Your IP :
/* This script handles PMA Drag Drop Import, loaded only when configuration is enabled.*/
* Class to handle PMA Drag and Drop Import
* feature
var DragDropImport = {
* @var {number}, count of total uploads in this view
uploadCount: 0,
* @var {number}, count of live uploads
liveUploadCount: 0,
* @var {string[]} array, allowed extensions
allowedExtensions: ['sql', 'xml', 'ldi', 'mediawiki', 'shp'],
* @var {string[]} array, allowed extensions for compressed files
allowedCompressedExtensions: ['gz', 'bz2', 'zip'],
* @var {object[]}, array to store message returned by /import-status
importStatus: [],
* Checks if any dropped file has valid extension or not
* @param {string} file filename
* @return {string}, extension for valid extension, '' otherwise
getExtension: function (file) {
var arr = file.split('.');
var ext = arr[arr.length - 1];
// check if compressed
if (jQuery.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(), DragDropImport.allowedCompressedExtensions) !== -1) {
ext = arr[arr.length - 2];
// Now check for extension
if (jQuery.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(), DragDropImport.allowedExtensions) !== -1) {
return ext;
return '';
* Shows upload progress for different sql uploads
* @param {string} hash, hash for specific file upload
* @param {number} percent (float), file upload percentage
* @return {void}
setProgress: function (hash, percent) {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"]').children('progress').val(percent);
* Function to upload the file asynchronously
* @param {object} formData FormData object for a specific file
* @param {string} hash hash of the current file upload
* @return {void}
sendFileToServer: function (formData, hash) {
var jqXHR = $.ajax({
xhr: function () {
var xhrobj = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
if (xhrobj.upload) {
xhrobj.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (event) {
var percent = 0;
var position = event.loaded || event.position;
var total =;
if (event.lengthComputable) {
percent = Math.ceil(position / total * 100);
// Set progress
DragDropImport.setProgress(hash, percent);
}, false);
return xhrobj;
url: 'index.php?route=/import',
type: 'POST',
contentType: false,
processData: false,
cache: false,
data: formData,
success: function (data) {
DragDropImport.importFinished(hash, false, data.success);
if (!data.success) {
DragDropImport.importStatus[DragDropImport.importStatus.length] = {
hash: hash,
message: data.error
// -- provide link to cancel the upload
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"] span.filesize').html('<span hash="' + hash + '" class="pma_drop_file_status" task="cancel">' + Messages.dropImportMessageCancel + '</span>');
// -- add event listener to this link to abort upload operation
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status').on('click', function () {
if ($(this).attr('task') === 'cancel') {
$(this).html('<span>' + Messages.dropImportMessageAborted + '</span>');
DragDropImport.importFinished(hash, true, false);
} else if ($(this).children('span').html() === Messages.dropImportMessageFailed) {
// -- view information
var $this = $(this);
$.each(DragDropImport.importStatus, function (key, value) {
if (value.hash === hash) {
var filename = $this.parent('span').attr('data-filename');
$('body').append('<div class="pma_drop_result"><h2>' + Messages.dropImportImportResultHeader + ' - ' + Functions.escapeHtml(filename) + '<span class="close">x</span></h2>' + value.message + '</div>');
$('.pma_drop_result').draggable(); // to make this dialog draggable
* Triggered when an object is dragged into the PMA UI
* @param {MouseEvent} event obj
* @return {void}
dragEnter: function (event) {
// We don't want to prevent users from using
// browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
if ($('.noDragDrop').length !== 0) {
if (!DragDropImport.hasFiles(event)) {
if (CommonParams.get('db') === '') {
} else {
* Check if dragged element contains Files
* @param event the event object
* @return {boolean}
hasFiles: function (event) {
return !(typeof event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types === 'undefined' || $.inArray('Files', event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types) < 0 || $.inArray('application/x-moz-nativeimage', event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types) >= 0);
* Triggered when dragged file is being dragged over PMA UI
* @param {MouseEvent} event obj
* @return {void}
dragOver: function (event) {
// We don't want to prevent users from using
// browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
if ($('.noDragDrop').length !== 0) {
if (!DragDropImport.hasFiles(event)) {
* Triggered when dragged objects are left
* @param {MouseEvent} event obj
* @return {void}
dragLeave: function (event) {
// We don't want to prevent users from using
// browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
if ($('.noDragDrop').length !== 0) {
