Your IP :
this.BX = this.BX || {};
this.BX.Main = this.BX.Main || {};
(function (exports,ui_lottie,main_core,main_popup,main_core_events) {
'use strict';
var ListPopup = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function ListPopup() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, ListPopup);
babelHelpers.createClass(ListPopup, null, [{
key: "getListPopup",
value: function getListPopup(params) {
var _this = this;
var likeId = params.likeId;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
var target =;
var reaction = params.reaction;
var nodeId = params.nodeId;
if (this.popupLikeId === likeId) {
return false;
if (likeInstance.popupContentPage != 1) {
this.List(likeId, 1, reaction, true);
likeInstance.popupTimeoutIdShow = setTimeout(function () {
likeId: likeId,
reaction: reaction,
target: target,
nodeId: nodeId
}, 100);
}, {
key: "getListPopupShow",
value: function getListPopupShow(params) {
var _this2 = this;
var likeId = params.likeId;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
var target =;
var reaction = params.reaction;
var nodeId = params.nodeId;
likeInstance.resultPopupAnimation = true;
setTimeout(function () {
likeId: likeId
}, 500);
if (likeInstance.mouseInShowPopupNode[reaction]) {
this.OpenWindow(likeId, null, target, nodeId);
}, {
key: "getListPopupAnimation",
value: function getListPopupAnimation(params) {
var likeId = params.likeId;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
likeInstance.resultPopupAnimation = false;
}, {
key: "OpenWindow",
value: function OpenWindow(likeId, clickEvent, target, targetId) {
var _this3 = this;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if (Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML) === 0) {
var bindNode = likeInstance.template === 'standart' ? likeInstance.count : likeInstance.version === 2 ? main_core.Type.isDomNode(target) ? target : main_core.Type.isStringFilled(targetId) && document.getElementById(targetId) ? document.getElementById(targetId) : null :;
if (!main_core.Type.isDomNode(bindNode)) {
if (likeInstance.popup == null) {
var globalZIndex = this.getGlobalIndex(bindNode);
var popupClassNameList = [];
if (likeInstance.topPanel) {
if ( {
likeInstance.popup = new main_popup.Popup({
id: "ilike-popup-".concat(likeId),
bindElement: bindNode,
lightShadow: true,
offsetTop: 0,
offsetLeft: !main_core.Type.isUndefined(clickEvent) && !main_core.Type.isNull(clickEvent) && !main_core.Type.isUndefined(clickEvent.offsetX) ? clickEvent.offsetX - 100 : likeInstance.version == 2 ? -30 : 5,
autoHide: true,
closeByEsc: true,
zIndexAbsolute: globalZIndex > 1000 ? globalZIndex + 1 : 1000,
bindOptions: {
position: 'top'
animation: 'fading-slide',
events: {
onPopupClose: function onPopupClose() {
_this3.popupLikeId = null;
onPopupDestroy: function onPopupDestroy() {}
content: document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(likeId)),
className: popupClassNameList.join(' ')
if (!likeInstance.topPanel && ! {
document.getElementById("ilike-popup-".concat(likeId)).addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
likeInstance.popupTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
document.getElementById("ilike-popup-".concat(likeId)).addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
} else {
if (!main_core.Type.isUndefined(clickEvent) && !main_core.Type.isNull(clickEvent) && !main_core.Type.isUndefined(clickEvent.offsetX)) {
likeInstance.popup.offsetLeft = clickEvent.offsetX - 100;
if (this.popupLikeId !== likeId) {
var popupLikeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(this.popupLikeId);
if (popupLikeInstance) {
this.popupLikeId = likeId;;
}, {
key: "getGlobalIndex",
value: function getGlobalIndex(element) {
var index = 0;
var propertyValue = '';
do {
propertyValue =, 'z-index');
if (propertyValue !== 'auto') {
index = !Number.isNaN(parseInt(propertyValue)) ? index : 0;
element = element.offsetParent;
} while (element && element.tagName !== 'BODY');
return index;
}, {
key: "removeOnClose",
value: function removeOnClose() {
main_core_events.EventEmitter.unsubscribe(BX.SidePanel.Instance.getTopSlider().getWindow(), 'SidePanel.Slider:onClose', this.removeOnCloseHandler);
var popupLikeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(this.popupLikeId);
if (popupLikeInstance) {
}, {
key: "AdjustWindow",
value: function AdjustWindow(likeId) {
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if (!likeInstance.popup) {
likeInstance.popup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = true;
likeInstance.popup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = false;
}, {
key: "PopupScroll",
value: function PopupScroll(likeId) {
var _this4 = this;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
var contentContainerNodeList = likeInstance.popupContent.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-content'); // reactions
if (contentContainerNodeList.length <= 0) {
contentContainerNodeList = [likeInstance.popupContent];
contentContainerNodeList.forEach(function (contentContainerNode) {
contentContainerNode.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) {
if ( <= ( - / 1.5) {
_this4.List(likeId, null, likeInstance.version == 2 ? RatingRender.popupCurrentReaction : false);
}, {
key: "List",
value: function List(likeId, page, reaction, clear) {
var _this5 = this;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if (Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML) === 0) {
return false;
reaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(reaction) ? reaction : '';
if (main_core.Type.isNull(page)) {
page = likeInstance.version === 2 ? !main_core.Type.isUndefined(RatingRender.popupPagesList[reaction]) ? RatingRender.popupPagesList[reaction] : 1 : likeInstance.popupContentPage;
if (clear && Number(page) === 1 && likeInstance.version === 2) {
likeId: likeId
if (likeInstance.listXHR) {
main_core.ajax.runAction('main.rating.list', {
data: {
params: {
RATING_VOTE_TYPE_ID: likeInstance.entityTypeId,
RATING_VOTE_KEY_SIGNED: likeInstance.keySigned,
RATING_VOTE_ENTITY_ID: likeInstance.entityId,
RATING_VOTE_REACTION: reaction === 'all' ? '' : reaction,
PATH_TO_USER_PROFILE: likeInstance.pathToUserProfile
onrequeststart: function onrequeststart(xhr) {
likeInstance.listXHR = xhr;
}).then(function (result) {
_this5.onListSuccess(, {
likeId: likeId,
reaction: reaction,
page: page,
clear: clear
}, function () {});
return false;
}, {
key: "onListSuccess",
value: function onListSuccess(data, params) {
if (!data) {
return false;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(params.likeId);
likeInstance.countText.innerHTML = data.items_all;
if (Number(data.items_page) === 0) {
if (Number(data.list_page) === 1) {
return false;
if (likeInstance.version === 2) {
likeId: params.likeId,
reaction: params.reaction,
rating: likeInstance,
data: data,
clear: params.clear
likeInstance.topPanel.setAttribute('data-popup', 'Y');
} else {
rating: likeInstance,
data: data
}, {
key: "onResultClick",
value: function onResultClick(params) {
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false;
var clickEvent = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.event) ? params.event : false;
var reaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : '';
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if (likeInstance.resultPopupAnimation) {
if (likeInstance.popup && likeInstance.popup.isShown()) {
} else {
if (likeInstance.popupContentPage == 1 && (likeInstance.topPanel.getAttribute('data-popup') !== 'Y' || likeInstance.popupCurrentReaction != reaction)) {
this.List(likeId, 1, reaction, true);
this.OpenWindow(likeId, clickEvent.currentTarget === likeInstance.count ? null : clickEvent, clickEvent.currentTarget,;
}, {
key: "onResultMouseEnter",
value: function onResultMouseEnter(params) {
var _this6 = this;
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false;
var mouseEnterEvent = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.event) ? params.event : null;
var reaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : '';
var nodeId = mouseEnterEvent && main_core.Type.isStringFilled( ? : '';
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
likeInstance.mouseInShowPopupNode[reaction] = true;
likeInstance.popupTimeoutIdList = setTimeout(function () {
likeId: likeId,
target: mouseEnterEvent.currentTarget,
reaction: reaction,
nodeId: nodeId
}, 300);
}, {
key: "onResultMouseLeave",
value: function onResultMouseLeave(params) {
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false;
var reaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : '';
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
likeInstance.mouseInShowPopupNode[reaction] = false;
likeInstance.resultPopupAnimation = false;
return ListPopup;
babelHelpers.defineProperty(ListPopup, "popupLikeId", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(ListPopup, "removeOnCloseHandler", ListPopup.removeOnClose.bind(ListPopup));
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i: {
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o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.173
t: 9,
s: [10.908, 23.019, 0],
to: [0, -0.095, 0],
ti: [0, 0.018, 0]
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i: {
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x: 0.167,
y: 0.218
t: 10,
s: [10.908, 22.745, 0],
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ti: [0, -0.074, 0]
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i: {
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o: {
x: 0.167,
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s: [10.908, 22.91, 0],
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ti: [0, -0.113, 0]
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i: {
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y: 0.807
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x: 0.167,
y: 0.14
t: 12,
s: [10.908, 23.186, 0],
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ti: [0, -0.156, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.781
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.147
t: 13,
s: [10.908, 23.589, 0],
to: [0, 0.156, 0],
ti: [0, -0.233, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.866
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.134
t: 14,
s: [10.908, 24.12, 0],
to: [0, 0.233, 0],
ti: [0, -0.232, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.865
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.22
t: 15,
s: [10.908, 24.986, 0],
to: [0, 0.232, 0],
ti: [0, -0.142, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.895
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.218
t: 16,
s: [10.908, 25.513, 0],
to: [0, 0.142, 0],
ti: [0, -0.067, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.766
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.407
t: 17,
s: [10.908, 25.839, 0],
to: [0, 0.067, 0],
ti: [0, 0.012, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.745
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.13
t: 18,
s: [10.908, 25.917, 0],
to: [0, -0.012, 0],
ti: [0, 0.077, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.816
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.124
t: 19,
s: [10.908, 25.765, 0],
to: [0, -0.077, 0],
