Your IP :
`Ofc @ sm d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z d Z
d Z d e j f d � � YZ
d S( s� Adjust some old Python 2 idioms to their modern counterparts.
* Change some type comparisons to isinstance() calls:
type(x) == T -> isinstance(x, T)
type(x) is T -> isinstance(x, T)
type(x) != T -> not isinstance(x, T)
type(x) is not T -> not isinstance(x, T)
* Change "while 1:" into "while True:".
* Change both
v = list(EXPR)
and the more general
v = EXPR
v = sorted(EXPR)
i ( t
fixer_base( t Callt Commat Namet Nodet BlankLinet symss0 (n='!=' | '==' | 'is' | n=comp_op< 'is' 'not' >)s( power< 'type' trailer< '(' x=any ')' > >t FixIdiomsc B sQ e Z e Z d e e e e f Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z
d � Z RS( s�
isinstance=comparison< %s %s T=any >
isinstance=comparison< T=any %s %s >
while_stmt< 'while' while='1' ':' any+ >
expr_stmt< id1=any '='
power< list='list' trailer< '(' (not arglist<any+>) any ')' > >
power< id2=any
trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
simple_stmt< expr_stmt< id1=any '=' expr=any > '\n' >
power< id2=any
trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
c C sJ t t | � j | � } | rF d | k rF | d | d k rB | Sd S| S( Nt sortedt id1t id2( t superR t matcht None( t selft nodet r( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyR O s c C sd d | k r | j | | � Sd | k r8 | j | | � Sd | k rT | j | | � St d � � d S( Nt
isinstancet whileR s
Invalid match( t transform_isinstancet transform_whilet transform_sortt RuntimeError( R R t results( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyt transformZ s c C s� | d j � } | d j � } d | _ d | _ t t d � | t � | g � } d | k r� d | _ t t j t d � | g � } n | j | _ | S( Nt xt Tu u u
isinstancet nu not( t clonet prefixR R R R R t not_test( R R R R R t test( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyR d s ! !c C s* | d } | j t d d | j �� d S( NR u TrueR ( t replaceR R ( R R R t one( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyR p s
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| d
j f } d j | � | d
_ qr| j
st � | j d k s+t � t � }
| j
j |
� | j |
k sYt � | j d � d
_ n d S( Nt sortt nextt listt expru sortedR u s should not have reached hereu
i ( t getR R R R R R t removet
rpartitiont joint parentt AssertionErrort next_siblingR
R t append_child( R R R t sort_stmtt next_stmtt list_callt simple_exprt newt btwnt prefix_linest end_line( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyR t s0
( t __name__t
__module__t Truet explicitt TYPEt CMPt PATTERNR R R R R ( ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyR % s '
N( t __doc__t R t
fixer_utilR R R R R R R; R: t BaseFixR ( ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_idioms.pyt <module> s