car.  E em alguns mercados &eacute; comercializado como Plymouth Arrow. , Ltd. JPG 1,280 &times; 720; 466 KB Dec 1, 2022 · This page was last edited on 1 December 2022, at 02:17.  Navigation Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia The Mitsubishi Cordia is a compact hatchback-coup&eacute; manufactured by Mitsubishi Motors between 1982 and 1990.  Marunouchi, onde a maioria das empresas Mitsubishi est&aacute; sediada O campus principal da Universidade de Seikei. No Jap&atilde;o, &eacute; chamado Cedia. Designed for the lowest kei car vehicle tax classification, it was powered by an air-cooled 359 cc, 17 PS (13 kW) engine, providing a lowly 80 km/h (50 mph) top speed but with a fully syncromeshed four-speed transmission.  In Wikipedia.  Tendo duas carro&ccedil;arias, um furg&atilde;o e uma pick-up, ambos de 2 portas.  [ 6 ] In some markets in the Americas and Africa, it is marketed as the Mitsubishi Outlander Sport .  Suggested Reading.  Mitsubishi Minica Dangan 604.  The Mitsubishi Pistachio is a three-door hatchback introduced by Mitsubishi Motors in December 1999, based on the platform of their Minica kei car.  Meet the Minica! ミニカ (MINICA)は、 三菱自動車工業 [注釈 1] が生産・販売していた 軽自動車 である。 概要. 99m.  When introduced in 1973, it filled the gap between the Minica kei car and the considerably larger Galant. jpg افزودن زبان&zwnj;ها محتوای صفحه در زبان&zwnj;های دیگر پشتیبانی نمی&zwnj;شود The Mitsubishi Toppo is a licht recreational vehicle (RV) produced bi Mitsubishi Motors frae 1990 till 2001, derived frae thair Minica kei caur.  Mitsubishi Minica &ndash; samoch&oacute;d osobowy typu kei-car produkowany przez japońską firmę Mitsubishi od roku 1962.  memperkenalkan Mitsubishi Model A, mobil asal Jepang pertama yang diproduksi secara massal.  The Mitsubishi Xforce (alternatively spelled XFORCE) is a subcompact crossover SUV manufactured by Mitsubishi Motors since 2023.  Im &aacute;vtomobili Yaponiyadə v&aacute;do&aacute;&scaron;e.  Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia; Contact us; Donate; Help; Learn to edit; Community portal; Recent changes; Upload file Der Mitsubishi Minica ist ein Kleinstwagen in der japanischen Kei-Car-Klasse, den Mitsubishi Motors ab Oktober 1962 in acht Generationen produzierte. 0 ; additional terms may apply.  Mitsubishi Pajero Mini adalah sebuah mobil mini yang diproduksi oleh Mitsubishi Motors sejak bulan Desember 1994. .  Mitsubishi Minica is a kei car produced by Mitsubishi Motors for the Japanese domestic market since October 1962.  Moc przenoszona była na oś tylną (pierwsze generacje) lub na oś przednią (opcjonalnie AWD).  In Japan, it was sold at a specific retail chain called Galant Shop .  It was a replacement for the Colt 1200, last sold in 1970.  Mitsubishi Toppo adalah recreational vehicle (RV) kecil yang diproduksi oleh Mitsubishi Motors dari 1990 sampai 2004, berasal dari Minica.  1971 Mitsubishi Minica.  The Minica has been offered as a sedan, coupe, or wagon, and has been fitted with a range of inline two, inline three, and inline four engines.  MİTSUBİSHİ MİNİCA &Ccedil;e Yaponiya &aacute;vtomobile.  The Mitsubishi Vulcan engine, identified by the code 2G2, is an iron-block twin cylinder engine with three main bearings, built by Mitsubishi Motors for kei car class vehicles from September 1972.  Cada uma das empresas Mitsubishi possui parcelas substanciais (mas geralmente n&atilde;o controladoras) das a&ccedil;&otilde;es das outras.  As a derivative of the Mitsubishi 360, a 3-box style passenger car with a different rear design was launched in 1962.  Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.  Mitsubishin autotuotanto juontaa juurensa aina vuoteen 1917, jolloin silloinen Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co.  پرونده:Mitsubishi Minica XF-4 5-door (H27A), front right.  Sep 15, 2018 · In 1962, Mitsubishi introduced Japanese consumers to a car with decidedly minimalist styling and capabilities. jpg 3,720 &times; 2,647; 6. In common with other contemporary engines in the class, it could be specified with many advanced technologies despite its diminutive size, including multi-valve cylinder heads and double overhead camshafts.  Se oli kokonaan k&auml;sin tehty seitsem&auml;npaikkainen sedan, ja sit&auml; valmistettiin Fiat Tipo 3:n lisenssill&auml;. , Ltd di samping salah satu purwarupa mobil Mitsubishi Model A.  Assembled by China Motor Corporation (CMC) in Taiwan.  Sejarah Mitsubishi di bidang otomotif dimulai pada tahun 1917, saat Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co.  It was first built by Shin Mitsubishi Heavy-Industries, one of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries three regional automotive companies until they were merged in 1964.  This was the birth of the Minica, Mitsubishi&rsquo;s first passenger Kei-car, and its name was short for &ldquo;minimal car&rdquo;.  Category: Mitsubishi Minica Toppo.  Pekerja Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co.  O Mitsubishi Minica nasceu em 1961/2 como sendo o primeiro carro compacto da Mitsubishi baseado do Mitsubishi 360.  