Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
* @copyright 2001-2018 Bitrix
namespace Bitrix\Iblock\ORM;
use Bitrix\Iblock\ORM\Fields\PropertyOneToMany;
use Bitrix\Iblock\ORM\Fields\PropertyReference;
use Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable;
use Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\Collection;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\EntityObject;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\State;
use Bitrix\Main\Text\StringHelper;
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
abstract class CommonElement extends EO_CommonElement
* Handles relation with general section
* @param $iblockSectionId
* @return CommonElement
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public function setIblockSectionId($iblockSectionId)
$newIblockSectionId = (int) $iblockSectionId;
$actualIblockSectionId = 0;
if ($this->state !== State::RAW)
$actualIblockSectionId = $this->remindActual('IBLOCK_SECTION_ID');
if ($newIblockSectionId !== $actualIblockSectionId)
// remove old
if ($actualIblockSectionId > 0)
$oldSection = SectionTable::wakeUpObject($actualIblockSectionId);
$this->removeFrom('SECTIONS', $oldSection);
// add new
if ($newIblockSectionId > 0)
$newSection = SectionTable::wakeUpObject($newIblockSectionId);
$this->addTo('SECTIONS', $newSection);
// rewrite value
parent::sysSetValue('IBLOCK_SECTION_ID', $newIblockSectionId);
return $this;
* Accepts PropertyValue and scalar, converts it to property reference
* @param $fieldName
* @param $value
* @return EntityObject|CommonElement
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public function sysSetValue($fieldName, $value)
$field = $this->entity->getField($fieldName);
if ($field instanceof PropertyReference)
// convert PropertyValue to regular reference
$value = $this->sysConvertPropertyValue($value, $field);
/** @var EntityObject $currentValue */
$currentValue = $this->get($fieldName);
if (empty($currentValue))
parent::sysSetValue($fieldName, $value);
// set value directly
$currentValue->set('VALUE', $value->get('VALUE'));
if ($this->entity->hasField('DESCRIPTION') && $value->sysHasValue('DESCRIPTION'))
$currentValue->set('DESCRIPTION', $value->get('DESCRIPTION'));
// mark current object as changed, or else save() will be skipped
if ($this->state === State::ACTUAL)
return $this;
return parent::sysSetValue($fieldName, $value);
* Accepts PropertyValue and scalar, converts it to property reference
* @param $fieldName
* @param $remoteObject
* @return bool|void
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public function sysAddToCollection($fieldName, $remoteObject)
$fieldName = StringHelper::strtoupper($fieldName);
$field = $this->entity->getField($fieldName);
if ($field instanceof PropertyOneToMany)
// convert PropertyValue to regular relation object
$remoteObject = $this->sysConvertPropertyValue($remoteObject, $field);
// check for duplicates
if (in_array(
[PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING, PropertyTable::TYPE_NUMBER],
// it's ok to have duplicates for this type
// check for duplicates and skip ot
/** @var Collection $collection */
$collection = $this->get($fieldName);
// we need filled collection to check value in it
if (empty($collection) || !$collection->sysIsFilled())
$collection = $this->fill($fieldName);
foreach ($collection as $refObject)
// we have original scalar in VALUE
if ($refObject->get('VALUE') === $remoteObject->get('VALUE'))
// skip duplicate
return false;
return parent::sysAddToCollection($fieldName, $remoteObject);
* Accepts PropertyValue and scalar, converts it to property reference
* @param $fieldName
* @param $remoteObject
* @return bool|void
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public function sysRemoveFromCollection($fieldName, $remoteObject)
$fieldName = StringHelper::strtoupper($fieldName);
$field = $this->entity->getField($fieldName);
if ($field instanceof PropertyOneToMany)
// convert PropertyValue to regular relation object
$valueObject = $this->sysConvertPropertyValue($remoteObject, $field);
if ($valueObject->sysHasPrimary())
// existing object. nothing to do, just call parent remove
$remoteObject = $valueObject;
// find relation object by value and remove it
/** @var Collection $collection */
$collection = $this->get($fieldName);
// we need filled collection to check value in it
if (empty($collection) || !$collection->sysIsFilled())
$collection = $this->fill($fieldName);
$foundValue = false;
foreach ($collection as $refObject)
// find original object with that value
if ($valueObject->get('VALUE') === $refObject->get('VALUE'))
$foundValue = true;
$remoteObject = $refObject;
if (!$foundValue)
// nothing to do, value was not found in collection
return false;
return parent::sysRemoveFromCollection($fieldName, $remoteObject);
* No need to save current relations (they are all PropertyReferences and will be saved in other way)
public function sysSaveCurrentReferences()
* @param mixed $value
* @param PropertyReference|PropertyOneToMany $field
* @return mixed|EntityObject
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
protected function sysConvertPropertyValue($value, $field)
$valueEntity = $field->getRefEntity();
$valueObjectClass = $valueEntity->getObjectClass();
if ($value instanceof $valueObjectClass)
// nothing to do
return $value;
/** @var EntityObject $valueObject */
$valueObject = $valueEntity->createObject();
// if we don't have primary right now, repeat setter later
if ($this->state == State::RAW)
$this->sysAddOnPrimarySetListener(function (EntityObject $localObject) use ($valueObject) {
$valueObject->set('IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID', $localObject->get('ID'));
// set base fields
$valueObject->set('IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID', $this->get('ID'));
if ($valueEntity->hasField('IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID'))
$valueObject->set('IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID', $field->getIblockElementProperty()->getId());
// set value fields
if ($value instanceof PropertyValue)
$valueObject->set('VALUE', $value->getValue());
if ($value->hasDescription())
$valueObject->set('DESCRIPTION', $value->getDescription());
$valueObject->set('VALUE', $value);
return $valueObject;