Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Landing;
use Bitrix\Landing\History\ActionFactory;
use Bitrix\Landing\History\Action\BaseAction;
use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\BlockTable;
use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\HistoryTable;
use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\HistoryStepTable;
use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\LandingTable;
use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime;
* Work with History
class History
* Entity type landing.
public const ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING = 'L';
* Entity type designer block.
public const AVAILABLE_TYPES = [
* Activity flag
* @var bool
protected static bool $isActive = false;
* If set multiply mode some actions will connected and changed as one step
* @var bool
protected static bool $multiplyMode = false;
* ID of multiply actions group, by default - ID of first action in group
* @var int|null
protected static ?int $multiplyId = null;
// todo: $multiplyId and $multiplyStep - is no static. But need getInstance method and like a singletone style
* Because multiply step is one step, need increase step just once and save value
* @var int|null
protected static ?int $multiplyStep = null;
protected int $entityId;
protected string $entityType = self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING;
* ID of stepTable row - save for optimisation. If null - row not exists (new item)
* @var int|null
protected ?int $stepRowId = null;
* List of steps, grouped by multiply
* @var array
protected array $stack = [];
protected int $step = 0;
protected array $actions = [];
* Enable history for all
* @return void
public static function activate(): void
self::$isActive = true;
* Disable history for all
* @return void
public static function deactivate(): void
self::$isActive = false;
public static function setMultiplyMode(): void
self::$multiplyMode = true;
public static function unsetMultiplyMode(): void
self::$multiplyMode = false;
* Check enable or disable global history
* @return bool
public static function isActive(): bool
return self::$isActive;
* @param int $entityId
* @param string $entityType - one of constants AVAILABLE_TYPES
public function __construct(int $entityId, string $entityType)
if (!in_array($entityType, self::AVAILABLE_TYPES, true))
// todo :err or null
$this->entityId = $entityId;
$this->entityType = $entityType;
if ($this->step > $this->getStackCount())
protected function loadStack(): void
// todo: maybe cache
$this->stack = [];
$res = HistoryTable::query()
->where('ENTITY_TYPE', '=', $this->entityType)
->where('ENTITY_ID', '=', $this->entityId)
->setOrder(['ID' => 'ASC'])
$step = 1;
$multyId = null;
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$row['ID'] = (int)$row['ID'];
if (!is_array($row['ACTION_PARAMS']))
$this->fixBrokenStep($step, $row['ID']);
$row['STEP'] = $step;
$row['ENTITY_ID'] = (int)$row['ENTITY_ID'];
$row['MULTIPLY_ID'] = (int)$row['MULTIPLY_ID'];
if ($row['MULTIPLY_ID'])
if ($multyId && $multyId !== $row['MULTIPLY_ID'])
$multyId = null;
if (!$multyId)
// first multiply step
$row['ACTION_PARAMS'] = [
'ACTION' => $row['ACTION'],
$row['ACTION'] = ActionFactory::MULTIPLY_ACTION_NAME;
$multyId = $row['MULTIPLY_ID'];
$row['MULTIPLY'] = [$row['MULTIPLY_ID']];
$this->stack[$step] = $row;
$this->stack[$step - 1]['ACTION_PARAMS'][] = [
'ACTION' => $row['ACTION'],
$this->stack[$step - 1]['MULTIPLY'][] = $row['ID'];
$multyId = null;
$this->stack[$step] = $row;
* For some reasons history row can be broken.
* For consistency need remove row and decrease step.
* @param int $step number of broken step
* @param int $id ID of broken History row
* @return bool
protected function fixBrokenStep(int $step, int $id): bool
$resDelete = HistoryTable::delete($id);
if ($resDelete->isSuccess())
$currentStep = $this->loadStep();
if ($step > $currentStep)
return true;
return $this->saveStep(max(--$currentStep, 0));
return false;
* Delete chosen step and all before them.
* @param int $step number of step in stack
* @return bool
protected function clearBefore(int $step): bool
if (!isset($this->stack[$step]))
return false;
// if first step - can't delete nothing
if ($this->step <= 1)
return true;
// delete only before current step
if ($step >= $this->step)
$step = $this->step - 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $step; $i++)
if (!$this->deleteStep(1))
return false;
return true;
* Delete chosen step and all after them.