ti: [0, 0.114, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.841
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.153
t: 20,
s: [10.908, 25.453, 0],
to: [0, -0.114, 0],
ti: [0, 0.119, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.86
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.175
t: 21,
s: [10.908, 25.078, 0],
to: [0, -0.119, 0],
ti: [0, 0.096, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.886
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.206
t: 22,
s: [10.908, 24.737, 0],
to: [0, -0.096, 0],
ti: [0, 0.053, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.857
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.311
t: 23,
s: [10.908, 24.504, 0],
to: [0, -0.053, 0],
ti: [0, 0.004, 0]
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i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.684
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.2
t: 24,
s: [10.908, 24.419, 0],
to: [0, -0.004, 0],
ti: [0, -0.038, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.807
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.113
t: 25,
s: [10.908, 24.479, 0],
to: [0, 0.038, 0],
ti: [0, -0.066, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.836
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.147
t: 26,
s: [10.908, 24.649, 0],
to: [0, 0.066, 0],
ti: [0, -0.073, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.855
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.169
t: 27,
s: [10.908, 24.873, 0],
to: [0, 0.073, 0],
ti: [0, -0.063, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.878
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.196
t: 28,
s: [10.908, 25.09, 0],
to: [0, 0.063, 0],
ti: [0, -0.039, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.89
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.262
t: 29,
s: [10.908, 25.251, 0],
to: [0, 0.039, 0],
ti: [0, -0.01, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.615
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.336
t: 30,
s: [10.908, 25.326, 0],
to: [0, 0.01, 0],
ti: [0, 0.018, 0]
}, {
i: {
x: 0.833,
y: 0.833
o: {
x: 0.167,
y: 0.106
t: 31,
s: [10.908, 25.31, 0],
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a: 0,
k: [8.158, 25.236, 0],
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l: 2
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100, 100],
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l: 2
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nm: "Puppet Engine",
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k: 2,
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nm: "Mesh Rotation Refinement",
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a: 0,
k: 20,
ix: 2
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ty: 7,
nm: "On Transparent",
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v: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 3
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ty: "",
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nm: "Auto-traced Shapes",
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v: 0
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ty: "",
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mn: "ADBE FreePin3 Mesh Group",
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en: 1,
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nm: "Path 1",
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nm: "Path 2",
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nm: "Merge Paths 1",
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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bm: 0,
nm: "Fill 1",
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
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bm: 0
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o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: [20, 17, 0],
ix: 2,
l: 2
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a: 0,
k: [17.25, 17.25, 0],
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l: 2
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100, 100],
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l: 2
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a: 0,
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i: [[-9.389, 0], [0, -9.389], [9.389, 0], [0, 9.389]],
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a: 0,
k: [17.25, 17.25],
ix: 2
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a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
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a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 4
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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bm: 0,
ix: 1,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
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ip: 0,
op: 33,
st: 0,
bm: 0
var markers = [];
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ip: ip,
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w: w,
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markers: markers
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ty: 4,
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k: 100,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 1,
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x: 0.333,
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
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x: 0.333,
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x: 0.333,
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
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l: 2
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a: 0,
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l: 2
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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i: [[0, -1.596], [6.293, 0], [0, 3.023], [-5.122, 0]],
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a: 0,
k: [17.138, 22.377],
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a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
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a: 0,
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mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
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a: 0,
k: [17.138, 22.819],
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a: 0,
k: [17.138, 22.819],
ix: 1
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
ix: 3
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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nm: "Transform"
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mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
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i: [[0, -2.332], [7.202, 0], [0, 4.104], [-6.085, 0]],
o: [[0, 4.105], [-7.201, 0], [0, -2.367], [6.086, 0]],
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a: 0,
k: [17.139, 22.141],
ix: 2
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a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
ix: 1
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
ix: 3
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 4
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 5
nm: "Transform"
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cix: 2,
bm: 0,
ix: 1,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
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ty: "tr",
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a: 0,
k: [17.139, 22.732],
ix: 2
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a: 0,
k: [17.139, 22.732],
ix: 1
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
ix: 3
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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ix: 2,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
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ip: 0,
op: 30,
st: 0,
bm: 0
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ty: 4,
nm: "Group 3 :M",
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o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 11
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 1,
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x: 0.667,
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
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s: [19.167, 11.243, 0],
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x: 0.667,
y: 1
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
t: 4,
s: [19.167, 8.993, 0],
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ti: [0, -0.125, 0]
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x: 0.667,
y: 1
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
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x: 0.667,
y: 1
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
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x: 0.333,
y: 0
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x: 0.667,
y: 1
o: {
x: 0.333,
y: 0
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s: [19.167, 11.243, 0]
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l: 2
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a: 0,
k: [16.417, 11.493, 0],
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l: 2
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a: 0,
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ty: "sh",
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a: 0,
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i: [[1.007, 0.088], [0.848, -0.551], [0.007, -0.072], [0, 0], [-0.157, 0.074], [-0.788, -0.069], [-0.746, -0.701], [-0.015, 0.19], [0, 0], [0.052, 0.048]],
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: [22.359, 11.457],
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
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a: 0,
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k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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a: 0,
k: [27.565, 18.577, 0],
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l: 2
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a: 0,
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k: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
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a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 4
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a: 0,
k: 0,
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nm: "Transform"
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cix: 2,
bm: 0,
ix: 1,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
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ty: "tr",
p: {
a: 0,
k: [25.085, 12.787],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [25.085, 12.787],
ix: 1
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a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
ix: 3
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
sk: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 4
sa: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 5
nm: "Transform"
nm: "Group 2",
np: 1,
cix: 2,
bm: 0,
ix: 2,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
hd: false
ip: 0,
op: 21,
st: 0,
bm: 0
}, {
ddd: 0,
ind: 2,
ty: 4,
