Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
* @copyright 2001-2018 Bitrix
namespace Bitrix\Iblock\ORM;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Filter\ConditionTree;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Join;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Query as BaseQuery;
* Separate query to fix PropertyValue emulation in 2.0
* Collapses similar joins to b_iblock_element_prop_sX table into one join
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
class Query extends BaseQuery
protected function buildJoin()
// collapse v2.0 single value joins into one
if ($this->entity instanceof ElementV2Entity)
// table alias for all the records (cut b_ prefix)
$propSTable = $this->entity->getSingleValueTableName();
$commonAlias = mb_substr($propSTable, 2);
// found first join and changed alias. all other joins to be removed
$changed = false;
// table aliases to be changed in chains
$replacedAliases = [];
// 1. collapse joins
foreach ($this->join_map as $k => $join)
// check join
if ($join['table'] === $propSTable && $join['type'] === Join::TYPE_INNER)
/** @var ConditionTree[]|string[] $join */
$conditions = $join['reference']->getConditions();
// check on condition
if (count($conditions) === 1 && $conditions[0]->getColumn() === 'ID' && $conditions[0]->getOperator() === '=')
// collect table aliases to rewrite in chains
$replacedAliases[$join['alias']] = true;
if (!$changed)
// make the only one change
$this->join_map[$k]['alias'] = $commonAlias;
$changed = true;
// remove from registry
// 2. rewrite aliases
foreach ($this->global_chains as $chain)
if (!empty($replacedAliases[$chain->getLastElement()->getParameter('talias')]))
$chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $commonAlias);
return parent::buildJoin();