Your IP :
namespace PhpMyAdmin;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Bdb;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Berkeleydb;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Binlog;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Innobase;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Innodb;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Memory;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Merge;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\MrgMyisam;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Myisam;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Ndbcluster;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\Pbxt;
use PhpMyAdmin\Engines\PerformanceSchema;
use PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator;
use PhpMyAdmin\Utils\SessionCache;
use function __;
use function array_key_exists;
use function array_keys;
use function explode;
use function htmlspecialchars;
use function in_array;
use function json_decode;
use function mb_stripos;
use function mb_strtolower;
use function sprintf;
use function strlen;
use function strncmp;
* Library for extracting information about the available storage engines
class StorageEngine
protected const SUPPORT_NO = 0;
protected const SUPPORT_DISABLED = 1;
protected const SUPPORT_YES = 2;
protected const SUPPORT_DEFAULT = 3;
protected const DETAILS_TYPE_PLAINTEXT = 0;
protected const DETAILS_TYPE_SIZE = 1;
protected const DETAILS_TYPE_NUMERIC = 2; // Has no effect yet...
protected const DETAILS_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 3; // 'ON' or 'OFF'
/** @var string engine name */
public $engine = 'dummy';
/** @var string engine title/description */
public $title = 'PMA Dummy Engine Class';
/** @var string engine lang description */
public $comment = 'If you read this text inside phpMyAdmin, something went wrong...';
* Engine supported by current server.
* @var int
public $support = self::SUPPORT_NO;
* @param string $engine The engine ID
public function __construct($engine)
$storage_engines = self::getStorageEngines();
if (empty($storage_engines[$engine])) {
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->title = $storage_engines[$engine]['Engine'];
$this->comment = ($storage_engines[$engine]['Comment'] ?? '');
switch ($storage_engines[$engine]['Support']) {
case 'DEFAULT':
$this->support = self::SUPPORT_DEFAULT;
case 'YES':
$this->support = self::SUPPORT_YES;
case 'DISABLED':
$this->support = self::SUPPORT_DISABLED;
case 'NO':
$this->support = self::SUPPORT_NO;
* Returns array of storage engines
* @return array[] array of storage engines
* @static
* @staticvar array $storage_engines storage engines
public static function getStorageEngines()
global $dbi;
static $storage_engines = null;
if ($storage_engines == null) {
$storage_engines = $dbi->fetchResult('SHOW STORAGE ENGINES', 'Engine');
if (! $dbi->isMariaDB() && $dbi->getVersion() >= 50708) {
$disabled = (string) SessionCache::get(
/** @return mixed|false */
static function () use ($dbi) {
return $dbi->fetchValue(
'SELECT @@disabled_storage_engines'
foreach (explode(',', $disabled) as $engine) {
if (! isset($storage_engines[$engine])) {
$storage_engines[$engine]['Support'] = 'DISABLED';
return $storage_engines;
* Returns if Mroonga is available to be used
* This is public to be used in the StructureComtroller, the first release
* of this function was looking Mroonga in the engines list but this second
* method checks too that mroonga is installed successfully
public static function hasMroongaEngine(): bool
global $dbi;
$cacheKey = 'storage-engine.mroonga.has.mroonga_command';
if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
return (bool) Cache::get($cacheKey, false);
$supportsMroonga = $dbi->tryQuery('SELECT mroonga_command(\'object_list\');') !== false;
Cache::set($cacheKey, $supportsMroonga);
return $supportsMroonga;
* Get the lengths of a table of database
* @param string $dbName DB name
* @param string $tableName Table name
* @return int[]
public static function getMroongaLengths(string $dbName, string $tableName): array
global $dbi;
$cacheKey = 'storage-engine.mroonga.object_list.' . $dbName;
$dbi->selectDb($dbName);// Needed for mroonga_command calls
if (! Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
$result = $dbi->fetchSingleRow('SELECT mroonga_command(\'object_list\');', DatabaseInterface::FETCH_NUM);
$objectList = (array) json_decode($result[0] ?? '', true);
foreach ($objectList as $mroongaName => $mroongaData) {
* We only need the objects of table or column types, more info:
* -
* -
* -
if (in_array($mroongaData['type']['id'], [48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 65, 72])) {
// At this point, we can remove all the data because only need the mroongaName values
Cache::set($cacheKey, array_keys($objectList));
/** @var string[] $objectList */
$objectList = Cache::get($cacheKey, []);
$dataLength = 0;
$indexLength = 0;
foreach ($objectList as $mroongaName) {
if (strncmp($tableName, $mroongaName, strlen($tableName)) !== 0) {
$result = $dbi->fetchSingleRow(
'SELECT mroonga_command(\'object_inspect ' . $mroongaName . '\');',
$decodedData = json_decode($result[0] ?? '', true);
if ($decodedData === null) {
// Invalid for some strange reason, maybe query failed
$indexPrefix = $tableName . '#' . $tableName;
if (strncmp($indexPrefix, $mroongaName, strlen($indexPrefix)) === 0) {
$indexLength += $decodedData['disk_usage'];
$dataLength += $decodedData['disk_usage'];
return [$dataLength, $indexLength];
* @return array<int|string, array<string, mixed>>
public static function getArray(): array
$engines = [];
foreach (self::getStorageEngines() as $details) {
// Don't show PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA engine (MySQL 5.5)
if (
$details['Support'] === 'NO'
|| $details['Support'] === 'DISABLED'
|| $details['Engine'] === 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'
) {
$engines[$details['Engine']] = [
'name' => $details['Engine'],
'comment' => $details['Comment'],
'is_default' => $details['Support'] === 'DEFAULT',
return $engines;
* Loads the corresponding engine plugin, if available.
