Your IP :
/* global firstDayOfCalendar */ // templates/javascript/variables.twig
* Create advanced table (resize, reorder, and show/hide columns; and also grid editing).
* This function is designed mainly for table DOM generated from browsing a table in the database.
* For using this function in other table DOM, you may need to:
* - add "draggable" class in the table header <th>, in order to make it resizable, sortable or hidable
* - have at least one non-"draggable" header in the table DOM for placing column visibility drop-down arrow
* - pass the value "false" for the parameter "enableGridEdit"
* - adjust other parameter value, to select which features that will be enabled
* @param t the table DOM element
* @param enableResize Optional, if false, column resizing feature will be disabled
* @param enableReorder Optional, if false, column reordering feature will be disabled
* @param enableVisib Optional, if false, show/hide column feature will be disabled
* @param enableGridEdit Optional, if false, grid editing feature will be disabled
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var makeGrid = function (t, enableResize, enableReorder, enableVisib, enableGridEdit) {
var isResizeEnabled = enableResize === undefined ? true : enableResize;
var isReorderEnabled = enableReorder === undefined ? true : enableReorder;
var isVisibEnabled = enableVisib === undefined ? true : enableVisib;
var isGridEditEnabled = enableGridEdit === undefined ? true : enableGridEdit;
var g = {
/** *********
* Constant
minColWidth: 15,
/** *********
* Variables, assigned with default value, changed later
actionSpan: 5,
// number of colspan in Actions header in a table
tableCreateTime: null,
// table creation time, used for saving column order and visibility to server, only available in "Browse tab"
// Column reordering variables
colOrder: [],
// array of column order
// Column visibility variables
colVisib: [],
// array of column visibility
showAllColText: '',
// string, text for "show all" button under column visibility list
visibleHeadersCount: 0,
// number of visible data headers
// Table hint variables
reorderHint: '',
// string, hint for column reordering
sortHint: '',
// string, hint for column sorting
markHint: '',
// string, hint for column marking
copyHint: '',
// string, hint for copy column name
showReorderHint: false,
showSortHint: false,
showMarkHint: false,
// Grid editing
isCellEditActive: false,
// true if current focus is in edit cell
isEditCellTextEditable: false,
// true if current edit cell is editable in the text input box (not textarea)
currentEditCell: null,
// reference to <td> that currently being edited
cellEditHint: '',
// hint shown when doing grid edit
gotoLinkText: '',
// "Go to link" text
wasEditedCellNull: false,
// true if last value of the edited cell was NULL
maxTruncatedLen: 0,
// number of characters that can be displayed in a cell
saveCellsAtOnce: false,
// $cfg[saveCellsAtOnce]
isCellEdited: false,
// true if at least one cell has been edited
saveCellWarning: '',
// string, warning text when user want to leave a page with unsaved edited data
lastXHR: null,
// last XHR object used in AJAX request
isSaving: false,
// true when currently saving edited data, used to handle double posting caused by pressing ENTER in grid edit text box in Chrome browser
alertNonUnique: '',
// string, alert shown when saving edited nonunique table
// Common hidden inputs
token: null,
server: null,
db: null,
table: null,
/** **********
* Functions
* Start to resize column. Called when clicking on column separator.
* @param e event
* @param obj dragged div object
dragStartRsz: function (e, obj) {
var n = $(g.cRsz).find('div').index(obj); // get the index of separator (i.e., column index)
g.colRsz = {
x0: e.pageX,
n: n,
obj: obj,
objLeft: $(obj).position().left,
objWidth: $(g.t).find('th.draggable:visible').eq(n).find('span').outerWidth()
// eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat
$(document.body).css('cursor', 'col-resize').noSelect();
if (g.isCellEditActive) {
* Start to reorder column. Called when clicking on table header.
* @param e event
* @param obj table header object
dragStartReorder: function (e, obj) {
// prepare the cCpy (column copy) and cPointer (column pointer) from the dragged column
var objPos = $(obj).position();
top: + 20,
left: objPos.left,
height: $(obj).height(),
width: $(obj).width()
// get the column index, zero-based
var n = g.getHeaderIdx(obj);
g.colReorder = {
x0: e.pageX,
y0: e.pageY,
n: n,
newn: n,
obj: obj,
objLeft: objPos.left
// eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat
$(document.body).css('cursor', 'move').noSelect();
if (g.isCellEditActive) {
* Handle mousemove event when dragging.
* @param e event
dragMove: function (e) {
var dx;
if (g.colRsz) {
dx = e.pageX - g.colRsz.x0;
if (g.colRsz.objWidth + dx > g.minColWidth) {
$(g.colRsz.obj).css('left', g.colRsz.objLeft + dx + 'px');
} else if (g.colReorder) {
// dragged column animation
dx = e.pageX - g.colReorder.x0;
$(g.cCpy).css('left', g.colReorder.objLeft + dx).show();
// pointer animation
var hoveredCol = g.getHoveredCol(e);
if (hoveredCol) {
var newn = g.getHeaderIdx(hoveredCol);
g.colReorder.newn = newn;
if (newn !== g.colReorder.n) {
// show the column pointer in the right place
var colPos = $(hoveredCol).position();
var newleft = newn < g.colReorder.n ? colPos.left : colPos.left + $(hoveredCol).outerWidth();
left: newleft,
visibility: 'visible'
} else {
// no movement to other column, hide the column pointer
$(g.cPointer).css('visibility', 'hidden');
* Stop the dragging action.
* @param e event
dragEnd: function (e) {
if (g.colRsz) {
var dx = e.pageX - g.colRsz.x0;
var nw = g.colRsz.objWidth + dx;
if (nw < g.minColWidth) {
nw = g.minColWidth;
var n = g.colRsz.n;
// do the resizing
g.resize(n, nw);
g.colRsz = false;
} else if (g.colReorder) {
// shift columns
if (g.colReorder.newn !== g.colReorder.n) {
g.shiftCol(g.colReorder.n, g.colReorder.newn);
// assign new position
var objPos = $(g.colReorder.obj).position();
g.colReorder.objTop =;
g.colReorder.objLeft = objPos.left;
g.colReorder.n = g.colReorder.newn;
// send request to server to remember the column order
if (g.tableCreateTime) {
// animate new column position
$(g.cCpy).stop(true, true).animate({
top: g.colReorder.objTop,
left: g.colReorder.objLeft
}, 'fast').fadeOut();
$(g.cPointer).css('visibility', 'hidden');
g.colReorder = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat
$(document.body).css('cursor', 'inherit').noSelect(false);
* Resize column n to new width "nw"
* @param n zero-based column index
* @param nw new width of the column in pixel
resize: function (n, nw) {
$(g.t).find('tr').each(function () {
$(this).find('th.draggable:visible').eq(n).find('span').add($(this).find('td:visible').eq(g.actionSpan + n).find('span')).css('width', nw);
* Reposition column resize bars.
reposRsz: function () {
var $firstRowCols = $(g.t).find('tr').first().find('th.draggable:visible');
var $resizeHandles = $(g.cRsz).find('div').removeClass('condition');
$(g.t).find('table.pma_table').find('thead th').first().removeClass('before-condition');
for (var n = 0, l = $firstRowCols.length; n < l; n++) {
var $col = $($firstRowCols[n]);
var colWidth;
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari') !== -1) {
colWidth = $col.outerWidth();
} else {
colWidth = $col.outerWidth(true);
$($resizeHandles[n]).css('left', $col.position().left + colWidth).show();
if ($col.hasClass('condition')) {
if (n > 0) {
$($resizeHandles[n - 1]).addClass('condition');
if ($($resizeHandles[0]).hasClass('condition')) {
$(g.t).find('thead th').first().addClass('before-condition');
$(g.cRsz).css('height', $(g.t).height());
* Shift column from index oldn to newn.
