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#! /usr/bin/perl

# This is a Perl script that reads an Exim run-time configuration file for
# Exim 3. It makes what changes it can for Exim 4, and also output commentary
# on what it has done, and on things it cannot do.

# It is assumed that the input is a valid Exim 3 configuration file.

use warnings;
BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' };

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

    'version' => sub {
        print basename($0) . ": $0\n",
            "build: 4.98\n",
            "perl(runtime): $^V\n";
            exit 0;

# These are lists of main options which are abolished in Exim 4.
# The first contains options that are used to construct new options.

@skipped_options = (

# The second contains options that are completely abolished and have
# no equivalent.

@abolished_options = (

# This is a list of options that are not otherwise handled, but which
# contain domain or host lists that have to be processed so that any
# regular expressions are marked "not for expansion".

@list_options = (

#          Output problem rubric once            #

sub rubric {
return if $rubric_output;
$rubric_output = 1;
print STDERR "\n" .
"** The following comments describe problems that have been encountered\n" .
"   while converting an Exim 3 runtime file for Exim 4. More detail can\n" .
"   be found in the file doc/Exim4.upgrade.\n";

#             Analyse one line                   #

sub checkline{
my($line) = $_[0];

return "comment" if $line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/;
return "end"     if $line =~ /^\s*end\s*$/i;

# Macros are recognized only in the first section of the file.

return "macro" if $prefix eq "" && $line =~ /^\s*[A-Z]/;

# In retry and rewrite sections, the type is always "other"

return "other" if $prefix eq "=retry" || $prefix eq "=rewrite";

# Pick out the name at the start and the rest of the line (into global
# variables) and return whether the start of a driver or not.

($hide,$name,$rest) = $line =~ /^\s*(hide\s+|)([a-z0-9_]+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/;

# If $rest begins with a colon, this is a driver name

return "driver" if $rest =~ /^:/;

# If $rest begins with an = the value of the option is given explicitly;
# remove the = from the start. Turn "yes"/"no" into "true"/"false".

if ($rest =~ /^=/)
  $rest =~ s/^=\s*//;
  $rest = "true" if $rest eq "yes";
  $rest = "false" if $rest eq "no";

# Otherwise we have a boolean option. Set up a "true"/"false" value.

  if ($name =~ /^not?_/)     # Recognize "no_" or "not_"
    $rest = "false";
    $name =~ s/^not?_//;
    $rest = "true";

return "option";

#       Negate a list of things                  #

# Can be tricky, because there may be comment lines in the list.
# Also, lists may have different delimiters.

sub negate {
my($list) = $_[0];
my($delim) = ":";
my($leadin) = "";

return $list if ! defined $list;

($list) = $list =~ /^"?(.*?)"?\s*$/s;      # Remove surrounding quotes
$list =~ s/\\\s*\n\s*//g;                  # Remove continuation markers

if ($list =~ /^(\s*<(\S)\s*)(.*)/s)
  $leadin = $1;
  $delim = $2;
  $list = $3;

$list =~ s/^\s+//;
$list =~ s/\Q$delim$delim/>%%%%</g;
@split = split /\s*\Q$delim\E\s*/s, $list;

foreach $item (@split)
  $item =~ s/>%%%%</$delim$delim/g;

  if ($item =~ /^\s*#/)
    $item =~ s/((?:^\s*#[^\n]*\n)+\s*)/$1! /mg;
    $item =~ s/!\s*!//sg;
    if ($item =~ /^\s*!(.*)/)
      { $item = $1; }
      { $item = "! " . $item; }

$" = " $delim \\\n    ";
$leadin .= " " if $leadin !~ /(^|\s)$/;
return "$leadin@split";

#   Prevent regex expansion in a list of things  #

# Can be tricky, because there may be comment lines in the list.
# Also, lists may have different delimiters.

sub no_expand_regex {
my($list) = $_[0];
my($delim) = ":";
my($leadin) = "";

return $list if ! defined $list;

$delim = $_[1] if (defined $_[1]);

my($is_route_list) = $delim eq ";";

($list) = $list =~ /^"?(.*?)"?\s*$/s;      # Remove surrounding quotes
$list =~ s/\\\s*\n\s*//g;                  # Remove continuation markers

if ($list =~ /^(\s*<(\S)\s*)(.*)/s)
  $leadin = $1;
  $delim = $2;
  $list = $3;

$list =~ s/^\s+//;
$list =~ s/\Q$delim$delim/>%%%%</g;
@split = split /\s*\Q$delim\E\s*/s, $list;

my($changed) = 0;
foreach $item (@split)
  $item =~ s/>%%%%</$delim$delim/g;
  if ($item =~ /^\^/)
    # Fudge for route_list items

    if ($is_route_list)
      $item = "\\N$item";      # Only one item ...
      $item = "\\N$item\\N";
    $changed = 1;
print STDOUT
  "#!!# Regular expressions enclosed in \\N...\\N to avoid expansion\n"
    if $changed;

$" = " $delim \\\n    ";
$leadin .= " " if $leadin !~ /(^|\s)$/;
return "$leadin@split";

#      Sort out lookups in an address list       #

# Can be tricky, because there may be comment lines in the list.
# Also, lists may have different delimiters.

sub sort_address_list {
my($list) = $_[0];
my($name) = $_[1];
my($delim) = ":";
my($leadin) = "";
my($quoted) = 0;

return $list if ! defined $list;

if ($list =~ /^"(.*?)"\s*$/s)            # Remove surrounding quotes
  $list = $1;
  $quoted = 1;

$list =~ s/\\\s*\n\s*//g;                  # Remove continuation markers

if ($list =~ /^(\s*<(\S)\s*)(.*)/s)
  $leadin = $1;
  $delim = $2;
  $list = $3;

$list =~ s/^\s+//;
$list =~ s/\Q$delim$delim/>%%%%</g;
@split = split /\s*\Q$delim\E\s*/s, $list;

foreach $item (@split)
  $item =~ s/>%%%%</$delim$delim/g;
  if ($item =~ /^\s*(?:partial-)?(\w+;.*)$/)
    my($lookup) = $1;
    if ($lookup =~ /^lsearch|^dbm|^cdb|^nis[^p]/)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 \"$name\" option specifies an address\n" .
"   list that includes the item\n\n" .
"     $item\n\n" .
"   In Exim 4 address lists, single-key lookups without a local part just\n" .
"   look up the complete address. They don't also try the domain, as\n" .
"   happened in Exim 3. The item has been rewritten as two items to make\n" .
"   it behave in the same way as Exim 3, but you should check to see if\n" .
"   this is actually what you want.\n";

      $item = "*\@$item $delim $lookup";

$" = " $delim \\\n    ";
$leadin .= " " if $leadin !~ /(^|\s)$/;

return $quoted? "\"$leadin@split\"" : "$leadin@split";

#       Quote a string against expansion         #

# Used for setting up new "domains" options

sub expquote {
my($s) = $_[0];
$s =~ s/\$/\\\$/sg;
$s =~ s/\\(?!\s*\n)/\\\\/sg;
return $s;

#          Dequote an option string              #

# If the original list is not quoted, do nothing.
# If it is quoted, just get rid of the quotes.

sub unquote {
my($s) = $_[0];
$s =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/s;
return $s;

#      Quote/dequote an option string            #

# If the original list is not quoted, quote it against expansion.
# If it is quoted, just get rid of the quotes. Also, indent any
# continuations.

sub acl_quote {
my($s) = $_[0];
$s = ($s =~ /^"(.*)"$/s)? $1 : &expquote($s);
$s =~ s/\n/\n  /g;
$s =~ s/\n\s{11,}/\n           /g;
return $s;

