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<h2 class="headline">Harwin in houston real estate. With an exceptional ranking of 4.</h2>
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<strong>Harwin in houston real estate Find the perfect building to live in by filtering to your preferences. HOUSTON, TX, March 2024 — Yinlun TDI, LLC purchased a 111,000 SF office building and 43,000 SF warehouse on a Houston homes for Sale in Harris County. 00/SF/YR. View 17 photos for 11311 Harwin Dr Apt 8, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 3 bath, 1,385 Sq. ; The friendly and patient staff at Valencia Our team of commercial real estate specialists will help you find the space that fits your needs, a 100% FREE service. com View 19 photos for 11411 Harwin Dr Apt 17, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,375 Sq. Retail property for sale at 7636 Harwin Dr. Harwin Plaza - a Caisson Real Estate Property located at 7457 Harwin Dr. Read 37 customer reviews of 7637 Harwin Apartments, one of the best Real Estate businesses at 7637 Harwin Dr. Harwin Plaza. View photos of the 1379 condos and apartments listed for sale in Houston TX. Harwin Dr / Allday Dr real estate is primarily made up of small (studio to two bedroom) to medium sized (three or four bedroom) apartment complexes/high-rise View detailed information about property 11490 Harwin Dr # 2630, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Consumers continue to find value in having a real estate View 19 photos for 11311 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 3 bath, 1,385 Sq. MLS# 995553. Ft. House Matchmaker Group provides a wide range of real estate services. Sponsored. Lina V. Zillow has 92 homes for sale in 77036. View 32 photos for 13039 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,532 Sq. See sales history and home details for 12922 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,817 Sq. townhomes home built in 1979 that was last sold on 01/31/2023. HAR Rating: 4. LV Realty & Services, is a Texas real estate firm, located at 9895 Harwin Dr #3, Houston, TX 77036. 7111 Harwin Drive, Houston, TX 77036 - Office Space for rent. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 07/15/2015. CASH HOME BUYERS HOUSTON - SELL HOUSE FAST, 7111 Harwin Dr 110J, Ste 110J, Houston, TX 77036, 2 Photos, Mon - Open 24 hours, Tue - Open 24 hours, Wed - Open 24 hours, Thu - Open 24 hours, Fri - Open 24 hours, Sat - Open 24 hours, Sun - Open 24 hours We are a group of experienced real estate investors who are interested in buying properties View detailed information about property 12910 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. provides a wide range of real estate services. Search 13,872 homes for sale in Houston 8,007 homes for rent in Houston - View 21,879 Houston Homes and Houses for Sale and Rent. ft. 2% of the neighborhoods in the U. 8323 Wilcrest Dr Apt 16004, Houston, TX 77072 is for sale. 5 bath, 1018 sqft. Pricing of commercial spaces is largely dependent on things like location — especially proximity to areas that can be easily reached by car or public transit or enjoy high foot traffic — the overall size, features and condition of the space, and the lease structure. If you are not familiar with commercial real estate in Houston, TX, below are a few essential aspects to consider in order to better understand the local market. They offer a wide range of women's clothing options, making it a perfect place for a quick visit to update your wardrobe. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 04/30/2014. REACH OUT NOW. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 12/03/2002. View property details, similar homes, and the nearby school and neighborhood information. It contains 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Suggest an edit. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 01/07/2020. 7 stars, customers rave about their experience at Valencia Couture. View detailed information about property 7637 Harwin Dr Apt 60, Houston, TX 77036 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Information About Brokerage Services; Consumer Protection Notice; Property Search; Services; See sales history and home details for 12802 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,614 Sq. Axis Real Estate Inspections is owned and operated by lead inspector Amandeep (Andy) Punia. LV Realty & Services provides a wide range of real estate services. Trust: Trust is our cornerstone, earned through open communication, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to clients' best interests. Customers rave about the excellent quality of the dresses, stating that the prices are reasonable for the exceptional fabric and design. Customers have praised their accessibility with features like wheelchair-accessible car park and entrance. #101 San Antonio, TX 78213 Houston Office 7457 Harwin Dr. View 8 photos for 12919 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,617 Sq. Find Houston details, real estate for sale and more near Houston Homes and Houses for Sale. 107-151 W Bay Area Blvd, Flex Property at Space Village, This Neighborhood Strip Shopping Center at 107-151 W Bay Area Blvd & 16830-16888 Texas Highway 3 in Webster. single family home built in 1972 that was last sold on 01/14/2010. View detailed information about property 12834 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. #100 Houston, TX 77036 Links View 10 photos for 12814 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,520 Sq. As a leading brokerage, we take pride in assisting buyers, sellers, and investors in achieving their real estate goals with precision and dedication. This light, bright, and well maint 11311 Harwin Dr, Houston TX, is a Single Family home that contains 1354 sq ft and was built in 1980. Get the information you need including price & tax history, Accountability: Rooted in transparency, we take responsibility for actions, creating a reliable and straightforward real estate journey. This apartment lists for $790-$1105/mo, and includes 1-2 beds, 1-2 baths, and 600-970 Sq. 0 (20 reviews) 10. Suite 211 in Houston, TX. View detailed information about property 11311 Harwin Dr Apt 6, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Houston (713) 677-2268 | San Antonio (210) 529-7174 San Antonio Office 8055 West Ave. View detailed information about property 10300 Harwin Dr Apt 253, Houston, TX 77036 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. 