Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage iblock
$arFields = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => 422,
"NAME" => "Product name",
"CODE" => "main code",
$element = new \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Element(0);
echo "<pre>";//print_r($element);
$arSkuCollection = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
$arSkuCollection[$i] = array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => 423,
"NAME" => null,
"CODE" => "code($i)",
"CML2_LINK" => $element,
"1377" => "0x0555555".$i,
"1875" => 1045,
$sku = new \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Element(0);
$arSkuCollection[$i]["NAME"] = \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Engine::process(
//,'{}: {}, {}'
echo "<pre>",htmlspecialcharsEx(print_r($arSkuCollection,1)),"</pre>";
namespace Bitrix\Iblock\Template;
* Class Engine
* Provides interface for templates processing.
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
class Engine
* Takes an entity (Element, Section or Iblock) and processes the template.
* <code>
* if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('iblock'))
* {
* $e = new \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Entity\Element(6369);
* echo "<pre>", print_r(\Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Engine::process($e, "Name: {=this.Name}. Code:{=this.code}"), 1), "</pre>";
* }
* </code>
* @param Entity\Base $entity Context entity for template processing.
* @param string $template Template to make substitutions in.
* @return string
public static function process(Entity\Base $entity, $template)
$rootNode = self::parseTemplateTree($template, new NodeRoot);
return $rootNode->process($entity);
* Splits template by tokens and builds execution tree.
* @param string $template Source expression.
* @param NodeRoot $parent Root node.
* @return NodeRoot
protected static function parseTemplateTree($template, NodeRoot $parent)
list($template, $modifiers) = Helper::splitTemplate($template);
if ($modifiers != "")
$parsedTemplate = preg_split('/({=|})/', $template, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
while (($token = array_shift($parsedTemplate)) !== null)
$node = null;
if ($token === "{=")
$node = self::parseFormula($parsedTemplate);
elseif ($token !== "")
$node = new NodeText($token);
if ($node)
return $parent;
* Parses "{=" part of the template. Moves internal pointer right behind balanced "}"
* after {= a field of the entity should follow
* or a function call.
* @param array[]string &$parsedTemplate Template tokens.
* @return NodeEntityField|NodeFunction|null
protected static function parseFormula(array &$parsedTemplate)
$node = null;
if (($token = array_shift($parsedTemplate)) !== null)
if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\s*\$/", $token, $match))
$node = new NodeEntityField($match[1]);
elseif (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(.*)\$/", $token, $match))
$node = new NodeFunction($match[1]);
self::parseFunctionArguments($match[2], $parsedTemplate, $node);
//Eat up to the formula end
while (($token = array_shift($parsedTemplate)) !== null)
if ($token === "}")
return $node;
* Adds function arguments to a $function.
* An formula may be evaluated as oa argument.
* An number or
* A string in double quotes.
* @param string $token Expression string.
* @param array[]string &$parsedTemplate Template tokens.
* @param NodeFunction $function Function object to which arguments will be added.
* @return void
protected static function parseFunctionArguments($token, array &$parsedTemplate, NodeFunction $function)
$token = ltrim($token, " \t\n\r");
if ($token !== "")
self::explodeFunctionArgument($token, $function);
while (($token = array_shift($parsedTemplate)) !== null)
if ($token === "}")
array_unshift($parsedTemplate, $token);
elseif ($token === "{=")
$node = self::parseFormula($parsedTemplate);
if ($node)
elseif ($token !== "")
self::explodeFunctionArgument($token, $function);
* Explodes a string into function arguments.
* Numbers or strings.
* @param string $token Expression string.
* @param NodeFunction $function Function object to which arguments will be added.
* @return void
protected static function explodeFunctionArgument($token, NodeFunction $function)
if (preg_match_all("/
/x", $token, $wordList)
foreach ($wordList[0] as $word)
if ($word !== "")
if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\s*\$/", $word, $match))
$node = new NodeEntityField($match[1]);
$node = new NodeText(trim($word, '"'));
* Class NodeBase
* Base class for template parsed tree nodes.
