Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\Numerator;
use Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField;
use Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query;
use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\Event;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\Numerator\Generator\Contract\DynamicConfigurable;
use Bitrix\Main\Numerator\Generator\Contract\Sequenceable;
use Bitrix\Main\Numerator\Generator\Contract\UserConfigurable;
use Bitrix\Main\Numerator\Generator\NumberGenerator;
use Bitrix\Main\Numerator\Model\NumeratorSequenceTable;
use Bitrix\Main\Numerator\Model\NumeratorTable;
use Bitrix\Main\Result;
* Class Numerator - generates numbers based on config,
* is used for creating random, sequential numbers, also may contain prefix, date values etc.
* @package Bitrix\Main\Numerator
class Numerator
private $template;
private $type;
private $name;
/** @var NumberGenerator[] */
private $generators = [];
private $code;
private $id;
/** * @var NumberGeneratorFactory */
static protected $numberGeneratorFactory;
/** return empty numerator object with no configuration
* @return static
public static function create()
return new static();
private function __construct()
* @return NumberGeneratorFactory
protected static function getNumberGeneratorFactory()
if (static::$numberGeneratorFactory === null)
static::$numberGeneratorFactory = new NumberGeneratorFactory();
return static::$numberGeneratorFactory;
* @param $numeratorType
* @return mixed
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function getSettingsFields($numeratorType)
$numeratorsAmount = static::getNextNumeratorNumber($numeratorType);
$settings = ['settingsFields' => [], 'settingsWords' => [],];
$settings['settingsFields'][static::getType()] = [
'settingName' => 'name',
'type' => 'string',
'default' => Loc::getMessage('NUMERATOR_DEFAULT_NUMERATOR_NAME', ['#NUMBER#' => $numeratorsAmount]),
'settingName' => 'template',
'type' => 'string',
$allGeneratorsClasses = static::getNumberGeneratorFactory()->getClasses();
foreach ($allGeneratorsClasses as $class)
/** @var $class NumberGenerator|UserConfigurable */
$isAvailableForAll = $class::getAvailableForType() == static::NUMERATOR_DEFAULT_TYPE;
if ($isAvailableForAll || $class::getAvailableForType() == $numeratorType)
if (in_array(UserConfigurable::class, class_implements($class)))
$settings['settingsFields'][$class::getType()] = $class::getSettingsFields();
$settings['settingsWords'][$class::getType()] = $class::getTemplateWordsSettings();
$settings['settingsWords'] = array_merge_recursive($settings['settingsWords'], static::getUserDefinedTemplateWords($numeratorType));
return $settings;
/** For compatibility - users can defined their own type of template generation
* @param $numeratorType
* @return array
protected static function getUserDefinedTemplateWords($numeratorType)
$settingsWords = [];
$event = new Event('main', 'onBuildNumeratorTemplateWordsList', ['numeratorType' => $numeratorType]);
if ($event->getResults())
$count = 0;
foreach ($event->getResults() as $eventResult)
$eventParameters = $eventResult->getParameters();
if (isset($eventParameters['CODE']) && isset($eventParameters['NAME']))
$settingsWords["UserDefinedVirtualGenerator" . $count++] = [
NumberGenerator::USER_DEFINED_SYMBOL_START . $eventParameters['CODE'] . NumberGenerator::USER_DEFINED_SYMBOL_END
=> $eventParameters['NAME'],
foreach ($eventParameters as $parameters)
if (isset($parameters['CODE']) && isset($parameters['NAME']))
$settingsWords["UserDefinedVirtualGenerator" . $count++] = [
NumberGenerator::USER_DEFINED_SYMBOL_START . $parameters['CODE'] . NumberGenerator::USER_DEFINED_SYMBOL_END
=> $parameters['NAME'],
return $settingsWords;
* @param string $type
* @param null $sort
* @return array
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function getListByType($type = null, $sort = null)
if (is_null($type))
return NumeratorTable::getNumeratorList($type, $sort);
/** Returns numerator related fields from db by its type
* (use it in case of only single one exists for the type)
* @param string $type
* @return array|null
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function getOneByType($type = null)
if (is_null($type))
$numeratorSettings = static::getListByType($type);
if ($numeratorSettings && isset($numeratorSettings[0]))