10333 Harwin Dr Ste 624 Houston, TX 77036. This boutique offers a wide range of stunning formal dresses and outfits for various occasions. , Houston, TX 77036. 219. 7 based on 227 reviews, customers have praised the store for its outstanding services and products. Valencia Couture is a top-rated Clothing store in Houston that offers a wide range of high-quality dresses for special occasions. Current spaces for lease at 7111 Harwin Drive add up to a total of 6,528 SF. Harwin Dr. See sales history and home details for 11311 Harwin Dr Apt 19, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 3 bath, 1,354 Sq. Find a pro. 99/5. , Ste. Houston, TX 77036 (832) 519-9733 Zillow has 3336 single family rental listings in Houston TX. 7 and 389 reviews, this establishment is known for its exceptional customer service and high-quality dresses. Harwin Commercial Real Estate For Lease Boxer Property is among the key contributors to commercial real estate development in the Harwin area of Houston, TX. View detailed information about property 12823 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. With a ranking of 4. View detailed information about property 11411 Harwin Dr Apt 10, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. townhouse located at 11311 Harwin Dr #6, Houston, TX 77072 sold on Apr 30, 2024 after being listed at $134,900. See sales history and home details for 12831 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,617 Sq. Established in 2009. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 11/06/1995. View detailed information about property 10333 Harwin Dr Ste 375J, Houston, TX 77036 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Use our detailed filters to find the perfect place, then get in touch with the landlord. We own spacious offices and retail outlets tailored to meet the needs of businesses looking View 8 photos for 11411 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,352 Sq. , Houston, TX 77036 United States. For Rent: 7637 Harwin, Houston, TX 77036 ∙ $950 - $1,200/month ∙ 740 - 1,076 sqft . This home was built in 1973 and last sold on -- for $--. Zillow has 12203 homes for sale in Houston TX. It contains 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Houston Office 7457. Consumers continue to find value in having a real estate professional help them through the home buying and selling process. 5 miles. Some key points from reviews include: Fiesta Fashions Official is a renowned clothing store located in Houston, TX. See sales history and home details for 13035 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,399 Sq. Zillow has 3381 single family rental listings in Houston TX. The Zestimate for this Single Family is $224,000, which has increased by $786 in the last 30 days. Caisson Real Estate is a real estate firm dedicated to providing a highly personalized customer experience, innovative solutions, and unparalleled results. Consumers continue to find value in having a real estate professional help See sales history and home details for 11311 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 3 bath, 1,385 Sq. Links. View detailed information about property 10201 Harwin Dr Apt 340, Houston, TX 77036 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. condo townhome rowhome coop home built in 1979 that was last sold on 11/16/2009. Your Trusted Residential Broker in Houston Real Estate Since 2014! At Your Dream Real Estate, we’ve been fulfilling dreams in the Houston real estate market since 2014. com to read property details & contact the listing broker. Find reviews, ratings, directions, business hours, and book appointments online. condo townhome rowhome coop home built in 1980 that was last sold on 03/09/2009. View detailed information about property 11311 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. See 11411 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a townhome located in the Westside neighborhood. The Rent Zestimate for this Single Family is $1,929/mo, which has increased by $1,929/mo in the last 30 days. ; The staff at Valencia Couture is praised for View 11 photos for 12822 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,206 Sq. See sales history and home details for 11311 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,385 Sq. , is a Texas real estate firm, located at 10333 Harwin Dr Ste 415, Houston, TX 77036. Andy View detailed information about property 11311 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. The Zestimate for this Single Family is $161,000, which has increased by $1,271 in the last 30 days. 7447 Harwin Dr. Verify View 19 photos for 11411 Harwin Dr Apt 17, Houston, TX 77072, a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,375 Sq. TREC Regulations. The property incorporates a total of 44,944 SF of office space. With a stellar ranking of 4. Customers appreciate the honest feedback and personalized service Valencia Couture is a premier clothing store located in Houston, TX. Servicing the Greater View detailed information about property 11311 Harwin Dr Apt 1, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. 8% of the neighborhoods in Texas and 33. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 02/10/2003. Information About Brokerage Services. Formals is a renowned formal wear store located in Houston, TX. See sales history and home details for 12827 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,350 Sq. 5. You Might Also Consider. Unit 306, Houston, TX 77036. . 