Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage main
* @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix
namespace Bitrix\Main\File\Image;
use Bitrix\Main\File;
* Class Imagick
* @see
* @see
class Imagick extends Engine
/** @var \Imagick */
protected $image;
protected $animated = false;
/** @var Rectangle */
protected $jpegSize;
* @inheritDoc
public function getExifData()
return parent::getExifData();
$result = [];
if($this->image !== null)
$exif = $this->image->getImageProperties("exif:*");
foreach($exif as $name => $property)
$result[substr($name, 5)] = $property;
return $result;
* @inheritDoc
public function load()
$this->image = new \Imagick();
$info = $this->getInfo();
if (!$info)
return false;
if ($this->exceedsMaxSize())
// the image exceeds maximum sizes, optionally substitute it
return $this->substituteImage();
$needResize = false;
if ($info->getFormat() == File\Image::FORMAT_JPEG)
// only for JPEGs
$needResize = $this->setJpegOptions();
$allowAnimated = (isset($this->options["allowAnimatedImages"]) && $this->options["allowAnimatedImages"] === true);
// read only the first frame
$suffix = ($allowAnimated ? '' : '[0]');
$this->image->readImage($this->file . $suffix);
if ($needResize)
// JPEG memory usage optimization
$this->image->thumbnailImage($this->jpegSize->getWidth(), $this->jpegSize->getHeight());
if ($allowAnimated && $this->image->getNumberImages() > 1)
$this->animated = true;
$this->image = $this->image->coalesceImages();
return true;
catch (\ImagickException $e)
return false;
protected function substituteImage()
if (isset($this->options["substImage"]))
// substitute the file with a blank image
$substImage = new Imagick($this->options["substImage"]);
if ($substImage->load())
$this->image = clone $substImage->image;
$this->substituted = true;
return true;
return false;
protected function setJpegOptions()
$this->jpegSize = $this->getJpegSize();
if ($this->jpegSize)
$source = $this->getInfo()->toRectangle();
$needResize = $source->resize($this->jpegSize, File\Image::RESIZE_PROPORTIONAL);
if ($needResize)
// the image is too large to fit into memory
$this->image->setOption('jpeg:size', $this->jpegSize->getWidth() . 'x' . $this->jpegSize->getHeight());
$this->image->setSize($this->jpegSize->getWidth(), $this->jpegSize->getHeight());
return true;
return false;
* @inheritDoc
public function rotate($angle, Color $bgColor)
if ($this->image === null)
return false;
$color = new \ImagickPixel($bgColor->toRgba());
foreach ($this->image as $frame)
$frame->rotateImage($color, $angle);
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function flipVertical()
if ($this->image === null)
return false;
foreach ($this->image as $frame)
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function flipHorizontal()
if ($this->image === null)
return false;
foreach ($this->image as $frame)
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function setOrientation($orientation)
if($this->image === null)
return false;
return $this->image->setImageOrientation($orientation);
* @inheritDoc
public function resize(Rectangle $source, Rectangle $destination)
if($this->image === null)
return false;
//need crop
if($source->getX() <> 0 || $source->getY() <> 0)
//hope Imagick will use the best filter automatically
$filter = \Imagick::FILTER_UNDEFINED;
foreach ($this->image as $frame)
//resizeImage has better quality than scaleImage (scaleImage uses a filter similar to FILTER_BOX)
$frame->resizeImage($destination->getWidth(), $destination->getHeight(), $filter, 1);
return true;
* @param Rectangle $source
* @return bool
public function crop(Rectangle $source)
if($this->image === null)
return false;
$this->image->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);
foreach ($this->image as $frame)
$frame->cropImage($source->getWidth(), $source->getHeight(), $source->getX(), $source->getY());
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function filter(Mask $mask)
if($this->image === null)
return false;
$imVersion = \Imagick::getVersion();
if ($imVersion['versionNumber'] < 0x700 || phpversion('imagick') < '3.4.0')
$kernel = \ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($mask->getValue());
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function drawTextWatermark(TextWatermark $watermark)
if($this->image === null)
return false;
$font = $watermark->getFont();
return false;
$utfText = $watermark->getUtfText();
$width = $this->getWidth();
$height = $this->getHeight();
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$draw->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel($watermark->getColor()->toRgba()));
if(($textWidth = $watermark->getWidth()) > 0)
$metrics = $this->image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $utfText);
$scale = 1.0;
if($metrics["textWidth"] > 0)
$scale = $textWidth / $metrics["textWidth"];
$fontSize = 20 * $scale;
$position = new Rectangle($textWidth, $metrics["textHeight"] * $scale);
//in GD resolution is 96 dpi, we should increase size
$fontSize = $watermark->getFontSize($width) * (96/72);
$metrics = $this->image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $utfText);
$position = new Rectangle($metrics["textWidth"], $metrics["textHeight"]);
$watermark->alignPosition($width, $height, $position);
$fontSize *= (72/90); //back to pixels
if($watermark->getVerticalAlignment() == Watermark::ALIGN_BOTTOM)
//Try to take into consideration font's descenders.