return $numeratorSettings[0];
return null;
/** returns all template words for creating new numerator depending on its type
* @param string $isAvailableByType
* @return array
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
public static function getTemplateWordsForType($isAvailableByType = null)
if (is_null($isAvailableByType))
$isAvailableByType = static::NUMERATOR_DEFAULT_TYPE;
$settings = [];
$allGeneratorsClasses = static::getNumberGeneratorFactory()->getClasses();
foreach ($allGeneratorsClasses as $class)
/** @var $class NumberGenerator */
$isAllTypesNeeded = $isAvailableByType === static::NUMERATOR_ALL_GENERATORS_TYPE;
$isAvailableByDefault = $class::getAvailableForType() == static::NUMERATOR_DEFAULT_TYPE;
if ($isAllTypesNeeded || $isAvailableByDefault || $class::getAvailableForType() == $isAvailableByType)
$settings = array_merge($settings, [$class::getType() => $class::getTemplateWordsForParse()]);
return $settings;
* @param $hash
private function setNumberHashForGenerators($hash)
foreach ($this->generators as $index => $generator)
if ($generator instanceof Sequenceable)
/** return next number. If numerator has {NUMBER} in template,
* Sequential counter value in database will be updated
* If you need next number for preview only, use previewNextNumber
* @param string|int $hash - you can reuse one numerator in various cases (for various companies etc.)
* by passing different hashes to it. For Sequential number it means using independent counters for every hash
* Hash will be ignored here, if it was already set in Load method or via setHash
* @return string
* @see Numerator::setHash()
* @see Numerator::previewNextNumber()
public function getNext($hash = null)
$nextNumber = $this->template;
foreach ($this->generators as $index => $generator)
/** @var $generator NumberGenerator */
$nextNumber = $generator->parseTemplate($nextNumber);
return $nextNumber;
* @param $dynamicConfig
private function setDynamicConfigForGenerators($dynamicConfig)
if ($dynamicConfig !== null)
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof DynamicConfigurable)
* @param $numId
* @param $config - same configuration structure as using via setConfig method
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult|Result
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function update($numId, $config)
$numerator = static::create();
$config[static::getType()]['idFromDb'] = $numId;
$result = $numerator->setNumeratorConfig($config);
if ($result->isSuccess())
$result = $numerator->setGeneratorsConfig($config);
if ($result->isSuccess())
return $numerator->save();
return $result;
* @param $hashable - object that returns hash string
* Used for Numerators containing Sequential number
* Hash can be set once, will be ignored here, if it was already set
* Typically hash is a string like COMPANY_64, or USER_42
public function setHash($hashable)
if ($hashable instanceof Hashable)
* @param $dynamicConfig - anything (array|object|..) that will be used by DynamicConfigurable generators
* of Numerator for parsing template and creating number
public function setDynamicConfig($dynamicConfig)
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public function save()
$settingsToStore = $this->getSettings();
$result = NumeratorTable::saveNumerator($this->id, [
'CODE' => $this->code,
'NAME' => $this->name,
'TEMPLATE' => $this->template,
'TYPE' => $this->type ? $this->type : static::NUMERATOR_DEFAULT_TYPE,
'SETTINGS' => $settingsToStore,
if ($result->isSuccess())
$this->id = $result->getId();
return $result;
* @return array
private function getSettings()
$settingsToStore = [];
foreach ($this->generators as $numberGenerator)
if ($numberGenerator instanceof UserConfigurable)
/** @var UserConfigurable $numberGenerator */
$settingsToStore = array_merge($settingsToStore, [$this->getTypeOfGenerator($numberGenerator) => $numberGenerator->getConfig(),]);
return $settingsToStore;
/** Load numerator by id
* @param $numeratorId
* @param $source - optional, numerator dynamicConfig for generating next number,
* also can be Hashable ancestor for set up hash for numerator
* @return null|static
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
* @see Numerator::getNext()
public static function load($numeratorId, $source = null)
if ($config = NumeratorTable::loadSettings($numeratorId))