#       Handle abolished driver options          #

sub abolished {
my($hash) = shift @_;
my($name) = shift @_;
for $abolished (@_)
  if (defined $$hash{$abolished})
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** $name used the \"$abolished\" option, which no\n".
"   longer exists. The option has been removed.\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# $abolished option removed\n";
    delete $$hash{$abolished};

#        Handle renamed driver options           #

sub renamed {
my($hash,$old,$new) = @_;
if (defined $$hash{$old})
  print STDOUT "#!!# $old renamed $new\n";
  $$hash{$new} = $$hash{$old};
  delete $$hash{$old};

#      Comment on user names in require_files    #

sub check_require {
my($string, $name) = @_;

$string =~ s/::/[[[]]]/g;
my(@list) = split /:/, $string;

for $item (@list)
  if ($item =~ /^\s*[\w,]+\s*$/)
    $item =~ s/^\s*//;
    $item =~ s/\s*$//;
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** A setting of require_files in the $name contains\n" .
"   what appears to be a user name ('$item'). The ability to check files\n" .
"   as a specific user is done differently in Exim 4. In fact, because the\n" .
"   routers run as root, you may not need this at all.\n"

#        Handle current and home directory       #

sub handle_current_and_home_directory {
my($hash,$driver,$name) = @_;

for ("current_directory", "home_directory")
  if (defined $$hash{$_} && $$hash{$_} eq "check_local_user")
    my($article) = (substr($driver, 0, 1) eq "a")? "an" : "a";
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains $article '$driver' director called\n" .
"   '$name', which set '$_' to the special value\n" .
"   'check_local_user'. This facility has been abolished in Exim 4 because\n" .
"   it is no longer necessary. The setting has therefore been omitted. See\n" .
"   note X.\n";
    delete $$hash{$_};
    &renamed($hash, $_, "transport_$_");

#    Handle batch/bsmtp for appendfile/pipe      #

sub handle_batch_and_bsmtp{
my($hash) = @_;

if (defined $$hash{"bsmtp"})
  if ($$hash{"bsmtp"} ne "none")
    $$hash{"use_bsmtp"} = "true";
    $$hash{"message_prefix"} = "\"HELO \$primary_host_name\\n\""
      if defined $$hash{"bsmtp_helo"} && $$hash{"bsmtp_helo"} eq "true";

  if ($$hash{"bsmtp"} eq "one")
    delete $$hash{"batch"};
    $$hash{"batch"} = $$hash{"bsmtp"};

  delete $$hash{"bsmtp"};
  delete $$hash{"bsmtp_helo"};

if (defined $$hash{"batch"} && $$hash{"batch"} ne "none")
  $$hash{"batch_max"} = "100" if !defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
  $$hash{"batch_id"} = "\$domain" if $$hash{"batch"} eq "domain";
  $$hash{"batch_max"} = "1" if defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
delete $$hash{"batch"};

#              Output one option                 #

sub outopt {
my($hash, $key, $no_expand) = @_;
my($data) = $$hash{$key};

print STDOUT "hide " if defined $$hash{"$key-hide"};

# Output booleans in the form that doesn't use "="

if ($data eq "true")
  print STDOUT "$key\n";
elsif ($data eq "false")
  print STDOUT "no_$key\n";
  if ($no_expand)
    printf STDOUT ("$key = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($data));
    print STDOUT "$key = $data\n";

#       Output the options for one driver        #

# Put the "driver" option first

sub outdriver {
my($hash) = $_[0];
print STDOUT "  driver = $$hash{'driver'}\n";
foreach $key (sort keys %$hash)
  next if $key eq "driver" || $key =~ /-hide$/;
  print STDOUT "  ";
  &outopt($hash, $key, 0);

#      Output a rewrite or a retry line          #

# These lines start with patterns which are now always expanded. If the
# pattern is a regex, arrange for it not to expand.

sub print_no_expand {
my($s) = $_[0];
if ($s =~ /^\^/)
  if (!$escape_output)
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** You have a retry or rewrite pattern that is a regular expression. Because\n" .
"   these patterns are now always expanded, you need to be sure that the\n" .
"   special characters in the regex are not interpreted by the expander.\n" .
"   \\N has been inserted at the start of the regex to prevent the rest of\n" .
"   it from being expanded.\n";
    $escape_output = 1;
  print STDOUT "\\N";
print STDOUT "$s\n";

#          Test a boolean main option            #

# This just saves a lot of typing

sub bool {
return defined $main{$_[0]} && $main{$_[0]} eq "true";

#                  Main program                  #

print STDERR "Runtime configuration file converter for Exim release 4.\n";

$transport_start = $director_start = $router_start = $retry_start
  = $rewrite_start = $auth_start = 999999;

$macro_output = "";
$rubric_output = 0;
$errmsg_output = 0;
$key_output = 0;
$unk_output = 0;
$escape_output = 0;
$add_no_more = 0;
$add_caseful_local_part = 0;
$done_dns_check_names = 0;

$queue_only_load_was_present = 0;
$deliver_queue_load_max_was_present = 0;

# Read the entire file into an array

chomp(@c = <STDIN>);
$clen = scalar @c;

# Remove the standard comment that appears at the end of the default

if ($clen > 0 && $c[$clen-1] =~ /^#\s*End of Exim configuration file\s*/i)
  pop @c;

# The first pass over the input fishes out all the options settings in the
# main, transport, director, and router sections, and places their values in
# associative arrays. It also notes the starting position of all the sections.

$prefix = "";
%main = ();
$hash = \%main;

for ($i = 0; $i < $clen; $i++)
  # Change references to +allow_unknown and +warn_unknown into +include_unknown

  if ($c[$i] =~ /\+(?:allow|warn)_unknown/)
    if (!$unk_output)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** You have used '+allow_unknown' or '+warn_unknown' in a configuration\n" .
"   option. This has been converted to '+include_unknown', but the action\n" .
"   is different in Exim 4, so you should review all the relevant options.\n";
      $unk_output = 1;
    $c[$i] =~ s/\+(?:allow|warn)_unknown/+include_unknown/g;

  # Any reference to $errmsg_recipient is changed to $bounce_recipient

  if ($c[$i] =~ /\$errmsg_recipient/)
    if (!$errmsg_output)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** References to \$errmsg_recipient have been changed to \$bounce_recipient\n";
      $errmsg_output = 1;
    $c[$i] =~ s/\$errmsg_recipient/\$bounce_recipient/g;

  # Analyse the type of line

  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  next if $type eq "comment";

  # Output a warning if $key is used

  if ($c[$i] =~ /\$key/ && !$key_output)
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** You have used '\$key' in a configuration option. This variable does not\n" .
"   exist in Exim 4. Instead, the value you need for your lookup will be\n" .
"   in one of the other variables such as '\$domain' or '\$host'. You will\n" .
"   need to edit the new configuration to sort this out.\n";
    $key_output = 1;

  # Save macro definitions so we can output them first; must handle
  # continuations.

  if ($type eq "macro")
    $macro_output .= "$c[$i++]\n" while $c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$|^\s*#/;
    $macro_output .= "$c[$i]\n";

  # Handle end of section

  elsif ($type eq "end")
    if ($prefix eq "=rewrite")
      $prefix = "a.";
      $auth_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "=retry")
      $prefix = "=rewrite";
      $rewrite_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "r.")
      $prefix = "=retry";
      $retry_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "d.")
      $prefix = "r.";
      $router_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "t.")
      $prefix = "d.";
      $director_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "")
      $prefix = "t.";
      $transport_start = $i + 1;