* @param int $step number of step in stack
* @return bool
protected function clearAfter(int $step): bool
if (!isset($this->stack[$step]))
return false;
// if last step - can't delete nothing
$stackCount = $this->getStackCount();
if ($this->step >= $stackCount)
return true;
// delete only after current step
if ($step <= $this->step)
$step = $this->step + 1;
$count = $this->getStackCount();
for ($i = $step; $i <= $count; $i++)
if (!$this->deleteStep($step))
return false;
return true;
* Clear all history
* @return bool
public function clear(): bool
$count = $this->getStackCount();
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if (!$this->deleteStep(1))
return false;
$this->stack = [];
return true;
* Remove one step by step number, with run action delete processing and save new step
* @param int $step
* @return bool
protected function deleteStep(int $step): bool
if (!isset($this->stack[$step]))
return false;
$item = $this->stack[$step];
$action = $this->getActionForStep($item['STEP'], false);
if (!$action || !$action->delete())
return false;
if (isset($item['MULTIPLY']) && is_array($item['MULTIPLY']) && !empty($item['MULTIPLY']))
foreach ($item['MULTIPLY'] as $multyId)
$resDelete = HistoryTable::delete($multyId);
if (!$resDelete->isSuccess())
return false;
$resDelete = HistoryTable::delete($item['ID']);
if (!$resDelete->isSuccess())
return false;
// update stack and step
if ($step <= $this->step)
return $this->saveStep($this->step - 1);
return true;
* Re calculate steps after change stack
* @return void
protected function resetStackSteps(): void
$newStack = [];
$step = 1;
foreach ($this->stack as $item)
$item['STEP'] = $step;
$newStack[$step] = $item;
// todo: what about multiply step?
$this->stack = $newStack;
* Remove history records older X days. And save new step.
* @param int $days
* @return bool
public function clearOld(int $days): bool
if ($days > 0)
$dateEnd = new DateTime();
$dateEnd->add('-' . $days . ' days');
$deleteBeforeStep = 0;
foreach ($this->stack as $stackItem)
$dateCurrent = DateTime::createFromUserTime($stackItem['DATE_CREATE']);
if ($dateEnd < $dateCurrent)
$deleteBeforeStep = $stackItem['STEP'];
return $this->clearBefore($deleteBeforeStep);
return false;
public function getStackCount(): int
return count($this->stack);
* Get step from table
* @return int
protected function loadStep(): int
$this->step = 0;
$step = HistoryStepTable::query()
->where('ENTITY_ID', '=', $this->entityId)
->where('ENTITY_TYPE', '=', $this->entityType)
// todo: del other entities row if exists
if ($step)
$this->stepRowId = $step['ID'];
$this->step = $step['STEP'];
return $this->step;
* Add exists or add new step row
* @param int $step
* @return bool
protected function saveStep(int $step): bool
$this->step = $step;
if ($this->stepRowId)
$res = HistoryStepTable::update($this->stepRowId, ['STEP' => $step]);
$res = HistoryStepTable::add([
'ENTITY_ID' => $this->entityId,
'ENTITY_TYPE' => $this->entityType,
'STEP' => $step,
if ($res->isSuccess())
$this->stepRowId = $res->getId();
$this->step = $step;
return true;
return false;
* Move steps from old tables to new entity
* When will be updated all clients - can delete this method
* @return void
private function migrateStep(): void
$oldStep = null;
if ($this->entityType === self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING)
if (!array_key_exists('HISTORY_STEP', LandingTable::getMap()))
$landing = LandingTable::query()
->where('ID', '=', $this->entityId)
$oldStep = $landing ? $landing['HISTORY_STEP'] : null;
if ($this->entityType === self::ENTITY_TYPE_DESIGNER_BLOCK)
if (!array_key_exists('HISTORY_STEP_DESIGNER', BlockTable::getMap()))
$block = BlockTable::query()
->where('ID', '=', $this->entityId)
$oldStep = $block ? $block['HISTORY_STEP_DESIGNER'] : null;