nm: "Group 3",
sr: 1,
ks: {
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 11
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 0,
k: [20, 22.427, 0],
ix: 2,
l: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [19, 24.428, 0],
ix: 1,
l: 2
s: {
a: 1,
k: [{
i: {
x: [0.667, 0.667, 0.667],
y: [1, 1, 1]
o: {
x: [0.333, 0.333, 0.333],
y: [0, 0, 0]
t: 0,
s: [100, 100, 100]
}, {
i: {
x: [0.667, 0.667, 0.667],
y: [1, 1, 1]
o: {
x: [0.333, 0.333, 0.333],
y: [0, 0, 0]
t: 3,
s: [80, 80, 100]
}, {
i: {
x: [0.667, 0.667, 0.667],
y: [1, 1, 1]
o: {
x: [0.333, 0.333, 0.333],
y: [0, 0, 0]
t: 6,
s: [80, 80, 100]
}, {
i: {
x: [0.833, 0.833, 0.833],
y: [0.833, 0.833, 1]
o: {
x: [0.333, 0.333, 0.333],
y: [0, 0, 0]
t: 9,
s: [60, 60, 100]
}, {
i: {
x: [0.833, 0.833, 0.833],
y: [0.833, 0.833, 0.833]
o: {
x: [0.167, 0.167, 0.167],
y: [0.167, 0.167, 0.167]
t: 12,
s: [120, 120, 100]
}, {
i: {
x: [0.833, 0.833, 0.833],
y: [0.833, 0.833, 0.833]
o: {
x: [0.167, 0.167, 0.167],
y: [0.167, 0.167, 0.167]
t: 15,
s: [120, 120, 100]
}, {
t: 19,
s: [100, 100, 100]
ix: 6,
l: 2
ao: 0,
shapes: [{
ty: "gr",
it: [{
ind: 0,
ty: "sh",
ix: 1,
ks: {
a: 0,
k: {
i: [[0.509, -0.209], [0.027, -1.264], [-0.023, -0.284], [-0.106, -0.326], [-0.559, -0.561], [-0.485, -0.355], [-0.778, -0.511], [0, 0], [-0.635, 0.418], [-0.643, 0.479], [-0.413, 0.45], [-0.151, 0.805], [-0.014, 0.29], [0.145, 0.412], [1.052, 0.491], [0.684, 0.057], [0.427, -0.052], [0.659, -0.392], [0.368, -0.456], [0.011, -0.012], [0.054, 0.062], [0.857, 0.335], [0.578, 0.046], [0.163, 0], [0.217, -0.021]],
o: [[-1.497, 0.615], [-0.006, 0.285], [0.026, 0.337], [0.222, 0.685], [0.408, 0.408], [0.741, 0.542], [0.662, 0.435], [0, 0], [0.68, -0.448], [0.512, -0.385], [0.611, -0.669], [0.054, -0.287], [0.021, -0.424], [-0.319, -0.905], [-0.587, -0.273], [-0.43, -0.036], [-0.827, 0.1], [-0.556, 0.329], [-0.011, 0.012], [-0.063, -0.068], [-0.534, -0.603], [-0.517, -0.202], [-0.165, -0.013], [-0.217, 0], [-0.575, 0.057]],
v: [[-6.65, -5.389], [-9.039, -2.352], [-9, -1.499], [-8.792, -0.505], [-7.601, 1.357], [-6.246, 2.491], [-3.946, 4.051], [0.028, 5.829], [4.388, 3.751], [6.389, 2.374], [7.798, 1.135], [8.927, -1.079], [9.024, -1.945], [8.875, -3.204], [6.828, -5.305], [4.917, -5.792], [3.63, -5.775], [1.405, -5.029], [0.028, -3.844], [-0.004, -3.807], [-0.172, -4.001], [-2.237, -5.426], [-3.88, -5.798], [-4.372, -5.818], [-5.022, -5.786]],
c: true
ix: 2
nm: "Path 1",
mn: "ADBE Vector Shape - Group",
hd: false
}, {
ty: "fl",
c: {
a: 0,
k: [0.941176530427, 0.239215701234, 0.215686289469, 1],
ix: 4
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 5
r: 1,
bm: 0,
nm: "Fill 1",
mn: "ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill",
hd: false
}, {
ty: "tr",
p: {
a: 0,
k: [19.005, 24.422],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
ix: 1
s: {
a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
ix: 3
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
sk: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 4
sa: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 5
nm: "Transform"
nm: "Group 3",
np: 2,
cix: 2,
bm: 0,
ix: 1,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
hd: false
ip: 0,
op: 21,
st: 0,
bm: 0
}, {
ddd: 0,
ind: 3,
ty: 4,
nm: "Group 4",
sr: 1,
ks: {
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 11
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 10
p: {
a: 0,
k: [20, 17, 0],
ix: 2,
l: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [19, 19, 0],
ix: 1,
l: 2
s: {
a: 0,
k: [100, 100, 100],
ix: 6,
l: 2
ao: 0,
shapes: [{
ty: "gr",
it: [{
ind: 0,
ty: "sh",
ix: 1,
ks: {
a: 0,
k: {
i: [[-9.389, 0], [0, -9.389], [9.389, 0], [0, 9.389]],
o: [[9.389, 0], [0, 9.389], [-9.389, 0], [0, -9.389]],
v: [[0, -17], [17, 0], [0, 17], [-17, 0]],
c: true
ix: 2
nm: "Path 1",
mn: "ADBE Vector Shape - Group",
hd: false
}, {
ty: "fl",
c: {
a: 0,
k: [0.964705942191, 0.878431432387, 0.443137284821, 1],
ix: 4
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 5
r: 1,
bm: 0,
nm: "Fill 1",
mn: "ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill",
hd: false
}, {
ty: "tr",
p: {
a: 0,
k: [19, 19],
ix: 2
a: {
a: 0,
k: [0, 0],
ix: 1
s: {
a: 0,
k: [100, 100],
ix: 3
r: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 6
o: {
a: 0,
k: 100,
ix: 7
sk: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 4
sa: {
a: 0,
k: 0,
ix: 5
nm: "Transform"
nm: "Group 4",
np: 2,
cix: 2,
bm: 0,
ix: 1,
mn: "ADBE Vector Group",
hd: false
ip: 0,
op: 21,
st: 0,
bm: 0
var markers$6 = [];
var kissAnimatedEmojiData = {
v: v$6,
fr: fr$6,
ip: ip$6,
op: op$6,
w: w$6,
h: h$6,
nm: nm$6,
ddd: ddd$6,
assets: assets$6,
layers: layers$6,
markers: markers$6
var RatingRender = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function RatingRender() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, RatingRender);
babelHelpers.createClass(RatingRender, null, [{
key: "getTopUsersText",
value: function getTopUsersText(params) {
var currentUserId = Number(main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID'));
var you = !main_core.Type.isUndefined( ? !! : false;
var topList = !main_core.Type.isUndefined( && main_core.Type.isArray( ? : [];
var more = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.more) ? Number(params.more) : 0;
var result = '';
if (topList.length <= 0 && !you && ( || more <= 0)) {
return result;
if ( {
if (you) {
ID: currentUserId,
NAME_FORMATTED: main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT3_YOU'),
result = main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT3_".concat(topList.length > 1 ? '2' : '1')).replace('#OVERFLOW_START#', ? '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item-overflow">' : '').replace('#OVERFLOW_END#', ? '</span>' : '');
} else {
result = main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT2_".concat(you ? 'YOU_' : '').concat(topList.length).concat(more > 0 ? '_MORE' : '')).replace('#OVERFLOW_START#', ? '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item-overflow">' : '').replace('#OVERFLOW_END#', ? '</span>' : '').replace('#MORE_START#', ? '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item-more">' : ' ').replace('#MORE_END#', ? '</span>' : '');
if ( {
topList.sort(function (a, b) {
if (parseInt(a.ID) === currentUserId) {
return -1;
if (parseInt(b.ID) === currentUserId) {
return 1;
if (parseFloat(a.WEIGHT) === parseFloat(b.WEIGHT)) {
return 0;
return parseFloat(a.WEIGHT) > parseFloat(b.WEIGHT) ? -1 : 1;
var userNameList = (item) {
return item.NAME_FORMATTED;
var userNameBegin = '';
var userNameEnd = '';
if (userNameList.length === 1) {
userNameBegin = userNameList.pop();
userNameEnd = '';
} else {
userNameBegin = userNameList.slice(0, userNameList.length - 1).join(main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT3_USERLIST_SEPARATOR').replace(/#USERNAME#/g, ''));
userNameEnd = userNameList[userNameList.length - 1];
result = result.replace('#USER_LIST_BEGIN#', userNameBegin).replace('#USER_LIST_END#', userNameEnd);
} else {
topList.forEach(function (item, i) {
result = result.replace("#USER_".concat(Number(i) + 1, "#"), "<span class=\"feed-post-emoji-text-item\">".concat(item.NAME_FORMATTED, "</span>"));
result = result.replace('#USERS_MORE#', '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item">' + more + '</span>');
return result;
}, {
key: "getUserReaction",
value: function getUserReaction(params) {
return main_core.Type.isDomNode(params.userReactionNode) ? params.userReactionNode.getAttribute('data-value') : '';
}, {
key: "setReaction",
value: function setReaction(params) {
if (main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.rating) || !main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId)) {
var action = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.action) ? params.action : 'add';
if (!['add', 'cancel', 'change'].includes(action)) {
var likeId = params.likeId;
var rating = params.rating;
var userReaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.userReaction) ? params.userReaction : main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_REACTION_DEFAULT');
var userReactionOld = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.userReactionOld) ? params.userReactionOld : main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_REACTION_DEFAULT');
if (action === 'change' && userReaction === userReactionOld) {
var totalCount = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.totalCount) ? Number(params.totalCount) : null;
var currentUserId = Number(main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID'));
var userId = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.userId) ? Number(params.userId) : currentUserId;
var userReactionNode = this.getNode(rating.userReactionNode);
var reactionsNode = this.getNode(rating.reactionsNode);
var topPanel = this.getNode(rating.topPanel);
var topPanelContainer = this.getNode(rating.topPanelContainer);
var topUsersText = this.getNode(rating.topUsersText);
var countText = this.getNode(rating.countText);
var buttonText = this.getNode(rating.buttonText);
if (userId === currentUserId // not pull
&& userReactionNode) {
userReactionNode.setAttribute('data-value', ['add', 'change'].includes(action) ? userReaction : '');
var elements = [];
var elementsNew = [];
if (totalCount !== null && topPanel && topUsersText && reactionsNode) {
if (totalCount > 0) {
if (!topPanel.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-container-toggle')) {
} else if (totalCount <= 0) {
if (topPanel.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-container-toggle')) {
if (totalCount !== null && countText) {
if (totalCount <= 0 && !countText.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-text-counter-invisible')) {
} else if (totalCount > 0 && countText.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-text-counter-invisible')) {
if (reactionsNode) {
var reactionsContainer = reactionsNode.querySelector('.feed-post-emoji-icon-container');
elements = reactionsNode.querySelectorAll('.feed-post-emoji-icon-item');
if (reactionsContainer) {
var found = false;
var newValue = false;
elements.forEach(function (element) {
var reactionValue = element.getAttribute('data-reaction');
var reactionCount = Number(element.getAttribute('data-value'));
if (reactionValue === userReaction) {
found = true;
if (action === 'cancel') {
newValue = reactionCount > 0 ? reactionCount - 1 : 0;
} else if (['add', 'change'].includes(action)) {
newValue = reactionCount + 1;
if (newValue > 0 && newValue > reactionCount) {
reaction: reactionValue,
count: newValue,
animate: {
type: 'pop'
} else if (newValue > 0) {
reaction: reactionValue,
count: reactionCount,
animate: false
} else if (action === 'change' && reactionValue === userReactionOld) {
newValue = reactionCount > 0 ? reactionCount - 1 : 0;
if (newValue > 0) {
reaction: reactionValue,
count: newValue,
animate: false
} else {
reaction: reactionValue,
count: reactionCount,
animate: false
if (['add', 'change'].includes(action) && !found) {
reaction: userReaction,
count: 1,
animate: true
if (topPanel) {
if (elementsNew.length > 0) {
} else {
if ( {
var commentNode = topPanel.closest('.post-comment-block');
if (commentNode) {
if (elementsNew.length > 0) {
} else {
likeId: likeId,