5 baths, 1385 sq. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 07/07/2014. View detailed information about property 12815 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Search Xome's directory of real estate property records in Harwin, Houston, Texas 77072. condo townhome rowhome coop home built in 1980 that was last sold on 08/03/1989. Customers appreciate the excellent quality of the dresses, stating that the fabrics are unparalleled compared to other stores. Buy/Rent Buy; Single Family Homes Can I use a real estate agent to help me with the rental at 7637 Harwin? Yes, you can use a real estate agent to help with renting at 7637 Harwin. 7111 Harwin Dr Houston, TX 77036. Find Harwin Dr, Houston, TX, TX Homes Values & Neighborhood Information on HAR. CLOSE About Us – Careers; About Us – Main Page; CONTACT US; HOME PAGE; Lease Application; Newsletter; View detailed information about property 11538 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. They offer a wide range of beautiful women's clothing and provide top-notch service to their customers. Search Find a Business House Matchmaker Group, is a Texas real estate firm, located at 1333 West Loop South Ste 880, Houston, TX 77027. Suite 100, Houston, TX 77036 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. condo with a list price of $50000. Houston, TX 77036 (832) 519-9733 12911 Harwin Dr, Houston TX, is a Single Family home that contains 1626 sq ft and was built in 1973. Harwin Dr / Allday Dr real estate is primarily made up of small (studio to two bedroom) to medium sized (three or four bedroom) apartment complexes/high-rise CASH HOME BUYERS HOUSTON - SELL HOUSE FAST, 7111 Harwin Dr 110J, Ste 110J, Houston, TX 77036, 2 Photos, Mon - Open 24 hours, Tue - Open 24 hours, Wed - Open 24 hours, Thu - Open 24 hours, Fri - Open 24 hours, Sat - Open 24 hours, Sun - Open 24 hours We are a group of experienced real estate investors who are interested in buying properties View detailed information about property 12910 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. We have over six million square feet of commercial real estate for sale and lease in Houston. 15 Dreams Boutique is a charming dress store located on the second floor at 7331 Harwin Dr. Specialties: Our business specializes in providing quality customer service. S. View 17 photos for 12826 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,560 Sq. View 23 photos for 12915 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,392 Sq. As a licensed real estate brokerage we are able to handle all of your real estate needs. townhomes home built in 1980 that was last sold on 04/23/1998. condo townhome rowhome coop home built in 1980 that was last sold on 05/09/2013. Customers can count on Pauline Clement Associates for leasing, buying or selling of property. TX 78213 Houston Office 7457 Harwin Dr. Customers rave about their experiences at 15 Dreams Boutique. single family home built in 1973 that was last sold on 05/31/2005. single family home built in 1972 that was last sold on 12/23/1997. View detailed information about property 11311 Harwin Dr Apt 28, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. The asking price for retail space at 9777 Harwin Drive is $9. Our staff and agents are Dedicated, Resilience, Educated, Ambitious, and Motivated. Sold: 2 beds, 2. The 1 – 100 of 116 Properties Displayed. View detailed information about property 11411 Harwin Dr Apt 8, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Office space for lease at 7333 Harwin Dr. The 1,350 Square Feet single family home is a 4 beds, 2 baths property. townhomes home built in 1980 that was last sold on 11/22/2021. #100 Houston, TX 77036. 1-2 beds, Apartment ∙ View more. single family home built in 1972 that was last sold on 04/12/2012. With an exceptional ranking of 4. Harwin Dr / Allday Dr real estate is primarily made up of small 12815 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 is currently not for sale. Established in 2017. AlphaMax Realty Inc. There are currently 8 listings available in the office property located at 7111 Harwin Drive in Houston, TX 77036. Commercial Space for Rent Opportunities in Houston, TX You can search 7,646 commercial real estate space listing(s) currently available for rent in Houston, TX, which represents a See sales history and home details for 12811 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,692 Sq. Harwin Dr / Allday Dr is an urban neighborhood (based on population density) located in Houston, Texas. HAR. Patty Newton - RE/MAX Fine Properties. com is the Official MLS website and mobile app for home buyers and homes sellers. The Rent Zestimate for this Single Family is $1,531/mo, which has increased by $1,531/mo in the last 30 days. Licensed in Houston, Texas and a proud member of HAR, TAR and NAR. View 15 photos of this 2 bed, 1. single family home built in 1972 that was last sold on 03/27/2020. Visit Crexi. Harwin Dr / Parkfront Dr median real estate price is $269,300, which is more expensive than 46. 0 out of 45 reviews Buying and Selling Residential Real Estate View detailed information about property 12806 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. Share by: Learn more about Waters at Westchase Apartments located at 11490 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072. Some key points from customer reviews: A customer mentioned a lack of View detailed information about property 12818 Harwin Dr, Houston, TX 77072 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. We pride ourselves in Real Estate services that cover most local Texas Regional market and provide a number of services not limited to Residential, Commercial, Investments and even Relocation. Specialties: Are you buying or selling a home ? 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