$numerator = new static();
$result = $numerator->setConfig($config);
if (($result->isSuccess()))
return $numerator;
return null;
* @param $code
* @param $source
* @return static|null
public static function loadByCode($code, $source = null)
$id = NumeratorTable::getIdByCode($code);
if ($id === null)
return null;
return self::load($id, $source);
* @param $id
* @return $this|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\DeleteResult|Result
* @throws \Exception
public static function delete($id)
if (!$id)
return (new Result())->addError(new Error('Numerator id is required'));
$result = NumeratorTable::delete((int)$id);
if ($result->isSuccess())
return $result;
/** return next number, without updating database value (for numerator with sequential number)
* @param null $hash
* @return string
public function previewNextNumber($hash = null)
$nextNumber = $this->template;
foreach ($this->generators as $index => $generator)
/** @var $generator NumberGenerator */
$nextNumber = $generator->parseTemplateForPreview($nextNumber);
return $nextNumber;
* returns next sequential number, if numerator has sequence,
* null if it hasn't
* not increases the sequent number
* @param string $hash
* @return int|null
public function previewNextSequentialNumber($hash = null)
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof Sequenceable)
return $generator->getNextNumber($this->id);
return null;
/** check if numerator has {NUMBER} in template
* @return bool
public function hasSequentialNumber()
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof Sequenceable)
return true;
return false;
* The only way to affect the NEXT number
* - function forces the numerator to start counting with a given number
* @param int $nextNumber
* @param $whereNumber - old value of next number
* @param string $hash
* @return Result
public function setNextSequentialNumber($nextNumber, $whereNumber = null, $hash = null)
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof Sequenceable)
return $generator->setNextNumber($this->id, $nextNumber, $whereNumber);
return (new Result())->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('NUMERATOR_SET_SEQUENTIAL_IS_IMPOSSIBLE')));
/** return numerator's configuration with filled in values for every setting
* @return array
public function getConfig()
$selfConfig = [
static::getType() => [
'name' => $this->name,
'template' => $this->template,
'id' => $this->id,
'code' => $this->code,
'type' => $this->type,
$generatorConfigs = [];
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof UserConfigurable)
$generatorConfigs[$this->getTypeOfGenerator($generator)] = $generator->getConfig();
return $selfConfig + $generatorConfigs;
/** sets configuration for numerator and validates settings
* @param $config
* @return Result - message that can be shown to an end user
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
public function setConfig($config)
$result = $this->setNumeratorConfig($config);
if (!$result->isSuccess())
return $result;
return $this->setGeneratorsConfig($config);
* @param $config
* @return Result
private function setNumeratorConfig($config)
$result = $this->validate($config);
if (!$result->isSuccess())
return $result;
$this->type = trim($config[static::getType()]['type']);
$this->name = trim($config[static::getType()]['name']);
if (isset($config[static::getType()]['idFromDb']))
$this->id = $config[static::getType()]['idFromDb'];
if (array_key_exists('code', $config[static::getType()]))
$code = $config[static::getType()]['code'];
if (is_string($code))
$code = trim($code);
$this->code = (is_string($code) && !empty($code)) ? $code : null;
return $result;
private function createGenerators()
$generatorTypesToCreate = $this->getGeneratorTypesByTemplate();
if ($this->type === static::NUMERATOR_ALL_GENERATORS_TYPE)
return $this->createGeneratorsOfTypes($generatorTypesToCreate);
$factory = static::getNumberGeneratorFactory();
$typesForCurrentNumerator = [];
foreach ($generatorTypesToCreate as $index => $generatorType)
$generatorClass = $factory->getClassByType($generatorType);
if ($generatorClass::getAvailableForType() === $this->type
|| $generatorClass::getAvailableForType() === static::NUMERATOR_DEFAULT_TYPE
$typesForCurrentNumerator[] = $generatorType;
return $this->createGeneratorsOfTypes($typesForCurrentNumerator);