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
abstract class NodeBase
* Converts internal contents of the node into external presentation.
* It's a string or an array of strings.
* @param Entity\Base $entity Sets the context of processing.
* @return string
abstract public function process(Entity\Base $entity);
* Class NodeRoot
* Present simple collection of child nodes
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
class NodeRoot extends NodeBase
/** @var array[int]NodeBase */
protected $children = array();
protected $modifiers = array();
* Appends a child to the children collection.
* @param NodeBase $child Object to be added as a child.
* @return void
public function addChild(NodeBase $child)
$this->children[] = $child;
* Sets modifiers to be used at the last stage of processing.
* @param string $modifiers String which contains modifiers.
* @return void
public function setModifiers($modifiers)
$this->modifiers = array();
foreach(Helper::splitModifiers($modifiers) as $mod)
if ($mod == "l")
$modifierFunction = Functions\Fabric::createInstance("lower");
$modifierFunction = Functions\Fabric::createInstance("translit", array(
"replace_space" => mb_substr($mod, 1),
$this->modifiers[] = $modifierFunction;
* Calls process for each of it's children.
* Returns concatenation of their results.
* @param Entity\Base $entity Sets the context of processing.
* @return string
public function process(Entity\Base $entity)
$content = "";
/** @var NodeBase $child*/
foreach ($this->children as $child)
$childContent = $child->process($entity);
if (is_array($childContent))
$content .= implode(" ", $childContent);
$content .= $childContent;
/** @var Functions\FunctionBase $modifier*/
foreach ($this->modifiers as $modifier)
$node = new NodeText($content);
$arguments = $modifier->onPrepareParameters($entity, array($node));
$content = $modifier->calculate($arguments);
return $content;
* Class NodeText
* Plain text node
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
class NodeText extends NodeBase
protected $content = "";
* Sets text contents into $content.
* @param string $content A text to be saved.
function __construct($content = "")
$this->content = $content;
* Returns text contents.
* @param Entity\Base $entity Sets the context of processing.
* @return string
public function process(Entity\Base $entity)
return $this->content;
* Class NodeEntityField
* Represents an entity field in the formula.
* For example:
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
class NodeEntityField extends NodeBase
protected $entityField = "";
* Initializes the object.
* $entityName and $entityField is case insensitive.
* @param string $entityField Field of the Entity.
function __construct($entityField = "")
$this->entityField = mb_strtolower($entityField);
* Calls "resolve" method of the $entity.
* On success returns field value of the resolved.
* Otherwise returns empty string.
* @param Entity\Base $entity Sets the context of processing.
* @return string
public function process(Entity\Base $entity)
$entityObject = $entity;
$pathToField = explode(".", $this->entityField);
for ($i = 0, $c = count($pathToField)-1; $i < $c; $i++)
$entityObject = $entityObject->resolve($pathToField[$i]);
if ($entityObject)
return $entityObject->getField($pathToField[$c]);
return "";
* Class NodeFunction
* Represents a function call in the formula.
* @package Bitrix\Iblock\Template
class NodeFunction extends NodeBase
protected $functionName = "";
protected $parameters = array();
* Initialize function object.
* @param string $functionName Name of the function. Case insensitive.
public function __construct($functionName = "")
$this->functionName = mb_strtolower($functionName);
* Adds new parameters to the function call.
* @param NodeBase $parameter A new parameter to be added.
* @return void
public function addParameter(NodeBase $parameter)
$this->parameters[] = $parameter;
* Uses Functions\Fabric to get an instance of the function object by it's name.
* On success calls onPrepareParameters, then calculate method.
* Otherwise returns an empty string.
* @param Entity\Base $entity Sets the context of processing.
* @return string
public function process(Entity\Base $entity)
$functionObject = Functions\Fabric::createInstance($this->functionName);
if ($functionObject instanceof Functions\FunctionBase)
$arguments = $functionObject->onPrepareParameters($entity, $this->parameters);
return $functionObject->calculate($arguments);
return "";