  # Handle start of a new director, router or transport driver

  elsif ($type eq "driver" && $prefix !~ /^=/)
    $hash = {};
    if (defined $driverlist{"$prefix$name"})
      die "*** There are two drivers with the name \"$name\"\n";
    $driverlist{"$prefix$name"} = $hash;
    $first_director = $name if !defined $first_director && $prefix eq "d.";

  # Handle definition of an option; we must pull in any continuation
  # strings, and save the value in the current hash. Note if the option
  # is hidden.

  elsif ($type eq "option")
    my($nextline) = "";

    while ($i < $clen - 1 && ($rest =~ /\\\s*$/s || $nextline =~ /^\s*#/))
      $nextline = $c[++$i];
      $rest .= "\n$nextline";

    $$hash{$name} = $rest;
    $$hash{"$name-hide"} = 1 if $hide ne "";

# Generate the new configuration. Start with a warning rubric.

print STDOUT "#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# However, it is not perfect, especially with non-simple\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.\n";
print STDOUT "\n\n";

# Output the macro definitions

if ($macro_output ne "")
  print STDOUT "#!!# All macro definitions have been gathered here to ensure\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# they precede any references to them.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "$macro_output\n";

# Output some default pointers to ACLs for RCPT and DATA time. If no Exim 3
# options that apply are set, non-restricting ACLs are generated.

print STDOUT "#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# commands, respectively.\n\n";

print STDOUT "acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient\n";
print STDOUT "acl_smtp_data = check_message\n\n";

if (defined $main{"auth_over_tls_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# This option specifies the Access Control List (ACL) that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# is used after an AUTH command.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_auth = check_auth\n\n";

if (&bool("smtp_verify") ||
    defined $main{"smtp_etrn_hosts"} ||
    defined $main{"smtp_expn_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# are used to control the ETRN, EXPN, and VRFY commands.\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# Where no ACL is defined, the command is locked out.\n\n";

  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_etrn = check_etrn\n" if defined $main{"smtp_etrn_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_expn = check_expn\n" if defined $main{"smtp_expn_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_vrfy = check_vrfy\n" if &bool("smtp_verify");
  print STDOUT "\n";

# If local_domains was set, get its value; otherwise set to "@". Add into it
# appropriate magic for local_domains_include_host[_literals].

$local_domains = (defined $main{"local_domains"})? $main{"local_domains"} : "@";

$ldsep = ":";
if ($local_domains =~ /^\s*<(.)\s*(.*)/s)
  $ldsep = $1;
  $local_domains = $2;

$local_domains = "\@[] $ldsep " . $local_domains
  if defined $main{"local_domains_include_host_literals"} &&
     $main{"local_domains_include_host_literals"} eq "true";

$local_domains = "\@ $ldsep " . $local_domains
  if defined $main{"local_domains_include_host"} &&
     $main{"local_domains_include_host"} eq "true";

$local_domains = "<$ldsep " . $local_domains if $ldsep ne ":";

# Output a domain list setting for these domains, provided something is defined

if ($local_domains !~ /^\s*$/)
  print STDOUT "#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# later on by the syntax \"+local_domains\".\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.\n\n";

  printf STDOUT ("domainlist local_domains = %s\n\n",

$relay_domains = (defined $main{"relay_domains"})? $main{"relay_domains"} : "";

$ldsep = ":";
if ($relay_domains =~ /^\s*<(.)\s*(.*)/s)
  $ldsep = $1;

if (defined $main{"relay_domains_include_local_mx"})
  $relay_domains .= ($relay_domains =~ /^\s*$/)? "\@mx_any" :
    " $ldsep \@mx_any";

printf STDOUT ("domainlist relay_domains = %s\n",
    if $relay_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

# If ignore_errmsg_errors is set, we are going to force 0s as the value
# for ignore_errmsg_errors_after, so arrange to skip any other value.

push @skipped_options, "ignore_errmsg_errors_after"
   if &bool("ignore_errmsg_errors");

# If rbl_domains is set, split it up and generate six lists:
#   rbl_warn_domains, rbl_warn_domains_skiprelay
#   rbl_reject_domains, rbl_reject_domains_skiprelay
#   rbl_accept_domains, rbl_accept_domains_skiprelay

if (defined $main{"rbl_domains"})
  my($s) = &unquote($main{"rbl_domains"});
  $s =~ s/\s*\\\s*\n\s*/ /g;
  my(@list) = split /\s*:\s*/, $s;

  foreach $d (@list)
    my(@sublist) = split /\//, $d;
    my($name) = shift @sublist;
    my($warn) = 0;
    if (defined $main{"rbl_reject_recipients"})
      $warn = $main{"rbl_reject_recipients"} ne "true";

    foreach $o (@sublist)
      $warn = 1 if $o eq "warn";
      $warn = 0 if $o eq "reject";
      $warn = 2 if $o eq "accept";
      $skiprelay = 1 if $o eq "skiprelay";

    if ($skiprelay)
      if ($warn == 0)
        $rbl_reject_skiprelay .= ((defined $rbl_reject_skiprelay)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 1)
        $rbl_warn_skiprelay .= ((defined $rbl_warn_skiprelay)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 2)
        $rbl_accept_skiprelay .= ((defined $rbl_accept_skiprelay)? ":":"").$name;
      if ($warn == 0)
        $rbl_reject_domains .= ((defined $rbl_reject_domains)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 1)
        $rbl_warn_domains .= ((defined $rbl_warn_domains)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 2)
        $rbl_accept_domains .= ((defined $rbl_accept_domains)? ":":"").$name;

# Output host list settings

printf STDOUT ("hostlist auth_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist rbl_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"rbl_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist relay_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"host_accept_relay"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist auth_relay_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"host_auth_accept_relay"};

printf STDOUT ("hostlist auth_over_tls_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"auth_over_tls_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist tls_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"tls_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist tls_relay_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"tls_host_accept_relay"};

print STDOUT "\n";

# Convert various logging options

$log_selector = "";
$sep = " \\\n             ";

if (defined $main{"log_level"})
  my($level) = $main{"log_level"};
  $log_selector .= "$sep -retry_defer$sep -skip_delivery" if $level < 5;
  $log_selector .= "$sep -lost_incoming_connection$sep -smtp_syntax_error" .
                   "$sep -delay_delivery" if $level < 4;
  $log_selector .= "$sep -size_reject" if $level < 2;

$log_selector .= "$sep -queue_run"
  if defined $main{"log_queue_run_level"} &&
     defined $main{"log_level"} &&
     $main{"log_queue_run_level"} > $main{"log_level"};

$log_selector .= "$sep +address_rewrite"       if &bool("log_rewrites");
$log_selector .= "$sep +all_parents"           if &bool("log_all_parents");
$log_selector .= "$sep +arguments"             if &bool("log_arguments");
$log_selector .= "$sep +incoming_port"         if &bool("log_incoming_port");
$log_selector .= "$sep +incoming_interface"    if &bool("log_interface");
$log_selector .= "$sep +received_sender"       if &bool("log_received_sender");
$log_selector .= "$sep +received_recipients"   if &bool("log_received_recipients");
$log_selector .= "$sep +sender_on_delivery"    if &bool("log_sender_on_delivery");
$log_selector .= "$sep +smtp_confirmation"     if &bool("log_smtp_confirmation");
$log_selector .= "$sep +smtp_connection"       if &bool("log_smtp_connections");
$log_selector .= "$sep +smtp_syntax_error"     if &bool("log_smtp_syntax_errors");
$log_selector .= "$sep +subject"               if &bool("log_subject");
$log_selector .= "$sep +tls_cipher"            if &bool("tls_log_cipher");
$log_selector .= "$sep +tls_peerdn"            if &bool("tls_log_peerdn");

if ($log_selector ne "")
  print STDOUT "#!!# All previous logging options are combined into a single\n"
             . "#!!# option in Exim 4. This setting is an approximation to\n"
             . "#!!# the previous state - some logging has changed.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "log_selector = $log_selector\n\n";

