Your IP :
* Модуль.
* ваш К.О.
* @param {object} window global object
* @param {function} $ jQuery library
* @param {object} EventMgr EventMgr library
* @param {object} App Application
App.ActionHandler = function(window, $, EventMgr, App) {
'use strict';
var init = function() {
EventMgr.onwithdata($content(), actionBtnSel, 'click', 'menuAction',
EventMgr.on($content(), formBtnFunc, 'click', actionFormController);
EventMgr.on($content(), cancelDefActionNonActSel, 'click', cancelDefAct);
EventMgr.on($content(), reloadTabBtnSel, 'click', reloadTabController);
EventMgr.on('#main-wrapper', formSubmitSel, 'click', submitForm);
EventMgr.on($content(), ticketRate, 'click', ticketRateHandler);
EventMgr.bind('rateResponse', rateResponseHandler);
// EventMgr.onwithdata('#main-wrapper', formSubmitSel, 'click', 'formSubmit',
// submitForm);
EventMgr.bind('failMenuAjaxResponse', failMenuRequest);
EventMgr.bind('failCommonAjaxResponse', failListRequest);
EventMgr.bind('failFormAjaxResponse', failFormRequest);
EventMgr.bind('tabLoading', tabLoadingHandler);
EventMgr.bind('tabLoadingHide', tabLoadingHideHandler);
EventMgr.on($content(), dismissMsgSelector, 'click', dismissMessage);
$content = function() {
return $('#main-wrapper');
// wrapper for right menu links
actionBtnSel = '.m-item a, .b-menu-item',
//wrapper for reload tab btn
reloadTabBtnSel = '.reload',
// wrapper for toolbar's group btn
//prevent default not active actions
cancelDefActionNonActSel = '.notActive span',
formSubmitSel = '.i-button_type_ok',
formBtnFunc = '.i-button_type_func',
dismissMsgSelector = '.i-message__dismiss-link',
ticketRate = '.i-ticket__rate',
cancelDefAct = function(e) {
tabLoadingId = {},
tabLoadingHandler = function(e, data) {
var tabId = data.tabId;
tabLoadingId[tabId] = setTimeout(function() {
$('#cont-' + tabId).addClass('loading');
}, 350);
tabLoadingHideHandler = function(e, data) {
var tabId = data.tabId;
setTimeout(function() {
$('#cont-' + tabId).removeClass('loading');
}, 0);
//for be sure what it fucking loading hide
setTimeout(function() {
$('#cont-' + tabId).removeClass('loading');
}, 100);
//for be defintly sure what it fucking loading hide
setTimeout(function() {
$('#cont-' + tabId).removeClass('loading');
}, 200);
//for be absolutly sure what it fucking loading hide
setTimeout(function() {
$('#cont-' + tabId).removeClass('loading');
}, 350);
//handler for failed request from menu
failMenuRequest = function(e, data) {
if (data.erType === 'json') {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'JSON Parse Error. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
} else if (data.erMsg) {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: data.erMsg });
} else {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'Request failed. Try again. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
//handler for failed request from list
failListRequest = function(e, data) {
var tabId = (data.invar) ? (data.invar.tabId) ? data.invar.tabId :
(data.invar.parent) ? data.invar.parent :
(data.invar.targetTabId) : undefined;
EventMgr.trigger('tabLoadingHide', { tabId: tabId });
if (data.erType === 'json') {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'JSON Parse Error. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
} else if (data.erMsg) {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: data.erMsg });
} else {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'Request failed. Try again. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
disabledButton = function(btn) {
resetButtonForDefault = function(arg) {
//return btn state
var btn, tabId;
if (typeof arg === 'string') {
tabId = arg;
btn = $('#form-wrapper-' + tabId + ' .b-button_st_disabled');
} else {
btn = arg;
if (btn.length) {
//handler fot failed request from form
failFormRequest = function(e, data) {
var tabId = data.invar.tabId;
if (data.erType === 'json') {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'JSON Parse Error. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
} else if (data.erMsg) {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: data.erMsg });
} else {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'Request failed. Try again. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
//reset button
//for run after upload callback
setTimeout(function() {
//return progressbar state
var loader = $('#' + tabId + '-progressbar .b-progressbar__loader');
$('#' + tabId + '-progressbar')
//remove animated
//add static color
loader.css('width', '');
//remove cancel btn
$('#' + tabId + '-progressbar .b-progressbar__btn-wr').remove();
}, 1);
EventMgr.trigger('tabLoadingHide', { tabId: tabId });
failedDashboardBlockRequestHandler = function(e, data) {
var blockId = data.invar.blockId,
