Your IP :
# This script configures AWStats so that it works immediately.
# - Get Apache config file from registry (ask if not found)
# - Change common log to combined (ask to confirm)
# - Add AWStats directives
# - Restart web server
# - Create AWStats config file
# See COPYING.TXT file about AWStats GNU General Public License.
require 5.005;
use strict;
# Following path are the one
use vars qw/
$AWSTATS_MODEL_CONFIG='/etc/awstats/awstats.model.conf'; # Used only when configure ran on linux
$AWSTATS_DIRDATA_PATH='/var/lib/awstats'; # Used only when configure ran on linux
# Defines
# For windows registry management
my $reg;
eval('use Win32::TieRegistry ( Delimiter=>"/", TiedRef=>\$reg )');
use vars qw/ $REVISION $VERSION /;
$VERSION="1.0 (build $REVISION)";
use vars qw/
$DIR $PROG $Extension $Debug
use vars qw/
# Possible dirs for Apache conf files
'C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf',
'C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/httpd.conf',
use vars qw/
$WebServerChanged $UseAlias $Step
%LogFormat %ConfToChange
%OSLib=('linux'=>'Linux, BSD or Unix','macosx'=>'macOS','windows'=>'Windows');
# Functions
# error
sub error {
print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
# debug
sub debug {
my $level = $_[1] || 1;
if ($Debug >= $level) {
my $debugstring = $_[0];
if ($ENV{"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"}) { $debugstring =~ s/^ /   /; $debugstring .= "<br />"; }
print "DEBUG $level - ".time." : $debugstring\n";
# update_httpd_config
# Replace common to combined in Apache config file
sub update_httpd_config
my $file=shift;
if (! $file) { error("Call to update_httpd_config with wrong parameter"); }
open(FILE, $file) || error("Failed to open $file for update");
open(FILETMP, ">$file.tmp") || error("Failed to open $file.tmp for writing");
# $%conf contains param and values
my %confchanged=();
my $conflinenb = 0;
# First, change values that are already present in old config file
while(<FILE>) {
my $savline=$_;
chomp $_; s/\r//;
# Remove comments not at beginning of line
$_ =~ s/\s#.*$//;
# Change line
if ($_ =~ /^(\s*)CustomLog\s(.*)\scommon$/i) { $savline="$1CustomLog $2 combined"; }
# Write line
print FILETMP "$savline";
# Move file to file.sav
if (rename("$file","$file.old")==0) {
error("Failed to make backup of current config file to $file.old");
# Move tmp file into config file
if (rename("$file.tmp","$file")==0) {
error("Failed to move tmp config file $file.tmp to $file");
return 0;
# update_awstats_config
# Update an awstats model [to another one]
sub update_awstats_config
my $file=shift;
my $fileto=shift||"$file.tmp";
if (! $file) { error("Call to update_awstats_config with wrong parameter"); }
if ($file =~ /Developpements[\\\/]awstats/i) {
print " This is my dev area. Don't touch.\n";
} # To avoid script working in my dev area
open(FILE, $file) || error("Failed to open '$file' for read");
open(FILETMP, ">$fileto") || error("Failed to open '$fileto' for writing");
# $%conf contains param and values
my %confchanged=();
my $conflinenb = 0;
# First, change values that are already present in old config file
while(<FILE>) {
my $savline=$_;
chomp $_; s/\r//;
# Remove comments not at beginning of line
$_ =~ s/\s#.*$//;
# Extract param and value
my ($param,$value)=split(/=/,$_,2);
$param =~ s/^\s+//; $param =~ s/\s+$//;
$value =~ s/#.*$//;
$value =~ s/^[\s\'\"]+//; $value =~ s/[\s\'\"]+$//;
if ($param) {
# cleanparam is param without its beginning #
my $cleanparam=$param; my $wascleaned=0;