* @param $config
* @return Result
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
private function setGeneratorsConfig($config)
$generators = $this->createGenerators();
foreach ($generators as $index => $generator)
$result = $this->validateGeneratorsConfig($config);
if ($result->isSuccess())
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof UserConfigurable)
/** @var UserConfigurable $generator */
$generator->setConfig($config[$this->getTypeOfGenerator($generator)] ?? null);
return $result;
/** type string used as key in configuration arrays
* @return string
public static function getType()
return str_replace('\\', '_', static::class);
* @param $template
protected function setTemplate($template)
$this->template = str_replace(["\r\n", "\n"], '', trim($template));
* @return array
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
private function getTypeToTemplateWords()
$result = [];
$typesToClasses = static::getNumberGeneratorFactory()->getTypeToClassMap();
foreach ($typesToClasses as $type => $class)
/** @var NumberGenerator $class */
$result[$type] = $class::getTemplateWordsForParse();
return $result;
* @return array
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException
private function getGeneratorTypesByTemplate()
$generatorTypes = [];
foreach ($this->getTypeToTemplateWords() as $type => $words)
foreach ($words as $word)
if (mb_stripos($this->template, $word) !== false)
$generatorTypes[$type] = 1;
return array_keys($generatorTypes);
* @param $generatorTypesToCreate
* @return array
private function createGeneratorsOfTypes($generatorTypesToCreate)
$generators = [];
foreach ($generatorTypesToCreate as $key => $type)
if ($generator = static::getNumberGeneratorFactory()->createGeneratorByType($type))
$generators[] = $generator;
return $generators;
* @param $numeratorConfig
* @return Result
private function validate($numeratorConfig)
$result = new Result();
if (!isset($numeratorConfig[static::getType()]))
$result->addError(new Error('Numerator config is required'));
$numeratorBaseConfig = $numeratorConfig[static::getType()];
if (isset($numeratorBaseConfig['code']))
if (is_string($numeratorBaseConfig['code']) && !empty($numeratorBaseConfig['code']))
$idWithSameCode = NumeratorTable::getIdByCode($numeratorBaseConfig['code']);
if ($idWithSameCode !== null)
$id = (int)($numeratorBaseConfig['idFromDb'] ?? null);
if ($id <= 0 || $idWithSameCode !== $id)
$result->addError(new Error('Another numerator with same code already exists'));
elseif (is_string($numeratorBaseConfig['code']))
$result->addError(new Error('Numerator code should be a non-empty string, if it is provided'));
$result->addError(new Error('Numerator code should be a string'));
if (!(isset($numeratorBaseConfig['name']) && $numeratorBaseConfig['name']))
$result->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('NUMERATOR_VALIDATE_NAME_IS_REQUIRED')));
$resultTemplate = $this->validateTemplate($numeratorBaseConfig['template']);
if ($resultTemplate->getErrors())
return $result;
* @param string $template
* @return Result
private function validateTemplate($template)
if (!($template && $template != ''))
return (new Result())->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('NUMERATOR_VALIDATE_TEMPLATE_IS_REQUIRED')));
return new Result();
* @param $isAvailableForType
* @return int
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
private static function getNextNumeratorNumber($isAvailableForType)
$query = new Query(NumeratorTable::getEntity());
$query->addSelect(new ExpressionField('COUNT', 'COUNT(*)'));
$query->where('TYPE', $isAvailableForType);
$result = $query->exec()->fetch();
return $result ? $result['COUNT'] + 1 : 1;
* @param $config
* @return Result
private function validateGeneratorsConfig($config)
$result = new Result();
foreach ($this->generators as $generator)
if ($generator instanceof UserConfigurable)
$generatorResult = ($generator->validateConfig($config));
if ($generatorResult->getErrors())
return $result;
* @param $generator
private function addGenerator($generator)
$this->generators[] = $generator;
* @param $generator
* @return string
private function getTypeOfGenerator($generator)
/** @var NumberGenerator $generatorClass */
$generatorClass = get_class($generator);
return $generatorClass::getType();
public function getId()
return $this->id;