Your IP :
* ajax helper module
* @param {object} window global object
* @param {function} $ jQuery library
* @param {object} EventMgr EventMgr library
App.AjaxHelper = function(window, $, EventMgr) {
'use strict';
var init = function() {
EventMgr.bind('ajaxRequest', ajaxRequest);
EventMgr.bind('ajaxRequestAbort', ajaxRequestAbort);
CACHE = {},
ajaxRequestAbort = function(e, data) {
var id =;
if (CACHE[id] && CACHE[id].xhr.abort) {
CACHE[id].erMsg = 'Request canceled By User';
addRequestHook = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
addResponseHook = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
requestHooks = [],
responseHooks = [],
applyRequestHooks = function(data) {
for (var i = 0, l = requestHooks.length; i < l; i++) {
requestHooks[i].apply(this, [data]);
applyResponseHooks = function(data) {
for (var i = 0, l = responseHooks.length; i < l; i++) {
responseHooks[i].apply(this, [data]);
ajaxRequest = function(e, dataSource) {
var cUrl = dataSource.url || pageInfo.url,
param = dataSource.param || {},
formData = dataSource.formData || {},
inVar = dataSource.invar || {},
trFunc = dataSource.trfunc || 'ajaxResponse',
failFunc = dataSource.failfunc || false,
type = dataSource.type || 'get',
outType = dataSource.outtype || 'html',
queueName = dataSource.queue || 'queue',
noesc = !!dataSource.noesc,
reqType = dataSource.reqType || 'jquery',
progressCb = dataSource.progressCb || function() {},
rp = dataSource.rp || [],
id =;
inVar.__dataSource = dataSource;
if (queueName === 'noqueue') {
queueName = new Date().getTime();
param.sfrom = 'ajax';
param.operafake = new Date().getTime();
var paramString = getQueryString(param, noesc);
if (reqType === 'jquery') {
EventMgr.trigger('getAjaxRequest', {});
var ajaxParams = {
url: cUrl,
type: type,
dataType: 'html',
data: paramString,
headers: { 'ISP-Client': 'Web-interface' },
//data : param,
async: true,
success: success,
xhrFields: { withCredentials: true },
error: error
if (type === 'jsonp') {
ajaxParams.jsonp = 'callback';
ajaxParams.dataType = 'jsonp';
ajaxParams.crossDomain = true;
$.ajaxq(queueName, ajaxParams);
} else {
//progress upload
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', progressCb, false);'POST', cUrl);
//set header for long request
xhr.setRequestHeader('ISP-Client', 'Web-interface');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status === 200) {
delete CACHE[id];
} else {
error(this, this.statusText, this.statusText);
formData.append('sfrom', 'ajax');
CACHE[id] = { xhr: xhr };
/* jshint latedef: false*/
function success(data) {
if (type !== 'jsonp') {
data = data.replace(/\\'/g, "'");
data = data.replace(/^<![\w\s\"-\/]*>/g, '');
if (!data) {
console.log('empty response');
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxError', {});
if (outType === 'json' && type !== 'jsonp') {
//remove non-printable characters
data = data.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/g, '');
try {
data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
} catch (e) {
console.log('jsonParseError', dataSource, failFunc);
dataSource.erType = 'json';
if (failFunc) {
EventMgr.trigger(failFunc, dataSource);
//EventMgr.trigger('ajaxError', {});
if (outType !== 'html') {
data.sourceParamString = paramString;
//add props in returned object
$.extend(data, inVar);
data.selfUrl = pageInfo.url + '?' + data.urlparam;
//remove some param from response
if (rp.length) {
data = removeParams(data, rp);
if (trFunc !== 'DoNothing') {
EventMgr.trigger(trFunc, data);
EventMgr.trigger('giveAjaxRequest', {});
/* jshint latedef: false*/
function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//check for long request
if ((errorThrown === 'Service Unavailable' || jqXHR.status === 503) && !dataSource.ignore503) {
//go to new url while request not end
var longUrl = jqXHR.responseText;
dataSource.url = + '/' + longUrl;
dataSource.reqType = 'jquery';
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', dataSource);
} else if (trFunc === 'ajaxResponse' &&
inVar.exType === 'dashboard') {
inVar.error = true;
inVar.shithappend = true;
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxResponse', inVar);
} else if (failFunc) {
var regex = /<div class="fatal-error-desc">(.*?)<\/div>/ig,
errText = String(jqXHR.responseText).match(regex);
if (errText && errText[0]) {
dataSource.erMsg = errText[0];
if (CACHE[] &&
App.u.isString(CACHE[].erMsg)) {
dataSource.erMsg = CACHE[].erMsg;
EventMgr.trigger(failFunc, dataSource);
delete CACHE[];
removeParams = function(data, rp) {
var l = rp.length;
while(l--) {
data[rp[l]] = null;
return data;
//join with &
getQueryString = function(queryObj, noesc) {
var j = 0,
paramString = '',
for (keyVar in queryObj) {
if (keyVar !== '') {
if (j !== 0) {
paramString += '&';
curValue = queryObj[keyVar];
//encode params
if (noesc) {
paramString += keyVar + '=' + curValue;
} else {
paramString += keyVar + '=' + encodeURIComponent(curValue);
return paramString;
return {
init: init,
addRequestHook: addRequestHook,
addResponseHook: addResponseHook
}(window, $, EventMgr);