* @param oldn old zero-based column index
* @param newn new zero-based column index
shiftCol: function (oldn, newn) {
$(g.t).find('tr').each(function () {
if (newn < oldn) {
$(this).find('th.draggable').eq(newn).add($(this).find('td').eq(g.actionSpan + newn)).before($(this).find('th.draggable').eq(oldn).add($(this).find('td').eq(g.actionSpan + oldn)));
} else {
$(this).find('th.draggable').eq(newn).add($(this).find('td').eq(g.actionSpan + newn)).after($(this).find('th.draggable').eq(oldn).add($(this).find('td').eq(g.actionSpan + oldn)));
// reposition the column resize bars
// adjust the column visibility list
if (newn < oldn) {
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(newn).before($(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(oldn));
} else {
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(newn).after($(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(oldn));
// adjust the colOrder
var tmp = g.colOrder[oldn];
g.colOrder.splice(oldn, 1);
g.colOrder.splice(newn, 0, tmp);
// adjust the colVisib
if (g.colVisib.length > 0) {
tmp = g.colVisib[oldn];
g.colVisib.splice(oldn, 1);
g.colVisib.splice(newn, 0, tmp);
* Find currently hovered table column's header (excluding actions column).
* @param e event
* @return {object|undefined} the hovered column's th object or undefined if no hovered column found.
getHoveredCol: function (e) {
var hoveredCol;
var $headers = $(g.t).find('th.draggable:visible');
$headers.each(function () {
var left = $(this).offset().left;
var right = left + $(this).outerWidth();
if (left <= e.pageX && e.pageX <= right) {
hoveredCol = this;
return hoveredCol;
* Get a zero-based index from a <th class="draggable"> tag in a table.
* @param obj table header <th> object
* @return {number} zero-based index of the specified table header in the set of table headers (visible or not)
getHeaderIdx: function (obj) {
return $(obj).parents('tr').find('th.draggable').index(obj);
* Reposition the columns back to normal order.
restoreColOrder: function () {
// use insertion sort, since we already have shiftCol function
for (var i = 1; i < g.colOrder.length; i++) {
var x = g.colOrder[i];
var j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && x < g.colOrder[j]) {
if (j !== i - 1) {
g.shiftCol(i, j + 1);
if (g.tableCreateTime) {
// send request to server to remember the column order
* Send column preferences (column order and visibility) to the server.
sendColPrefs: function () {
if ($(g.t).is('.ajax')) {
// only send preferences if ajax class
if (typeof g.db !== 'string' && typeof g.table !== 'string') {
// The server has nothing to do with it
// Issue:
var postParams = {
'ajax_request': true,
'db': g.db,
'table': g.table,
'token': g.token,
'server': g.server,
'table_create_time': g.tableCreateTime
if (g.colOrder.length > 0) {
$.extend(postParams, {
'col_order': g.colOrder.toString()
if (g.colVisib.length > 0) {
$.extend(postParams, {
'col_visib': g.colVisib.toString()
$.post('index.php?route=/sql/set-column-preferences', postParams, function (data) {
if (data.success !== true) {
var $tempDiv = $(document.createElement('div'));
$tempDiv.addClass('alert alert-danger');
Functions.ajaxShowMessage($tempDiv, false);
* Refresh restore button state.
* Make restore button disabled if the table is similar with initial state.
refreshRestoreButton: function () {
// check if table state is as initial state
var isInitial = true;
for (var i = 0; i < g.colOrder.length; i++) {
if (g.colOrder[i] !== i) {
isInitial = false;
// check if only one visible column left
var isOneColumn = g.visibleHeadersCount === 1;
// enable or disable restore button
if (isInitial || isOneColumn) {
} else {
* Update current hint using the boolean values (showReorderHint, showSortHint, etc.).
* @return {string}
updateHint: function () {
var text = '';
if (!g.colRsz && !g.colReorder) {
// if not resizing or dragging
if (g.visibleHeadersCount > 1) {
g.showReorderHint = true;
if ($(t).find('th.marker').length > 0) {
g.showMarkHint = true;
if (g.showSortHint && g.sortHint) {
text += text.length > 0 ? '<br>' : '';
text += '- ' + g.sortHint;
if (g.showMultiSortHint && g.strMultiSortHint) {
text += text.length > 0 ? '<br>' : '';
text += '- ' + g.strMultiSortHint;
if (g.showMarkHint && g.markHint && !g.showSortHint &&
// we do not show mark hint, when sort hint is shown
g.showReorderHint && g.reorderHint) {
text += text.length > 0 ? '<br>' : '';
text += '- ' + g.reorderHint;
text += text.length > 0 ? '<br>' : '';
text += '- ' + g.markHint;
text += text.length > 0 ? '<br>' : '';
text += '- ' + g.copyHint;
return text;
* Toggle column's visibility.
* After calling this function and it returns true, afterToggleCol() must be called.
* @param {number} n
* @return {boolean} True if the column is toggled successfully.
toggleCol: function (n) {
if (g.colVisib[n]) {
// can hide if more than one column is visible
if (g.visibleHeadersCount > 1) {
$(g.t).find('tr').each(function () {
$(this).find('th.draggable').eq(n).add($(this).find('td').eq(g.actionSpan + n)).hide();
g.colVisib[n] = 0;
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(n).find('input').prop('checked', false);
} else {
// cannot hide, force the checkbox to stay checked
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(n).find('input').prop('checked', true);
return false;
} else {
// column n is not visible
$(g.t).find('tr').each(function () {
$(this).find('th.draggable').eq(n).add($(this).find('td').eq(g.actionSpan + n)).show();
g.colVisib[n] = 1;
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').eq(n).find('input').prop('checked', true);
return true;
* This must be called if toggleCol() returns is true.