# If deliver_load_max is set, replace it with queue_only_load (taking the
# lower value if both set) and also set deliver_queue_load_max if it is
# not already set. When scanning for output, deliver_load_max is skipped.

if (defined $main{"deliver_load_max"})
  print STDERR "\n" .
"** deliver_load_max is abolished in Exim 4.\n";

  if (defined $main{"queue_only_load"})
    $queue_only_load_was_present = 1;
    if ($main{"queue_only_load"} < $main{"deliver_load_max"})
      print STDERR
"   As queue_only_load was set lower, deliver_load_max is just removed.\n";
      print STDERR
"   As queue_only_load was set higher, it's value has been replaced by\n" .
"   the value of deliver_load_max.\n";
      $main{"queue_only_load"} = $main{"deliver_load_max"};
    print STDERR
"   queue_only_load has been set to the load value.\n";
    $main{"queue_only_load"} = $main{"deliver_load_max"};

  if (!defined $main{"deliver_queue_load_max"})
    print STDERR
"   deliver_queue_load_max has been set to the value of queue_only_load.\n";
    $main{"deliver_queue_load_max"} = $main{"queue_only_load"};
    $deliver_queue_load_max_was_present = 1;

# Now we scan through the various parts of the file again, making changes
# as necessary.

# -------- The main configuration --------

$prefix = "";
MainLine: for ($i = 0; $i < $clen; $i++)
  my($nextline) = "";
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "macro")
    $i++ while $c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$|^\s*#/;

  if ($type eq "comment") { print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n"; next; }

  # Collect any continuation lines for an option setting

  while ($rest =~ /\\\s*$/s || $nextline =~ /^\s*#/)
    $nextline = $c[++$i];
    $rest .= "\n$nextline";

  $rest =~ s/^=\s*//;

  # Deal with main options that are skipped (they are used in other
  # options in other places).

  for $skipped (@skipped_options)
    next MainLine if $name eq $skipped;

  # Deal with main options that are totally abolished

  for $abolished (@abolished_options)
    if ($name eq $abolished)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The $name option no longer exists, and has no equivalent\n" .
"   in Exim 4.\n";
      next MainLine;

  # There is a special case for rbl_warn_header

  if ($name eq "rbl_warn_header")
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The $name option no longer exists. In Exim 4 you can achieve the\n" .
"   effect by adding a suitable \"message\" statement in the ACL.\n";

  # There is a special case for sender_reject and host_reject

  elsif ($name eq "sender_reject" || $name eq "host_reject")
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The $name option no longer exists. Its data has been used in\n" .
"   an Access Control List as if it were in ${name}_recipients.\n";

  # And a special message for prohibition_message

  elsif ($name eq "prohibition_message")
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The prohibition_message option no longer exists. The facility is\n" .
"   provided in a different way in Exim 4, via the \"message\" keyword\n" .
"   in Access Control Lists. It isn't possible to do an automatic conversion,\n" .
"   so the value of prohibition_message has been ignored. You will have to\n" .
"   modify the ACLs if you want to reinstate the feature.\n";

  # auth_always_advertise gets converted to auth_advertise_hosts

  elsif ($name eq "auth_always_advertise")
    print STDOUT "#!!# auth_always_advertise converted to auth_advertise_hosts\n";
    if (&bool("auth_always_advertise"))
      print STDOUT "auth_advertise_hosts = *\n";
      $sep = "";
      print STDOUT "auth_advertise_hosts =";
      if (defined $main{"auth_hosts"})
        print STDOUT "$sep +auth_hosts";
        $sep = " :";
      if (defined $main{"host_accept_relay"})
        print STDOUT "$sep !+relay_hosts";
        $sep = " :";
      if (defined $main{"host_auth_accept_relay"})
        print STDOUT "$sep +auth_relay_hosts";
      print STDOUT "\n";

  # Deal with main options that have to be rewritten

  elsif ($name eq "accept_timeout")
    print STDOUT "#!!# accept_timeout renamed receive_timeout\n";
    print STDOUT "receive_timeout = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "collapse_source_routes")
    print STDOUT "#!!# collapse_source_routes removed\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# It has been a no-op since 3.10.\n";

  elsif ($name eq "daemon_smtp_service")
    print STDOUT "#!!# daemon_smtp_service renamed daemon_smtp_port\n";
    print STDOUT "daemon_smtp_port = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "dns_check_names" || $name eq "dns_check_names_pattern")
    if (!$done_dns_check_names)
      if (&bool("dns_check_names"))
        if (defined $main{"dns_check_names_pattern"})
          &outopt(\%main, "dns_check_names_pattern", 0);

        print STDOUT "#!!# dns_check_names has been abolished\n";
        print STDOUT "#!!# setting dns_check_pattern empty to turn off check\n";
        print STDOUT "dns_check_names_pattern =\n";

      $done_dns_check_names = 1;

  elsif ($name eq "deliver_load_max")
    print STDOUT "deliver_queue_load_max = $main{'deliver_queue_load_max'}\n"
      if !$deliver_queue_load_max_was_present;
    print STDOUT "queue_only_load = $main{'queue_only_load'}\n"
      if !$queue_only_load_was_present;

  elsif ($name eq "errmsg_file")
    print STDOUT "#!!# errmsg_file renamed bounce_message_file\n";
    print STDOUT "bounce_message_file = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "errmsg_text")
    print STDOUT "#!!# errmsg_text renamed bounce_message_text\n";
    print STDOUT "bounce_message_text = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "forbid_domain_literals")
    print STDOUT "#!!# forbid_domain_literals replaced by allow_domain_literals\n";
    print STDOUT "allow_domain_literals = ",
          &bool("forbid_domain_literals")? "false" : "true", "\n";

  elsif ($name eq "freeze_tell_mailmaster")
    print STDOUT "#!!# freeze_tell_mailmaster replaced by freeze_tell\n";
    if (&bool("freeze_tell_mailmaster"))
      print STDOUT "freeze_tell = ",
        ((defined $main{"errors_address"})?
          $main{"errors_address"} : "postmaster"), "\n";
      print STDOUT "#!!# freeze_tell is unset by default\n";

  elsif ($name eq "helo_verify")
    print STDOUT "#!!# helo_verify renamed helo_verify_hosts\n";
    printf STDOUT ("helo_verify_hosts = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($rest));

  elsif ($name eq "ignore_errmsg_errors")
    print STDOUT "ignore_bounce_errors_after = 0s\n";

  elsif ($name eq "ignore_errmsg_errors_after")
    print STDOUT "#!!# ignore_errmsg_errors_after renamed ignore_bounce_errors_after\n";
    print STDOUT "ignore_bounce_errors_after = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "ipv4_address_lookup" || $name eq "dns_ipv4_lookup")
    print STDOUT "#!!# $name changed to dns_ipv4_lookup\n"
      if $name eq "ipv4_address_lookup";
    print STDOUT "#!!# dns_ipv4_lookup is now a domain list\n";
    if (&bool($name))
      print STDOUT "dns_ipv4_lookup = *\n";
      print STDOUT "#!!# default for dns_ipv4_lookup is unset\n";

  elsif ($name eq "locally_caseless")
    print STDOUT "#!!# locally_caseless removed\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# caseful_local_part will be added to ex-directors\n";
    $add_caseful_local_part = 1;

  elsif ($name eq "message_filter_directory2_transport")
    print STDOUT "#!!# message_filter_directory2_transport removed\n";

