Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\MobileApp;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\Context;
use Bitrix\Main\IO\File;
use Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding;
class Mobile
public static $platform = "ios";
public static $apiVersion = 1;
public static $pgVersion = "2.0.0";
public static $supportedCordovaVersion = "3.6.3";
public static $isDev = false;
protected static $instance;
protected static $isAlreadyInit = false;
protected static $systemVersion = 9;
private $pixelRatio = 1.0;
private $minScale = false;
private $iniScale = false;
private $maxScale = false;
private $scale = 1.2;
private $width = false;
private $userScalable = "no";
private $deviceWidth = 320;
private $deviceHeight = 480;
private $screenCategory = "NORMAL";
private $device = "";
private $largeScreenSupport = true;
private $isWebRtcSupported = false;
private $isBXScriptSupported = false;
private function __construct()
$this->setDeviceWidth($_COOKIE["MOBILE_RESOLUTION_WIDTH"] ?? null);
$this->setDeviceHeight($_COOKIE["MOBILE_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT"] ?? null);
$this->setPixelratio($_COOKIE["MOBILE_SCALE"] ?? null);
$this->screenCategory = $_COOKIE["MOBILE_SCREEN_CATEGORY"] ?? null;
if (!empty($_COOKIE["PG_VERSION"]))
self::$pgVersion = $_COOKIE["PG_VERSION"];
self::$isDev = (isset($_COOKIE["MOBILE_DEV"]) && $_COOKIE["MOBILE_DEV"] == "Y");
$this->device = $_COOKIE["MOBILE_DEVICE"] ?? null;
if ($this->getDevice() == "iPad")
if (intval($this->getPixelRatio()) == 2) //retina hack
$this->setDeviceWidth($_COOKIE["MOBILE_RESOLUTION_WIDTH"] / 2);
$this->setDeviceHeight($_COOKIE["MOBILE_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT"] / 2);
//detecting OS
if (array_key_exists("MOBILE_DEVICE", $_COOKIE))
$deviceDetectSource = $_COOKIE["MOBILE_DEVICE"];
$deviceDetectSource = mb_strtolower(Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"));
if (mb_strrpos(ToUpper($deviceDetectSource), "IPHONE") > 0 || mb_strrpos(ToUpper($deviceDetectSource), "IPAD") > 0)
self::$platform = "ios";
elseif (mb_strrpos(ToUpper($deviceDetectSource), "ANDROID") > 0 || mb_strrpos(ToUpper($deviceDetectSource), "ANDROID") === 0)
self::$platform = "android";
$userAgent = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->get("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
self::$systemVersion = $_COOKIE["MOBILE_SYSTEM_VERSION"];
preg_match("/iOS\s(\d+\.\d+)/i",$userAgent, $pregMatch);
if(count($pregMatch) == 2)
self::$systemVersion = floatval($pregMatch[1]);
if (array_key_exists("emulate_platform", $_REQUEST))
self::$platform = $_REQUEST["emulate_platform"];
if ($mobileTZ = $APPLICATION->get_cookie("TZ", "MOBILE")) {
$tz = $APPLICATION->get_cookie("TZ");
if ($tz != $mobileTZ) {
$cookie = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\Cookie("TZ", $mobileTZ, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12);
if (array_key_exists("MOBILE_API_VERSION", $_COOKIE))
self::$apiVersion = $_COOKIE["MOBILE_API_VERSION"];
elseif ($APPLICATION->get_cookie("MOBILE_APP_VERSION"))
self::$apiVersion = $APPLICATION->get_cookie("MOBILE_APP_VERSION");
elseif (array_key_exists("api_version", $_REQUEST))
self::$apiVersion = $_REQUEST["api_version"];
preg_match("/(?<=BitrixMobile\/Version=).*\d/i",$userAgent, $pregMatch);
if(count($pregMatch) == 1)
self::$apiVersion = $pregMatch[0];
self::$apiVersion = intval(self::$apiVersion);
* @param boolean $isWebRtcSupported
public function setWebRtcSupport($isWebRtcSupported)
$this->isWebRtcSupported = $isWebRtcSupported;
* @param boolean $isBXScriptSupported
public function setBXScriptSupported($isBXScriptSupported)
$this->isBXScriptSupported = $isBXScriptSupported;
* Return type of current device
* @return string
public function getDevice()
return $this->device;
* Gets the value of pixelRatio.
* @return mixed
public function getPixelRatio()
return $this->pixelRatio;
* Sets the value of pixelRatio.