* This function is separated from toggleCol because, sometimes, we want to toggle
* some columns together at one time and do just one adjustment after it, e.g. in showAllColumns().
afterToggleCol: function () {
// some adjustments after hiding column
// check visible first row headers count
g.visibleHeadersCount = $(g.t).find('tr').first().find('th.draggable:visible').length;
// Display minimum of one column - disable checkbox for hiding last column
if (g.visibleHeadersCount <= 1) {
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').each(function () {
$(this).find('input:checkbox:checked').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
// Remove disabled property if showing more than one column
$(g.cList).find('.lDiv div').each(function () {
$(this).find('input:checkbox:disabled').prop('disabled', false);
* Show columns' visibility list.
* @param obj The drop down arrow of column visibility list
showColList: function (obj) {
// only show when not resizing or reordering
if (!g.colRsz && !g.colReorder) {
var pos = $(obj).position();
top: + $(obj).outerHeight(true)
* Hide columns' visibility list.
hideColList: function () {
* Reposition the column visibility drop-down arrow.
reposDrop: function () {
var $th = $(t).find('th:not(.draggable)');
for (var i = 0; i < $th.length; i++) {
var $cd = $(g.cDrop).find('div').eq(i); // column drop-down arrow
var pos = $($th[i]).position();
left: pos.left + $($th[i]).width() - $cd.width(),
* Show all hidden columns.
showAllColumns: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < g.colVisib.length; i++) {
if (!g.colVisib[i]) {
* Show edit cell, if it can be shown
* @param cell <td> element to be edited
showEditCell: function (cell) {
// destroy the date picker instance left if any, see: #17703
var $datePickerInstance = $(g.cEdit).find('.hasDatepicker');
if ($datePickerInstance.length > 0) {
if ($(cell).is('.grid_edit') && !g.colRsz && !g.colReorder) {
if (!g.isCellEditActive) {
var $cell = $(cell);
if ('string' === $cell.attr('data-type') || 'blob' === $cell.attr('data-type') || 'json' === $cell.attr('data-type')) {
g.cEdit = g.cEditTextarea;
} else {
g.cEdit = g.cEditStd;
// remove all edit area and hide it
// reposition the cEdit element
top: $cell.position().top,
left: $cell.position().left
width: $cell.outerWidth(),
height: $cell.outerHeight()
// fill the cell edit with text from <td>
var value = Functions.getCellValue(cell);
if ($cell.attr('data-type') === 'json' && $'.truncated') === false) {
value = Functions.stringifyJSON(value, null, 4);
g.currentEditCell = cell;
$(g.cEdit).find('*').prop('disabled', false);
function moveCursorToEnd(input) {
var originalValue = input.val();
var originallength = originalValue.length;
input[0].setSelectionRange(originallength, originallength);
* Remove edit cell and the edit area, if it is shown.
* @param force Optional, force to hide edit cell without saving edited field.
* @param data Optional, data from the POST AJAX request to save the edited field
* or just specify "true", if we want to replace the edited field with the new value.
* @param field Optional, the edited <td>. If not specified, the function will
* use currently edited <td> from g.currentEditCell.
* @param options Optional, this object contains a boolean named move (true, if called from move* functions)
* and a <td> to which the grid_edit should move
hideEditCell: function (force, data, field, options) {
if (g.isCellEditActive && !force) {
// cell is being edited, save or post the edited data
if (options !== undefined) {
} else {
// cancel any previous request
if (g.lastXHR !== null) {
g.lastXHR = null;
if (data) {
if (g.currentEditCell) {
// save value of currently edited cell
// replace current edited field with the new value
var $thisField = $(g.currentEditCell);
var isNull = $'value') === null;
if (isNull) {
} else {
var value = data.isNeedToRecheck ? data.truncatableFieldValue : $'value');
// Truncates the text.
if (CommonParams.get('pftext') === 'P' && value.length > g.maxTruncatedLen) {
value = value.substring(0, g.maxTruncatedLen) + '...';
// Add <br> before carriage return.
var newHtml = Functions.escapeHtml(value);
newHtml = newHtml.replace(/\n/g, '<br>\n');
var decimals = parseInt($thisField.attr('data-decimals'));
// remove decimal places if column type not supported
if (decimals === 0 && $thisField.attr('data-type').indexOf('time') !== -1) {
newHtml = newHtml.substring(0, newHtml.indexOf('.'));
// remove additional decimal places
if (decimals > 0 && $thisField.attr('data-type').indexOf('time') !== -1) {
newHtml = newHtml.substring(0, newHtml.length - (6 - decimals));
var selector = 'span';
if ($thisField.hasClass('hex') && $thisField.find('a').length) {
selector = 'a';
// Updates the code keeping highlighting (if any).
var $target = $thisField.find(selector);
if (!Functions.updateCode($target, newHtml, value)) {
if ($'.bit')) {
if (data.transformations !== undefined) {
$.each(data.transformations, function (cellIndex, value) {
var $thisField = $(g.t).find('.to_be_saved').eq(cellIndex);
if (data.relations !== undefined) {
$.each(data.relations, function (cellIndex, value) {
var $thisField = $(g.t).find('.to_be_saved').eq(cellIndex);
// refresh the grid
// hide the cell editing area
g.isCellEditActive = false;
g.currentEditCell = null;
// destroy datepicker in edit area, if exist
var $dp = $(g.cEdit).find('.hasDatepicker');
if ($dp.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
$(document).on('mousedown', $.datepicker._checkExternalClick);
// change the cursor in edit box back to normal
// (the cursor become a hand pointer when we add datepicker)
$(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').css('cursor', 'inherit');
* Show drop-down edit area when edit cell is focused.
showEditArea: function () {
if (!g.isCellEditActive) {
// make sure the edit area has not been shown
g.isCellEditActive = true;
g.isEditCellTextEditable = false;
* @var $td current edited cell
var $td = $(g.currentEditCell);
* @var $editArea the editing area
var $editArea = $(g.cEdit).find('.edit_area');
* @var whereClause WHERE clause for the edited cell
var whereClause = $td.parent('tr').find('.where_clause').val();
* @var fieldName String containing the name of this field.
* @see Sql.getFieldName()
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(t), $td);
* @var relationCurrValue String current value of the field (for fields that are foreign keyed).
var relationCurrValue = $td.text();
* @var relationKeyOrDisplayColumn String relational key if in 'Relational display column' mode,
* relational display column if in 'Relational key' mode (for fields that are foreign keyed).
var relationKeyOrDisplayColumn = $td.find('a').attr('title');
* @var currValue String current value of the field (for fields that are of type enum or set).
var currValue = $td.find('span').text();
// empty all edit area, then rebuild it based on $td classes
// remember this instead of testing more than once
var isNull = $'.null');
// add goto link, if this cell contains a link
if ($td.find('a').length > 0) {
var gotoLink = document.createElement('div');
gotoLink.className = 'goto_link';
$(gotoLink).append(g.gotoLinkText + ' ').append($td.find('a').clone());
g.wasEditedCellNull = false;
if ($':not(.not_null)')) {
// append a null checkbox
$editArea.append('<div class="null_div"><label>NULL:<input type="checkbox"></label></div>');
var $checkbox = $editArea.find('.null_div input');
// check if current <td> is NULL
if (isNull) {
$checkbox.prop('checked', true);
g.wasEditedCellNull = true;
// if the select/editor is changed un-check the 'checkbox_null_<field_name>_<row_index>'.
if ($'.enum, .set')) {
$editArea.on('change', 'select', function () {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
} else if ($'.relation')) {
$editArea.on('change', 'select', function () {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
$editArea.on('click', '.browse_foreign', function () {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
} else {
$(g.cEdit).on('keypress change paste', '.edit_box', function () {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
// Capture ctrl+v (on IE and Chrome)
$(g.cEdit).on('keydown', '.edit_box', function (e) {
if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 86) {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
$editArea.on('keydown', 'textarea', function () {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
// if some text is written in textbox automatically unmark the null checkbox and if it is emptied again mark the checkbox.