//Coordinates in annotateImage are for font's *baseline*.
//Let the descenders be 20% of the font size.
$descender = $fontSize * 0.2;
$y = $position->getY() + $position->getHeight() - $descender; //baseline
$y = $position->getY() + $fontSize;
return $this->image->annotateImage($draw, $position->getX(), $y, 0, $utfText);
* @inheritDoc
public function drawImageWatermark(ImageWatermark $watermark)
if($this->image === null)
return false;
if(($image = $this->loadWatermark($watermark)) === null)
return false;
$watermarkWidth = $image->getWidth();
$watermarkHeight = $image->getHeight();
$position = new Rectangle($watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
$width = $this->getWidth();
$height = $this->getHeight();
$watermark->alignPosition($width, $height, $position);
$watermarkAlpha = $watermark->getAlpha();
if(intval(round($watermarkAlpha, 2)) < 1) //1% precision
//apply alpha to the watermark
$image->image->evaluateImage(\Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $watermarkAlpha, \Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
$repeat = ($watermark->getMode() == ImageWatermark::MODE_REPEAT);
$posY = $position->getY();
$posX = $position->getX();
$this->image->compositeImage($image->image, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $posX, $posY);
$posX += $watermarkWidth;
if($repeat == false || $posX > $width)
$posY += $watermarkHeight;
if($repeat == false || $posY > $height)
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function save($file, $quality = 95, $format = null)
if ($this->image === null)
return false;
$prefix = "";
if ($format !== null)
$format = static::convertFormat($format);
if($format !== null)
$prefix = "{$format}:";
if ($format === "gif" || ($format = $this->image->getImageFormat()) === "GIF" || $format === "GIF87")
//strange artefacts with transparency - we limit the palette to 255 colors to fix it
$this->image->quantizeImage(255, \Imagick::COLORSPACE_SRGB, 0, false, false);
if ($this->animated)
return $this->image->deconstructImages()->writeImages($prefix.$file, true);
return $this->image->writeImage($prefix.$file);
* @inheritDoc
public function getWidth()
return $this->image->getImageWidth();
* @inheritDoc
public function getHeight()
return $this->image->getImageHeight();
* @inheritDoc
public function clear()
if($this->image !== null)
$this->image = null;
$this->animated = false;
$this->jpegSize = null;
protected static function convertFormat($format)
static $formats = [
File\Image::FORMAT_BMP => "bmp",
File\Image::FORMAT_GIF => "gif",
File\Image::FORMAT_JPEG => "jpg",
File\Image::FORMAT_PNG => "png",
File\Image::FORMAT_WEBP => "webp",
return $formats[$format];
return null;
protected function getJpegSize()
if (isset($this->options["jpegLoadSize"]) && is_array($this->options["jpegLoadSize"]))
return new Rectangle($this->options["jpegLoadSize"][0], $this->options["jpegLoadSize"][1]);
return null;