Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Landing;
use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use \Bitrix\Main\Event;
use \Bitrix\Main\EventResult;
class Site extends \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\BaseTable
* Internal class.
* @var string
public static $internalClass = 'SiteTable';
* Site's ids that was pinged.
* @var array
protected static $pings = [];
* Returns true if site exists and available.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param bool $deleted And from recycle bin.
* @return bool
public static function ping(int $id, bool $deleted = false): bool
if (array_key_exists($id, self::$pings))
return self::$pings[$id];
$filter = [
'ID' => $id
if ($deleted)
$filter['=DELETED'] = ['Y', 'N'];
$check = Site::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => $filter
self::$pings[$id] = (boolean) $check->fetch();
return self::$pings[$id];
* Removes sites id that was pinged.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @return void
protected static function clearPing(int $id): void
if (array_key_exists($id, self::$pings))
* Get public url for site.
* @param int[]|int $id Site id or array of ids.
* @param boolean $full Return full site url with relative path.
* @param boolean $hostInclude Include host name in full path.
* @param boolean $previewForNotActive If true and site is not active, url will be with preview hash.
* @return string|array
public static function getPublicUrl($id, bool $full = true, bool $hostInclude = true, bool $previewForNotActive = false)
$paths = [];
$isB24 = Manager::isB24();
$siteKeyCode = Site\Type::getKeyCode();
$defaultPubPath = rtrim(Manager::getPublicationPath(), '/');
$hostUrl = Domain::getHostUrl();
$disableCloud = Manager::isCloudDisable();
$res = self::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'ID' => $id,
'=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'],
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$pubPath = '';
$isB24localVar = $isB24;
if ($row['TYPE'] == 'SMN')
$isB24localVar = false;
if (!$isB24localVar || $disableCloud)
$pubPath = Manager::getPublicationPath(
$row['SMN_SITE_ID'] ? $row['SMN_SITE_ID'] : null
$pubPath = rtrim($pubPath, '/');
if ($siteKeyCode == 'ID')
$row['CODE'] = '/' . $row['ID'] . '/';
// force https
if (Manager::isHttps())
$row['DOMAIN_PROTOCOL'] = \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\DomainTable::PROTOCOL_HTTPS;
if ($row['DOMAIN_ID'])
$paths[$row['ID']] = ($hostInclude ? ($disableCloud ? $hostUrl : $row['DOMAIN_PROTOCOL'] . '://' . $row['DOMAIN_NAME']) : '') . $pubPath;
if ($full)
if ($disableCloud && $isB24localVar)
$paths[$row['ID']] .= $row['CODE'];
else if (!$isB24localVar)
$paths[$row['ID']] .= '/';
$paths[$row['ID']] = ($hostInclude ? $hostUrl : '') . $defaultPubPath . ($full ? $row['CODE'] : '');
if ($previewForNotActive && ($row['ACTIVE'] === 'N' || $row['DELETED'] === 'Y'))
$paths[$row['ID']] .= 'preview/' . self::getPublicHash($row['ID'], $row['DOMAIN_NAME']) . '/';
if (is_array($id))
return $paths;
return isset($paths[$id]) ? $paths[$id] : '';
* Get preview picture of the site's main page.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @return string
public static function getPreview(int $siteId): string
$res = self::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'ID' => $siteId
if ($row = $res->fetch())
if ($row['LANDING_ID_INDEX'])
return Landing::createInstance(0)->getPreview($row['LANDING_ID_INDEX']);
return Manager::getUrlFromFile('/bitrix/images/landing/nopreview.jpg');
* Get hooks of Site.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @return array Array of Hook.
public static function getHooks($id)
if (!Rights::hasAccessForSite($id, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['read']))
return [];
return Hook::getForSite($id);
* Get version of site for updater
* @param $siteId
* @return int
public static function getVersion($siteId): int
static $versions;
if (isset($versions[$siteId]))
return $versions[$siteId];
$resSite = self::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'=ID' => $siteId
if ($site = $resSite->fetch())
$versions[$siteId] = (int)$site['VERSION'];
$versions[$siteId] = 0;
return $versions[$siteId];
* Get additional fields of Landing.
* @param int $id Landing id.
* @return array Array of Field.
public static function getAdditionalFields($id)
$fields = array();
// now we can get additional fields only from hooks
foreach (self::getHooks($id) as $hook)
$fields += $hook->getPageFields();
return $fields;
* Save additional fields for Site.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param array $data Data array.
* @return void
public static function saveAdditionalFields($id, array $data)
// now we can get additional fields only from hooks
Hook::saveForSite($id, $data);
* Get existed site types.