$(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').on('input', function () {
if ($(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').val() !== '') {
$checkbox.prop('checked', false);
} else {
$checkbox.prop('checked', true);
// if null checkbox is clicked empty the corresponding select/editor.
$checkbox.on('click', function () {
if ($'.enum')) {
} else if ($'.set')) {
$editArea.find('select').find('option').each(function () {
var $option = $(this);
$option.prop('selected', false);
} else if ($'.relation')) {
// if the dropdown is there to select the foreign value
if ($editArea.find('select').length > 0) {
} else {
// reset the position of the edit_area div after closing datetime picker
'top': '0',
'position': ''
var postParams;
if ($'.relation')) {
// handle relations
// initialize the original data
$'original_data', null);
* @var postParams Object containing parameters for the POST request
postParams = {
'ajax_request': true,
'server': g.server,
'db': g.db,
'table': g.table,
'column': fieldName,
'curr_value': relationCurrValue,
'relation_key_or_display_column': relationKeyOrDisplayColumn
g.lastXHR = $.post('index.php?route=/sql/get-relational-values', postParams, function (data) {
g.lastXHR = null;
if ($(data.dropdown).is('select')) {
// save original_data
var value = $(data.dropdown).val();
$'original_data', value);
// update the text input field, in case where the "Relational display column" is checked
$editArea.append('<div class="cell_edit_hint">' + g.cellEditHint + '</div>');
// for 'Browse foreign values' options,
// hide the value next to 'Browse foreign values' link
// handle update for new values selected from new window
$editArea.find('span.curr_value').on('change', function () {
}); // end $.post()
$editArea.on('change', 'select', function () {
g.isEditCellTextEditable = true;
} else if ($'.enum')) {
// handle enum fields
* @var postParams Object containing parameters for the POST request
postParams = {
'ajax_request': true,
'server': g.server,
'db': g.db,
'table': g.table,
'column': fieldName,
'curr_value': currValue
g.lastXHR = $.post('index.php?route=/sql/get-enum-values', postParams, function (data) {
g.lastXHR = null;
if (typeof data === 'object' && data.success === false) {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, undefined, 'error');
$editArea.append('<div class="cell_edit_hint">' + g.cellEditHint + '</div>');
}); // end $.post()
$editArea.on('change', 'select', function () {
} else if ($'.set')) {
// handle set fields
// if the data is truncated, get the full data
if ($'.truncated')) {
postParams = {
'ajax_request': true,
'server': g.server,
'db': g.db,
'table': g.table,
'column': fieldName,
'curr_value': currValue,
'get_full_values': true,
'where_clause': whereClause
} else {
postParams = {
'ajax_request': true,
'server': g.server,
'db': g.db,
'table': g.table,
'column': fieldName,
'curr_value': currValue
g.lastXHR = $.post('index.php?route=/sql/get-set-values', postParams, function (data) {
g.lastXHR = null;
if (typeof data === 'object' && data.success === false) {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, undefined, 'error');
$'original_data', $(;
$editArea.append('<div class="cell_edit_hint">' + g.cellEditHint + '</div>');
}); // end $.post()
$editArea.on('change', 'select', function () {
} else if ($'.truncated, .transformed')) {
if ($'.to_be_saved')) {
// cell has been edited
var value = $'value');
$editArea.on('keyup', 'textarea', function () {
$(g.cEdit).on('keyup', '.edit_box', function () {
$editArea.append('<div class="cell_edit_hint">' + g.cellEditHint + '</div>');
} else {
// handle truncated/transformed values values
// initialize the original data
$'original_data', null);
* @var sqlQuery String containing the SQL query used to retrieve value of truncated/transformed data
var sqlQuery = 'SELECT `' + fieldName + '` FROM `' + g.table + '` WHERE ' + whereClause;
// Make the Ajax call and get the data, wrap it and insert it
g.lastXHR = $.post('index.php?route=/sql', {
'server': g.server,
'db': g.db,
'ajax_request': true,
'sql_query': sqlQuery,
'grid_edit': true
}, function (data) {
g.lastXHR = null;
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
if ($td.attr('data-type') === 'json') {
data.value = Functions.stringifyJSON(data.value, null, 4);
$'original_data', data.value);
} else {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
}); // end $.post()
g.isEditCellTextEditable = true;
} else if ($'.timefield, .datefield, .datetimefield, .timestampfield')) {
var $inputField = $(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box');
// remember current datetime value in $input_field, if it is not null
var datetimeValue = !isNull ? $inputField.val() : '';
var showMillisec = false;
var showMicrosec = false;
var timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss';
// check for decimal places of seconds
if ($td.attr('data-decimals') > 0 && $td.attr('data-type').indexOf('time') !== -1) {
if (datetimeValue && datetimeValue.indexOf('.') === false) {
datetimeValue += '.';
if ($td.attr('data-decimals') > 3) {
showMillisec = true;
showMicrosec = true;
timeFormat = '';
if (datetimeValue) {
datetimeValue += '000000';
datetimeValue = datetimeValue.substring(0, datetimeValue.indexOf('.') + 7);
} else {
showMillisec = true;
timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss.l';
if (datetimeValue) {
datetimeValue += '000';
datetimeValue = datetimeValue.substring(0, datetimeValue.indexOf('.') + 4);
// add datetime picker
Functions.addDatepicker($inputField, $td.attr('data-type'), {
showMillisec: showMillisec,
showMicrosec: showMicrosec,
timeFormat: timeFormat,
firstDay: firstDayOfCalendar
$inputField.on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
// post on pressing "Enter"
} else if (e.which !== 27) {
Functions.toggleDatepickerIfInvalid($td, $inputField);
Functions.toggleDatepickerIfInvalid($td, $inputField);
// unbind the mousedown event to prevent the problem of
// datepicker getting closed, needs to be checked for any
// change in names when updating
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
$(document).off('mousedown', $.datepicker._checkExternalClick);
// move ui-datepicker-div inside cEdit div
var datepickerDiv = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'position': 'relative'
// cancel any click on the datepicker element
$editArea.find('> *').on('click', function (e) {
g.isEditCellTextEditable = true;
} else {
g.isEditCellTextEditable = true;
// only append edit area hint if there is a null checkbox
if ($editArea.children().length > 0) {
$editArea.append('<div class="cell_edit_hint">' + g.cellEditHint + '</div>');
if ($editArea.children().length > 0) {
* Post the content of edited cell.