container: reactionsContainer,
data: elementsNew
if (userId === currentUserId && buttonText) {
if (['add', 'change'].includes(action)) {
buttonText.innerHTML = main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_".concat(userReaction.toUpperCase(), "_CALC"));
if ( {
buttonText.parentElement.className = '';
buttonText.parentElement.classList.add('bx-ilike-left-wrap', 'bx-you-like-button', "bx-you-like-button-".concat(userReaction.toLowerCase()));
} else {
buttonText.innerHTML = main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_LIKE_CALC');
if ( {
buttonText.parentElement.className = 'bx-ilike-left-wrap';
}, {
key: "drawReactions",
value: function drawReactions(params) {
var _this = this;
var container = main_core.Type.isDomNode(params.container) ? params.container : null;
var data = main_core.Type.isArray( ? : [];
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
if (!container || !main_core.Type.isStringFilled(likeId)) {
var reactionEvents = ? {} : {
click: this.resultReactionClick.bind(this),
mouseenter: this.resultReactionMouseEnter.bind(this),
mouseleave: this.resultReactionMouseLeave.bind(this)
var reactionsData = {};
data.forEach(function (element, i) {
var classList = ['feed-post-emoji-icon-item', "feed-post-emoji-icon-item-".concat(i + 1)];
if (element !== null && element !== void 0 && element.animate) {
var _element$animate;
if (((_element$animate = element.animate) === null || _element$animate === void 0 ? void 0 : _element$animate.type) === 'pop') {
} else if (i >= 1) {
} else if (data.length == 1) {
var emojiContainer = main_core.Dom.create('div', {
props: {
id: "bx-ilike-result-reaction-".concat(element.reaction, "-").concat(likeId),
className: classList.join(' ')
attrs: {
'data-reaction': element.reaction,
'data-value': element.count,
'data-like-id': likeId,
title: main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_".concat(element.reaction.toUpperCase(), "_CALC"))
events: reactionEvents
var animation = ui_lottie.Lottie.loadAnimation({
animationData: _this.reactionsAnimationData[element.reaction],
container: emojiContainer,
loop: false,
autoplay: false,
renderer: 'svg',
rendererSettings: {
viewBoxOnly: true
if (Boolean(element.animate)) {
setTimeout(function () {;
}, 200);
reactionsData[element.reaction] = element.count;
container.setAttribute('data-reactions-data', JSON.stringify(reactionsData));
}, {
key: "showReactionsPopup",
value: function showReactionsPopup(params) {
var _this2 = this;
var bindElement = this.getNode(params.bindElement);
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
if (!bindElement || !main_core.Type.isStringFilled(likeId)) {
return false;
this.reactionsPopupLikeId = likeId;
if (this.reactionsPopup === null) {
var reactionsNodesList = [];
this.reactionsList.forEach(function (currentEmotion, index) {
var emojiItem = main_core.Dom.create('div', {
props: {
className: "feed-post-emoji-icon-item"
attrs: {
'data-reaction': currentEmotion,
title: main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_".concat(currentEmotion.toUpperCase(), "_CALC"))
renderer: 'svg',
container: emojiItem,
animationData: _this2.reactionsAnimationData[currentEmotion]
this.reactionsPopup = main_core.Dom.create('div', {
props: {
className: "feed-post-emoji-popup-container ".concat( ? '--mobile' : '')
children: [main_core.Dom.create('div', {
props: {
className: 'feed-post-emoji-icon-inner'
children: reactionsNodesList
this.reactionsPopup.addEventListener( ? 'touchend' : 'click', function (e) {
var reactionNode ='feed-post-emoji-icon-item') ? :'.feed-post-emoji-icon-item');
if (reactionNode) {
RatingLike$1.ClickVote(e, _this2.reactionsPopupLikeId, reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction'), true);
main_core.Dom.append(this.reactionsPopup, document.body);
} else if (this.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible')) {
} else if ( && this.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final-mobile')) {
} else {
this.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler = this.getReactionsPopupMouseOutHandler(likeId);
var bindElementPosition = main_core.pos(bindElement);
if (bindElement.closest('.feed-com-informers-bottom') && bindElement.closest('.iframe-comments-cont, .task-iframe-popup')) {
bindElementPosition.left += 100;
var inverted = - main_core.GetWindowSize().scrollTop < 80;
var deltaY = inverted ? 15 : -45;
if (inverted) {
} else {
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if ( {
this.touchMoveDeltaY = inverted ? 60 : -45;
main_core.Dom.adjust(this.reactionsPopup, {
style: {
left: '12px',
top: (inverted ? - 23 : - 28) + deltaY + 'px',
width: '330px',
borderRadius: '61px'
} else {
this.reactionsPopupAnimation = new BX.easing({
duration: 300,
start: {
width: 100,
left: bindElementPosition.left + bindElementPosition.width / 2 - 50,
top: (inverted ? - 30 : + 30) + deltaY,
borderRadius: 0,
opacity: 0
finish: {
width: 300,
left: bindElementPosition.left + bindElementPosition.width / 2 - 133,
top: + deltaY - 5,
borderRadius: 50,
opacity: 100
transition: BX.easing.makeEaseInOut(BX.easing.transitions.cubic),
step: function step(state) {
if (!_this2.reactionsPopup) {
} = "".concat(state.width, "px"); = "".concat(state.left, "px"); = "".concat(, "px"); = "".concat(state.borderRadius, "px"); = state.opacity / 100;
_this2.reactionsPopupOpacityState = state.opacity;
complete: function complete() {
if (!_this2.reactionsPopup) {
} = '';
if (main_core.Type.isFunction(params.onComplete)) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (!_this2.reactionsPopup) {
var reactions = _this2.reactionsPopup.querySelectorAll('.feed-post-emoji-icon-item');
_this2.reactionsPopupAnimation2 = new BX.easing({
duration: 140,
start: {
opacity: 0
finish: {
opacity: 100
transition: BX.easing.transitions.cubic,
step: function step(state) {
reactions[0].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
reactions[1].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
reactions[2].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
reactions[3].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
reactions[4].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
reactions[5].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
reactions[6].style.opacity = state.opacity / 100;
complete: function complete() {
reactions[0].style.opacity = '';
reactions[1].style.opacity = '';
reactions[2].style.opacity = '';
reactions[3].style.opacity = '';
reactions[4].style.opacity = '';
reactions[5].style.opacity = '';
reactions[6].style.opacity = '';
}, 100);
if (!this.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-active')) {
if (! {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler);
} else {
this.touchScrollTop = main_core.GetWindowSize().scrollTop;
this.hasMobileTouchMoved = null;
window.addEventListener('touchend', this.reactionsPopupMobileTouchEndHandler);
window.addEventListener('touchmove', this.reactionsPopupMobileTouchMoveHandler);
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileTouchEnd",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileTouchEnd(e) {
var coords = {
x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX,
// e.touches[0].clientX + window.pageXOffset
y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY // e.touches[0].clientY + window.pageYOffset
if (this.hasMobileTouchMoved === true) {
var userReaction = null;
var reactionNode = this.reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode(coords.x, coords.y);
if (reactionNode && (userReaction = reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction'))) {
RatingLike$1.ClickVote(e, this.reactionsPopupLikeId, userReaction, true);
} else
// show reactions popup and handle clicks
window.addEventListener('touchend', this.reactionsPopupMobileHideHandler);
window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.reactionsPopupMobileTouchEndHandler);
window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.reactionsPopupMobileTouchMoveHandler);
this.touchStartPosition = null;
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileTouchMove",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileTouchMove(e) {
var coords = {
x: e.touches[0].pageX,
// e.touches[0].clientX + window.pageXOffset
y: e.touches[0].pageY // e.touches[0].clientY + window.pageYOffset
this.touchCurrentPosition = {
x: coords.x,
y: coords.y
if (this.touchStartPosition === null) {
this.touchStartPosition = {
x: coords.x,
y: coords.y
} else {
if (this.hasMobileTouchMoved !== true) {
this.hasMobileTouchMoved = !this.reactionsPopupMobileCheckTouchMove();
if (this.hasMobileTouchMoved === true) {
var reactionNode = this.reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode(coords.x, coords.y);
if (reactionNode) {
if (this.currentReactionNodeHover && this.currentReactionNodeHover !== reactionNode) {
this.currentReactionNodeHover = reactionNode;
} else if (this.currentReactionNodeHover) {
} else {
if (this.currentReactionNodeHover) {
}, {
key: "blockReactionsPopup",
value: function blockReactionsPopup() {
var _this3 = this;
if (this.blockShowPopupTimeout) {
this.blockShowPopup = true;
this.blockShowPopupTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
_this3.blockShowPopup = false;
}, 500);
}, {
key: "hideReactionsPopup",
value: function hideReactionsPopup(params) {
var _this4 = this;
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false;
if (this.reactionsPopup) {
if ( {
this.reactionsPopup = null;
} else {
if (this.reactionsPopupAnimation) {
if (this.reactionsPopupAnimation2) {
this.reactionsPopupAnimation4 = new BX.easing({
duration: 500,
start: {
opacity: this.reactionsPopupOpacityState
finish: {
opacity: 0
transition: BX.easing.transitions.linear,
step: function step(state) { = state.opacity / 100;
_this4.reactionsPopupOpacityState = state.opacity;
complete: function complete() { = '';
_this4.reactionsPopup = null;
this.reactionsPopupLikeId = null;
if (likeId) {
if (likeId) {
likeId: likeId
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileCheckTouchMove",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileCheckTouchMove() {
if (this.touchStartPosition === null) {
return true;
} else {
if (Math.abs(this.touchCurrentPosition.x - this.touchStartPosition.x) > 5 || Math.abs(this.touchCurrentPosition.y - this.touchStartPosition.y) > 5) {
return false;
return true;
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileHide",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileHide(e) {
window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.reactionsPopupMobileHideHandler);
if (this.reactionsPopupLikeId) {
likeId: this.reactionsPopupLikeId
if (e) {
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode(x, y) {
var nodeAboveFinger = document.elementFromPoint(x, y + this.touchMoveDeltaY - this.touchScrollTop);
var nodeBelowFinger = document.elementFromPoint(x, y - this.touchScrollTop);
var iconNodeAboveFinger = nodeAboveFinger === null || nodeAboveFinger === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeAboveFinger.closest('[data-reaction]');
var iconNodeBelowFinger = nodeBelowFinger === null || nodeBelowFinger === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeBelowFinger.closest('[data-reaction]');
var reactionNode = iconNodeAboveFinger || iconNodeBelowFinger;