* @param string $engine The engine ID
* @return StorageEngine The engine plugin
* @static
public static function getEngine($engine)
switch (mb_strtolower($engine)) {
case 'bdb':
return new Bdb($engine);
case 'berkeleydb':
return new Berkeleydb($engine);
case 'binlog':
return new Binlog($engine);
case 'innobase':
return new Innobase($engine);
case 'innodb':
return new Innodb($engine);
case 'memory':
return new Memory($engine);
case 'merge':
return new Merge($engine);
case 'mrg_myisam':
return new MrgMyisam($engine);
case 'myisam':
return new Myisam($engine);
case 'ndbcluster':
return new Ndbcluster($engine);
case 'pbxt':
return new Pbxt($engine);
case 'performance_schema':
return new PerformanceSchema($engine);
return new StorageEngine($engine);
* Returns true if given engine name is supported/valid, otherwise false
* @param string $engine name of engine
* @static
public static function isValid($engine): bool
if ($engine === 'PBMS') {
return true;
$storage_engines = self::getStorageEngines();
return isset($storage_engines[$engine]);
* Returns as HTML table of the engine's server variables
* @return string The table that was generated based on the retrieved
* information
public function getHtmlVariables()
$ret = '';
foreach ($this->getVariablesStatus() as $details) {
$ret .= '<tr>' . "\n"
. ' <td>' . "\n";
if (! empty($details['desc'])) {
$ret .= ' '
. Generator::showHint($details['desc'])
. "\n";
$ret .= ' </td>' . "\n"
. ' <th scope="row">' . htmlspecialchars($details['title']) . '</th>'
. "\n"
. ' <td class="font-monospace text-end">';
switch ($details['type']) {
$parsed_size = $this->resolveTypeSize($details['value']);
if ($parsed_size !== null) {
$ret .= $parsed_size[0] . ' ' . $parsed_size[1];
$ret .= Util::formatNumber($details['value']) . ' ';
$ret .= htmlspecialchars($details['value']) . ' ';
$ret .= '</td>' . "\n"
. '</tr>' . "\n";
if (! $ret) {
$ret = '<p>' . "\n"
. ' '
. __('There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.')
. "\n"
. '</p>' . "\n";
} else {
$ret = '<table class="table table-striped table-hover w-auto">'
. "\n" . $ret . '</table>' . "\n";
return $ret;
* Returns the engine specific handling for
* DETAILS_TYPE_SIZE type variables.
* This function should be overridden when
* DETAILS_TYPE_SIZE type needs to be
* handled differently for a particular engine.
* @param int $value Value to format
* @return array|null the formatted value and its unit
public function resolveTypeSize($value): ?array
return Util::formatByteDown($value);
* Returns array with detailed info about engine specific server variables
* @return array array with detailed info about specific engine server variables
public function getVariablesStatus()
global $dbi;
$variables = $this->getVariables();
$like = $this->getVariablesLikePattern();
if ($like) {
$like = " LIKE '" . $like . "' ";
} else {
$like = '';
$mysql_vars = [];
$sql_query = 'SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES ' . $like . ';';
$res = $dbi->query($sql_query);
foreach ($res as $row) {
if (isset($variables[$row['Variable_name']])) {
$mysql_vars[$row['Variable_name']] = $variables[$row['Variable_name']];
} elseif (! $like && mb_stripos($row['Variable_name'], $this->engine) !== 0) {
$mysql_vars[$row['Variable_name']]['value'] = $row['Value'];
if (empty($mysql_vars[$row['Variable_name']]['title'])) {
$mysql_vars[$row['Variable_name']]['title'] = $row['Variable_name'];
if (isset($mysql_vars[$row['Variable_name']]['type'])) {
$mysql_vars[$row['Variable_name']]['type'] = self::DETAILS_TYPE_PLAINTEXT;
return $mysql_vars;
* Reveals the engine's title
* @return string The title
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
* Fetches the server's comment about this engine
* @return string The comment
public function getComment()
return $this->comment;
* Information message on whether this storage engine is supported
* @return string The localized message.
public function getSupportInformationMessage()
switch ($this->support) {
$message = __('%s is the default storage engine on this MySQL server.');
case self::SUPPORT_YES:
$message = __('%s is available on this MySQL server.');
$message = __('%s has been disabled for this MySQL server.');
case self::SUPPORT_NO:
$message = __('This MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.');
return sprintf($message, htmlspecialchars($this->title));
* Generates a list of MySQL variables that provide information about this
* engine. This function should be overridden when extending this class
* for a particular engine.
* @return array The list of variables.
public function getVariables()
return [];
* Returns string with filename for the MySQL helppage
* about this storage engine
* @return string MySQL help page filename
public function getMysqlHelpPage()
return $this->engine . '-storage-engine';
* Returns the pattern to be used in the query for SQL variables
* related to the storage engine
* @return string SQL query LIKE pattern
public function getVariablesLikePattern()
return '';
* Returns a list of available information pages with labels
* @return string[] The list
public function getInfoPages()
return [];
* Generates the requested information page
* @param string $id page id
* @return string html output
public function getPage($id)
if (! array_key_exists($id, $this->getInfoPages())) {
return '';
$id = 'getPage' . $id;
return $this->$id();