* @param mixed $pixelRatio the pixelRatio
public function setPixelRatio($pixelRatio)
$this->pixelRatio = $pixelRatio;
* Returns true if mobile application made this request in background
* @return bool
public static function isAppBackground()
$isBackground = Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->get("HTTP_BX_MOBILE_BACKGROUND");
return ($isBackground === "true");
* Initiate the mobile platform
public static function Init()
* detects mobile platform and attaches all needed javascript files
protected function _Init()
if (self::$isAlreadyInit)
header("BX-Cordova-Version: " . self::$supportedCordovaVersion);
$GLOBALS["BITRIX_PLATFORM"] = self::$platform;
$GLOBALS["BITRIX_API_VERSION"] = self::$apiVersion;
AddEventHandler("main", "OnBeforeEndBufferContent", Array(__CLASS__, "initScripts"));
AddEventHandler("main", "OnEpilog", Array($this, "onMobileInit"));
self::$isAlreadyInit = true;
* @return \Bitrix\MobileApp\Mobile
public static function getInstance()
if (is_null(self::$instance))
self::$instance = new Mobile();
return self::$instance;
* Sets viewport-metadata
public static function initScripts()
$jsVarsFormat = <<<JSCODE
<script type="text/javascript">
(window.BX||top.BX).message({ 'USER_ID': '%s'});
var appVersion = "%s";
var platform = "%s";
var mobileSiteDir = "%s";
), false, true);
if (self::$platform == "android")
* This is workaround for android
* We use console.log() to tell the application about successful loading of this page
$androidJS = <<<JSCODE
<script type="text/javascript">
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString($androidJS, false, true);
$userAgent = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->get("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
if(mb_strpos($userAgent, "WKWebView/BitrixMobile") === false)
$pgJsFile = "/bitrix/js/mobileapp/__deviceload__/cordova.js?mod=1";
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString("<script type='text/javascript' src='$pgJsFile'></script>", false, true);
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . \CUtil::GetAdditionalFileURL("/bitrix/js/mobileapp/bitrix_mobile.js") . "\"></script>", false, true);
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . \CUtil::GetAdditionalFileURL("/bitrix/js/mobileapp/mobile_lib.js") . "\"></script>", false, true);
if (self::$platform == "android")
$APPLICATION->AddHeadString("<script type=\"text/javascript\">app.bindloadPageBlank();</script>", false, false);
if (!array_key_exists("doNotUseViewPort", $_REQUEST))
* @return boolean
public function getBXScriptSupported()
return $this->isBXScriptSupported;
* Use it to get current value of "viewport"-metadata
* @param string $width
* @return mixed|string
public function getViewPort($width = "")
if ($width == "")
$width = $this->getDevicewidth();
if ($this->largeScreenSupport == true)
//we need to change densitydpi for large screens
if ($this->getDevice() == "iPad")
//ipad large screen setting
return $this->getIPadViewPort();
elseif (($this->getScreenCategory() == "LARGE" || $this->getScreenCategory() == "XLARGE"))
//android large screen setting
return $this->getLargeScreenViewPort();
$viewPortMeta = "<meta id=\"bx_mobile_viewport\" name=\"viewport\" content=\"#content_value#\">";
if ($this->getIniscale())
$contentAttributes[] = "initial-scale=" . $this->getIniscale();
if ($this->getMaxscale())
$contentAttributes[] = "maximum-scale=" . $this->getMaxscale();
if ($this->getMinscale())
$contentAttributes[] = "minimum-scale=" . $this->getMinscale();
if ($this->getWidth())
$contentAttributes[] = "width=" . $this->getWidth();
elseif ($this->getIniscale())
$contentAttributes[] = "width=" . ($width / $this->getIniscale());
if (!$this->getWidth())
$contentAttributes[] = "width=device-width";
$contentAttributes[] = "user-scalable=" . $this->getUserScalable();
$contentAttributes[] = "viewport-fit=cover";
return str_replace("#content_value#", implode(", ", $contentAttributes), $viewPortMeta);
* Gets the value of deviceWidth.
* @return mixed
public function getDeviceWidth()
return $this->deviceWidth;
* Sets the value of deviceWidth.
* @param mixed $deviceWidth the deviceWidth
public function setDeviceWidth($deviceWidth)
$this->deviceWidth = $deviceWidth;
* Use it to get value of viewport-metadata for iPad.
* @param int $width
* @return mixed
public function getIPadViewPort($width = 320)
if ($width == false)
$width = $this->getDevicewidth();
$viewPortMeta = "<meta id=\"bx_mobile_viewport\" name=\"viewport\" content=\"#content_value#\">";
$contentAttributes = Array(
"width=" . ($width / $this->scale),
$content = implode(", ", $contentAttributes);
return str_replace("#content_value#", $content, $viewPortMeta);
* Gets the value of deviceDpi.
* @return mixed
public function getScreenCategory()
return $this->screenCategory;
* Sets the value of screenCategory.