var $dropHandler = $('.pma_drop_handler');
* Called when upload has finished
* @param {string} hash unique hash for a certain upload
* @param {boolean} aborted true if upload was aborted
* @param {boolean} status status of sql upload, as sent by server
* @return {void}
importFinished: function (hash, aborted, status) {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"]').children('progress').hide();
var icon = 'icon ic_s_success';
// -- provide link to view upload status
if (!aborted) {
if (status) {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status').html('<span>' + Messages.dropImportMessageSuccess + '</a>');
} else {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status').html('<span class="underline">' + Messages.dropImportMessageFailed + '</a>');
icon = 'icon ic_s_error';
} else {
icon = 'icon ic_s_notice';
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status').attr('task', 'info');
// Set icon
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"]').prepend('<img src="./themes/dot.gif" title="finished" class="' + icon + '"> ');
// Decrease liveUploadCount by one
if (!DragDropImport.liveUploadCount) {
$('.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close').fadeIn();
* Triggered when dragged objects are dropped to UI
* From this function, the AJAX Upload operation is initiated
* @param event object
* @return {void}
drop: function (event) {
// We don't want to prevent users from using
// browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
if ($('.noDragDrop').length !== 0) {
var dbname = CommonParams.get('db');
var server = CommonParams.get('server');
// if no database is selected -- no
if (dbname !== '') {
var files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
if (!files || files.length === 0) {
// No files actually transferred
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var ext = DragDropImport.getExtension(files[i].name);
var hash = AJAX.hash(++DragDropImport.uploadCount);
var $sqlImportStatusDiv = $('.pma_sql_import_status div');
$sqlImportStatusDiv.append('<li data-hash="' + hash + '">' + (ext !== '' ? '' : '<img src="./themes/dot.gif" title="invalid format" class="icon ic_s_notice"> ') + Functions.escapeHtml(files[i].name) + '<span class="filesize" data-filename="' + Functions.escapeHtml(files[i].name) + '">' + (files[i].size / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' kb</span></li>');
// scroll the UI to bottom
$sqlImportStatusDiv.scrollTop($sqlImportStatusDiv.scrollTop() + 50); // 50 hardcoded for now
if (ext !== '') {
// Increment liveUploadCount by one
$('.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close').fadeOut();
$('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash + '"]').append('<br><progress max="100" value="2"></progress>');
// uploading
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append('import_file', files[i]);
fd.append('noplugin', Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 12));
fd.append('db', dbname);
fd.append('server', server);
fd.append('token', CommonParams.get('token'));
fd.append('import_type', 'database');
// todo: method to find the value below
fd.append('MAX_FILE_SIZE', '4194304');
// todo: method to find the value below
fd.append('charset_of_file', 'utf-8');
// todo: method to find the value below
fd.append('allow_interrupt', 'yes');
fd.append('skip_queries', '0');
fd.append('format', ext);
fd.append('sql_compatibility', 'NONE');
fd.append('sql_no_auto_value_on_zero', 'something');
fd.append('ajax_request', 'true');
fd.append('hash', hash);
// init uploading
DragDropImport.sendFileToServer(fd, hash);
} else if (!DragDropImport.liveUploadCount) {
$('.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close').fadeIn();
* Called when some user drags, dragover, leave
* a file to the PMA UI
* @param {object}, Event data
* @return {void}
$(document).on('dragenter', DragDropImport.dragEnter);
$(document).on('dragover', DragDropImport.dragOver);
$(document).on('dragleave', '.pma_drop_handler', DragDropImport.dragLeave);
// when file is dropped to PMA UI
$(document).on('drop', 'body', DragDropImport.drop);
// minimizing-maximizing the sql ajax upload status
$(document).on('click', '.pma_sql_import_status h2 .minimize', function () {
if ($(this).attr('toggle') === 'off') {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div').css('height', '270px');
$(this).attr('toggle', 'on');
$(this).html('-'); // to minimize
} else {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div').css('height', '0px');
$(this).attr('toggle', 'off');
$(this).html('+'); // to maximise
// closing sql ajax upload status
$(document).on('click', '.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close', function () {
$('.pma_sql_import_status').fadeOut(function () {
$('.pma_sql_import_status div').html('');
DragDropImport.importStatus = []; // clear the message array
// Closing the import result box
$(document).on('click', '.pma_drop_result h2 .close', function () {