Your IP :
* App.Listsorting
* sorting table list
* @param {object} window global object
* @param {function} $ jQuery
* @param {object} EventMgr EventManager
* @param {object} App EventManager
App.ListSorting = function(window, $, EventMgr, App) {
'use strict';
var init = function() {
EventMgr.on('#main-wrapper', '.td_sort .ovf', 'click', sortRows);
EventMgr.on('#main-wrapper', '.td_client_sort .ovf', 'click',
sortCol = function(a, b) {
if (b.number === a.number) { return 0; }
if (b.number < a.number) { return 1; } else { return -1; }
sortA = function(a, b) {
if ( === { return 0; }
if ( < { return 1; } else { return -1; }
sortD = function(a, b) {
if (! { return -1; } else if (! { return 1; }
a =[A-Za-z!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~"'/=<>|]+\-/g, '')
.replace(/[A-Za-z!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~"'/=<>|]/g, '')
.replace(/[-]+\s/g, '').replace(/-{2,}/, '-');
b =[A-Za-z!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~"'/=<>|]+\-/g, '')
.replace(/[A-Za-z!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~"'/=<>|]/g, '')
.replace(/[-]+\s/g, '').replace(/-{2,}/, '-');
return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b);
sortT = function(a, b) {
if (! { return -1; } else if (! { return 1; }
a = Date.parse(;
b = Date.parse(;
return a.getTime() - b.getTime();
sortRowsOnClient = function(e) {
//for selected text
if (typeof window.getSelection !== 'undefined') {
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.toString() !== '') {
var sortType = this.getAttribute('data-sorttype'),
porder = this.getAttribute('data-order'),
coln = this.getAttribute('data-coln'),
parent = $(this).parents('.block-table'),
tableId = parent.attr('id'),
table = document.getElementById('lt-' + tableId);
if (table === null) { return; }
var body = table.tBodies[0],
rows = body.rows,
len = rows.length,
orig, $col, $colContent,
mRows = [],
o = {},
i, j, $row, tableHead, HeadList, hLRow,
attrs, l, $hRow, hRow, startI = 0, cLen = 0;
if (!porder || porder === 'desc') {
porder = true;
} else {
porder = false;
for (i = startI; i < len; i++) {
o = {};
o.row = [];
for (j = 0; j < rows[i].cells.length; j++) {
$row = $(rows[i]);
//copy and remove all attributes
attrs = rows[i].attributes;
l = attrs.length;
o.attrs = [];
while (l--) {
if (attrs[l].nodeName !== 'id') {
name: attrs[l].nodeName,
value: attrs[l].nodeValue
$col = $row.find('.data-wrapper')[coln];
if ($col) {
//check for orig value
orig = null;
$colContent = $($col).find('.b-list__table-col-content');
if ($colContent.length) {
orig = $colContent[0].getAttribute('data-orig');
if (orig) { = orig;
} else { = $colContent.length ? $colContent.html() : $col.innerHTML;
if (sortType === 'alpha') { mRows.sort(sortA); }
else if (sortType === 'digit') { mRows.sort(sortD); }
else if (sortType === 'time') { mRows.sort(sortT); }
if (!porder) {
for (i = startI; i < len; i++) {
cLen = rows[i].cells.length;
for (j = 0; j < cLen; j++) {
App.u.replaceHtml(rows[i].cells[j], mRows[i].row[j]);
//copy all attributes
if (mRows[i].attrs) {
attrs = mRows[i].attrs;
l = attrs.length;
while (l--) {
rows[i].setAttribute(attrs[l].name, attrs[l].value);
//even class add
if (i % 2 !== 0) {
if (!rows[i].className.match(/even/)) {
rows[i].className += ' even';
} else {
rows[i].className = rows[i].className.replace(/even/, '');
tableHead = document.getElementById('lt-' + tableId);
if (tableHead === null) { return; }
hRow = tableHead.tHead.rows[0].cells[coln];
$hRow = $(hRow);
$('#lt-' + tableId + ' .triangle')
if (!porder) {
$hRow.find('.ovf').attr('data-order', 'desc');
} else {
$hRow.find('.ovf').attr('data-order', 'asc');
serverSorting = function(elem, block, ctrl) {
var csorting = elem.getAttribute('sorting'),
ccolname = elem.getAttribute('data-colname'),
params = {},
dashboard = '', pNum, func, tabId, id,
cols = [], sorting, colname, pCurrent = '';
//table in dashboard and not
if (!block) {
tabId = $(elem).parents('.content').attr('data-tabid');
var tabCont = $('#cont-' + tabId);
pNum = tabCont.attr('data-pnum');
} else {
var parent = $(elem).parents('.block-table'),
name = parent.attr('data-block-name');
id = parent.attr('id');
tabId = id;
dashboard = '&dashboard=' + name;
pNum = parent.attr('data-block-pnum');
params.dashboard = name;
func = parent.attr('data-block-func');
//if add field to sorting, build string soting
if (ctrl) {
$('#sort_table-' + tabId).find('.td_sort .ovf').each(function() {
sorting = this.getAttribute('sorting');
colname = this.getAttribute('data-colname');
if (sorting) {
name: this.getAttribute('data-colname'),
value: sorting,
number: String(sorting).charAt(1)
//make string
for (var i = 0, l = cols.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i !== 0) {
pCurrent += ',';
pCurrent += cols[i].value.charAt(0) + cols[i].name;
} else {
//add sorting if exist
if (csorting) {
ccolname = csorting.charAt(0) + ccolname;
/* jslint camelcase: false */
//format: '+/-name,+/-name';
params.p_current = pCurrent;
params.p_num = pNum;
//format: '+/-name';
params.p_col = ccolname;
/* jslint camelcase: true */
if (!block) {
EventMgr.trigger('reloadTab', { tabId: tabId, param: params });
} else {
params.func = func;
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: params,
invar: { blockId: id },
type: 'get',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'ajaxResponseForDashboard',
failfunc: 'failedAjaxResponseForDashboard',
queue: 'noqueue' });
sortRows = function(e, data) {
//for selected text
if (typeof window.getSelection !== 'undefined') {
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.toString() !== '') {
var block = false;
if ($(this).parents('.block-table').length > 0) {
block = true;
serverSorting(this, block, (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey));
return {
init: init
}(window, $, EventMgr, App);