tblock = App.Dom.byId('t' + blockId);
if (tblock) {
tblock.className = tblock.className.replace(/loading/g, '');
if (data.erType === 'json') {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'JSON Parse Error. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
} else if (data.erMsg) {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: data.erMsg });
} else {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: 'Request failed. Try again. Func: "' + data.param.func + '"' });
//reload page handler
reloadTabController = function(e, data) {
var tabId = '',
addedParam = {};
if (e) {
tabId = this.getAttribute('data-tabid');
addedParam = {
clickstat: 'title'
} else {
tabId = data.tabId;
EventMgr.trigger('reloadTab', {
addedParam: addedParam,
tabId: tabId,
help: true,
selid: true,
filter: true });
ticketRateHandler = function(e) {
var func = this.getAttribute('data-func'),
type = this.getAttribute('data-type'),
name = this.getAttribute('data-name'),
$parent = this.parentNode,
elid = $parent.getAttribute('data-id'),
plid = $parent.getAttribute('data-elid'),
param = {
func: func,
elid: elid,
plid: plid
if (type === 'setrate') {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: param,
invar: {
$parent: $parent,
rateType: name,
self: this
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'rateResponse',
failfunc: 'failCommonAjaxResponse'
} else if (type === 'rate') {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: param,
invar: {
parent: $(this).closest('.tab-content_st_active').attr('data-tabid')
type: 'get',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'ajaxResponse',
failfunc: 'failCommonAjaxResponse',
queue: 'noqueue' });
rateResponseHandler = function(e, data) {
if (!data.error) {
$(data.$parent).addClass('b-ticket__rate_rated_' + data.rateType);
} else if (data.erMsg) {
EventMgr.trigger('pullMsg', { msg: data.erMsg });
actionFormController = function(e) {
var $self = $(this),
func = $self.attr('data-func'),
id = $self.attr('data-id'),
tabId = $self.attr('data-tabid'),
param = {
func: func
//check for button id
if (id && id !== 'undefined') {
id = id.split('=', 2);
if (id[1]) {
param[id[0]] = id[1];
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: param,
invar: {
parent: tabId
type: 'get',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'ajaxResponse',
failfunc: 'failMenuAjaxResponse',
queue: 'menu' });
EventMgr.trigger('tabLoading', { tabId: tabId });
checkSameTabsOpened = function(func, tabs) {
var resp = {
exist: false,
tabId: null,
status: 0
var curFunc, regExpWitDot;
if (func && tabs && typeof tabs === 'object') {
/* jslint forin:true */
for (var key in tabs) {
if (tabs[key]) {
curFunc = tabs[key].func;
if (!curFunc && tabs[key].paramObjAll) {
curFunc = tabs[key].paramObjAll.func;
//check if empty func like basket.empty
//regExpWitDot = new RegExp('^' + func + '\\.');
regExpWitDot = func + '.empty';
//if ((String(curFunc).match(regExpWitDot) || curFunc === func) &&
if ((regExpWitDot === curFunc || curFunc === func) &&
tabs[key].hType === 'parent') {
resp.exist = true;
resp.tabId = key;
resp.status = tabs[key].status;
//be sure that found active same tab
if (resp.status === 1) {
return resp;
//handler for menu action
actionController = function(e, data) {
var self = $(this),
href = this.getAttribute('data-url'),
parent = this.getAttribute('data-parent'),
re = new RegExp('/?func=+'),
cgi = this.getAttribute('data-cgi'),
sameModule = false,
queue = 'menu',
isFromMenu = self.hasClass('i-menu-link'),
fromFatalError = self.parent()
newtab = false,
url, param;
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || self.hasClass('newtab')) {
newtab = true;
queue = 'noqueue';
if (self.hasClass('wohan')) {
return true;
//if from fatal error close alertBox
if (fromFatalError) {
if (href) {
if (href.match(re)) {
url = cgi ? + cgi : pageInfo.url;
href = href.replace('?', '');
param = App.Common.parseParams(href);
param.clickstat = 'yes';
//check for same module open from menu
if (!newtab) {
var actFunc = $('.tab-content_st_active').attr('data-func');
if (param.func === actFunc) {
sameModule = true;
//check for exist tabs with this function
var checkTabs = checkSameTabsOpened(param.func, data.__tabs);
if (checkTabs.exist && !checkTabs.status && isFromMenu) {
$('#switch-' + checkTabs.tabId).trigger('lclick');
EventMgr.trigger('reloadTab', { tabId: checkTabs.tabId, resetFilterOn: true });
} else {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
url: url,
param: param,
invar: {
parent: parent, newtab: newtab, sameModule: sameModule, __src: 'menuAction', __src_func: param.func },
type: 'get',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'ajaxResponse',
failfunc: 'failMenuAjaxResponse',
queue: queue });
//add loading class to menu
} else {
//what else?
