Your IP :
* Progressbar module
* @param {object} window global object
* @param {function} $ jQuery library
* @param {object} EventMgr EventMgr library
* @param {object} App Application
* @param {object} templates Templates of App
App.ProgressBar = function(window, $, EventMgr, App, templates) {
'use strict';
var CACHE = {};
// закончившиеся wait прогрессбары, на случай когда прогрессбар пришел раньше респонса формы
* Remove ProgressBar
* @param {string} tabId
function removeProgressBar(tabId) {
var tabCont = App.Dom.byId('cont-' + tabId);
App.Dom.removeClass(tabCont, 'tab-content__progressbar_show');
var progressbar = App.Dom.byId('cont-' + tabId + '-progressbar');
if (progressbar === null) { return; } = 'none';
progressbar.innerHTML = '';
//show default loader
var defProgress = App.Dom.byId('cont-' + tabId + '-progressbar-default');
if (defProgress === null) { return false; }
if ( === 'none') { = null;
progressbar = null;
* Wait progressbar response after panel restart
* @param {object} e
* @param {object} data
function waitProgressBar(e, data) {
if (data.progresstype === 'wait' || (data.invar && data.invar.progresstype === 'wait')) {
setTimeout(function() {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: data.param,
invar: data.invar,
type: 'get',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'progressBarResponse',
failfunc: 'progressBarResponseFail',
queue: 'noqueue' });
}, 1500);
* Render Progressbar HTML
* @param {object} e
* @param {object} data
function renderProgressBar(e, data) {
var start = data.start,
progressType = data.progresstype,
tabId = '', tabExist = false,
progressId = data.param.elid;
if (start !== '' && start !== undefined) {
var done = data.done,
now =,
steps = data.steps,
comment = data.comment,
param = data.param,
colorClass = '';
tabId = data.tabId;
var per = 0,
left = '';
if (done !== '' && steps !== '') {
per = Math.round((done / steps) * 100);
if (done !== '' && steps !== '' && progressType !== 'notime') {
var elapsedTime = (now - start),
elapsedSteps = steps - done;
if (elapsedSteps !== 0 && done !== 0) {
left = Math.round((elapsedTime / done) * elapsedSteps) + 'sec';
var width = per * (0.98);
if (per < 6) {
per = '.';
colorClass = 'blue-color';
} else {
if (per > 100) {
per = 100;
width = per * (0.98);
per += '%';
var html = templates.progressBar({
tabId: tabId,
per: per,
width: width,
left: '',
comment: comment,
colorClass: colorClass });
tabExist = appendProgressBar(tabId, progressId, html);
//if exist tab
if (tabExist) {
setTimeout(function() {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', {
param: param,
invar: { tabId: tabId, param: param, progresstype: progressType },
type: 'get',
outtype: 'json',
trfunc: 'progressBarResponse',
failfunc: 'progressBarResponseFail',
queue: 'noqueue' });
param = null;tabId = null;progressType = null;
}, 1000);
} else {
tabId = data.tabId;
//@todo remove cache
if (data.ok && progressType === 'wait') {
if (data.param && data.param.elid) {
ENDED_WAIT_PROGRESSBAR[data.param.elid] = true;
if (CACHE[data.param.elid]) {
CACHE[data.param.elid].progresstype = null;
if (CACHE[data.param.elid].progressok) {
CACHE[data.param.elid].__dataSource.rp = ['progressok'];
CACHE[data.param.elid].__dataSource.rp = ['progressok'];
EventMgr.trigger('tabLoading', { tabId: data.tabId });
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxRequest', CACHE[data.param.elid].__dataSource);
} else {
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxFormResponse', CACHE[data.param.elid]);
delete CACHE[data.param.elid];
* Append Progressbar to form
* @param {string} tabId
* @param {string} html
* @return {boolean}
function appendProgressBar(tabId, progressId, html) {
var progressChecker = App.Dom.byId(progressId),
tabCont = App.Dom.byId('cont-' + tabId);
if (!progressChecker) { return false; }
App.Dom.addClass(tabCont, 'tab-content__progressbar_show');
var progressbar = App.Dom.byId('cont-' + tabId + '-progressbar');
if (progressbar === null) { return false; } = 'block';
progressbar.innerHTML = html;
progressbar = null;
var defProgress = App.Dom.byId('cont-' + tabId + '-progressbar-default');
if (defProgress === null) { return false; } = 'none';
return true;
function progressBarSaveState(e, data) {
// если wait прогресс уже пришел с ok
if (ENDED_WAIT_PROGRESSBAR[data.progressid]) {
data.progresstype = null;
EventMgr.trigger('ajaxFormResponse', data);
} else if (data && data.progressid) {
CACHE[data.progressid] = data;
function init() {
EventMgr.bind('progressBarSaveState', progressBarSaveState);
EventMgr.bind('progressBarResponse', renderProgressBar);
EventMgr.bind('progressBarResponseFail', waitProgressBar);
return {
init: init
}(window, $, EventMgr, App, templates);