var userReaction = reactionNode === null || reactionNode === void 0 ? void 0 : reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction');
return main_core.Type.isStringFilled(userReaction) ? reactionNode : null;
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileAddHover",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileAddHover(reactionNode) {
if (!reactionNode) {
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover(reactionNode) {
if (!reactionNode) {
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileEnableScroll",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileEnableScroll() {
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.touchMoveScrollListener, {
passive: false
if (this.mobileOverlay !== null) {
this.mobileOverlay = null;
}, {
key: "reactionsPopupMobileDisableScroll",
value: function reactionsPopupMobileDisableScroll() {
var _this5 = this;
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.touchMoveScrollListener, {
passive: false
if (app) {
if (!main_core.Type.isNull(this.mobileOverlay)) {
this.mobileOverlay = main_core.Dom.create('DIV', {
props: {
className: 'feed-post-emoji-popup-mobile-overlay'
setTimeout(function () {
if (main_core.Type.isNull(_this5.mobileOverlay)) {
main_core.Dom.append(_this5.mobileOverlay, document.body);
}, 1000); // to avoid blink
}, {
key: "bindReactionsPopup",
value: function bindReactionsPopup(params) {
if ( {
return false;
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(likeId)) {
return false;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if (!likeInstance) {
return false;
likeInstance.mouseOverHandler = main_core.Runtime.debounce(this.getMouseOverHandler(likeId), 500);'mouseenter', likeInstance.mouseOverHandler);'mouseleave', this.blockReactionsPopup);
}, {
key: "touchMoveScrollListener",
value: function touchMoveScrollListener(e) {
}, {
key: "getReactionsPopupMouseOutHandler",
value: function getReactionsPopupMouseOutHandler(likeId) {
var _this6 = this;
return function (e) {
if (!_this6.reactionsPopup) {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', _this6.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler);
_this6.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler = null;
var popupPosition = _this6.reactionsPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
var inverted = _this6.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-inverted');
if (e.clientX >= popupPosition.left && e.clientX <= popupPosition.right && e.clientY >= - (inverted ? 25 : 0) && e.clientY <= popupPosition.bottom + (inverted ? 0 : 25)) {
likeId: likeId
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', _this6.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler);
_this6.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler = null;
}, {
key: "getMouseOverHandler",
value: function getMouseOverHandler(likeId) {
var _this7 = this;
return function () {
var _this7$reactionsPopup, _this7$reactionsPopup2;
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
if (_this7.reactionsPopup && !((_this7$reactionsPopup = _this7.reactionsPopup) !== null && _this7$reactionsPopup !== void 0 && _this7$reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible')) && !( && (_this7$reactionsPopup2 = _this7.reactionsPopup) !== null && _this7$reactionsPopup2 !== void 0 && _this7$reactionsPopup2.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final-mobile'))) {
if (!_this7.afterClickBlockShowPopup) {
if (_this7.blockShowPopup) {
if ( {
likeId: likeId,
onComplete: function onComplete() {'mouseenter', likeInstance.mouseOverHandler);'mouseleave', _this7.blockReactionsPopup.bind(_this7));
}, {
key: "buildPopupContent",
value: function buildPopupContent(params) {
var _this8 = this;
var clear = params.clear ? Boolean(params.clear) : false;
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
var rating = params.rating;
var requestReaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : '';
var page = Number( > 0 ? Number( : 1;
var data =;
var reactionsList = [];
var reactionsCount = 0;
if (clear && page === 1) {
likeId: likeId
this.popupCurrentReaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(requestReaction) ? requestReaction : 'all';
if (requestReaction.length <= 0 || requestReaction == 'all')
// first current tab
this.popupSizeInitialized = false;
document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(likeId)).style.height = 'auto';
document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(likeId)).style.minWidth = 'auto';
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(requestReaction)) {
this.popupPagesList = {};
this.popupPagesList[requestReaction == '' ? 'all' : requestReaction] = page + 1;
if (main_core.Type.isPlainObject(data.reactions)) {
Object.entries(data.reactions).forEach(function (_ref) {
var _ref2 = babelHelpers.slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
reaction = _ref2[0],
count = _ref2[1];
if (Number(count) <= 0) {
reaction: reaction,
count: Number(count)
var tabsNode = main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head'
if (reactionsCount > 1) {
var headClassList = ['bx-ilike-popup-head-item'];
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(requestReaction) || requestReaction == 'all') {
tabsNode.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: headClassList.join(' ')
children: [main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-icon feed-post-emoji-icon-all'
}), main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-text'
html: main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_POPUP_ALL').replace('#CNT#', Number(data.items_all))
events: {
click: function click(e) {
likeId: likeId,
rating: rating,
reaction: 'all'
if (reactionsCount === 0) {
reaction: main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_REACTION_DEFAULT'),
count: Number(data.items_all)
reactionsList.sort(function (a, b) {
var sample = {
like: 0,
kiss: 1,
laugh: 2,
wonder: 3,
cry: 4,
angry: 5,
facepalm: 6
if (sample[a.reaction] < sample[b.reaction]) {
return -1;
if (sample[a.reaction] > sample[b.reaction]) {
return 1;
return 0;
reactionsList.forEach(function (reactionData) {
var headItemClassList = ['bx-ilike-popup-head-item'];
if (requestReaction === reactionData.reaction) {
tabsNode.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: headItemClassList.join(' ')
attrs: {
title: main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_".concat(reactionData.reaction.toUpperCase(), "_CALC"))
children: [main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: ['bx-ilike-popup-head-icon', 'feed-post-emoji-icon-item', "feed-post-emoji-icon-".concat(reactionData.reaction)].join(' ')
}), main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-text'
html: reactionData.count
events: {
click: function click(e) {
var popupContent = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(likeId));
var popupContentPosition = popupContent.getBoundingClientRect();
if (requestReaction.length <= 0 || requestReaction === 'all')
// first current tab
_this8.popupSizeInitialized = true; = "".concat(popupContentPosition.height, "px"); = "".concat(popupContentPosition.width, "px");
} else {
if (popupContentPosition.width > Number( { = "".concat(popupContentPosition.width, "px");
likeId: likeId,
rating: rating,
reaction: reactionData.reaction
var usersNode = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-container');
var usersNodeExists = false;
if (!usersNode) {
usersNode = main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-content-container'
} else {
usersNodeExists = true;
usersNode.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-content').forEach(function (contentNode) {
var reactionUsersNode = usersNode.querySelector(".bx-ilike-popup-content-".concat(this.popupCurrentReaction));
if (!reactionUsersNode) {
reactionUsersNode = main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: ['bx-ilike-popup-content', "bx-ilike-popup-content-".concat(this.popupCurrentReaction)].join(' ')
} else {
data.items.forEach(function (item) {
var userItemClassList = ['bx-ilike-popup-user-item'];
if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(item.USER_TYPE)) {
reactionUsersNode.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('a', {
props: {
className: userItemClassList.join(' ')
attrs: {
href: item.URL,
target: '_blank'
children: [main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-user-icon'
style: main_core.Type.isStringFilled(item.PHOTO_SRC) ? {
'background-image': "url(\"".concat(encodeURI(item.PHOTO_SRC), "\")")
} : {}
}), main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-user-name'
html: item.FULL_NAME
}), main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-user-status'
var waitNode = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-wait');
if (waitNode) {
var tabsNodeOld = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-head');
if (tabsNodeOld) {
tabsNodeOld.parentNode.insertBefore(tabsNode, tabsNodeOld);
} else {
if (!usersNodeExists) {
}, {
key: "clearPopupContent",
value: function clearPopupContent(params) {
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
var likeInstance = RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId);
likeInstance.popupContent.innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(likeId)).style.height = 'auto';
document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(likeId)).style.minWidth = 'auto';
likeInstance.popupContent.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-wait'
}, {
key: "changePopupTab",
value: function changePopupTab(params) {
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
var rating = params.rating;
var reaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : '';
var contentContainerNode = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-container');
if (!contentContainerNode) {
return false;
var reactionUsersNode = contentContainerNode.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-' + reaction);
if (reactionUsersNode) {
this.popupCurrentReaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(reaction) ? reaction : 'all';
rating.popupContent.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-head-item').forEach(function (tabNode) {
var reactionTabNode = tabNode.querySelector(".feed-post-emoji-icon-".concat(reaction));
if (reactionTabNode) {
contentContainerNode.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-content').forEach(function (contentNode) {
} else {
ListPopup.List(likeId, 1, reaction);
}, {
key: "buildPopupContentNoReactions",
value: function buildPopupContentNoReactions(params) {
var page = Number( > 0 ? Number( : 1;
var likeInstance = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.rating) ? params.rating : null;
var data =;
if (!likeInstance) {
return false;
if (page === 1) {
likeInstance.popupContent.innerHTML = '';
likeInstance.popupContent.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-bottom_scroll'
likeInstance.popupContentPage += 1;
data.items.forEach(function (item) {
var avatarNode = null;
if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(item.PHOTO_SRC)) {
avatarNode = main_core.Dom.create('img', {
attrs: {
src: encodeURI(item.PHOTO_SRC)