if (e) { e.preventDefault(); }
//handler for submit form
submitForm = function(e, data) {
var self = $(this),
flags = self.getFlags(),
tabId = self.attr('data-tabid'),
form = $('#frm-' + tabId),
vars = form.getVars(),
action = form.attr('action'),
param = form.serializeObject(),
parent = self.attr('data-parent'),
type = self.attr('data-type'),
hasFiles = form.hasClass('withfiles'),
act = self.attr('data-act'),
id = self.attr('data-id'),
isShowcaseForm = form.hasClass('b-form_showcase_yes'),
name = self.attr('data-name'),
progressTypeElem = App.Dom.byId(tabId + '-progresstype'),
progressType, confirmMsg, RequiredMsg, progressid,
param1, text, passwdField,
pwstrength, options;
//prevent dbclick
if (self.hasClass('b-button_st_disabled')) {
return false;
if (progressTypeElem !== null) {
progressType = progressTypeElem.value;
//check for valid
if (act !== 'back') {
//check file length
var fileSizeRes = App.u.checkFileSize(tabId);
if (fileSizeRes.msg) {
EventMgr.trigger('errMsgValid', {
self: fileSizeRes.field,
err: fileSizeRes.msg,
number: 0
return false;
//check passwd confirm fields
confirmMsg = checkConfirm(tabId);
if (confirmMsg.msg !== '') {
EventMgr.trigger('showAlert', confirmMsg);
return false;
//check required fields
RequiredMsg = checkRequired(tabId);
if (RequiredMsg.msg !== '') {
EventMgr.trigger('errMsgValid', {
self: RequiredMsg.himself,
err: RequiredMsg.msg,
number: 0
//watching while input not be empty for remove error
$(RequiredMsg.himself).bind('keyup', function() {
if (this.value !== '') {
EventMgr.trigger('okMsgValid', {
self: this,
number: 0,
notOk: true
return false;
//maybe it not needed
// if ($('#frm-' + tabId +
// ' .row-error:not(".l-form__row_hidden_yes") input.test').length !== 0) {
// return false;
// }
//check password strength
passwdField = $('#frm-' + tabId + ' input[data-check-field]');
if (passwdField.length !== 0) {
pwstrength = getPwdStrength(passwdField);
var badPwd = false;
passwdField.each(function() {
var pname = this.getAttribute('name');
if (pwstrength !== 0 &&
param[pname] !== '' &&
$(this).width() !== 0) {
if (pwstrength > App.Forms.checkPassStrength(param[pname])) {
EventMgr.trigger('showAlert', { msg: pageInfo.pwErrorMsg });
badPwd = true;
return false;
if (badPwd) {
return false;
if (act === 'back') {
param.sback = 'ok';
//not needed progress when press back btn
progressType = 'false';
//check for button id
if (id && id !== 'undefined') {
id = id.split('=', 2);
if (id[1]) {
param[id[0]] = id[1];
//add name of button
if (name) {
/* jslint camelcase: false */
param.clicked_button = name;
/* jslint camelcase: true */
//add progressid
progressid = progressType;
param.progressid = progressid;
param1 = { elid: progressid, func: 'progress.get', sfrom: 'ajax' };
//check for target
if (act === 'blank') {
var $form, winId = progressid + new Date().getTime(),
$formWrapper = $('#form-wrapper-' + tabId);
$formWrapper.wrap(function() {
return '<form action="' + action + '" id="form-' + winId +
'" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="' +
winId + '"/>';
$form = $('#form-' + winId);
$form.append('<input type="hidden" class="i-input-tmp-elem" value="ok" name="sok"/>');
$form.append('<input type="hidden" class="i-input-tmp-elem" value="' + name +
'" name="clicked_button"/>');
if (id && id[1]) {
$form.append('<input type="hidden" class="i-input-tmp-elem"' +
' value="' + id[1] + '" name="' + id[0] + '"/>');
//remove sfrom=ajax
$form.find('input[name="sfrom"]').remove();'', winId);
if (!flags.keepform) {
App.Tabs.closeTab(e, tabId);
if (parent) {
EventMgr.trigger('reloadTab', { tabId: parent });
} else {
//try reload parent after close form
return false;
var $mixedContols = $('#frm-' + tabId + ' .i-control-mixed');
if ($mixedContols.length !== 0) {
param = App.u.removeParam($mixedContols, param);
//get progressType before request