if ($cleanparam =~ s/^#//) { $wascleaned=1; }
if (defined($ConfToChange{"$cleanparam"}) && $ConfToChange{"$cleanparam"}) { $savline = ($wascleaned?"#":"")."$cleanparam=\"".$ConfToChange{"$cleanparam"}."\"\n"; }
# Write line
print FILETMP "$savline";
if ($fileto eq "$file.tmp") {
# Move file to file.sav
if (rename("$file","$file.old")==0) {
error("Failed to make backup of current config file to $file.old");
# Move tmp file into config file
if (rename("$fileto","$file")==0) {
error("Failed to move tmp config file $fileto to $file");
# Remove .old file
unlink "$file.old";
else {
print " Config file $fileto created.\n";
return 0;
($DIR=$0) =~ s/([^\/\\]+)$//; ($PROG=$1) =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$//; $Extension=$1;
$DIR||='.'; $DIR =~ s/([^\/\\])[\\\/]+$/$1/;
my $QueryString=""; for (0..@ARGV-1) { $QueryString .= "$ARGV[$_] "; }
if ($QueryString =~ /debug=/i) { $Debug=$QueryString; $Debug =~ s/.*debug=//; $Debug =~ s/&.*//; $Debug =~ s/ .*//; }
my $helpfound=0;
my $OS='';
my $CR='';
for (0..@ARGV-1) {
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*h/i) { $helpfound=1; last; }
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*awstatspath=([^\s\"]+)/i) { $AWSTATS_PATH=$1; last; }
# If AWSTATS_PATH was not forced on command line
if (! $AWSTATS_PATH) {
$AWSTATS_PATH=($DIR eq '.'?'..':$DIR);
# On utilise le format de spearateur / partout (dans Apache et appels Perl)
$AWSTATS_PATH =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Show usage help
if ($helpfound) {
print "----- AWStats $PROG $VERSION (c) Laurent Destailleur -----\n";
print "$PROG is a tool to setup AWStats. It works with Apache only.\n";
print " - Detect Apache config file (ask if not found)\n";
print " - Change common log to combined (ask to confirm)\n";
print " - Add AWStats directives\n";
print " - Restart web server\n";
print " - Create one AWStats config file (if asked)\n";
print "\n";
print "Usage: $PROG.$Extension\n";
print "\n";
exit 0;
# Get current time
my $nowtime=time;
my ($nowsec,$nowmin,$nowhour,$nowday,$nowmonth,$nowyear) = localtime($nowtime);
if ($nowyear < 100) { $nowyear+=2000; } else { $nowyear+=1900; }
my $nowsmallyear=$nowyear;$nowsmallyear =~ s/^..//;
if (++$nowmonth < 10) { $nowmonth = "0$nowmonth"; }
if ($nowday < 10) { $nowday = "0$nowday"; }
if ($nowhour < 10) { $nowhour = "0$nowhour"; }
if ($nowmin < 10) { $nowmin = "0$nowmin"; }
if ($nowsec < 10) { $nowsec = "0$nowsec"; }
print "\n";
print "----- AWStats $PROG $VERSION (c) Laurent Destailleur -----\n";
print "This tool will help you to configure AWStats to analyze statistics for\n";
print "one web server. You can try to use it to let it do all that is possible\n";
print "in AWStats setup, however following the step by step manual setup\n";
print "documentation (docs/index.html) is often a better idea. Above all if:\n";
print "- You are not an administrator user,\n";
print "- You want to analyze downloaded log files without web server,\n";
print "- You want to analyze mail or ftp log files instead of web log files,\n";
print "- You need to analyze load balanced servers log files,\n";
print "- You want to 'understand' all possible ways to use AWStats...\n";
print "Read the AWStats documentation (docs/index.html).\n";
# Detect OS type
# --------------
if ("$^O" =~ /linux/i || (-d "/etc" && -d "/var" && "$^O" !~ /cygwin/i)) { $OS='linux'; $CR=''; }
if ("$^O" !~ /linux/i && -d "/etc" && -d "/Users") { $OS='macosx'; $CR=''; }
