Your IP :
// Meta is mapped to second level of Alt.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "meta_alt" {
key <LALT> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] };
key <RALT> { type[Group1] = "TWO_LEVEL",
symbols[Group1] = [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };
modifier_map Mod1 { Alt_L, Alt_R, Meta_L, Meta_R };
// modifier_map Mod4 {};
// Alt is mapped to the Super and the usual Alt.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "alt_win" {
key <LWIN> { [ Alt_L ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Alt_R ] };
modifier_map Mod1 { <LWIN>, <RWIN> };
// Ctrl is mapped to the Super and the usual Ctrl keys.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "ctrl_win" {
key <LWIN> { [ Control_L ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Control_R ] };
modifier_map Control { <LWIN>, <RWIN> };
// Ctrl is mapped to the Alt, Alt to the Super, and Win to the Ctrl keys.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "ctrl_alt_win" {
key <LALT> { [ Control_L, Control_L ] };
key <RALT> { type[Group1] = "TWO_LEVEL",
symbols[Group1] = [ Control_R, Control_R ] };
key <LWIN> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };
key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] };
key <RCTL> { [ Super_R ] };
modifier_map Control { <RALT>, <LALT> };
modifier_map Mod1 { <LWIN>, <RWIN> };
modifier_map Mod4 { <LCTL>, <RCTL> };
// Meta is mapped to the Super.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "meta_win" {
key <LALT> { [ Alt_L, Alt_L ] };
key <RALT> { type[Group1] = "TWO_LEVEL",
symbols[Group1] = [ Alt_R, Alt_R ] };
key <LWIN> { [ Meta_L ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Meta_R ] };
modifier_map Mod1 { Alt_L, Alt_R };
modifier_map Mod4 { <META>, Meta_L, Meta_R };
// Meta is mapped to the left Win key.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "left_meta_win" {
key <LALT> { [ Alt_L, Alt_L ] };
key <LWIN> { [ Meta_L ] };
modifier_map Mod1 { Alt_L };
modifier_map Mod4 { <META>, Meta_L };
// Hyper is mapped to the Super.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "hyper_win" {
key <LWIN> { [ Hyper_L ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Hyper_R ] };
modifier_map Mod4 { Hyper_L, Hyper_R };
// Menu is mapped to the Menu key.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "menu" {
key <MENU> { [ Menu ] };
// Menu is mapped to the right Win key.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "menu_win" {
key <MENU> { [ Super_R ] };
// Layout for Tux key caps with additional right Alt key
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "alt_super_win" {
key <LALT> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };
key <LWIN> { [ Super_L ]};
key <MENU> { [ Super_R ] };
modifier_map Mod1 { Alt_L, Alt_R, Meta_L, Meta_R };
modifier_map Mod4 { Super_L, Super_R };
// Swap the Alt and Super.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "swap_alt_win" {
include "altwin(swap_lalt_lwin)"
include "altwin(swap_ralt_rwin)"
// Swap the left Alt and Super.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "swap_lalt_lwin" {
key <LALT> { type[Group1] = "ONE_LEVEL",
symbols[Group1] = [ Super_L ] };
key <LWIN> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] };
// Swap the right Alt and Super.
hidden partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "swap_ralt_rwin" {
key <RALT> { type[Group1] = "ONE_LEVEL",
symbols[Group1] = [ Super_R ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };
// Win is mapped to the PrtSc key (and the usual Win key).
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "prtsc_rwin" {
replace key <PRSC> { [ Super_R, Super_R ] };
modifier_map Mod4 { <PRSC>, <RWIN> };