progressType = String(progressType).split('_')[0];
//options for form & form with files submit
options = {
url: + action,
param: param,
invar: {
tabId: tabId,
parent: parent,
type: type,
progresstype: progressType,
progressid: progressid,
iType: 'replace',
dataSaved: true,
targetTabId: tabId,
__vars: vars
type: 'post',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'ajaxFormResponse',
queue: 'noqueue',
failfunc: 'failFormAjaxResponse' };
//check for files
/* jshint camelcase: false */
if (hasFiles) {
param.sok = 'ok';
EventMgr.trigger('setBrandSettings', {
options: options,
tabId: tabId,
pid: progressid,
name: name,
param: param,
addParams: {
sok: 'ok',
sfrom: 'ajax',
clicked_button: name,
pid: progressid
parent: parent });
} else if (type === 'report') {
param.sok = 'ok';
options = {
url: + action,
param: param,
invar: { parent: parent, tabId: tabId, __src: 'report' },
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'ajaxResponse',
queue: 'noqueue',
failfunc: 'failCommonAjaxResponse'
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', options);
} else {
param.sok = 'ok';
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', options);
if (progressType !== 'false') {
setTimeout(function() {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: param1,
invar: {
tabId: tabId,
param: param1,
type: type,
progresstype: progressType },
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'progressBarResponse',
queue: 'noqueue' });
}, 1000);
EventMgr.trigger('tabLoading', { tabId: tabId });
getPwdStrength = function(passwdField) {
var pws = passwdField.attr('data-check-args'), firstSing;
if (!pws) { return pageInfo.pwstrength; }
firstSing = pws.substring(0, 1);
if (firstSing === '-' || firstSing === '+') {
return parseFloat(pws) + parseFloat(pageInfo.pwstrength);
} else {
return parseFloat(pws);
//check required field on form
checkRequired = function(tabId) {
var field = $('#form-wrapper-' + tabId +
' input[required="required"],' +
' #form-wrapper-' + tabId +
' .b-textarea[required="required"]'),
msg = '',
self = null;
if (field.length > 0) {
field.each(function() {
//check for empty and not hidden
var value = String(this.value).replace(/\s/g, '');
if (this.className.match('i-control-mixed')) {
return true;
if (value === '' && this.offsetWidth !== 0) {
msg = getRequiredMsg();
self = this;
return false;
if (this.getAttribute('data-type') === 'multiple' &&
value === '') {
var id = this.getAttribute('data-id'),
elem = App.Dom.byId(id + '-ms-view');
if (elem && elem.offsetWidth !== 0) {
msg = getRequiredMsg();
self = elem.parentNode;
return false;
return {
param: tabId,
msg: msg,
himself: self
//get message for required error
getRequiredMsg = function() {
return pageInfo.messages.empty;
//check password confirm field
checkConfirm = function(tabId) {
var field = $('#form-wrapper-' + tabId + ' input[data-confirm="yes"]'),
msg = '',
self = null;
if (field.length > 0) {
field.each(function() {
var confirmField = this.getAttribute('data-check-field'),
value1 = this.value,
confirmFieldElem = App.Dom.byId(confirmField + '-' + tabId),
confirmFieldElemFake = App.Dom.byId(confirmField + '-' +
tabId + '-fake'),
if (confirmFieldElem !== null) {
value2 = confirmFieldElem.value;
if (value1 !== value2 && (confirmFieldElem.offsetWidth !== 0 ||
confirmFieldElemFake.offsetWidth !== 0)) {
msg = pageInfo.confirm;
self = this;
return {
msg: msg,
himself: self,
callback: function() { this.focus(); }
//banner dismiss link handler
dismissMessage = function(e, data) {
if (e) { e.preventDefault(); }
var self = $(this),
param = this.getAttribute('data-href');
param = App.Common.parseParams(param);
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
url: pageInfo.url,
param: param,
trfunc: 'DoNothing',
queue: 'noqueue' });
return {
init: init
}(window, $, EventMgr, App);