if ("$^O" =~ /cygwin/i || "$^O" =~ /win32/i) { $OS='windows'; $CR="\r"; }
if (! $OS) {
print " was not able to detect your OS. You must configure AWStats\n";
print "manually following the setup documentation (docs/index.html).\n";
print " aborted.\n";
exit 1;
#print "Running OS detected: $OS (Perl $^[)\n";
print "\n-----> Running OS detected: $OSLib{$OS}\n";
if ($OS eq 'linux') {
$AWSTATS_PATH=`pwd`; $AWSTATS_PATH =~ s/[\r\n]//;
if ($AWSTATS_PATH ne '/usr/share/awstats') {
print "Warning: AWStats standard directory on Linux OS is '/usr/share/awstats'.\n";
print "If you want to use standard directory, you should first move all content\n";
print "of AWStats distribution from current directory:\n";
print "$AWSTATS_PATH\n";
print "to standard directory:\n";
print "/usr/share/awstats\n";
print "And then, run from this location.\n";
print "Do you want to continue setup from this NON standard directory [yN] ? ";
my $bidon='';
while ($bidon !~ /^[yN]/i) { $bidon=<STDIN>; }
if ($bidon !~ /^y/i) {
print " aborted.\n";
exit 1;
elsif ($OS eq 'macosx') {
$AWSTATS_PATH=`pwd`; $AWSTATS_PATH =~ s/[\r\n]//;
if ($AWSTATS_PATH ne '/Library/WebServer/awstats') {
print "Warning: AWStats standard directory on macOS is '/Library/WebServer/awstats'.\n";
print "If you want to use standard directory, you should first move all content\n";
print "of AWStats distribution from current directory:\n";
print "$AWSTATS_PATH\n";
print "to standard directory:\n";
print "/Library/WebServer/awstats\n";
print "And then, run from this location.\n";
print "Do you want to continue setup from this NON standard directory [yN] ? ";
my $bidon='';
while ($bidon !~ /^[yN]/i) { $bidon=<STDIN>; }
if ($bidon !~ /^y/i) {
print " aborted.\n";
exit 1;
elsif ($OS eq 'windows') {
# We do not use default values for awstats directives
# but thoose defined from AWSTATS_PATH
# Detect web server path
# ----------------------
print "\n-----> Check for web server install\n";
my %ApachePath=(); # All Apache path found (used on windows only)
my %ApacheConfPath=(); # All Apache config found
my $tips;
if ($OS eq 'linux' || $OS eq 'macosx') {
my $found=0;
foreach my $conf (@WEBCONF) {
if (-s "$conf") {
print " Found Web server Apache config file '$conf'\n";
if ($OS eq 'windows' && "$^O" !~ /cygwin/i) {
if ($tips=$reg->{"LMachine/Software/Apache Group/Apache/"}) {
# If Apache registry call successful
my $found=0;
foreach( sort keys %$tips ) {
my $path=$reg->{"LMachine/Software/Apache Group/Apache/$_/ServerRoot"};
if (-d "$path" && -s "$path/conf/httpd.conf") {
print " Found a Web server Apache install in '$path'\n";
if (! scalar keys %ApacheConfPath) {
my $bidon='';
if ($OS eq 'windows') {
# Ask web server path (need to restart on windows)
print "$PROG did not find your Apache web main runtime.\n";
print "\nPlease, enter full directory path of your Apache web server or\n";
print "'none' to skip this step if you don't have local web server or\n";
print "don't have permission to change its setup.\n";
print "Example: c:\\Program files\\apache group\\apache\n";
while ($bidon ne 'none' && ! -d "$bidon") {
print "Apache Web server path ('none' to skip):\n> ";
$bidon=<STDIN>; chomp $bidon;
if ($bidon && ! -d "$bidon" && $bidon ne 'none') { print "- The directory '$bidon' does not exists.\n"; }
if ($bidon ne 'none') {
if ($bidon) { $ApachePath{"$bidon"}=1; }
print "\n".($bidon?"Now, enter":"Enter")." full config file path of your Web server.\n";
print "Example: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf\n";