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-avatar-img'
} else {
avatarNode = main_core.Dom.create('img', {
attrs: {
src: '/bitrix/images/main/blank.gif'
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-avatar-img bx-ilike-popup-avatar-img-default'
var imgClassList = ['bx-ilike-popup-img'];
if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(item.USER_TYPE)) {
likeInstance.popupContent.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('a', {
attrs: {
href: item.URL,
target: '_blank'
props: {
className: imgClassList.join(' ')
children: [main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-avatar-new'
children: [avatarNode, main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-avatar-status-icon'
}), main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-popup-name-new'
html: item.FULL_NAME
}, {
key: "afterClick",
value: function afterClick(params) {
var likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(likeId)) {
this.afterClickBlockShowPopup = true;
this.afterClickHandler = this.getAfterClickHandler(likeId);
RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId).box.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.afterClickHandler);
}, {
key: "getAfterClickHandler",
value: function getAfterClickHandler(likeId) {
var _this9 = this;
return function () {
_this9.afterClickBlockShowPopup = false;
RatingLike$1.getInstance(likeId).box.removeEventListener('mouseleave', _this9.afterClickHandler);
}, {
key: "resultReactionClick",
value: function resultReactionClick(e) {
var likeId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-like-id');
var reaction = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reaction');
if (!main_core.Type.isSet(reaction)) {
reaction = '';
likeId: likeId,
event: e,
reaction: reaction
}, {
key: "resultReactionMouseEnter",
value: function resultReactionMouseEnter(e) {
var likeId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-like-id');
var reaction = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reaction');
likeId: likeId,
event: e,
reaction: reaction
}, {
key: "resultReactionMouseLeave",
value: function resultReactionMouseLeave(e) {
var likeId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-like-id');
var reaction = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reaction');
likeId: likeId,
reaction: reaction
}, {
key: "openMobileReactionsPage",
value: function openMobileReactionsPage(params) {
url: "".concat(main_core.Loc.getMessage('SITE_DIR'), "mobile/like/result.php"),
title: main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_RESULTS'),
backdrop: {
mediumPositionPercent: 65
cache: true,
data: {
entityTypeId: params.entityTypeId,
entityId: params.entityId
}, {
key: "onRatingLike",
value: function onRatingLike(eventData) {
RatingLike$1.repo.forEach(function (likeInstance, likeId) {
if (likeInstance.entityTypeId !== eventData.entityTypeId && Number(likeInstance.entityId) !== Number(eventData.entityId)) {
var voteAction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(eventData.voteAction) ? eventData.voteAction.toUpperCase() : 'ADD';
voteAction = voteAction === 'PLUS' ? 'ADD' : voteAction;
if (Number(eventData.userId) === Number(main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID')) && likeInstance.button) {
if (voteAction === 'CANCEL') {
} else {
RatingLike$1.Draw(likeId, {
TYPE: voteAction,
USER_ID: eventData.userId,
ENTITY_TYPE_ID: eventData.entityTypeId,
ENTITY_ID: eventData.entityId,
USER_DATA: eventData.userData,
REACTION: eventData.voteReaction,
REACTION_OLD: eventData.voteReactionOld,
TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES: eventData.itemsAll
}, {
key: "onMobileCommentsGet",
value: function onMobileCommentsGet() {
var ratingEmojiSelectorPopup = document.querySelector('.feed-post-emoji-popup-container');
if (ratingEmojiSelectorPopup) { = 0; = 0;
}, {
key: "getNode",
value: function getNode(node) {
if (main_core.Type.isDomNode(node)) {
return node;
} else if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(node)) {
return document.getElementById(node);
} else {
return null;
return RatingRender;
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsList", ['like', 'kiss', 'laugh', 'wonder', 'cry', 'angry', 'facepalm']);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsAnimationData", {
like: likeAnimatedEmojiData,
kiss: kissAnimatedEmojiData,
laugh: laughAnimatedEmojiData,
wonder: wonderAnimatedEmojiData,
cry: cryAnimatedEmojiData,
angry: angryAnimatedEmojiData,
facepalm: facepalmAnimatedEmojiData
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "popupCurrentReaction", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "popupPagesList", []);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "popupSizeInitialized", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "blockShowPopup", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "blockShowPopupTimeout", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "afterClickBlockShowPopup", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "afterClickHandler", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "touchStartPosition", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "touchCurrentPosition", {
x: null,
y: null
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "currentReactionNodeHover", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "touchMoveDeltaY", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "touchScrollTop", 0);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "hasMobileTouchMoved", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "mobileOverlay", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopup", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupAnimation", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupAnimation2", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupLikeId", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupOpacityState", 0);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupTouchStartIn", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupPositionY", null);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "blockTouchEndByScroll", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupMobileTouchEndHandler", RatingRender.reactionsPopupMobileTouchEnd.bind(RatingRender));
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupMobileTouchMoveHandler", RatingRender.reactionsPopupMobileTouchMove.bind(RatingRender));
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingRender, "reactionsPopupMobileHideHandler", RatingRender.reactionsPopupMobileHide.bind(RatingRender));
var RatingManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function RatingManager() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, RatingManager);
babelHelpers.createClass(RatingManager, null, [{
key: "init",
value: function init(params) {
var _this = this;
if (!main_core.Type.isPlainObject(params)) {
params = {};
if (this.initialized) {
} = !main_core.Type.isUndefined( && !!;
this.initialized = true;
if (! {
window.addEventListener('scroll', main_core.Runtime.throttle(function () {
}, 80), {
passive: true
window.addEventListener('resize', this.setDisplayHeight.bind(this));
main_core_events.EventEmitter.subscribe('onBeforeMobileLivefeedRefresh', RatingRender.reactionsPopupMobileHide);
main_core_events.EventEmitter.subscribe('BX.MobileLF:onCommentsGet', RatingRender.onMobileCommentsGet);
if ( {
// new one
BXMobileApp.addCustomEvent('onRatingLike', RatingRender.onRatingLike);
if ( {
BXMobileApp.addCustomEvent('onPull-main', function (data) {
if (data.command == 'rating_vote') {
} else {
main_core_events.EventEmitter.subscribe('onPullEvent-main', function (event) {
var _event$getCompatData = event.getCompatData(),
_event$getCompatData2 = babelHelpers.slicedToArray(_event$getCompatData, 2),
command = _event$getCompatData2[0],
params = _event$getCompatData2[1];
if (command === 'rating_vote') {
if (!main_core.Type.isUndefined(window.BX.SidePanel) && BX.SidePanel.Instance.getTopSlider()) {
main_core_events.EventEmitter.subscribe(BX.SidePanel.Instance.getTopSlider().getWindow(), 'SidePanel.Slider:onCloseComplete', ListPopup.removeOnCloseHandler);
}, {
key: "setDisplayHeight",
value: function setDisplayHeight() {
this.displayHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
}, {
key: "getInViewScope",
value: function getInViewScope() {
var _this2 = this;
var ratingNode = null;
this.delayedList.forEach(function (value, key) {
ratingNode = BX(_this2.getNode(key));
if (!ratingNode) {
if (_this2.isNodeVisibleOnScreen(ratingNode)) {
}, {
key: "addNode",
value: function addNode(entityId, node) {
if (!main_core.Type.isDomNode(node)
// || !Type.isUndefined(this.ratingNodeList.get(entityId))
) {
this.ratingNodeList.set(entityId, node);
}, {
key: "getNode",
value: function getNode(entityId) {
var node = this.ratingNodeList.get(entityId);
return !main_core.Type.isUndefined(node) ? node : false;
}, {
key: "isNodeVisibleOnScreen",
value: function isNodeVisibleOnScreen(node) {
var coords = node.getBoundingClientRect();
var visibleAreaTop = Number(this.displayHeight / 10);
var visibleAreaBottom = Number(this.displayHeight * 9 / 10);
return ( > 0 && < visibleAreaBottom || coords.bottom > visibleAreaTop && coords.bottom < this.displayHeight) && ( || !( < visibleAreaTop && coords.bottom < visibleAreaTop || > visibleAreaBottom && coords.bottom > visibleAreaBottom));
}, {
key: "fireAnimation",
value: function fireAnimation(key) {
}, {
key: "addEntity",
value: function addEntity(entityId, ratingObject) {
if (!this.entityList.includes(entityId) && ratingObject.topPanelContainer) {
this.addNode(entityId, ratingObject.topPanelContainer);
}, {
key: "live",
value: function live(params) {
if (main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.TYPE) || params.TYPE !== 'ADD' || !main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.ENTITY_TYPE_ID) || main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.ENTITY_ID) || Number(params.ENTITY_ID) <= 0) {
var key = "".concat(params.ENTITY_TYPE_ID, "_").concat(params.ENTITY_ID);
if (!this.checkEntity(key)) {
var ratingNode = this.getNode(key);
if (!ratingNode) {
return false;
if (this.isNodeVisibleOnScreen(ratingNode)) {
} else {
}, {
key: "checkEntity",
value: function checkEntity(entityId) {
return this.entityList.includes(entityId);
}, {
key: "addDelayed",
value: function addDelayed(liveParams) {
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(liveParams.ENTITY_TYPE_ID) || main_core.Type.isUndefined(liveParams.ENTITY_ID) || Number(liveParams.ENTITY_ID) <= 0) {
var key = "".concat(liveParams.ENTITY_TYPE_ID, "_").concat(liveParams.ENTITY_ID);
var delayedListItem = this.delayedList.get(key);
if (main_core.Type.isUndefined(delayedListItem)) {
delayedListItem = [];
this.delayedList.set(key, delayedListItem);
return RatingManager;
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "mobile", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "initialized", false);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "displayHeight", 0);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "startScrollTop", 0);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "entityList", []);
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "ratingNodeList", new Map());