$isNewStepExists = HistoryStepTable::query()
->where('ENTITY_ID', '=', $this->entityId)
->where('ENTITY_TYPE', '=', $this->entityType)
if ($oldStep && !$isNewStepExists)
* Return stack of js commands for actions
* @return array
public function getJsStack(): array
$result = [];
foreach ($this->stack as $step => $stackItem)
$actionClass = ActionFactory::getActionClass($stackItem['ACTION']);
$result[$step] =
(is_callable([$actionClass, 'getJsCommandName']))
? call_user_func([$actionClass, 'getJsCommandName'])
: [];
return $result;
* Get current step
* @return int
public function getStep(): int
return $this->step;
public function push(string $actionName, array $params): bool
$actionName = strtoupper($actionName);
$action = ActionFactory::getAction($actionName);
if (!$action)
return false;
// todo: or err
$fields = [
'ENTITY_TYPE' => $this->entityType,
'ENTITY_ID' => $this->entityId,
'ACTION' => $actionName,
'ACTION_PARAMS' => $action->getParams(),
'CREATED_BY_ID' => Manager::getUserId() ?: 1,
'DATE_CREATE' => new DateTime,
// check duplicates
if (
&& ActionFactory::compareSteps($this->stack[$this->step], $fields)
return false;
if (!$action->isNeedPush())
return true;
$stackCount = $this->getStackCount();
if ($this->step < $stackCount)
if (!$this->clearAfter($this->step + 1))
return false;
$nextStep =
(self::$multiplyMode && self::$multiplyStep !== null)
? self::$multiplyStep
: $this->step + 1
if (!$this->saveStep($nextStep))
return false;
self::$multiplyStep = $nextStep;
// todo: drop $multiplyStep after last element (when set multiply mode off)
if (self::$multiplyMode && self::$multiplyId !== null)
$fields['MULTIPLY_ID'] = self::$multiplyId;
$resAdd = HistoryTable::add($fields);
// save MULTIPLY_ID for first element in group
if (self::$multiplyMode && self::$multiplyId === null)
self::$multiplyId = $resAdd->getId();
HistoryTable::update(self::$multiplyId, [
'MULTIPLY_ID' => self::$multiplyId,
return $resAdd->isSuccess();
public function undo(): bool
if ($this->canUndo())
$action = $this->getActionForStep($this->step, true);
if ($action && $action->execute())
return $this->saveStep($this->step - 1);
return false;
protected function canUndo(): bool
$this->step > 0
&& $this->getStackCount() > 0
&& $this->step <= $this->getStackCount()
public function redo(): bool
if ($this->canRedo())
$action = $this->getActionForStep($this->step + 1, false);
if ($action && $action->execute(false))
return $this->saveStep($this->step + 1);
return false;
protected function canRedo(): bool
$this->step >= 0
&& $this->getStackCount() > 0
&& $this->step < $this->getStackCount()
* Get params for JS command for frontend changes
* @param bool $undo
* @return array
public function getJsCommand(bool $undo = true): array
$action = $this->getActionForStep(
$undo ? $this->step : ($this->step + 1),
return $action ? $action->getJsCommand($undo) : [];
* Create and save in stack action object by step number
* @param int $step
* @param bool $undo
* @return BaseAction|null
protected function getActionForStep(int $step, bool $undo): ?BaseAction
if (!isset($this->stack[$step]))
return null;
$stepItem = $this->stack[$step];
$stepId = $stepItem['ID'];
$direction = ActionFactory::getDirectionName($undo);
if (isset($this->actions[$stepId][$direction]))
return $this->actions[$stepId][$direction];
$params = $stepItem['ACTION_PARAMS'];
if ($this->entityType === self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING)
$params['lid'] = $this->entityId;
if ($this->entityType === self::ENTITY_TYPE_DESIGNER_BLOCK)
$params['blockId'] = $this->entityId;
$action = ActionFactory::getAction($stepItem['ACTION'], $undo);
if (!$action)
return null;
$action->setParams($params, true);
$this->actions[$stepId][$direction] = $action;
return $action;