print "Example: /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf\n";
print "Example: c:\\Program files\\apache group\\apache\\conf\\httpd.conf\n";
while ($bidon ne 'none' && ! -f "$bidon") {
print "Config file path ('none' to skip web server setup):\n> ";
$bidon=<STDIN>; chomp $bidon;
if ($bidon && ! -f "$bidon" && $bidon ne 'none') { print "- This file does not exists.\n"; }
if ($bidon ne 'none') {
if (! scalar keys %ApacheConfPath) {
print "\n";
print "Your web server config file(s) could not be found.\n";
print "You will need to setup your web server manually to declare AWStats\n";
print "script as a CGI, if you want to build reports dynamically.\n";
print "See AWStats setup documentation (file docs/index.html)";
print "\n";
# Open Apache config file
# -----------------------
foreach my $key (keys %ApacheConfPath) {
print "\n-----> Check and complete web server config file '$key'\n";
# Read config file to search for awstats directives
my $commonchangedtocombined=0;
open(CONF,"<$key") || error("Failed to open config file '$key' for reading");
binmode CONF;
my $awstatsjsfound=0;
my $awstatsclassesfound=0;
my $awstatscssfound=0;
my $awstatsiconsfound=0;
my $awstatscgifound=0;
my $awstatsdirectoryfound=0;
if ($_ =~ /^\s*CustomLog\s(.*)\scommon$/i)
print "Warning: You Apache config file contains directives to write 'common' log files\n";
print "This means that some features can't work (os, browsers and keywords detection).\n";
print "Do you want me to setup Apache to write 'combined' log files [y/N] ? ";
my $bidon='';
while ($bidon !~ /^[yN]/i) { $bidon=<STDIN>; }
if ($bidon =~ /^y/i) {
close CONF;
goto READ;
if ($_ =~ /^\s*CustomLog\s(.*)\scombined$/i) { $LogFormat{$key}=1; }
if ($_ =~ /Alias \/awstatsclasses/) { $awstatsclassesfound=1; }
if ($_ =~ /Alias \/awstatscss/) { $awstatscssfound=1; }
if ($_ =~ /Alias \/awstatsicons/) { $awstatsiconsfound=1; }
if ($_ =~ /ScriptAlias \/awstats\//) { $awstatscgifound=1; }
my $awstats_path_quoted=quotemeta($AWSTATS_PATH);
if ($_ =~ /Directory "$awstats_path_quoted\/wwwroot"/) { $awstatsdirectoryfound=1; }
close CONF;
if ($awstatsclassesfound && $awstatscssfound && $awstatsiconsfound && $awstatscgifound && $awstatsdirectoryfound)
if ($commonchangedtocombined) { print " Common log files changed to combined.\n"; }
print " All AWStats directives are already present.\n";
# Add awstats directives
open(CONF,">>$key") || error("Failed to open config file '$key' for adding AWStats directives");
binmode CONF;
if (! $awstatsclassesfound || ! $awstatscssfound || ! $awstatsiconsfound || ! $awstatscgifound) {
print CONF "$CR\n";
print CONF "#$CR\n";
print CONF "# Directives to allow use of AWStats as a CGI$CR\n";
print CONF "#$CR\n";
if (! $awstatsclassesfound) {
print " Add 'Alias \/awstatsclasses \"$AWSTATS_CLASSES_PATH\/\"'\n";
print CONF "Alias \/awstatsclasses \"$AWSTATS_CLASSES_PATH\/\"$CR\n";
if (! $awstatscssfound) {
print " Add 'Alias \/awstatscss \"$AWSTATS_CSS_PATH\/\"'\n";
print CONF "Alias \/awstatscss \"$AWSTATS_CSS_PATH\/\"$CR\n";
if (! $awstatsiconsfound) {
print " Add 'Alias \/awstatsicons \"$AWSTATS_ICON_PATH\/\"'\n";
print CONF "Alias \/awstatsicons \"$AWSTATS_ICON_PATH\/\"$CR\n";
if (! $awstatscgifound) {
print " Add 'ScriptAlias \/awstats\/ \"$AWSTATS_CGI_PATH\/\"'\n";
print CONF "ScriptAlias \/awstats\/ \"$AWSTATS_CGI_PATH\/\"$CR\n";
if (! $awstatsdirectoryfound) {
print " Add '<Directory>' directive\n";
print CONF "$CR\n";
print CONF <<EOF;