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingManager, "delayedList", new Map());
var RatingLike$1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function RatingLike(params) {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, RatingLike);
this.likeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : '';
this.keySigned = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.keySigned) ? params.keySigned : '';
this.entityTypeId = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.entityTypeId) ? params.entityTypeId : '';
this.entityId = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.entityId) ? Number(params.entityId) : 0;
this.available = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.available) ? params.available === 'Y' : false;
this.userId = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.userId) ? Number(params.userId) : 0;
this.localize = main_core.Type.isPlainObject(params.localize) ? params.localize : {};
this.template = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.template) ? params.template : '';
this.pathToUserProfile = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.pathToUserProfile) ? params.pathToUserProfile : '';
var key = "".concat(this.entityTypeId, "_").concat(this.entityId);
this.enabled = true; = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-button-".concat(this.likeId));
if ( === null) {
this.enabled = false;
return false;
}'data-rating-vote-id', this.likeId);
if (this.keySigned === '') {
var keySigned ='data-vote-key-signed');
this.keySigned = keySigned ? keySigned : '';
this.button ='.bx-ilike-left-wrap');
this.buttonText = this.button.querySelector('.bx-ilike-text');
this.count ='span.bx-ilike-right-wrap');
if (!this.count) {
this.count = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-count-".concat(this.likeId));
this.countText = this.count.querySelector('.bx-ilike-right');
this.topPanelContainer = document.getElementById("feed-post-emoji-top-panel-container-".concat(this.likeId));
this.topPanel = document.getElementById("feed-post-emoji-top-panel-".concat(this.likeId));
this.topUsersText = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-top-users-".concat(this.likeId));
this.topUsersDataNode = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-top-users-data-".concat(this.likeId));
this.userReactionNode = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-user-reaction-".concat(this.likeId));
this.reactionsNode = document.getElementById("feed-post-emoji-icons-".concat(this.likeId));
this.popup = null;
this.popupId = null;
this.popupTimeoutIdShow = null;
this.popupTimeoutIdList = null;
this.popupContent = document.getElementById("bx-ilike-popup-cont-".concat(this.likeId)).querySelector('span.bx-ilike-popup');
this.popupContentPage = 1;
this.popupTimeout = false;
this.likeTimeout = false;
this.mouseOverHandler = null;
this.version = main_core.Type.isDomNode(this.topPanel) ? 2 : 1;
this.mouseInShowPopupNode = {};
this.listXHR = null;
if (this.template === 'light' && main_core.Type.isDomNode(this.reactionsNode)) {
var container = this.reactionsNode.querySelector('.feed-post-emoji-icon-container');
if (container) {
var reactionsData = container.getAttribute('data-reactions-data');
try {
reactionsData = JSON.parse(reactionsData);
var elementsNew = [];
Object.entries(reactionsData).forEach(function (_ref) {
var _ref2 = babelHelpers.slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
reaction = _ref2[0],
count = _ref2[1];
reaction: reaction,
count: count,
animate: false
likeId: this.likeId,
container: container,
data: elementsNew
} catch (e) {}
if (!main_core.Type.isUndefined(RatingLike.lastVoteRepo.get(key))) {
this.lastVote = RatingLike.lastVoteRepo.get(key);
var ratingNode = this.template === 'standart' ? this.button : this.count;
if (this.lastVote === 'plus') {
} else {
} else {
this.lastVote = (this.template === 'standart' ? this.button : this.count).classList.contains('bx-you-like') ? 'plus' : 'cancel';
RatingLike.lastVoteRepo.set(key, this.lastVote);
if (!main_core.Type.isUndefined(RatingLike.lastReactionRepo.get(key))) {
this.lastReaction = RatingLike.lastReactionRepo.get(key);
this.count.setAttribute('data-myreaction', this.lastReaction);
} else {
var lastReaction = this.count.getAttribute('data-myreaction');
this.lastReaction = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(lastReaction) ? lastReaction : 'like';
RatingLike.lastReactionRepo.set(key, this.lastReaction);
if (this.topPanelContainer) {
RatingManager.addEntity(key, this);
return this;
babelHelpers.createClass(RatingLike, null, [{
key: "setInstance",
value: function setInstance(likeId, likeInstance) {
this.repo.set(likeId, likeInstance);
window.BXRL[likeId] = likeInstance;
}, {
key: "getInstance",
value: function getInstance(likeId) {
return this.repo.get(likeId);
}, {
key: "ClickVote",
value: function ClickVote(e, likeId, userReaction, forceAdd) {
var _this = this;
if (main_core.Type.isUndefined(userReaction)) {
userReaction = 'like';
var likeInstance = this.getInstance(likeId);
var container = likeInstance.template === 'standart' ? : likeInstance.count;
if (likeInstance.version === 2 && likeInstance.userReactionNode) {
likeId: likeId
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', RatingRender.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler);
var active = container.classList.contains('bx-you-like');
forceAdd = !!forceAdd;
var change = false;
var userReactionOld = false;
if (active && !forceAdd) {
userReaction = likeInstance.version === 2 ? RatingRender.getUserReaction({
userReactionNode: likeInstance.userReactionNode
}) : false;
likeInstance.buttonText.innerHTML = likeInstance.localize['LIKE_N'];
likeInstance.countText.innerHTML = Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML) - 1;
if (userReaction) {
likeInstance.likeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (likeInstance.lastVote != 'cancel') {
_this.Vote(likeId, 'cancel', userReaction);
}, 1000);
} else if (active && forceAdd) {
change = true;
userReactionOld = likeInstance.version === 2 ? RatingRender.getUserReaction({
userReactionNode: likeInstance.userReactionNode
}) : false;
if (userReaction != userReactionOld) {
if (userReactionOld) {
likeInstance.likeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
_this.Vote(likeId, 'change', userReaction, userReactionOld);
}, 1000);
} else if (!active) {
likeInstance.buttonText.innerHTML = likeInstance.localize['LIKE_Y'];
likeInstance.countText.innerHTML = Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML) + 1;
likeInstance.likeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (likeInstance.lastVote !== 'plus') {
_this.Vote(likeId, 'plus', userReaction);
} else if (userReaction !== likeInstance.lastReaction)
// http://jabber.bx/view.php?id=99339
_this.Vote(likeId, 'change', userReaction, likeInstance.lastReaction);
}, 1000);
if (likeInstance.version === 2) {
if (change) {
likeId: likeId,
rating: likeInstance,
action: 'change',
userReaction: userReaction,
userReactionOld: userReactionOld,
totalCount: Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML)
} else {
likeId: likeId,
rating: likeInstance,
action: active ? 'cancel' : 'add',
userReaction: userReaction,
totalCount: Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML)
if (!change && likeInstance.version === 2) {
var dataUsers = likeInstance.topUsersDataNode ? JSON.parse(likeInstance.topUsersDataNode.getAttribute('data-users')) : false;
if (dataUsers) {
dataUsers.TOP = Object.values(dataUsers.TOP);
likeInstance.topUsersText.innerHTML = RatingRender.getTopUsersText({
you: !active,
top: dataUsers.TOP,
more: dataUsers.MORE
if (likeInstance.template === 'light' && !likeInstance.userReactionNode) {
var cont =;
var likeNode = cont.cloneNode(true); = 'like_anim'; // to not dublicate original id
var type = 'normal';
if (cont.closest('.feed-com-informers-bottom')) {
type = 'comment';
} else if (cont.closest('.feed-post-informers')) {
type = 'post';
main_core.Dom.adjust(cont.parentNode, {
style: {
position: 'relative'
main_core.Dom.adjust(likeNode, {
style: {
position: 'absolute',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
top: type === 'post' ? '1px' : type === 'comment' ? '0' : ''
main_core.Dom.adjust(cont, {
style: {
visibility: 'hidden'
main_core.Dom.prepend(likeNode, cont.parentNode);
new BX.easing({
duration: 140,
start: {
scale: 100
finish: {
scale: type === 'comment' ? 110 : 115
transition: BX.easing.transitions.quad,
step: function step(state) { = "scale(".concat(state.scale / 100, ")");
complete: function complete() {
var likeThumbNode = main_core.Dom.create('SPAN', {
props: {
className: active ? 'bx-ilike-icon' : 'bx-ilike-icon bx-ilike-icon-orange'
main_core.Dom.adjust(likeThumbNode, {
style: {
position: 'absolute',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
main_core.Dom.prepend(likeThumbNode, cont.parentNode);
new BX.easing({
duration: 140,
start: {
scale: type == 'comment' ? 110 : 115
finish: {
scale: 100
transition: BX.easing.transitions.quad,
step: function step(state) { = "scale(".concat(state.scale / 100, ")");
complete: function complete() {}
var propsStart = {
opacity: 100,
scale: type === 'comment' ? 110 : 115,
top: 0
var propsFinish = {
opacity: 0,
scale: 200,
top: type === 'comment' ? -3 : -2
if (type !== 'comment') {
propsStart.left = -5;
propsFinish.left = -13;
new BX.easing({
duration: 200,
start: propsStart,
finish: propsFinish,
transition: BX.easing.transitions.linear,
step: function step(state) { = "scale(".concat(state.scale / 100, ")"); = state.opacity / 100;
if (type !== 'comment') { = "".concat(state.left, "px");
} = "".concat(, "px");
complete: function complete() {
main_core.Dom.adjust(cont.parentNode, {
style: {
position: 'static'
main_core.Dom.adjust(cont, {
style: {
visibility: 'visible'
}, {
key: "Draw",
value: function Draw(likeId, params) {
var likeInstance = this.getInstance(likeId);
likeInstance.countText.innerHTML = Number(params.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES);
if (!main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.TYPE) && !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.USER_ID) && Number(params.USER_ID) > 0 && !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.USER_DATA) && !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.USER_DATA.WEIGHT)) {
var userWeight = parseFloat(params.USER_DATA.WEIGHT);
var usersData = likeInstance.topUsersDataNode ? JSON.parse(likeInstance.topUsersDataNode.getAttribute('data-users')) : false;
if (params.TYPE != 'CHANGE' && main_core.Type.isPlainObject(usersData)) {
usersData.TOP = Object.values(usersData.TOP);
var recalcNeeded = usersData.TOP.length < 2;
Object.values(usersData.TOP).forEach(function (item) {
if (recalcNeeded) {
if (params.TYPE === 'ADD' && userWeight > item.WEIGHT || params.TYPE === 'CANCEL' && params.USER_ID === item.ID) {
recalcNeeded = true;
if (recalcNeeded) {
if (params.TYPE === 'ADD' && Number(params.USER_ID) !== Number(main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID'))) {
if (!usersData.TOP.find(function (a) {
return Number(a.ID) === Number(params.USER_ID);
})) {
ID: Number(params.USER_ID),
WEIGHT: parseFloat(params.USER_DATA.WEIGHT)