* @param options Optional, this object contains a boolean named move (true, if called from move* functions)
* and a <td> to which the grid_edit should move
postEditedCell: function (options) {
if (g.isSaving) {
g.isSaving = true;
* @var relationFields Array containing the name/value pairs of relational fields
var relationFields = {};
* @var relationalDisplay string 'K' if relational key, 'D' if relational display column
var relationalDisplay = $(g.o).find('input[name=relational_display]:checked').val();
* @var transformFields Array containing the name/value pairs for transformed fields
var transformFields = {};
* @var transformationFields Boolean, if there are any transformed fields in the edited cells
var transformationFields = false;
* @var fullSqlQuery String containing the complete SQL query to update this table
var fullSqlQuery = '';
* @var relFieldsList String, url encoded representation of {@link relations_fields}
var relFieldsList = '';
* @var transformFieldsList String, url encoded representation of {@link transformFields}
var transformFieldsList = '';
* @var fullWhereClause Array containing where clause for updated fields
var fullWhereClause = [];
* @var isUnique Boolean, whether the rows in this table is unique or not
var isUnique = $(g.t).find('td.edit_row_anchor').is('.nonunique') ? 0 : 1;
* multi edit variables
var multiEditFieldsName = [];
var multiEditFieldsType = [];
var multiEditFields = [];
var multiEditFieldsNull = [];
// alert user if edited table is not unique
if (!isUnique) {
// loop each edited row
$(g.t).find('td.to_be_saved').parents('tr').each(function () {
var $tr = $(this);
var whereClause = $tr.find('.where_clause').val();
if (typeof whereClause === 'undefined') {
whereClause = '';
var conditionArray = JSON.parse($tr.find('.condition_array').val());
* multi edit variables, for current row
* @TODO array indices are still not correct, they should be md5 of field's name
var fieldsName = [];
var fieldsType = [];
var fields = [];
var fieldsNull = [];
// loop each edited cell in a row
$tr.find('.to_be_saved').each(function () {
* @var $thisField Object referring to the td that is being edited
var $thisField = $(this);
* @var fieldName String containing the name of this field.
* @see Sql.getFieldName()
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $thisField);
* @var thisFieldParams Array temporary storage for the name/value of current field
var thisFieldParams = {};
if ($'.transformed')) {
transformationFields = true;
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = $'value');
* @var isNull String capturing whether 'checkbox_null_<field_name>_<row_index>' is checked.
var isNull = thisFieldParams[fieldName] === null;
if (isNull) {
} else {
if ($'.bit')) {
} else if ($thisField.hasClass('hex')) {
if ($thisField.attr('data-type') !== 'json') {
} else {
const JSONString = Functions.stringifyJSON($'value'));
var cellIndex = $thisField.index('.to_be_saved');
if ($':not(.relation, .enum, .set, .bit)')) {
if ($'.transformed')) {
transformFields[cellIndex] = {};
$.extend(transformFields[cellIndex], thisFieldParams);
} else if ($'.relation')) {
relationFields[cellIndex] = {};
$.extend(relationFields[cellIndex], thisFieldParams);
// check if edited field appears in WHERE clause
if (whereClause.indexOf(Sql.urlEncode(fieldName)) > -1) {
var fieldStr = '`' + g.table + '`.' + '`' + fieldName + '`';
for (var field in conditionArray) {
if (field.indexOf(fieldStr) > -1) {
conditionArray[field] = isNull ? 'IS NULL' : '= \'' + thisFieldParams[fieldName].replace(/'/g, '\'\'') + '\'';
}); // end of loop for every edited cells in a row
// save new_clause
var newClause = '';
for (var field in conditionArray) {
newClause += field + ' ' + conditionArray[field] + ' AND ';
newClause = newClause.substring(0, newClause.length - 5); // remove the last AND
$'new_clause', newClause);
// save condition_array
}); // end of loop for every edited rows
relFieldsList = $.param(relationFields);
transformFieldsList = $.param(transformFields);
// Make the Ajax post after setting all parameters
* @var postParams Object containing parameters for the POST request
var postParams = {
'ajax_request': true,
'sql_query': fullSqlQuery,
'server': g.server,
'db': g.db,
'table': g.table,
'clause_is_unique': isUnique,
'where_clause': fullWhereClause,
'fields[multi_edit]': multiEditFields,
'fields_name[multi_edit]': multiEditFieldsName,
'fields_type[multi_edit]': multiEditFieldsType,
'fields_null[multi_edit]': multiEditFieldsNull,
'rel_fields_list': relFieldsList,
'do_transformations': transformationFields,
'transform_fields_list': transformFieldsList,
'relational_display': relationalDisplay,
'goto': encodeURIComponent('index.php?route=/sql'),
'submit_type': 'save'
if (!g.saveCellsAtOnce) {
$(g.cEdit).find('*').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$(g.o).find('div.save_edited').addClass('saving_edited_data').find('input').prop('disabled', true); // disable the save button
type: 'POST',
url: 'index.php?route=/table/replace',
data: postParams,
success: function (data) {
g.isSaving = false;
if (!g.saveCellsAtOnce) {
$(g.cEdit).find('*').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$(g.o).find('div.save_edited').removeClass('saving_edited_data').find('input').prop('disabled', false); // enable the save button back
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined' || !options.move) {
// update where_clause related data in each edited row
$(g.t).find('td.to_be_saved').parents('tr').each(function () {
var newClause = $(this).data('new_clause');
var $whereClause = $(this).find('.where_clause');
var oldClause = $whereClause.val();
var decodedOldClause = oldClause;
var decodedNewClause = newClause;
// update Edit, Copy, and Delete links also
$(this).find('a').each(function () {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace(oldClause, newClause));
// update delete confirmation in Delete link
if ($(this).attr('href').indexOf('DELETE') > -1) {
$(this).removeAttr('onclick').off('click').on('click', function () {
return Functions.confirmLink(this, 'DELETE FROM `' + g.db + '`.`' + g.table + '` WHERE ' + decodedNewClause + (isUnique ? '' : ' LIMIT 1'));
// update the multi edit checkboxes
$(this).find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function () {
var $checkbox = $(this);
var checkboxName = $checkbox.attr('name');
var checkboxValue = $checkbox.val();
$checkbox.attr('name', checkboxName.replace(oldClause, newClause));
$checkbox.val(checkboxValue.replace(decodedOldClause, decodedNewClause));
// update the display of executed SQL query command
if (typeof data.sql_query !== 'undefined') {
// extract query box
var $resultQuery = $($.parseHTML(data.sql_query));
var sqlOuter = $resultQuery.find('.sqlOuter').wrap('<p>').parent().html();
var tools = $resultQuery.find('.tools').wrap('<p>').parent().html();
// sqlOuter and tools will not be present if 'Show SQL queries' configuration is off
if (typeof sqlOuter !== 'undefined' && typeof tools !== 'undefined') {
var $existingQuery = $(g.o).find('.result_query');
// If two query box exists update query in second else add a second box
if ($existingQuery.find('div.sqlOuter').length > 1) {
$existingQuery.append(sqlOuter + tools);
} else {
$existingQuery.append(sqlOuter + tools);
// hide and/or update the successfully saved cells
g.hideEditCell(true, data);
// remove the "Save edited cells" button
// update saved fields
$(g.t).find('.to_be_saved').removeClass('to_be_saved').data('value', null).data('original_data', null);
g.isCellEdited = false;
} else {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
if (!g.saveCellsAtOnce) {
}).done(function () {
if (options !== undefined && options.move) {
}); // end $.ajax()
* Save edited cell, so it can be posted later.
