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Current File : //bin/sg_sat_read_gplog

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1���A����1����������L���������1ҾL����������؉lj��B���H�=�H��1��������A�����H�=�1����z����j�H�=1��l�A�b����,A�b�DD����H�t$1�H�=
D�$�4��D�$����H�=P1���D�$���A������$�	����$����<r�������$�����H�=u1����A��[���H�=�
1���A�(�B����|$K������A�	�(���H�t$H�=�1�D�$�q�D�$����A��������H�=3
�H�=��� �H�=y H�r H9�tH�~ H��t	�����H�=I H�5B H)�H��H��H��?H�H�tH�U H��t��fD�����= u+UH�=2 H��tH�=F �I��d����� ]������w������AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%� UH�-� SL)�H���G�H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H��� DMAc:CdhHl:L:p:rvVbad argument for '--count'
bad argument for '--log'
bad argument for '--page'
1.20 20180628version: %s
Missing device name!

error opening file: %s: %s
ATA PASS-THROUGH (%d)ATA pass through:
%s not supported
%s, bad field in cdb
%s, Unit Attention detected
%s, device not ready
%s, medium or hardware error
Aborted command
Unexpected SCSI status=0x%x
%s failed
sg_sat_read_gplog failed: close error: %s
countck_condck-conddmahelphexlenlogpagereadonlyverboseversionUsage: sg_sat_read_gplog [--ck_cond] [--count=CO] [--dma] [--help]
                         [--hex] [--len=16|12] [--log=LA] [--page=PN]
                         [--readonly] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
    --ck_cond | -C          set ck_cond field in pass-through (def: 0)
    --count=CO | -c CO      block count (def: 1)
    --dma | -d              Use READ LOG DMA EXT (def: READ LOG EXT)
    --help | -h             output this usage message
    --hex | -H              output response in hex bytes, -HH yields hex
                            words + ASCII (def), -HHH hex words only
    --len=16|12 | -l 16|12    cdb length: 16 or 12 bytes (def: 16)
    --log=LA | -L LA        Log address to be read (def: 0)
    --page=PN|-p PN         Log page number within address (def: 0)
    --readonly | -r         open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
    --verbose | -v          increase verbosity
                            recommended if DEVICE is ATA disk
    --version | -V          print version string and exit

Sends an ATA READ LOG EXT (or READ LOG DMA EXT) command via a SAT pass
through to fetch a General Purpose (GP) log page. Each page is accessed
via a log address and then a page number within that address: LA,PN .
By default the output is the response in hex (16 bit) words.
argument to '--len' should be 12 or 16
unrecognised option code 0x%x ??
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
Since count > 0xff, forcing cdb length to 16
Cannot allocate output buffer of size %d
Building ATA READ LOG%s EXT command; la=0x%x, pn=0x%x
command completed with SCSI GOOD status
did not find ATA Return (sense) Descriptor
Aborted command: protection information
%s: data protect, read only media?
%s, some sense data, use '-v' for more information
CHECK CONDITION without response code ??
expected descriptor sense format, response code=0x%x
    try adding '-v' for more information
Seem to have got ATA Result Descriptor but it was not indicated
error indication in returned FIS: aborted command
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
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