  elsif ($name =~ /^message_filter(.*)/)
    print STDOUT "#!!# $name renamed system_filter$1\n";
    print STDOUT "system_filter$1 = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "queue_remote_domains")
    print STDOUT "#!!# queue_remote_domains renamed queue_domains\n";
    printf STDOUT ("queue_domains = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($rest));

  elsif ($name eq "receiver_unqualified_hosts")
    print STDOUT "#!!# receiver_unqualified_hosts renamed recipient_unqualified_hosts\n";
    printf STDOUT ("recipient_unqualified_hosts = %s\n",

  elsif ($name eq "remote_sort")
    print STDOUT "#!!# remote_sort renamed remote_sort_domains\n";
    printf STDOUT ("remote_sort_domains = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($rest));

  elsif ($name eq "security")
    if ($rest eq "unprivileged")
      print STDOUT "#!!# security=unprivileged changed to deliver_drop_privilege\n";
      print STDOUT "deliver_drop_privilege\n";
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The 'security' option no longer exists.\n";

  elsif ($name eq "timestamps_utc")
    print STDOUT "#!!# timestamps_utc changed to use timezone\n";
    print STDOUT "timezone = utc\n";

  elsif ($name eq "untrusted_set_sender")
    print STDOUT "#!!# untrusted_set_sender is now a list of what can be set\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# The default is an empty list.\n";
    if (&bool("untrusted_set_sender"))
      print STDOUT "untrusted_set_sender = *\n";

  elsif ($name eq "warnmsg_file")
    print STDOUT "#!!# warnmsg_file renamed warn_message_file\n";
    print STDOUT "warn_message_file = $rest\n";

  # Remaining options just get copied unless they are one of those that's
  # a list where any regular expressions have to be escaped.

    my($no_expand) = 0;
    foreach $o (@list_options)
      if ($name eq $o)
        $no_expand = 1;
    &outopt(\%main, $name, $no_expand);

# -------- The ACL configuration --------

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3      #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# policy control options.                             #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.\n";

print STDOUT "\nbegin acl\n\n";

# Output an ACL for use after the RCPT command. This combines all the previous
# policy checking options.

print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command\n";
print STDOUT "check_recipient:\n";

print STDOUT "  # Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages, so for compatibility\n";
print STDOUT "  # we accept if the source is local SMTP (i.e. not over TCP/IP).\n";
print STDOUT "  # We do this by testing for an empty sending host field.\n";
print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = :\n";

if (defined $main{"tls_verify_ciphers"})
  print STDOUT "  deny    ";
  print STDOUT "hosts = $main{'tls_verify_hosts'}\n         "
    if defined $main{"tls_verify_hosts"};
  print STDOUT " encrypted = *\n         ";
  print STDOUT "!encrypted = $main{'tls_verify_ciphers'}\n";

print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
             "          message = authentication required\n" .
             "         !authenticated = *\n"
  if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};

print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +tls_hosts\n" .
             "          message = encryption required\n" .
             "         !encrypted = *\n"
  if defined $main{"tls_hosts"};

printf STDOUT ("  accept  recipients = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"recipients_reject_except"};

printf STDOUT ("  accept  senders = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"recipients_reject_except_senders"};

printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n", &acl_quote($main{"host_reject"}))
  if defined $main{"host_reject"};

printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"host_reject_recipients"};

if (defined $main{"rbl_domains"})
  my($msg) = "message = host is listed in \$dnslist_domain\n          ";
  my($hlist) = (defined $main{"rbl_hosts"})?
    "hosts = +rbl_hosts\n          " : "";

  print STDOUT "  accept  ${hlist}dnslists = $rbl_accept_domains\n"
    if defined $rbl_accept_domains;
  print STDOUT "  deny    ${hlist}${msg}dnslists = $rbl_reject_domains\n"
    if defined $rbl_reject_domains;
  print STDOUT "  warn    ${hlist}" .
    "message = X-Warning: \$sender_host_address is listed at \$dnslist_domain\n" .
    "          dnslists = $rbl_warn_domains\n"
      if defined $rbl_warn_domains;

  if (defined $main{"host_accept_relay"})
    $hlist .= "hosts = !+relay_hosts\n          ";
    print STDOUT "  accept  ${hlist}dnslists = $rbl_accept_skiprelay\n"
      if defined $rbl_accept_skiprelay;
    print STDOUT "  deny    ${hlist}${msg}dnslists = $rbl_reject_skiprelay\n"
      if defined $rbl_reject_skiprelay;
    print STDOUT "  warn    ${hlist}" .
      "message = X-Warning: \$sender_host_address is listed at \$dnslist_domain\n" .
      "          dnslists = $rbl_warn_skiprelay\n"
        if defined $rbl_warn_skiprelay;

printf STDOUT ("  deny    senders = %s\n",
  &acl_quote(&sort_address_list($main{"sender_reject"}, "sender_reject")))
    if defined $main{"sender_reject"};

printf STDOUT ("  deny    senders = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"sender_reject_recipients"};

if (&bool("sender_verify"))
  if (defined $main{"sender_verify_hosts_callback"} &&
      defined $main{"sender_verify_callback_domains"})
    printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n",
    printf STDOUT ("          sender_domains = %s\n",
    print  STDOUT  "         !verify = sender/callout";
    print  STDOUT  "=$main{\"sender_verify_callback_timeout\"}"
      if defined $main{"sender_verify_callback_timeout"};
    print  STDOUT  "\n";

  if (defined $main{"sender_verify_hosts"})
    printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n",
    print  STDOUT  "         !verify = sender\n";
    print STDOUT "  require verify = sender\n";

if (&bool("receiver_verify"))
  print  STDOUT  "  deny    message = unrouteable address\n";
  printf STDOUT ("          recipients = %s\n",
        if defined $main{"receiver_verify_addresses"};
  printf STDOUT ("          hosts = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"receiver_verify_hosts"};
  printf STDOUT ("          senders = %s\n",
        if defined $main{"receiver_verify_senders"};
  print  STDOUT  "         !verify = recipient\n";

print STDOUT "  accept  domains = +local_domains\n"
  if $local_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

print STDOUT "  accept  domains = +relay_domains\n"
  if $relay_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

if (defined $main{"host_accept_relay"})
  if (defined $main{"sender_address_relay"})
    if (defined $main{"sender_address_relay_hosts"})
      printf STDOUT ("  accept  hosts = %s\n",
      print  STDOUT  "          endpass\n";
      print  STDOUT  "          message = invalid sender\n";
      printf STDOUT ("          senders = %s\n",
      print  STDOUT  "  accept  hosts = +relay_hosts\n";
      print  STDOUT  "  accept  hosts = +relay_hosts\n";
      print  STDOUT  "          endpass\n";
      print  STDOUT  "          message = invalid sender\n";
      printf STDOUT ("          senders = %s\n",
    print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = +relay_hosts\n";

print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = +auth_relay_hosts\n" .
             "          endpass\n" .
             "          message = authentication required\n" .
             "          authenticated = *\n"
  if defined $main{"host_auth_accept_relay"};

print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = +tls_relay_hosts\n" .
             "          endpass\n" .
             "          message = encryption required\n" .
             "          encrypted = *\n"
  if defined $main{"tls_host_accept_relay"};

print STDOUT "  deny    message = relay not permitted\n\n";

# Output an ACL for use after the DATA command. This is concerned with
# header checking.

print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command\n";
print STDOUT "check_message:\n";