* @return {bool}
saveEditedCell: function () {
* @var $thisField Object referring to the td that is being edited
var $thisField = $(g.currentEditCell);
var $testElement = ''; // to test the presence of a element
var needToPost = false;
* @var fieldName String containing the name of this field.
* @see Sql.getFieldName()
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $thisField);
* @var thisFieldParams Array temporary storage for the name/value of current field
var thisFieldParams = {};
* @var isNull String capturing whether 'checkbox_null_<field_name>_<row_index>' is checked.
var isNull = $(g.cEdit).find('input:checkbox').is(':checked');
if ($(g.cEdit).find('.edit_area').is('.edit_area_loading')) {
// the edit area is still loading (retrieving cell data), no need to post
needToPost = false;
} else if (isNull) {
if (!g.wasEditedCellNull) {
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = null;
needToPost = true;
} else {
if ($'.bit')) {
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = $(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').val();
} else if ($'.set')) {
$testElement = $(g.cEdit).find('select');
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = $ () {
return $(this).val();
} else if ($'.relation, .enum')) {
// for relation and enumeration, take the results from edit box value,
// because selected value from drop-down, new window or multiple
// selection list will always be updated to the edit box
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = $(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').val();
} else if ($thisField.hasClass('hex')) {
if ($(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').val().match(/^(0x)?[a-f0-9]*$/i) !== null) {
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = $(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').val();
} else {
var hexError = '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">' + Messages.strEnterValidHex + '</div>';
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(hexError, false);
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = Functions.getCellValue(g.currentEditCell);
} else {
thisFieldParams[fieldName] = $(g.cEdit).find('.edit_box').val();
let isValueUpdated;
if ($thisField.attr('data-type') !== 'json') {
isValueUpdated = thisFieldParams[fieldName] !== Functions.getCellValue(g.currentEditCell);
} else {
const JSONString = Functions.stringifyJSON(thisFieldParams[fieldName]);
isValueUpdated = JSONString !== JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(Functions.getCellValue(g.currentEditCell)));
if (g.wasEditedCellNull || isValueUpdated) {
needToPost = true;
if (needToPost) {
$(g.currentEditCell).addClass('to_be_saved').data('value', thisFieldParams[fieldName]);
if (g.saveCellsAtOnce) {
g.isCellEdited = true;
return needToPost;
* Save or post currently edited cell, depending on the "saveCellsAtOnce" configuration.
* @param options Optional, this object contains a boolean named move (true, if called from move* functions)
* and a <td> to which the grid_edit should move
saveOrPostEditedCell: function (options) {
var saved = g.saveEditedCell();
// Check if $cfg['SaveCellsAtOnce'] is false
if (!g.saveCellsAtOnce) {
// Check if need_to_post is true
if (saved) {
// Check if this function called from 'move' functions
if (options !== undefined && options.move) {
} else {
// need_to_post is false
} else {
// Check if this function called from 'move' functions
if (options !== undefined && options.move) {
// NOT called from 'move' functions
} else {
// $cfg['SaveCellsAtOnce'] is true
} else {
// If need_to_post
if (saved) {
// If this function called from 'move' functions
if (options !== undefined && options.move) {
g.hideEditCell(true, true, false, options);
// NOT called from 'move' functions
} else {
g.hideEditCell(true, true);
} else {
// If this function called from 'move' functions
if (options !== undefined && options.move) {
g.hideEditCell(true, false, false, options);
// NOT called from 'move' functions
} else {
* Initialize column resize feature.
initColResize: function () {
// create column resizer div
g.cRsz = document.createElement('div');
g.cRsz.className = 'cRsz';
// get data columns in the first row of the table
var $firstRowCols = $(g.t).find('tr').first().find('th.draggable');
// create column borders
$firstRowCols.each(function () {
var cb = document.createElement('div'); // column border
$(cb).addClass('colborder').on('mousedown', function (e) {
g.dragStartRsz(e, this);
// attach to global div
* Initialize column reordering feature.
initColReorder: function () {
g.cCpy = document.createElement('div'); // column copy, to store copy of dragged column header
g.cPointer = document.createElement('div'); // column pointer, used when reordering column
// adjust g.cCpy
g.cCpy.className = 'cCpy';
// adjust g.cPointer
g.cPointer.className = 'cPointer';
$(g.cPointer).css('visibility', 'hidden'); // set visibility to hidden instead of calling hide() to force browsers to cache the image in cPointer class
// assign column reordering hint
g.reorderHint = Messages.strColOrderHint;
// get data columns in the first row of the table
var $firstRowCols = $(g.t).find('tr').first().find('th.draggable');
// initialize column order
var $colOrder = $(g.o).find('.col_order'); // check if column order is passed from PHP
var i;
if ($colOrder.length > 0) {
g.colOrder = $colOrder.val().split(',');
for (i = 0; i < g.colOrder.length; i++) {
g.colOrder[i] = parseInt(g.colOrder[i], 10);
} else {
g.colOrder = [];
for (i = 0; i < $firstRowCols.length; i++) {
// register events
$(g.t).find('th.draggable').on('mousedown', function (e) {
if (g.visibleHeadersCount > 1) {
g.dragStartReorder(e, this);
}).on('mouseenter', function () {
if (g.visibleHeadersCount > 1) {
$(this).css('cursor', 'move');
} else {
$(this).css('cursor', 'inherit');
}).on('mouseleave', function () {
g.showReorderHint = false;
$(this).uiTooltip('option', {
content: g.updateHint()
}).on('dblclick', function (e) {
var res = Functions.copyToClipboard($(this).data('column'));
if (res) {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strCopyColumnSuccess, false, 'success');
} else {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strCopyColumnFailure, false, 'error');
$(g.t).find('th.draggable a').on('dblclick', function (e) {
// restore column order when the restore button is clicked
$(g.o).find('div.restore_column').on('click', function () {
// attach to global div
// prevent default "dragstart" event when dragging a link
$(g.t).find('th a').on('dragstart', function () {
return false;
// refresh the restore column button state
* Initialize column visibility feature.
