Your IP :
// Created by Bernardo Innocenti <>
// Additional symbol definitions for the OLPC keyboards
alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "olpc" {
include "pc(pc105)"
modifier_map Mod1 { KP_Home }; // KP_Home is the "square" game key
modifier_map Mod3 { KP_End }; // KP_End is the "tick" game key
modifier_map Mod4 { KP_Prior }; // KP_Prior is the "O" game key
modifier_map Mod5 { KP_Next }; // KP_Next is the "X" game key
key <I220> { [ XF86Search ] }; // search key (unpopulated on olpcm, harmless)
key <I221> { [ XF86Meeting ] }; // fn+search key (unpopulated on olpcm, harmless)
key <I236> { [ XF86Start ] }; // gear key (fn+space)
key <I147> { [ XF86TaskPane ] }; // frame key (the top-right key) (unpopulated on olpcm, harmless)
key <I224> { [ XF86Messenger ] }; // overlay key (next to frame key) (unpopulated on olpcm, harmless)