# Default for headers_checks_fail is true

if (!defined $main{"headers_checks_fail"} ||
    $main{"headers_checks_fail"} eq "true")
  print STDOUT "  require verify = header_syntax\n"
    if &bool("headers_check_syntax");
  print STDOUT "  require verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify");
  print STDOUT "  accept  senders = !:\n  require verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify_errmsg");
  print STDOUT "  warn    !verify = header_syntax\n"
    if &bool("headers_check_syntax");
  print STDOUT "  warn    !verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify");
  print STDOUT "  accept  senders = !:\n  warn    !verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify_errmsg");

print STDOUT "  accept\n\n";

# Output an ACL for AUTH if required

if (defined $main{"auth_over_tls_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the AUTH command\n" .
               "check_auth:\n" .
               "  accept  hosts = +auth_over_tls_hosts\n" .
               "          endpass\n" .
               "          message = STARTTLS required before AUTH\n" .
               "          encrypted = *\n" .
               "  accept\n";

# Output ACLs for ETRN, EXPN, and VRFY if required

if (defined $main{"smtp_etrn_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the ETRN command\n" .
  print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
               "          message = authentication required\n" .
               "         !authenticated = *\n"
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = $main{\"smtp_etrn_hosts\"}\n\n";

if (defined $main{"smtp_expn_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the EXPN command\n" .
  print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
               "          message = authentication required\n" .
               "         !authenticated = *\n"
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = $main{\"smtp_expn_hosts\"}\n\n";

if (&bool("smtp_verify"))
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the VRFY command\n" .
  print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
               "          message = authentication required\n" .
               "         !authenticated = *\n"
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "  accept\n\n";

# -------- The authenticators --------

$started = 0;
for ($i = $auth_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  if (!$started)
    if ($c[$i] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/)
      print STDOUT "\nbegin authenticators\n\n";
      $started = 1;
  print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n";

# -------- Rewrite section --------

$started = 0;
for ($i = $rewrite_start; $i < $clen && $i < $auth_start - 1; $i++)
  if (!$started)
    if ($c[$i] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/)
      print STDOUT "\nbegin rewrite\n\n";
      $started = 1;

# -------- The routers configuration --------

# The new routers configuration is created out of the old directors and routers
# configuration. We put the old routers first, adding a "domains" option to
# any that don't have one, to make them select the domains that do not match
# the original local_domains. The routers get modified as necessary, and the
# final one has "no_more" set, unless it has conditions. In that case we have
# to add an extra router to be sure of failing all non-local addresses that
# fall through. We do this also if there are no routers at all. The old
# directors follow, modified as required.

$prefix = "r.";
undef @comments;

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers,   #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# for handling non-local domains.                     #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";

print STDOUT "\nbegin routers\n\n";

for ($i = $router_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "comment") { push(@comments, "$c[$i]\n"); next; }

  # When we hit the start of a driver, modify its options as necessary,
  # and then output it from the stored option settings, having first output
  # and previous comments.

  if ($type eq "driver")
    print STDOUT shift @comments while scalar(@comments) > 0;

    $hash = $driverlist{"$prefix$name"};
    $driver = $$hash{"driver"};
    print STDOUT "$name:\n";

    $add_no_more =
      ! defined $$hash{"domains"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"local_parts"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"senders"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"condition"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"require_files"} &&
      (!defined $$hash{"verify_only"} || $$hash{"verify_only"} eq "false") &&
      (!defined $$hash{"verify"} || $$hash{"verify"} eq "true");

    # Create a "domains" setting if there isn't one, unless local domains
    # was explicitly empty.

    $$hash{"domains"} = "! +local_domains"
      if !defined $$hash{"domains"} && $local_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

    # If the router had a local_parts setting, add caseful_local_part

    $$hash{"caseful_local_part"} = "true" if defined $$hash{"local_parts"};

    # If the router has "self=local" set, change it to "self=pass", and
    # set pass_router to the router that was the first director. Change the
    # obsolete self settings of "fail_hard" and "fail_soft" to "fail" and
    # "pass".

    if (defined $$hash{"self"})
      if ($$hash{"self"} eq "local")
        $$hash{"self"} = "pass";
        $$hash{"pass_router"} = $first_director;
      elsif ($$hash{"self"} eq "fail_hard")
        $$hash{"self"} = "fail";
      elsif ($$hash{"self"} eq "fail_soft")
        $$hash{"self"} = "pass";

    # If the router had a require_files setting, check it for user names
    # and colons that are part of expansion items

    if (defined $$hash{"require_files"})
      &check_require($$hash{"require_files"}, "'$name' router");
      if (($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/(\$\{\w+):/$1::/g) > 0 ||
          ($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/ldap:/ldap::/g) > 0)
        print STDERR "\n" .
"*** A setting of require_files in the $name router contains\n" .
"    a colon in what appears to be an expansion item. In Exim 3, the\n" .
"    whole string was expanded before splitting the list, but in Exim 4\n" .
"    each item is expanded separately, so colons that are not list\n" .
"    item separators have to be doubled. One or more such colons in this\n" .
"    list have been doubled as a precaution. Please check the result.\n";

    # If the router had a "senders" setting, munge the address list

    $$hash{"senders"} = &sort_address_list($$hash{"senders"}, "senders")
      if defined $$hash{"senders"};

    # ---- Changes to domainlist router ----

    if ($driver eq "domainlist")
      &abolished($hash, "A domainlist router",
        "modemask", "owners", "owngroups",
        "qualify_single", "search_parents");

      # The name has changed

      $$hash{"driver"} = "manualroute";

      # Turn "route_file", "route_query" and "route_queries" into lookups for
      # route_data.

      if (defined $$hash{"route_file"})
        $$hash{"route_data"} = "\${lookup\{\$domain\}$$hash{'search_type'}" .
      elsif (defined $$hash{"route_query"})
        $$hash{"route_data"} = "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'}" .
                               "\{" . &unquote($$hash{'route_query'}) . "\}\}";
      elsif (defined $$hash{"route_queries"})
        $endkets = 0;
        $$hash{"route_data"} = "";
        $route_queries = $$hash{'route_queries'};
        $route_queries =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/s;
        $route_queries =~ s/::/++colons++/g;
        @qq = split(/:/, $route_queries);

        foreach $q (@qq)
          $q =~ s/\+\+colons\+\+/:/g;
          $q =~ s/^\s+//;
          $q =~ s/\s+$//;
          if ($endkets > 0)
            $$hash{"route_data"} .= "\\\n    {";
          $$hash{"route_data"} .= "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'} \{$q\}\{\$value\}";

        $$hash{"route_data"} .= "}" x $endkets;

      delete $$hash{"route_file"};
      delete $$hash{"route_query"};
      delete $$hash{"route_queries"};
      delete $$hash{"search_type"};

      # But we can't allow both route_data and route_list

      if (defined $$hash{"route_data"} && defined $$hash{"route_list"})
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** An Exim 3 'domainlist' router called '$name' contained a 'route_list'\n" .
"   option as well as a setting of 'route_file', 'route_query', or\n" .
"   'route_queries'. The latter has been turned into a 'route_data' setting,\n".
"   but in Exim 4 you can't have both 'route_data' and 'route_list'. You'll\n" .
"   have to rewrite this router; in the meantime, 'route_list' has been\n" .
"   omitted.\n";
        print STDOUT "#!!# route_list option removed\n";
        delete $$hash{"route_list"};

      # Change bydns_a into bydns in a route_list; also bydns_mx, but that
      # works differently.

      if (defined $$hash{"route_list"})
        $$hash{"route_list"} =~ s/bydns_a/bydns/g;
        if ($$hash{"route_list"} =~ /bydns_mx/)
          $$hash{"route_list"} =~ s/bydns_mx/bydns/g;
          print STDERR "\n" .
"*** An Exim 3 'domainlist' router called '$name' contained a 'route_list'\n" .
"    option which used 'bydns_mx'. This feature no longer exists in Exim 4.\n" .
"    It has been changed to 'bydns', but it won't have the same effect,\n" .
"    because it will look for A rather than MX records. Use the 'dnslookup'\n" .
"    router to do MX lookups - if you want to override the hosts found from\n" .
"    MX records, you should route to a special 'smtp' transport which has\n" .
"    both 'hosts' and 'hosts_override' set.\n";