Do napędu używano silnik&oacute;w R2 i R3.  Atrav&eacute;s do Minica nasceu outros carros de pequenas dimens&otilde;es como o Toppo BJ .  Aug 10, 2009 · This page was last edited on 1 April 2024, at 02:27.  The 1959 Mitsubishi Leo, heavily influenced by the Mizushima, was a transition between the company's first post-war vehicles and the Mitsubishi Minica, which represented the company's future in the 1960s.  Sep 1, 2024 · The Mitsubishi Minica is a model series of kei cars, produced by Mitsubishi Motors Corp.  Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia; Contact us; Donate; Help; Learn to edit; Community portal; Recent changes; Upload file Mitsubishi 360/Minica в конце 1960-х годов конкурировали с Subaru 360, Daihatsu Fellow Max и Suzuki Fronte. The Mitsubishi Minica (Japanese: 三菱・ミニカ, Hepburn: Mitsubishi Minika) is a model series of kei cars, produced by Mitsubishi Motors Corp. 0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.  Jan 17, 2024 · move to sidebar hide.  History.  In December 1997, the Pajero Mini Duke was released.  The Mitsubishi 3G8 engine is a range of three-cylinder powerplant from Mitsubishi Motors, introduced in the fifth generation of their Mitsubishi Minica kei car.  It shares a 72 mm (2.  A Mitsubishi Leo, photographed at Fukuyama Motor and Clock Museum. 29 MB Compact MPV.  Nama-nya berasal dari gabungan bahasa Inggris yaitu &quot;top&quot; (roof) den bahasa Jepang &quot;noppo&quot; (kurus).  Pajero Mini побудований на подовженій платформі Mitsubishi Minica і оснащувався атмосферними та турбованими моторами сімейства 4A30 об'ємом 0,66 літра і відносився в Японії до пільгової категорії кей-кар. JPG 1,600 &times; 1,200; 753 KB Mitsubishi Motors vehicles This page was last edited on 29 September 2010, at 04:35 (UTC) .  The Mitsubishi i-MiEV (MiEV is an acronym for Mitsubishi innovative Electric Vehicle [4]) is a five-door electric city car produced in the 2010s by Mitsubishi Motors, and is the electric version of the Mitsubishi i.  Bu adlı-sanlı &quot;Mitsubishi&quot; avtomobilinin &quot;k&ouml;t&uuml;cəsi&quot; &quot;Minica&quot; adını bu g&uuml;nədək yaşadır. 97 MB.  Im &aacute;vtomobili 1962-2011-inə soronədə vadoaşone.  The original version was derived from their Minica kei car.  Kita 20210621-27.  Der erste Minica war eine 2-t&uuml;rige Stufenhecklimousine und basierte auf dem von 1961 bis 1969 gebauten Lieferwagen Mitsubishi 360.  (MMC) over five generations, from 1962 to 2011, mainly for the Japanese domestic market.  Det f&ouml;rsta utvecklingsarbetet inleddes p&aring; 1960-talet och resulterade i det f&ouml;rsta Mitsubishi Motors-byggda elfordonet 1971.  Designed by Mitsubishi Motors.  The Mitsubishi Toppo is a light recreational vehicle (RV) produced by Mitsubishi Motors from 1990 until 2004 and then from 2008 until 2013.  The ME21 was first used in the Mitsubishi 360 light commercial of April 1961, and then in the Minica passenger car.  The hatchback models produced between 1978 and 2003 were classified as subcompact cars, while the sedan and station wagon models, marketed prominently as the Mitsubishi Lancer, were the compact offerings. 72 MB): Mr.  Неожиданный успех 360/Minica заставили Mitsubishi закончить производство трёхколёсных транспортных средств.  It boasts a range of engines including a 657 cc 3G83 I3 engine and a 659 cc 4A30 I4 engine, each with different configurations ranging from SOHC to DOHC , and even a turbocharged variant for those craving extra power.  Lancer &eacute; um modelo compacto da Mitsubishi Motors.  Media in category &quot;Mitsubishi Minica (7th generation)&quot; The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total.  7th generation Mitsubishi Minica Town Bee.  Mitsubishi Minica (яп.  eK SPACE: eK Space: Nissan Roox Nissan Roox Highway Star 2014 2020 2023 Japan Mitsubishi Pistachio sedan tiga pintu yang diperkenalkan oleh Mitsubishi Motors pada Desember 1999, menggunakan platform dari Minica kei car.  From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.  The Media in category &quot;Mitsubishi Minica (6th generation)&quot; The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.  Menggunakan platform dari Mitsubishi Minica, Pajero Mini didesain menjadi versi kecil dari SUV Mitsubishi Pajero, untuk merespons menggilanya SUV tahun akhir 1980-an dan awal 1990-an.  [1] Dibandingkan dengan versi aslinya, kendaraan kecil ini memeiliki jarak sumbu antar ban yang Aug 30, 2018 · This is the Mitsubishi Minica Dangan ZZ, probably the most adventurous of all of the hatchback kei cars.  All structured data from the file namespace is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.  The later ME24 engines were seen in a variety of Mitsubishi's lower end Kei cars and trucks, until production ended in late 1972.  Although sedan production ended in 1979, vans continued on until 1985.  Mitsubishi Heavy Industries agreed to reduce its share to 25%, retaining its position as largest single stockholder.  Chrysler, meanwhile, increased its holding to over 20%.   </li>
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