# This is to permit URL access to scripts/files in AWStats directory.
<Directory "$AWSTATS_PATH/wwwroot">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
close CONF;
print " AWStats directives added to Apache config file.\n";
# Define model config file path
# -----------------------------
my $modelfile='';
if ($OS eq 'linux') {
if (-f "$AWSTATS_PATH/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf") {
else {
if (! -s $modelfile || ! -w $modelfile) { $modelfile="$AWSTATS_PATH/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf"; }
elsif ($OS eq "macosx") {
elsif ($OS eq 'windows') { $modelfile="$AWSTATS_PATH\\wwwroot\\cgi-bin\\awstats.model.conf"; }
else { $modelfile="$AWSTATS_PATH\\wwwroot\\cgi-bin\\awstats.model.conf"; }
# Update model config file
# ------------------------
if (-s $modelfile && -w $modelfile) {
print "\n-----> Update model config file '$modelfile'\n";
if ($OS eq 'linux' || $OS eq "macosx") { $ConfToChange{'DirData'}="$AWSTATS_DIRDATA_PATH"; }
elsif ($OS eq 'windows') { $ConfToChange{'DirData'}='.'; }
else { $ConfToChange{'DirData'}='.'; }
if ($UseAlias) {
print " File awstats.model.conf updated.\n";
# Ask if we need to create a config file
my $site='';
my $configfile='';
print "\n-----> Need to create a new config file ?\n";
print "Do you want me to build a new AWStats config/profile\n";
print "file (required if first install) [y/N] ? ";
my $bidon='';
while ($bidon !~ /^[yN]/i) { $bidon=<STDIN>; }
if ($bidon =~ /^y/i) {
# Ask value for web site name
print "\n-----> Define config file name to create\n";
print "What is the name of your web site or profile analysis ?\n";
print "Example:\n";
print "Example: demo\n";
my $bidon='';
while (! $bidon) {
print "Your web site, virtual server or profile name:\n> ";
$bidon=<STDIN>; chomp $bidon;
if ($bidon =~ /\s/) { print " Space chars are not allowed.\n"; $bidon=''; }
# Define config file path
# -----------------------
if ($OS eq 'linux') {
print "\n-----> Define config file path\n";
print "In which directory do you plan to store your config file(s) ?\n";
print "Default: /etc/awstats\n";
my $bidon='';
print "Directory path to store config file(s) (Enter for default):\n> ";
$bidon=<STDIN>; chomp $bidon;
if (! $bidon) { $bidon = "/etc/awstats"; }
my $configdir=$bidon;
if (! -d $configdir) {
# Create the directory for config files
my $mkdirok=mkdir "$configdir", 0755;
if (! $mkdirok) { error("Failed to create directory '$configdir', required to store config files."); }
elsif ($OS eq "macosx") { $configfile="$AWSTATS_PATH/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.$site.conf"; }
elsif ($OS eq 'windows') { $configfile="$AWSTATS_PATH\\wwwroot\\cgi-bin\\awstats.$site.conf"; }
else { $configfile="$AWSTATS_PATH\\wwwroot\\cgi-bin\\awstats.$site.conf"; }
if (-s "$configfile") {
print "Warning: A config file for this name already exists. Choose another one.\n";
# Create awstats.conf file
# ------------------------
print "\n-----> Create config file '$configfile'\n";
if (-s $configfile) { print " Config file already exists. No overwrite possible on existing config files.\n"; }
else {
if ($OS eq 'linux' || $OS eq "macosx") { $ConfToChange{'DirData'}="$AWSTATS_DIRDATA_PATH"; }
if ($OS eq 'windows') { $ConfToChange{'DirData'}='.'; }
if ($UseAlias) {
my $sitewithoutwww=lc($site); $sitewithoutwww =~ s/^www\.//i;
$ConfToChange{'HostAliases'}="$sitewithoutwww www.$sitewithoutwww localhost";
# Restart Apache if change were made
# ----------------------------------
if ($WebServerChanged) {
if ($OS eq 'linux') {