      # Arrange to not expand regex

      $$hash{"route_list"} = &no_expand_regex($$hash{"route_list"}, ";")
        if (defined $$hash{"route_list"})

    # ---- Changes to iplookup router ----

    elsif ($driver eq "iplookup")
      &renamed($hash, "service", "port");

    # ---- Changes to lookuphost router ----

    elsif ($driver eq "lookuphost")
      $$hash{"driver"} = "dnslookup";

      if (defined $$hash{"gethostbyname"})
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** An Exim 3 'lookuphost' router called '$name' used the 'gethostbyname'\n" .
"   option, which no longer exists. You will have to rewrite it.\n";
        print STDOUT "#!!# gethostbyname option removed\n";
        delete $$hash{"gethostbyname"};

      $$hash{"mx_domains"} = &no_expand_regex($$hash{"mx_domains"})
        if defined $$hash{"mx_domains"};

    # ---- Changes to the queryprogram router ----

    elsif ($driver eq "queryprogram")
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The configuration contains a 'queryprogram' router. Please note that\n" .
"   the specification for the text that is returned by the program run\n" .
"   by this router has changed in Exim 4. You will need to modify your\n" .
"   program.\n";

      if (!defined $$hash{'command_user'})
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** The 'queryprogram' router called '$name' does not have a setting for\n" .
"   the 'command_user' option. This is mandatory in Exim 4. A setting of\n" .
"   'nobody' has been created.\n";
        $$hash{"command_user"} = "nobody";

    # -------------------------------------

    # Output the router's option settings


  # Skip past any continuation lines for an option setting
  while ($c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$/s && $i < $clen - 1)
    $i++ while ($c[$i] =~ /^\s*#/);

# Add "no_more" to the final driver from the old routers, provided it had no
# conditions. Otherwise, or if there were no routers, make up one to fail all
# non-local domains.

if ($add_no_more)
  print STDOUT "  no_more\n";
  print STDOUT shift @comments while scalar(@comments) > 0;
  print STDOUT shift @comments while scalar(@comments) > 0;
  print STDOUT "\n#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "fail_remote_domains:\n";
  print STDOUT "  driver = redirect\n";
  print STDOUT "  domains = ! +local_domains\n";
  print STDOUT "  allow_fail\n";
  print STDOUT "  data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain \"\$domain\"\n\n";

# Now copy the directors, making appropriate changes

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# for handling local domains.                         #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";

$prefix = "d.";
for ($i = $director_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "comment") { print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n"; next; }

  undef $second_router;

  if ($type eq "driver")
    $hash = $driverlist{"$prefix$name"};
    $driver = $$hash{"driver"};
    print STDOUT "$name:\n";

    $$hash{"caseful_local_part"} = "true" if $add_caseful_local_part;

    if (defined $$hash{"local_parts"} &&
        (defined $$hash{"prefix"} || defined $hash{"suffix"}))
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains a director called '$name' which has\n" .
"   'local_parts' set, together with either or both of 'prefix' and 'suffix'\n".
"   This combination has a different effect in Exim 4, where the affix\n" .
"   is removed *before* 'local_parts' is tested. You will probably need\n" .
"   to make changes to this driver.\n";

    &renamed($hash, "prefix", "local_part_prefix");
    &renamed($hash, "prefix_optional", "local_part_prefix_optional");
    &renamed($hash, "suffix", "local_part_suffix");
    &renamed($hash, "suffix_optional", "local_part_suffix_optional");
    &renamed($hash, "new_director", "redirect_router");

    &handle_current_and_home_directory($hash, $driver, $name);

    # If the director had a require_files setting, check it for user names
    # and colons that are part of expansion items

    if (defined $$hash{"require_files"})
      &check_require($$hash{"require_files"}, "'$name' director");
      if (($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/(\$\{\w+):/$1::/g) > 0 ||
          ($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/ldap:/ldap::/g) > 0)
        print STDERR "\n" .
"*** A setting of require_files in the $name director contains\n" .
"    a colon in what appears to be an expansion item. In Exim 3, the\n" .
"    whole string was expanded before splitting the list, but in Exim 4\n" .
"    each item is expanded separately, so colons that are not list\n" .
"    item separators have to be doubled. One or more such colons in this\n" .
"    list have been doubled as a precaution. Please check the result.\n";

    # If the director had a "senders" setting, munge the address list

    $$hash{"senders"} = &sort_address_list($$hash{"senders"}, "senders")
      if defined $$hash{"senders"};

    # ---- Changes to aliasfile director ----

    if ($driver eq "aliasfile")
      &abolished($hash, "An aliasfile director",
        "directory2_transport", "freeze_missing_include",
        "modemask", "owners", "owngroups");

      $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";

      $key = "\$local_part";
      $key = "\$local_part\@\$domain"
        if defined $$hash{"include_domain"} &&
          $$hash{"include_domain"} eq "true";
      delete $$hash{"include_domain"};

      if (defined $$hash{"forbid_special"} && $$hash{"forbid_special"} eq "true")
        $$hash{"forbid_blackhole"} = "true";
        $$hash{"allow_defer"} = "true";
        $$hash{"allow_fail"} = "true";
      delete $$hash{"forbid_special"};

      # Deal with "file", "query", or "queries"

      if (defined $$hash{"file"})
        $$hash{"data"} =
        if (defined $$hash{"optional"} && $$hash{"optional"} eq "true")
          $$hash{"data"} =
            "\$\{if exists\{$$hash{'file'}\}\{$$hash{'data'}\}\}";
        delete $$hash{"optional"};
      elsif (defined $$hash{"query"})
        &abolished($hash, "An aliasfile director", "optional");
        $$hash{"data"} = "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'} " .
                         "\{" . &unquote($$hash{'query'}) . "\}\}";
      else   # Must be queries
        &abolished($hash, "An aliasfile director", "optional");
        $endkets = 0;
        $$hash{"data"} = "";
        $queries = $$hash{'queries'};
        $queries =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/s;
        $queries =~ s/::/++colons++/g;
        @qq = split(/:/, $queries);

        foreach $q (@qq)
          $q =~ s/\+\+colons\+\+/:/g;
          $q =~ s/^\s+//;
          $q =~ s/\s+$//;
          if ($endkets > 0)
            $$hash{"data"} .= "\\\n    {";
          $$hash{"data"} .= "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'} \{$q\}\{\$value\}";

        $$hash{"data"} .= "}" x $endkets;

      $$hash{"data"} = "\${expand:$$hash{'data'}\}"
        if (defined $$hash{"expand"} && $$hash{"expand"} eq "true");

      delete $$hash{"expand"};
      delete $$hash{"file"};
      delete $$hash{"query"};
      delete $$hash{"queries"};
      delete $$hash{"search_type"};

      # Turn aliasfile + transport into accept + condition

      if (defined $$hash{'transport'})
        if (!defined $$hash{'condition'})
          print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains an aliasfile director called '$name',\n".
"   which has 'transport' set. This has been turned into an 'accept' router\n".
"   with a 'condition' setting, but should be carefully checked.\n";
          $$hash{'driver'} = "accept";
          $$hash{'condition'} =
            "\$\{if eq \{\}\{$$hash{'data'}\}\{no\}\{yes\}\}";
          delete $$hash{'data'};
          delete $$hash{'allow_defer'};
          delete $$hash{'allow_fail'};
          print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains an aliasfile director called '$name',\n".
"   which has 'transport' set. This cannot be turned into an 'accept' router\n".
"   with a 'condition' setting, because there is already a 'condition'\n" .
"   setting. It has been left as 'redirect' with a transport, which is\n" .
"   invalid - you must sort this one out.\n";

