Your IP :
* Class with Font related methods.
namespace PhpMyAdmin;
use function ceil;
use function is_array;
use function mb_strlen;
use function mb_strtolower;
use function preg_replace;
use function str_replace;
* Class with Font related methods.
class Font
* Get list with characters and the corresponding width modifiers.
* @return array with characters and corresponding width modifier
public function getCharLists(): array
// list of characters and their width modifiers
$charLists = [];
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.23,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => ['f'],
'modifier' => 0.27,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.28,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => ['r'],
'modifier' => 0.34,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => ['1'],
'modifier' => 0.49,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.5,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.56,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.61,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.67,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.73,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.78,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [
'modifier' => 0.84,
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => ['W'],
'modifier' => 0.95,
//" "
$charLists[] = [
'chars' => [' '],
'modifier' => 0.28,
return $charLists;
* Get width of string/text
* The text element width is calculated depending on font name
* and font size.
* @param string $text string of which the width will be calculated
* @param string $font name of the font like Arial,sans-serif etc
* @param int $fontSize size of font
* @param array|null $charLists list of characters and their width modifiers
* @return int width of the text
public function getStringWidth(
string $text,
string $font,
int $fontSize,
?array $charLists = null
): int {
if (
! isset($charLists[0]['chars'], $charLists[0]['modifier']) || empty($charLists)
|| ! is_array($charLists[0]['chars'])
) {
$charLists = $this->getCharLists();
* Start by counting the width, giving each character a modifying value
$count = 0;
foreach ($charLists as $charList) {
$count += (mb_strlen($text)
- mb_strlen(str_replace($charList['chars'], '', $text))
) * $charList['modifier'];
$text = str_replace(' ', '', $text);//remove the " "'s
//all other chars
$count += mb_strlen((string) preg_replace('/[a-z0-9]/i', '', $text)) * 0.3;
$modifier = 1;
$font = mb_strtolower($font);
switch ($font) {
* no modifier for arial and sans-serif
case 'arial':
case 'sans-serif':
* .92 modifier for time, serif, brushscriptstd, and californian fb
case 'times':
case 'serif':
case 'brushscriptstd':
case 'californian fb':
$modifier = .92;
* 1.23 modifier for broadway
case 'broadway':
$modifier = 1.23;
$textWidth = $count * $fontSize;
return (int) ceil($textWidth * $modifier);