Your IP :
# Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Load this file by adding this to your ~/.lldbinit:
# command script import <this_dir>/
# for py2/py3 compatibility
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import lldb
# Helper functions. #
def current_thread(debugger):
return debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread()
def current_frame(debugger):
return current_thread(debugger).GetSelectedFrame()
def no_arg_cmd(debugger, cmd, print_error=True):
cast_to_void_expr = '(void) {}'.format(cmd)
evaluate_result = current_frame(debugger).EvaluateExpression(cast_to_void_expr)
# When a void function is called the return value type is 0x1001 which
# is specified in This does not indicate
# an error so we check for that value below.
kNoResult = 0x1001
result = evaluate_result.GetError()
is_success = not or result.value == kNoResult
if not is_success:
if print_error:
print("Failed to evaluate command {} :".format(cmd))
return (is_success, result, cmd)
def ptr_arg_cmd(debugger, name, param, cmd, print_error=True):
if not param:
print("'{}' requires an argument".format(name))
return (False, None, "")
param = '(void*)({})'.format(param)
return no_arg_cmd(debugger, cmd.format(param), print_error)
def print_handle(debugger, command_name, param, print_func):
value = current_frame(debugger).EvaluateExpression(param)
result = print_func(value)
if not result[0]:
print("{} cannot print a value of type {}".format(command_name,
return result
def print_direct(debugger, command_name, value):
CMD = "_v8_internal_Print_Object((v8::internal::Address*)({}))"
return ptr_arg_cmd(debugger, command_name, value, CMD.format(value))
def print_indirect(debugger, command_name, value):
CMD = "_v8_internal_Print_Object(*(v8::internal::Object**)({}))"
return ptr_arg_cmd(debugger, command_name, value, CMD.format(value))
def lldbCommand(fn):
return fn
# lldb commands. #
def job(debugger, param, *args):
"""Print a v8 heap object"""
ptr_arg_cmd(debugger, 'job', param, "_v8_internal_Print_Object({})")
def jh(debugger, param, *args):
"""Print v8::internal::(Maybe)?(Direct|Indirect)?Handle value"""
def print_func(value):
# Indirect handles contain a location_.
field = value.GetValueForExpressionPath(".location_")
if field.IsValid():
return print_indirect(debugger, 'jh', field.value)
# Direct handles contain a obj_.
field = value.GetValueForExpressionPath(".obj_")
if field.IsValid():
return print_indirect(debugger, 'jh', field.value)
# We don't know how to print this...
return (False, None, "")
return print_handle(debugger, 'jh', param, print_func)
def jlh(debugger, param, *args):
"""Print v8::(Maybe)?Local value"""
def print_func(value):
# After, v8::MaybeLocal contains a local_.
field = value.GetValueForExpressionPath(".local_")
if field.IsValid():
value = field
# After, v8::Local contains a location_.
field = value.GetValueForExpressionPath(".location_")
if field.IsValid():
return print_indirect(debugger, 'jlh', field.value)
# Before, v8::Local contained a val_.
field = value.GetValueForExpressionPath(".val_")
if field.IsValid():
return print_indirect(debugger, 'jlh', field.value)
# With v8_enable_direct_local=true, v8::Local contains a ptr_.
field = value.GetValueForExpressionPath(".ptr_")
if field.IsValid():
return print_direct(debugger, 'jlh', field.value)
# We don't know how to print this...
return (False, None, "")
return print_handle(debugger, 'jlh', param, print_func)
def jl(debugger, param, *args):
"""Print v8::Local handle value"""
return jlh(debugger, param, *args)
def jco(debugger, param, *args):
"""Print the code object at the given pc (default: current pc)"""
if not param:
param = str(current_frame(debugger).FindRegister("pc").value)
ptr_arg_cmd(debugger, 'jco', param, "_v8_internal_Print_Code({})")
def jtt(debugger, param, *args):
"""Print the transition tree of a v8 Map"""
ptr_arg_cmd(debugger, 'jtt', param, "_v8_internal_Print_TransitionTree({})")
def jst(debugger, *args):
"""Print the current JavaScript stack trace"""
no_arg_cmd(debugger, "_v8_internal_Print_StackTrace()")
def jss(debugger, *args):
"""Skip the jitted stack on x64 to where we entered JS last"""
frame = current_frame(debugger)
js_entry_sp = frame.EvaluateExpression(
"v8::internal::Isolate::Current()->thread_local_top()->js_entry_sp_;") \
sizeof_void = frame.EvaluateExpression("sizeof(void*)").GetValue()
rbp = frame.FindRegister("rbp")
rsp = frame.FindRegister("rsp")
pc = frame.FindRegister("pc")
rbp = js_entry_sp
rsp = js_entry_sp + 2 *sizeof_void
pc.value = js_entry_sp + sizeof_void
def bta(debugger, *args):
"""Print stack trace with assertion scopes"""
func_name_re = re.compile("([^(<]+)(?:\(.+\))?")
assert_re = re.compile(
"^v8::internal::Per\w+AssertType::(\w+)_ASSERT, (false|true)>")
thread = current_thread(debugger)
for frame in thread:
functionSignature = frame.GetDisplayFunctionName()
if functionSignature is None:
functionName = func_name_re.match(functionSignature)
line = frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine()
sourceFile = frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
if line:
sourceFile = sourceFile + ":" + str(line)
if sourceFile is None:
sourceFile = ""
print("[%-2s] %-60s %-40s" % (frame.GetFrameID(),,
match = assert_re.match(str(functionSignature))
if match:
if == "false":
prefix = "Disallow"
color = "\033[91m"
prefix = "Allow"
color = "\033[92m"
print("%s -> %s %s (%s)\033[0m" % (
color, prefix,,
def setup_source_map_for_relative_paths(debugger):
# Copied from Chromium's tools/lldb/
# When relative paths are used for debug symbols, lldb cannot find source
# files. Set up a source map to point to V8's root.
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
source_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, os.pardir)
'settings set target.source-map ../.. ' + source_dir)
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, dict):
debugger.HandleCommand('settings set target.x86-disassembly-flavor intel')
for cmd in V8_LLDB_COMMANDS:
'command script add -f lldb_commands.{} {}'.format(cmd, cmd))