    # ---- Changes to forwardfile director ----

    elsif ($driver eq "forwardfile")
      &abolished($hash, "A forwardfile director",
        "check_group", "directory2_transport",
        "freeze_missing_include", "match_directory",

      &renamed($hash, "filter", "allow_filter");

      $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";
      $$hash{"check_local_user"} = "true"
        if !defined $$hash{"check_local_user"};

      if (defined $$hash{"forbid_pipe"} && $$hash{"forbid_pipe"} eq "true")
        print STDOUT "#!!# forbid_filter_run added because forbid_pipe is set\n";
        $$hash{"forbid_filter_run"} = "true";

      if (defined $$hash{'allow_system_actions'} &&
          $$hash{'allow_system_actions'} eq 'true')
        $$hash{'allow_freeze'} = "true";
      delete $$hash{'allow_system_actions'};

      # If file_directory is defined, use it to qualify relative paths; if not,
      # and check_local_user is defined, use $home. Remove file_directory from
      # the output.

      $dir = "";
      if (defined $$hash{"file_directory"})
        $dir = $$hash{"file_directory"} . "/";
        delete $$hash{"file_directory"};
      elsif ($$hash{"check_local_user"} eq "true")
        $dir = "\$home/";

      # If it begins with an upper case letter, guess that this is really
      # a macro.

      if (defined $$hash{"file"} && $$hash{"file"} !~ /^[\/A-Z]/)
        $$hash{"file"} = $dir . $$hash{"file"};

    # ---- Changes to localuser director ----

    elsif ($driver eq "localuser")
      &abolished($hash, "A localuser director", "match_directory");
      $$hash{"driver"} = "accept";
      $$hash{"check_local_user"} = "true";

    # ---- Changes to smartuser director ----

    elsif ($driver eq "smartuser")
      &abolished($hash, "A smartuser director", "panic_expansion_fail");

      $transport = $$hash{"transport"};
      $new_address = $$hash{"new_address"};

      if (defined $transport && defined $new_address)
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains a smartuser director called '$name',\n".
"   which has both 'transport' and 'new_address' set. This has been turned\n".
"   into two routers for Exim 4. However, if the new address contains a\n" .
"   reference to \$local_part, this won't work correctly. In any case, you\n".
"   may be able to make it tidier by rewriting.\n";
        $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";
        $$hash{"data"} = $new_address;
        $$hash{"redirect_router"} = "${name}_part2";

        $second_router = "\n".
          "#!!# This router is invented to go with the previous one because\n".
          "#!!# in Exim 4 you can't have a change of address and a transport\n".
          "#!!# setting in the same router as you could in Exim 3.\n\n" .
          "  driver = accept\n".
          "  condition = \$\{if eq\{\$local_part@\$domain\}" .
          "  transport = $$hash{'transport'}\n";

        delete $$hash{"new_address"};
        delete $$hash{"transport"};
      elsif (defined $new_address)
        $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";
        $$hash{"data"} = $new_address;
        $$hash{"allow_defer"} = "true";
        $$hash{"allow_fail"} = "true";
        delete $$hash{"new_address"};
      else     # Includes the case of neither set (verify_only)
        $$hash{"driver"} = "accept";
        if (defined $$hash{"rewrite"})
          print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains a setting of the 'rewrite' option on\n".
"   a smartuser director called '$name', but this director does not have\n".
"   a setting of 'new_address', so 'rewrite' has no effect. The director\n".
"   has been turned into an 'accept' router, and 'rewrite' has been discarded.";
          delete $$hash{"rewrite"};

    # -------------------------------------

    # For ex-directors that don't have check_local_user set, add
    # retry_use_local_part to imitate what Exim 3 would have done.

    $$hash{"retry_use_local_part"} = "true"
      if (!defined $$hash{"check_local_user"} ||
          $$hash{"check_local_user"} eq "false") ;

    # Output the router's option settings


    # Output an auxiliary router if one is needed

    print STDOUT $second_router if defined $second_router;


  # Skip past any continuation lines for an option setting
  while ($c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$/s)
    $i++ while ($c[$i] =~ /^\s*#/);

# -------- The transports configuration --------

$started = 0;
$prefix = "t.";
for ($i = $transport_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "comment") { print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n"; next; }

  if (!$started)
    print STDOUT "begin transports\n\n";
    $started = 1;

  if ($type eq "driver")
    $hash = $driverlist{"$prefix$name"};
    $driver = $$hash{"driver"};
    print STDOUT "$name:\n";

    # ---- Changes to the appendfile transport ----

    if ($driver eq "appendfile")
      &renamed($hash, "prefix", "message_prefix");
      &renamed($hash, "suffix", "message_suffix");
      &abolished($hash, "An appendfile transport",
      if (defined $$hash{"from_hack"} && $$hash{"from_hack"} eq "false")
        print STDOUT "#!!# no_from_hack replaced by check_string\n";
        $$hash{"check_string"} = "";
      delete $$hash{"from_hack"};

    # ---- Changes to the lmtp transport ----

    elsif ($driver eq "lmtp")
      if (defined $$hash{"batch"} && $$hash{"batch"} ne "none")
        $$hash{"batch_max"} = "100" if !defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
        $$hash{"batch_id"} = "\$domain" if $$hash{"batch"} eq "domain";
        $$hash{"batch_max"} = "1" if defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
      delete $$hash{"batch"};

    # ---- Changes to the pipe transport ----

    elsif ($driver eq "pipe")
      &renamed($hash, "prefix", "message_prefix");
      &renamed($hash, "suffix", "message_suffix");
      if (defined $$hash{"from_hack"} && $$hash{"from_hack"} eq "false")
        print STDOUT "#!!# no_from_hack replaced by check_string\n";
        $$hash{"check_string"} = "";
      delete $$hash{"from_hack"};

    # ---- Changes to the smtp transport ----

    elsif ($driver eq "smtp")
      &abolished($hash, "An smtp transport", "mx_domains");
      &renamed($hash, "service", "port");
      &renamed($hash, "tls_verify_ciphers", "tls_require_ciphers");
      &renamed($hash, "authenticate_hosts", "hosts_try_auth");

      if (defined $$hash{"batch_max"})
        print STDOUT "#!!# batch_max renamed connection_max_messages\n";
        $$hash{"connection_max_messages"} = $$hash{"batch_max"};
        delete $$hash{"batch_max"};

      foreach $o ("hosts_try_auth", "hosts_avoid_tls", "hosts_require_tls",
                  "mx_domains", "serialize_hosts")
        $$hash{$o} = &no_expand_regex($$hash{$o}) if defined $$hash{$o};


  # Skip past any continuation lines for an option setting
  while ($c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$/s)
    $i++ while ($c[$i] =~ /^\s*#/);

# -------- The retry configuration --------

$started = 0;
for ($i = $retry_start; $i < $clen && $i < $rewrite_start - 1; $i++)
  if (!$started)
    if ($c[$i] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/)
      print STDOUT "\nbegin retry\n\n";
      $started = 1;

print STDOUT "\n# End of Exim 4 configuration\n";

print STDERR "\n*******************************************************\n";
print STDERR   "***** Please review the generated file carefully. *****\n";
print STDERR   "*******************************************************\n\n";

# End of convert4r4