initColVisib: function () {
g.cDrop = document.createElement('div'); // column drop-down arrows
g.cList = document.createElement('div'); // column visibility list
// adjust g.cDrop
g.cDrop.className = 'cDrop';
// adjust g.cList
g.cList.className = 'cList';
// assign column visibility related hints
g.showAllColText = Messages.strShowAllCol;
// get data columns in the first row of the table
var $firstRowCols = $(g.t).find('tr').first().find('th.draggable');
var i;
// initialize column visibility
var $colVisib = $(g.o).find('.col_visib'); // check if column visibility is passed from PHP
if ($colVisib.length > 0) {
g.colVisib = $colVisib.val().split(',');
for (i = 0; i < g.colVisib.length; i++) {
g.colVisib[i] = parseInt(g.colVisib[i], 10);
} else {
g.colVisib = [];
for (i = 0; i < $firstRowCols.length; i++) {
// make sure we have more than one column
if ($firstRowCols.length > 1) {
var $colVisibTh = $(g.t).find('th:not(.draggable)').slice(0, 1);
Functions.tooltip($colVisibTh, 'th', Messages.strColVisibHint);
// create column visibility drop-down arrow(s)
$colVisibTh.each(function () {
var cd = document.createElement('div'); // column drop-down arrow
$(cd).addClass('coldrop').on('click', function () {
if ( === 'none') {
} else {
// add column visibility control
g.cList.innerHTML = '<div class="lDiv"></div>';
var $listDiv = $(g.cList).find('div');
var tempClick = function () {
if (g.toggleCol($(this).index())) {
for (i = 0; i < $firstRowCols.length; i++) {
var currHeader = $firstRowCols[i];
var listElmt = document.createElement('div');
$(listElmt).text($(currHeader).text()).prepend('<input type="checkbox" ' + (g.colVisib[i] ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') + '>');
// add event on click
$(listElmt).on('click', tempClick);
// add "show all column" button
var showAll = document.createElement('div');
$(showAll).on('click', function () {
// prepend "show all column" button at top if the list is too long
if ($firstRowCols.length > 10) {
var clone = showAll.cloneNode(true);
$(clone).on('click', function () {
// hide column visibility list if we move outside the list
$(g.t).find('td, th.draggable').on('mouseenter', function () {
// attach to first row first col of the grid
var thFirst = $(g.t).find('th.d-print-none');
// some adjustment
* Move currently Editing Cell to Up
* @param e
moveUp: function (e) {
var $thisField = $(g.currentEditCell);
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $thisField);
var whereClause = $thisField.parents('tr').first().find('.where_clause').val();
if (typeof whereClause === 'undefined') {
whereClause = '';
var found = false;
var $prevRow;
$thisField.parents('tr').first().parents('tbody').children().each(function () {
if ($(this).find('.where_clause').val() === whereClause) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
$prevRow = $(this);
var newCell;
if (found && $prevRow) {
$prevRow.children('td').each(function () {
if (Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $(this)) === fieldName) {
newCell = this;
if (newCell) {
g.hideEditCell(false, false, false, {
move: true,
cell: newCell
* Move currently Editing Cell to Down
* @param e
moveDown: function (e) {
var $thisField = $(g.currentEditCell);
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $thisField);
var whereClause = $thisField.parents('tr').first().find('.where_clause').val();
if (typeof whereClause === 'undefined') {
whereClause = '';
var found = false;
var $nextRow;
var j = 0;
var nextRowFound = false;
$thisField.parents('tr').first().parents('tbody').children().each(function () {
if ($(this).find('.where_clause').val() === whereClause) {
found = true;
if (found) {
if (j >= 1 && !nextRowFound) {
$nextRow = $(this);
nextRowFound = true;
} else {
var newCell;
if (found && $nextRow) {
$nextRow.children('td').each(function () {
if (Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $(this)) === fieldName) {
newCell = this;
if (newCell) {
g.hideEditCell(false, false, false, {
move: true,
cell: newCell
* Move currently Editing Cell to Left
* @param e
moveLeft: function (e) {
var $thisField = $(g.currentEditCell);
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $thisField);
var whereClause = $thisField.parents('tr').first().find('.where_clause').val();
if (typeof whereClause === 'undefined') {
whereClause = '';
var found = false;
var $foundRow;
$thisField.parents('tr').first().parents('tbody').children().each(function () {
if ($(this).find('.where_clause').val() === whereClause) {
found = true;
$foundRow = $(this);
var leftCell;
var cellFound = false;
if (found) {
$foundRow.children('td.grid_edit').each(function () {
if (Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $(this)) === fieldName) {
cellFound = true;
if (!cellFound) {
leftCell = this;
if (leftCell) {
g.hideEditCell(false, false, false, {
move: true,
cell: leftCell
* Move currently Editing Cell to Right
* @param e
moveRight: function (e) {
var $thisField = $(g.currentEditCell);
var fieldName = Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $thisField);
var whereClause = $thisField.parents('tr').first().find('.where_clause').val();
if (typeof whereClause === 'undefined') {
whereClause = '';
var found = false;
var $foundRow;
var j = 0;
$thisField.parents('tr').first().parents('tbody').children().each(function () {
if ($(this).find('.where_clause').val() === whereClause) {
found = true;
$foundRow = $(this);
var rightCell;
var cellFound = false;
var nextCellFound = false;
if (found) {
$foundRow.children('td.grid_edit').each(function () {
if (Sql.getFieldName($(g.t), $(this)) === fieldName) {
cellFound = true;
if (cellFound) {
if (j >= 1 && !nextCellFound) {
rightCell = this;
nextCellFound = true;
} else {
if (rightCell) {
g.hideEditCell(false, false, false, {
move: true,
cell: rightCell
* Initialize grid editing feature.
initGridEdit: function () {
function startGridEditing(e, cell) {
if (g.isCellEditActive) {
} else {
function handleCtrlNavigation(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 38 || e.altKey && e.which === 38) {
} else if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 40 || e.altKey && e.which === 40) {
} else if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 37 || e.altKey && e.which === 37) {
} else if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 39 || e.altKey && e.which === 39) {
// create cell edit wrapper element
g.cEditStd = document.createElement('div');
g.cEdit = g.cEditStd;
g.cEditTextarea = document.createElement('div');
// adjust g.cEditStd
g.cEditStd.className = 'cEdit';
$(g.cEditStd).html('<input class="edit_box" rows="1"><div class="edit_area"></div>');
// adjust g.cEdit
g.cEditTextarea.className = 'cEdit';
$(g.cEditTextarea).html('<textarea class="edit_box" rows="1"></textarea><div class="edit_area"></div>');
// assign cell editing hint
g.cellEditHint = Messages.strCellEditHint;
g.saveCellWarning = Messages.strSaveCellWarning;
g.alertNonUnique = Messages.strAlertNonUnique;
g.gotoLinkText = Messages.strGoToLink;
// initialize cell editing configuration
g.saveCellsAtOnce = $(g.o).find('.save_cells_at_once').val();
g.maxTruncatedLen = CommonParams.get('LimitChars');
// register events
$(g.t).find('').on('click', function (e) {
startGridEditing(e, this);
// prevent default action when clicking on "link" in a table
if ($('.grid_edit a')) {
$(g.t).find('').on('click', function (e) {
var $cell = $(this);
// In the case of relational link, We want single click on the link
// to goto the link and double click to start grid-editing.
