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Current File : //bin/httxt2dbm

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httxt2dbmvf::i::o::defaultDBM Format: %s
-Input File: %s
DBM File: %s
Conversion Complete.
%s -- Program to Create DBM Files for use by RewriteMap
Usage: %s [-v] [-f format] -i SOURCE_TXT -o OUTPUT_DBM

 -v    More verbose output

 -i    Source Text File. If '-', use stdin.

 -o    Output DBM.

 -f    DBM Format.  If not specified, will use the APR Default.
           GDBM for GDBM files (%s)
           SDBM for SDBM files (%s)
           DB   for berkeley DB files (%s)
           NDBM for NDBM files (%s)
           default for the default DBM type

Error: apr_getopt_init failed.

Error: -v can only be passed once

Error: -f can only be passed once

Error: -i can only be passed once

Error: -o can only be passed once

Error: Parsing Arguments Failed

Error: No input file specified.

Error: No output DBM specified.

Error: Cannot open input file '%s': (%d) %pm

Error: The requested DBM Format '%s' is not available.

Error: Cannot open output DBM '%s': (%d) %pm

Error: Converting to DBM: (%d) %pm

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