Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
namespace Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty;
abstract class BaseValues
/** @var integer */
protected $iblockId = null;
/** @var array[string][string]string */
protected $values = false;
/** @var ValuesQueue */
protected $queue = null;
* @param integer $iblockId Iblock identifier.
public function __construct($iblockId)
$this->iblockId = (int)$iblockId;
$this->queue = ValuesQueue::getInstance(get_called_class());
* Returns the identifier of the iblock of the entity.
* @return integer
public function getIblockId()
return $this->iblockId;
* Returns the table name where values will be stored.
* @return string
public function getValueTableName()
return "";
* Returns type of the entity which will be stored into DB.
* @return string
abstract public function getType();
* Returns unique identifier of the entity
* @return integer
abstract public function getId();
* Creates an entity which will be used to process the templates.
* @return \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Base
abstract public function createTemplateEntity();
* Returns all the parents of the entity.
* @return array[]\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseValues
public function getParents()
return array();
* Returns it's first parent if exists one.
* Otherwise returns null.
* @return \Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseValues|null
public function getParent()
$parents = $this->getParents();
if (isset($parents[0]))
return $parents[0];
return null;
* Returns all calculated values of inherited properties
* for this entity.
* @return array[string]string
public function getValues()
if ($this->values === false)
$this->values = $this->queryValues();
$result = array();
foreach ($this->values as $CODE => $row)
$result[$CODE] = htmlspecialcharsEx($row["VALUE"]);
return $result;
* Returns value of the inherited property.
* The result is html encoded string.
* @param string $propertyCode Mnemonic code.
* @return string
public function getValue($propertyCode)
if ($this->values === false)
$this->values = $this->queryValues();
if (isset($this->values[$propertyCode]))
return htmlspecialcharsEx($this->values[$propertyCode]["VALUE"]);
return "";
* Queries templates for this entity.
* Then processes them in order to get
* calculated values.
* @return array[string][string]string
public function queryValues()
$templateInstance = new BaseTemplate($this);
$templates = $templateInstance->findTemplates();
foreach ($templates as $CODE => $row)
$templates[$CODE]["VALUE"] = \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Engine::process($this->createTemplateEntity(), $row["TEMPLATE"]);
return $templates;
* Checks if there are some templates exists for this set of values.
* @return boolean
public function hasTemplates()
$templateInstance = new BaseTemplate($this);
return $templateInstance->hasTemplates($this);
* Clears entity values DB cache
* @return void
abstract function clearValues();
* Must be called on template delete.
* @param integer $ipropertyId Identifier of the inherited property.
* @return void
public function deleteValues($ipropertyId)
$ipropertyId = (int)$ipropertyId;
$connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection();
DELETE FROM b_iblock_iblock_iprop
WHERE IPROP_ID = ".$ipropertyId."
DELETE FROM b_iblock_section_iprop
WHERE IPROP_ID = ".$ipropertyId."
DELETE FROM b_iblock_element_iprop
WHERE IPROP_ID = ".$ipropertyId."
* Helper method to save batch values.
* @param string $tableName Where to insert data.
* @param array $fields Fields list.
* @param array $rows Data to insert.
* @return void
protected function insertValues($tableName, $fields, $rows)
$connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection();
$head = "REPLACE INTO $tableName (".implode(", ", $fields).") VALUES ";
$maxBodySize = 1024*1024; //1 Mb
$body = array();
$bodySize = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row)
$values = "('".implode("', '", $row)."')";
$bodySize += mb_strlen($values);
$body[] = $values;
if ($bodySize > $maxBodySize)
$connection->query($head.implode(", ", $body));
$body = array();
$bodySize = 0;
if ($body)
$connection->query($head.implode(", ", $body));
* Puts a mark for and element or section to be queried from the database.
* @param integer $iblockId IBlock identifier.
* @param integer $id Element or section identifier.
* @return void
public static function queue($iblockId, $id)
ValuesQueue::getInstance(get_called_class())->addElement($iblockId, $id);