if (-f "/etc/debian_version") {
# We are on debian
my $command="/etc/init.d/apache restart";
print "\n-----> Restart Web server with '$command'\n";
my $ret=`$command`;
print "$ret";
} elsif (-x "/sbin/service") {
# We are not on debian
my $command="/sbin/service httpd restart";
print "\n-----> Restart Web server with '$command'\n";
my $ret=`$command`;
print "$ret";
} else {
print "\n-----> Don't forget to restart manually your web server\n";
elsif ($OS eq 'macosx') {
print "\n-----> Restart Web server with '/usr/sbin/apachectl restart'\n";
my $ret=`/usr/sbin/apachectl restart`;
print "$ret";
elsif ($OS eq 'windows') {
foreach my $key (keys %ApachePath) {
if (-f "$key/bin/Apache.exe") {
print "\n-----> Restart Apache with '\"$key/bin/Apache.exe\" -k restart'\n";
my $ret=`"$key/bin/Apache.exe" -k restart`;
else {
foreach my $key (keys %ApachePath) {
if (-f "$key/bin/Apache.exe") {
print "\n-----> Restart Apache with '\"$key/bin/Apache.exe\" -k restart'\n";
my $ret=`"$key/bin/Apache.exe" -k restart`;
# Scan logorate for a log file
# If apache log has a logrotate log found, we create a config and add line in prerotate
# prerotate
# ...
# endscript
# If not found
# Schedule awstats update process
# -------------------------------
print "\n-----> Add update process inside a scheduler\n";
if ($OS eq 'linux' || $OS eq "macosx") {
print "Sorry, does not support automatic add to cron yet.\n";
print "You can do it manually by adding the following command to your cron:\n";
print "$AWSTATS_CGI_PATH/ -update -config=".($site?$site:"myvirtualserver")."\n";
print "Or if you have several config files and prefer having only one command:\n";
print "$AWSTATS_PATH/tools/ now\n";
print "Press ENTER to continue... ";
elsif ($OS eq 'windows') {
print "Sorry, for Windows users, if you want to have statistics to be\n";
print "updated on a regular basis, you have to add the update process\n";
print "in a scheduler task manually (See AWStats docs/index.html).\n";
print "Press ENTER to continue... ";
else {
print "Sorry, if you want to have statistics to be\n";
print "updated on a regular basis, you have to add the update process\n";
print "in a scheduler task manually (See AWStats docs/index.html).\n";
print "Press ENTER to continue... ";
#print "\n-----> End of configuration\n";
print "\n\n";
if ($site) {
print "A SIMPLE config file has been created: $configfile\n";
print "You should have a look inside to check and change manually main parameters.\n";
print "You can then manually update your statistics for '$site' with command:\n";
print "> perl -update -config=$site\n";
if (scalar keys %ApacheConfPath) {
print "You can also read your statistics for '$site' with URL:\n";
print "> http://localhost/awstats/$site\n";
else {
print "You can also build static report pages for '$site' with command:\n";
print "> perl -output=pagetype -config=$site\n";
print "\n";
else {
print "No config file was built. You can run this tool later to build as\n";
print "much config/profile files as you want.\n";
print "Once you have a config/profile file, for example 'awstats.demo.conf',\n";
print "You can manually update your statistics for 'demo' with command:\n";
print "> perl -update -config=demo\n";
if (scalar keys %ApacheConfPath) {
print "You can also read your statistics for 'demo' with URL:\n";
print "> http://localhost/awstats/\n";
else {
print "You can also build static report pages for 'demo' with command:\n";
print "> perl -output=pagetype -config=demo\n";
print "\n";
print "Press ENTER to finish...\n";
0; # Do not remove this line