} else if (params.TYPE === 'CANCEL') {
usersData.TOP = usersData.TOP.filter(function (a) {
return Number(a.ID) !== Number(params.USER_ID);
usersData.TOP.sort(function (a, b) {
if (parseFloat(a.WEIGHT) === parseFloat(b.WEIGHT)) {
return 0;
return parseFloat(a.WEIGHT) > parseFloat(b.WEIGHT) ? -1 : 1;
if (usersData.TOP.length > 2 && params.TYPE === 'ADD') {
} else {
if (params.TYPE === 'ADD') {
usersData.MORE = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(usersData.MORE) ? Number(usersData.MORE) + 1 : 1;
} else if (params.TYPE === 'CANCEL') {
usersData.MORE = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(usersData.MORE) && Number(usersData.MORE) > 0 ? Number(usersData.MORE) - 1 : 0;
likeInstance.topUsersDataNode.setAttribute('data-users', JSON.stringify(usersData));
if (likeInstance.topUsersText) {
likeInstance.topUsersText.innerHTML = RatingRender.getTopUsersText({
you: Number(params.USER_ID) === Number(main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID')) ? params.TYPE !== 'CANCEL' : likeInstance.count.classList.contains('bx-you-like'),
top: usersData.TOP,
more: usersData.MORE
if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.REACTION) && main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.REACTION_OLD) && params.TYPE === 'CHANGE') {
likeId: likeId,
rating: likeInstance,
action: 'change',
userReaction: params.REACTION,
userReactionOld: params.REACTION_OLD,
totalCount: params.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES,
userId: params.USER_ID
} else if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(params.REACTION) && ['ADD', 'CANCEL'].includes(params.TYPE)) {
likeId: likeId,
rating: likeInstance,
userReaction: params.REACTION,
action: params.TYPE === 'ADD' ? 'add' : 'cancel',
totalCount: params.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES,
userId: params.USER_ID
if (likeInstance.topPanel) {
likeInstance.topPanel.setAttribute('data-popup', 'N');
if (!likeInstance.userReactionNode) {
likeInstance.count.insertBefore(main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-plus-one'
style: {
width: "".concat(element.countText.clientWidth - 8, "px"),
height: "".concat(element.countText.clientHeight - 8, "px")
html: params.TYPE === 'ADD' ? '+1' : '-1'
}), element.count.firstChild);
if (likeInstance.popup) {
likeInstance.popupContentPage = 1;
}, {
key: "Vote",
value: function Vote(likeId, voteAction, voteReaction, voteReactionOld) {
var _this2 = this;
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(voteReaction)) {
voteReaction = 'like';
var ajaxInstance = ? new MobileAjaxWrapper() : main_core.ajax;
var likeInstance = this.getInstance(likeId);
var successCallback = function successCallback(response) {
var data =;
likeInstance.lastVote = data.action;
likeInstance.lastReaction = voteReaction;
var key = "".concat(likeInstance.entityTypeId, "_").concat(likeInstance.entityId);
_this2.lastVoteRepo.set(key, data.action);
_this2.lastReactionRepo.set(key, data.voteReaction);
likeInstance.countText.innerHTML = data.items_all;
likeInstance.popupContentPage = 1;
likeInstance.popupContent.innerHTML = '';
likeInstance.popupContent.appendChild(main_core.Dom.create('span', {
props: {
className: 'bx-ilike-wait'
if (likeInstance.topPanel) {
likeInstance.topPanel.setAttribute('data-popup', 'N');
var popup = document.getElementById("ilike-popup-".concat(likeId));
if (popup && === 'block') {
ListPopup.List(likeId, null, '', true);
if (likeInstance.version >= 2 && {
BXMobileApp.onCustomEvent('onRatingLike', {
action: data.action,
ratingId: likeId,
entityTypeId: likeInstance.entityTypeId,
entityId: likeInstance.entityId,
voteAction: voteAction,
voteReaction: voteReaction,
voteReactionOld: voteReactionOld,
userId: main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID'),
userData: !main_core.Type.isUndefined(data.user_data) ? data.user_data : null,
itemsAll: data.items_all
}, true);
var failureCallback = function failureCallback() {
var dataUsers = likeInstance.topUsersDataNode ? JSON.parse(likeInstance.topUsersDataNode.getAttribute('data-users')) : false;
if (likeInstance.version == 2) {
if (voteAction === 'change') {
likeId: likeId,
rating: likeInstance,
action: voteAction,
userReaction: voteReaction,
userReactionOld: voteReactionOld,
totalCount: Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML)
} else {
likeId: likeId,
rating: likeInstance,
action: voteAction === 'cancel' ? 'add' : 'cancel',
userReaction: voteReaction,
totalCount: voteAction == 'cancel' ? Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML) + 1 : Number(likeInstance.countText.innerHTML) - 1
if (likeInstance.buttonText) {
if (voteAction === 'add') {
likeInstance.buttonText.innerHTML = main_core.Loc.getMessage('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_LIKE_CALC');
} else if (voteAction === 'change') {
likeInstance.buttonText.innerHTML = main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_".concat(voteReactionOld.toUpperCase(), "_CALC"));
} else {
likeInstance.buttonText.innerHTML = main_core.Loc.getMessage("RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_".concat(voteReaction.toUpperCase(), "_CALC"));
if (dataUsers && voteAction !== 'change' && likeInstance.version == 2) {
likeInstance.topUsersText.innerHTML = RatingRender.getTopUsersText({
you: voteAction === 'cancel',
// negative
top: Object.values(dataUsers.TOP),
more: dataUsers.MORE
var analyticsLabel = {
b24statAction: 'addLike'
if (likeInstance.version >= 2 && {
analyticsLabel.b24statContext = 'mobile';
ajaxInstance.runAction('', {
data: {
params: {
RATING_VOTE_TYPE_ID: likeInstance.entityTypeId,
RATING_VOTE_KEY_SIGNED: likeInstance.keySigned,
RATING_VOTE_ENTITY_ID: likeInstance.entityId,
analyticsLabel: analyticsLabel
}).then(successCallback, failureCallback);
return false;
}, {
key: "LiveUpdate",
value: function LiveUpdate(params) {
var _this3 = this;
if (Number(params.USER_ID) === Number(main_core.Loc.getMessage('USER_ID'))) {
return false;
this.repo.forEach(function (likeInstance, likeId) {
if (likeInstance.entityTypeId !== params.ENTITY_TYPE_ID || Number(likeInstance.entityId) !== Number(params.ENTITY_ID)) {
_this3.Draw(likeId, params);
}, {
key: "Set",
value: function Set(params) {
var _this4 = this;
var mobile = !!;
if (params.template === undefined) {
params.template = 'standart';
if (this.additionalParams.get('pathToUserProfile')) {
params.pathToUserProfile = this.additionalParams.get('pathToUserProfile');
var likeInstance = this.getInstance(params.likeId);
if (likeInstance && likeInstance.tryToSet > 5) {
var tryToSend = likeInstance && likeInstance.tryToSet ? likeInstance.tryToSet : 1;
likeInstance = new RatingLike(params);
this.setInstance(params.likeId, likeInstance);
if (likeInstance.enabled) {
this.Init(params.likeId, {
mobile: mobile
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
likeInstance.tryToSet = tryToSend + 1;
}, 500);
}, {
key: "setParams",
value: function setParams(params) {
if (!main_core.Type.isUndefined(params.pathToUserProfile)) {
this.additionalParams.set('pathToUserProfile', params.pathToUserProfile);
}, {
key: "Init",
value: function Init(likeId, params) {
params = !main_core.Type.isUndefined(params) ? params : {};
var likeInstance = this.getInstance(likeId);
// like/unlike button
if (likeInstance.available) {
var eventNode = likeInstance.template === 'standart' ? likeInstance.button : likeInstance.buttonText;
if (! {
var eventNodeNew = eventNode.closest('.feed-new-like');
if (eventNodeNew) {
eventNode = eventNodeNew;
if (likeInstance.version >= 2 && {
eventNode.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.mobileTouchStartHandler);
eventNode.addEventListener('touchstart', this.mobileTouchStartHandler);
var eventName = ? 'touchend' : 'click';
eventNode.removeEventListener(eventName, this.buttonClickHandler);
eventNode.addEventListener(eventName, this.buttonClickHandler);
if (! {
// Hover/unHover like-button'mouseover', function () {'bx-ilike-button-hover');
});'mouseout', function () {'bx-ilike-button-hover');
} else {
likeInstance.topPanel.removeEventListener('click', this.mobileTopPanelClickHandler);
likeInstance.topPanel.addEventListener('click', this.mobileTopPanelClickHandler);
} else if (main_core.Type.isDomNode(likeInstance.buttonText)) {
likeInstance.buttonText.innerHTML = likeInstance.localize['LIKE_D'];
// get like-user-list
var clickShowPopupNode = likeInstance.topUsersText ? likeInstance.topUsersText : likeInstance.count;
if (! {
clickShowPopupNode.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (e) {
likeId: likeId,
event: e,
clickShowPopupNode.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (e) {
likeId: likeId
clickShowPopupNode.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
likeId: likeId,
event: e,
if (likeInstance.version === 2 && likeInstance.available && likeInstance.userReactionNode) {
likeId: likeId
}, {
key: "mobileTouchStartHandler",
value: function mobileTouchStartHandler() {
RatingManager.startScrollTop = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
}, {
key: "buttonClickHandler",
value: function buttonClickHandler(e) {
var likeInstanceNode = e.currentTarget.closest('[data-rating-vote-id]');
if (!main_core.Type.isDomNode(likeInstanceNode)) {
var likeId = likeInstanceNode.getAttribute('data-rating-vote-id');
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(likeId)) {
var likeInstance = RatingLike.getInstance(likeId);
if (likeInstance.version >= 2 && && RatingRender.blockTouchEndByScroll) {
RatingRender.blockTouchEndByScroll = false;
if (likeInstance.version < 2 || ! || !RatingRender.reactionsPopupLikeId) {
if (likeInstance.version >= 2 && {
var currentScrollTop = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
if (Math.abs(currentScrollTop - RatingManager.startScrollTop) > 2) {
RatingLike.ClickVote(e, likeId);
if (likeInstance.version == 2) {
likeId: likeId
}, {
key: "mobileTopPanelClickHandler",
value: function mobileTopPanelClickHandler(e) {
var likeInstanceNode = e.currentTarget.querySelector('[data-like-id]');
if (!main_core.Type.isDomNode(likeInstanceNode)) {
var likeId = likeInstanceNode.getAttribute('data-like-id');
if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled(likeId)) {
var likeInstance = RatingLike.getInstance(likeId);
entityTypeId: likeInstance.entityTypeId,
entityId: likeInstance.entityId
return RatingLike;
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingLike$1, "repo", new Map());
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingLike$1, "lastVoteRepo", new Map());
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingLike$1, "lastReactionRepo", new Map());
babelHelpers.defineProperty(RatingLike$1, "additionalParams", new Map());
var lottieAnimations = Object.freeze({
like: likeAnimatedEmojiData,
laugh: laughAnimatedEmojiData,
wonder: wonderAnimatedEmojiData,
cry: cryAnimatedEmojiData,
angry: angryAnimatedEmojiData,
facepalm: facepalmAnimatedEmojiData,
admire: kissAnimatedEmojiData
if (main_core.Type.isUndefined(window.BXRL)) {
window.BXRL = {};
window.BXRL.manager = RatingManager;
window.BXRL.render = RatingRender;
window.RatingLike = RatingLike$1;
exports.lottieAnimations = lottieAnimations;
}((this.BX.Main.Rating = this.BX.Main.Rating || {}),BX.UI,BX,BX.Main,BX.Event));