* @return array
public static function getTypes()
static $types = null;
if ($types !== null)
return $types;
$types = array(
'PAGE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_PAGE'),
'STORE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_STORE'),
'SMN' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_SMN'),
'GROUP' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_GROUP')
return $types;
* Get default site type.
* @return string
public static function getDefaultType()
return 'PAGE';
* Delete site by id.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param bool $pagesDelete Delete all pages before.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function delete($id, $pagesDelete = false)
// first delete all pages if you want
if ($pagesDelete)
$res = Landing::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $id,
'=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N']
while ($row = $res->fetch())
if ($row['FOLDER_ID'])
Landing::update($row['ID'], [
'FOLDER_ID' => 0
$resDel = Landing::delete($row['ID'], true);
if (!$resDel->isSuccess())
return $resDel;
// delete site
$result = parent::delete($id);
return $result;
* Mark site as deleted.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function markDelete($id)
$event = new Event('landing', 'onBeforeSiteRecycle', array(
'id' => $id,
'delete' => 'Y'
foreach ($event->getResults() as $result)
if ($result->getType() == EventResult::ERROR)
$return = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
foreach ($result->getErrors() as $error)
return $return;
if (($currentScope = Site\Type::getCurrentScopeId()))
Agent::addUniqueAgent('clearRecycleScope', [$currentScope]);
$res = parent::update($id, array(
'DELETED' => 'Y'
return $res;
* Mark site as restored.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function markUnDelete($id)
$event = new Event('landing', 'onBeforeSiteRecycle', array(
'id' => $id,
'delete' => 'N'
foreach ($event->getResults() as $result)
if ($result->getType() == EventResult::ERROR)
$return = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
foreach ($result->getErrors() as $error)
return $return;
$res = parent::update($id, array(
'DELETED' => 'N'
return $res;
* Copy site without site's pages.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function copy($siteId)
$siteId = intval($siteId);
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
$error = new Error;
$siteRow = Site::getList([
'filter' => [
'ID' => $siteId
if (!$siteRow)
$result = Site::add([
'CODE' => $siteRow['CODE'],
'ACTIVE' => 'N',
'TITLE' => $siteRow['TITLE'],
'XML_ID' => $siteRow['XML_ID'],
'TYPE' => $siteRow['TYPE'],
'SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteRow['SMN_SITE_ID'],
'LANG' => $siteRow['LANG']
if ($result->isSuccess())
// copy hook data
// copy files
if (!$error->isEmpty())
return $result;
* Get full data for site with pages.
* @param int $siteForExport Site id.
* @param array $params Some params.
* @return array
public static function fullExport($siteForExport, $params = array())
$version = 3;//used in demo/class.php
$siteForExport = intval($siteForExport);
$tplsXml = array();
$export = array();
$editMode = isset($params['edit_mode']) && $params['edit_mode'] === 'Y';
if (!is_array($params))
$params = array();
$params['hooks_files'] = Hook::HOOKS_CODES_FILES;
if (isset($params['scope']))
// check params
if (
!isset($params['hooks_disable']) ||
$params['hooks_disable'] = array();
if (
isset($params['code']) &&
preg_match('/[^a-z0-9]/i', $params['code'])
throw new \Bitrix\Main\Config\ConfigurationException(
// additional hooks for disable
$params['hooks_disable'][] = 'B24BUTTON_CODE';
$params['hooks_disable'][] = 'FAVICON_PICTURE';
// get all templates
$res = Template::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'ID', 'XML_ID'
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$tplsXml[$row['ID']] = $row['XML_ID'];
// gets pages count
$res = Landing::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'SITE_ID' => $siteForExport
'runtime' => array(
new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField(
'CNT', 'COUNT(*)'
if ($pagesCount = $res->fetch())
$pagesCount = $pagesCount['CNT'];
return array();
// get all pages from the site
$res = Landing::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'SITE_ID' => $siteForExport,
//'=ACTIVE' => 'Y',
//'=SITE.ACTIVE' => 'Y'
'order' => array(
'ID' => 'asc'
if (!($row = $res->fetch()))
return array();
if (empty($export))
$export = array(
'charset' => SITE_CHARSET,