* @param mixed $screenCategory the screenCategory
public function setScreenCategory($screenCategory)
$this->screenCategory = $screenCategory;
* Use it to get value of viewport-metadata for large screen of android based device.
public function getLargeScreenViewPort()
return "<meta id=\"bx_mobile_viewport\" name=\"viewport\" content=\"user-scalable=no width=device-width target-densitydpi=" . $this->getTargetDpi() . "\">";
* Gets target dpi for a viewport meta data
* @return string
public function getTargetDpi()
$targetDpi = "medium-dpi";
if ($this->getDevice() == "iPad")
return $targetDpi;
switch ($this->getScreenCategory())
case 'NORMAL':
$targetDpi = "medium-dpi";
case 'LARGE':
$targetDpi = "low-dpi";
case 'XLARGE':
$targetDpi = "low-dpi";
case 'SMALL':
$targetDpi = "medium-dpi";
$targetDpi = "medium-dpi";
return $targetDpi;
* Gets the value of iniScale.
* @return mixed
public function getIniScale()
return $this->iniScale;
* Sets the value of iniScale.
* @param mixed $iniScale the iniScale
public function setIniScale($iniScale)
$this->iniScale = $iniScale;
* Gets the value of maxScale.
* @return mixed
public function getMaxScale()
return $this->maxScale;
* Sets the value of maxScale.
* @param mixed $maxScale the maxScale
public function setMaxScale($maxScale)
$this->maxScale = $maxScale;
* Gets the value of minScale.
* @return mixed
public function getMinScale()
return $this->minScale;
* Sets the value of minScale.
* @param mixed $minScale the minScale
public function setMinScale($minScale)
$this->minScale = $minScale;
* Return width of device's screen in pixels
* @return integer
public function getWidth()
return $this->width;
* @param integer $width
public function setWidth($width)
$this->width = $width;
* Returns the value of self::platform
* @return string
public static function getPlatform()
return self::$platform;
* Returns value of parameter user-scalable which will be used in viewport meta tag
* @return string
public function getUserScalable()
return $this->userScalable;
* Sets value of parameter "user-scalable" which will be used in viewport meta tag
* @param boolean $userScalable
public function setUserScalable($userScalable)
$this->userScalable = ($userScalable === false ? "no" : "yes");
* Converts string from site charset in utf-8 and returns it
* @param string $s
* @return string
public static function PrepareStrToJson($s = '')
return (Application::isUtfMode() ? $s : Encoding::convertEncoding($s, SITE_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'));
* Converts string from utf-8 in site charset and returns it
* @param string $s
* @return string
public static function ConvertFromUtf($s = '')
return (defined("BX_UTF") ? $s : Encoding::convertEncoding($s, 'UTF-8', SITE_CHARSET));
public static function onMobileInit()
if (!defined("MOBILE_INIT_EVENT_SKIP"))
$db_events = getModuleEvents("mobileapp", "OnMobileInit");
while ($arEvent = $db_events->Fetch())
* Sets the value of self::$apiVersion
* @return int
public static function getApiVersion()
return self::$apiVersion;
* Returns phonegap version
* @return string
public static function getPgVersion()
return self::$pgVersion;
* @return float
public static function getSystemVersion()
return (float) self::$systemVersion;
* @return boolean
public function isWebRtcSupported()
return $this->isWebRtcSupported;
* Use it to get value of viewport-metadata for portrait orientation.
* @return string
public function getViewPortPortrait()
return $this->getViewPort($this->deviceWidth);
* Use it to get value of viewport-metadata for landscape orientation.
* @return string
public function getViewPortLandscape()
return $this->getViewPort($this->deviceHeight);
* Gets the value of deviceHeight.
* @return mixed
public function getDeviceHeight()
return $this->deviceHeight;
* Sets the value of deviceHeight.
* @param mixed $deviceHeight the deviceHeight
public function setDeviceHeight($deviceHeight)
$this->deviceHeight = $deviceHeight;
* Gets the value of largeScreenSupport.
* @return mixed
public function getLargeScreenSupport()
return $this->largeScreenSupport;
* Sets the value of largeScreenSupport.
* @param mixed $largeScreenSupport the $largeScreenSupport
public function setLargeScreenSupport($largeScreenSupport)
$this->largeScreenSupport = $largeScreenSupport;
* Gets the value of scale.
* @return mixed
public function getScale()
return $this->scale;
* Sets the value of scale.
* @param $scale
public function setScale($scale)
$this->scale = $scale;
* Returns true if device has a large screen
* @return bool
public function isLarge()
return ($this->getScreenCategory() == "LARGE" || $this->getScreenCategory() == "XLARGE");
private function __clone()
//you can't clone it