var $link = $(;
if ($'.grid_edit.relation a')) {
// get the click count and increase
var clicks = $'clicks');
clicks = typeof clicks === 'undefined' ? 1 : clicks + 1;
if (clicks === 1) {
// if there are no previous clicks,
// start the single click timer
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
// temporarily remove ajax class so the page loader will not handle it,
// submit and then add it back
$'clicks', 0);
}, 700);
$'clicks', clicks);
$'timer', timer);
} else {
// When double clicking a link, switch to edit mode
// this is a double click, cancel the single click timer
// and make the click count 0
$'clicks', 0);
// start grid-editing
startGridEditing(e, this);
}).on('dblclick', function (e) {
if ($('.grid_edit a')) {
} else {
startGridEditing(e, this);
$(g.cEditStd).on('keydown', 'input.edit_box, select', handleCtrlNavigation);
$(g.cEditStd).find('.edit_box').on('focus', function () {
$(g.cEditStd).on('keydown', '.edit_box, select', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
// post on pressing "Enter"
$(g.cEditStd).on('keydown', function (e) {
if (!g.isEditCellTextEditable) {
// prevent text editing
$(g.cEditTextarea).on('keydown', 'textarea.edit_box, select', handleCtrlNavigation);
$(g.cEditTextarea).find('.edit_box').on('focus', function () {
$(g.cEditTextarea).on('keydown', '.edit_box, select', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13 && !e.shiftKey) {
// post on pressing "Enter"
$(g.cEditTextarea).on('keydown', function (e) {
if (!g.isEditCellTextEditable) {
// prevent text editing
$('html').on('click', function (e) {
// hide edit cell if the click is not fromDat edit area
if ($($(g.cEdit)) === -1 && !$('.ui-datepicker-header').length && !$('.browse_foreign_modal.ui-dialog:visible').length && !$('.dismissable').length) {
}).on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.which === 27 && g.isCellEditActive) {
// cancel on pressing "Esc"
$(g.o).find('div.save_edited').on('click', function () {
$(window).on('beforeunload', function () {
if (g.isCellEdited) {
return g.saveCellWarning;
// attach to global div
// add hint for grid editing feature when hovering "Edit" link in each table row
if (Messages.strGridEditFeatureHint !== undefined) {
Functions.tooltip($(g.t).find('.edit_row_anchor a'), 'a', Messages.strGridEditFeatureHint);
/** ****************
* Initialize grid
// wrap all truncated data cells with span indicating the original length
// todo update the original length after a grid edit
$(t).find('').wrapInner(function () {
return '<span title="' + Messages.strOriginalLength + ' ' + $(this).data('originallength') + '"></span>';
// wrap remaining cells, except actions cell, with span
$(t).find('th, td:not(:has(span))').wrapInner('<span></span>');
// create grid elements
g.gDiv = document.createElement('div'); // create global div
// initialize the table variable
g.t = t;
// enclosing .sqlqueryresults div
g.o = $(t).parents('.sqlqueryresults');
// get data columns in the first row of the table
var $firstRowCols = $(t).find('tr').first().find('th.draggable');
// initialize visible headers count
g.visibleHeadersCount = $firstRowCols.filter(':visible').length;
// assign first column (actions) span
if (!$(t).find('tr').first().find('th').first().hasClass('draggable')) {
// action header exist
g.actionSpan = $(t).find('tr').first().find('th').first().prop('colspan');
} else {
g.actionSpan = 0;
// assign table create time
// table_create_time will only available if we are in "Browse" tab
g.tableCreateTime = $(g.o).find('.table_create_time').val();
// assign the hints
g.sortHint = Messages.strSortHint;
g.strMultiSortHint = Messages.strMultiSortHint;
g.markHint = Messages.strColMarkHint;
g.copyHint = Messages.strColNameCopyHint;
// assign common hidden inputs
var $commonHiddenInputs = $(g.o).find('div.common_hidden_inputs');
g.server = $commonHiddenInputs.find('input[name=server]').val();
g.db = $commonHiddenInputs.find('input[name=db]').val();
g.table = $commonHiddenInputs.find('input[name=table]').val();
// add table class
// add relative position to global div so that resize handlers are correctly positioned
$(g.gDiv).css('position', 'relative');
// link the global div
if (isResizeEnabled) {
// disable reordering for result from EXPLAIN or SHOW syntax, which do not have a table navigation panel
if (isReorderEnabled && $(g.o).find('table.navigation').length > 0) {
if (isVisibEnabled) {
// make sure we have the ajax class
if (isGridEditEnabled && $(t).is('.ajax')) {
// create tooltip for each <th> with draggable class
Functions.tooltip($(t).find('th.draggable'), 'th', g.updateHint());
// register events for hint tooltip (anchors inside draggable th)
$(t).find('th.draggable a').on('mouseenter', function () {
g.showSortHint = true;
g.showMultiSortHint = true;
$(t).find('th.draggable').uiTooltip('option', {
content: g.updateHint()
}).on('mouseleave', function () {
g.showSortHint = false;
g.showMultiSortHint = false;
$(t).find('th.draggable').uiTooltip('option', {
content: g.updateHint()
// register events for dragging-related feature
if (isResizeEnabled || isReorderEnabled) {
$(document).on('mousemove', function (e) {
$(document).on('mouseup', function (e) {
// some adjustment
* jQuery plugin to cancel selection in HTML code.
(function ($) {
$.fn.noSelect = function (p) {
// no select plugin by Paulo P.Marinas
var prevent = p === null ? true : p;
/* eslint-disable compat/compat */
var isMsie = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1 || !!window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv:11\./);
var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1;
var isSafari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > -1;
var isOpera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Presto') > -1;
/* eslint-enable compat/compat */
if (prevent) {
return this.each(function () {
if (isMsie || isSafari) {
$(this).on('selectstart', false);
} else if (isFirefox) {
$(this).css('MozUserSelect', 'none');
} else if (isOpera) {
$(this).on('mousedown', false);
} else {
$(this).attr('unselectable', 'on');
} else {
return this.each(function () {
if (isMsie || isSafari) {
} else if (isFirefox) {
$(this).css('MozUserSelect', 'inherit');
} else if (isOpera) {
} else {
}; // end noSelect