'code' => isset($params['code'])
? $params['code']
: trim($row['SITE_CODE'], '/'),
'code_mainpage' => '',
'site_code' => $row['SITE_CODE'],
'name' => isset($params['name'])
? $params['name']
: $row['SITE_TITLE'],
'description' => isset($params['description'])
? $params['description']
'preview' => isset($params['preview'])
? $params['preview']
: '',
'preview2x' => isset($params['preview2x'])
? $params['preview2x']
: '',
'preview3x' => isset($params['preview3x'])
? $params['preview3x']
: '',
'preview_url' => isset($params['preview_url'])
? $params['preview_url']
: '',
'show_in_list' => 'Y',
'type' => mb_strtolower($row['SITE_TYPE']),
'version' => $version,
'fields' => array(
'TITLE' => isset($params['name'])
? $params['name']
: $row['SITE_TITLE'],
'LANDING_ID_404' => $row['LANDING_ID_404']
'layout' => array(),
'folders' => array(),
'syspages' => array(),
'items' => array()
// site tpl
if ($row['SITE_TPL_ID'])
$export['layout'] = array(
'code' => $tplsXml[$row['SITE_TPL_ID']],
'ref' => TemplateRef::getForSite($row['SITE_ID'])
// sys pages
foreach (Syspage::get($siteForExport) as $syspage)
$export['syspages'][$syspage['TYPE']] = $syspage['LANDING_ID'];
// site hooks
$hookFields = &$export['fields']['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS'];
foreach (Hook::getForSite($row['SITE_ID']) as $hookCode => $hook)
if ($hookCode == 'SETTINGS')
foreach ($hook->getFields() as $fCode => $field)
$hookCodeFull = $hookCode . '_' . $fCode;
if (!in_array($hookCodeFull, $params['hooks_disable']))
$hookFields[$hookCodeFull] = $field->getValue();
if (!$hookFields[$hookCodeFull])
else if (
in_array($hookCodeFull, $params['hooks_files']) &&
intval($hookFields[$hookCodeFull]) > 0
$hookFields['~' . $hookCodeFull] = $hookFields[$hookCodeFull];
$hookFields[$hookCodeFull] = File::getFilePath(
if ($hookFields[$hookCodeFull])
$hookFields[$hookCodeFull] = Manager::getUrlFromFile(
// fill one page
$export['items'][$row['ID']] = array(
'old_id' => $row['ID'],
'code' => $pagesCount > 1
? $export['code'] . '/' . $row['CODE']
: $export['code'],
'name' => (isset($params['name']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['name']
: $row['TITLE'],
'description' => (isset($params['description']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['description']
: $row['DESCRIPTION'],
'preview' => (isset($params['preview']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['preview']
: '',
'preview2x' => (isset($params['preview2x']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['preview2x']
: '',
'preview3x' => (isset($params['preview3x']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['preview3x']
: '',
'preview_url' => (isset($params['preview_url']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['preview_url']
: '',
'show_in_list' => ($pagesCount == 1) ? 'Y' : 'N',
'type' => mb_strtolower($row['SITE_TYPE']),
'version' => $version,
'fields' => array(
'TITLE' => (isset($params['name']) && $pagesCount == 1)
? $params['name']
: $row['TITLE'],
'RULE' => $row['RULE'],
'layout' => $row['TPL_ID']
? array(
'code' => $tplsXml[$row['TPL_ID']],
'ref' => TemplateRef::getForLanding($row['ID'])
: array(),
'items' => array()
// special code for index page
if (
$pagesCount > 1 &&
$row['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] == $row['ID']
$export['code_mainpage'] = $row['CODE'];
// special pages
if ($row['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] == $row['ID'])
$export['fields']['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] = $export['items'][$row['ID']]['code'];
if ($row['LANDING_ID_404'] == $row['ID'])
$export['fields']['LANDING_ID_404'] = $export['items'][$row['ID']]['code'];
// page hooks
$hookFields = &$export['items'][$row['ID']]['fields']['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS'];
foreach (Hook::getForLanding($row['ID']) as $hookCode => $hook)
if ($hookCode == 'SETTINGS')
foreach ($hook->getFields() as $fCode => $field)
$hookCodeFull = $hookCode . '_' . $fCode;
if (!in_array($hookCodeFull, $params['hooks_disable']))
$hookFields[$hookCodeFull] = $field->getValue();
if (!$hookFields[$hookCodeFull])
else if (
in_array($hookCodeFull, $params['hooks_files']) &&
intval($hookFields[$hookCodeFull]) > 0
$hookFields['~' . $hookCodeFull] = $hookFields[$hookCodeFull];
$hookFields[$hookCodeFull] = File::getFilePath(
if ($hookFields[$hookCodeFull])
$hookFields[$hookCodeFull] = Manager::getUrlFromFile(
// folders
if ($row['FOLDER_ID'])
if (!isset($export['folders'][$row['FOLDER_ID']]))
$export['folders'][$row['FOLDER_ID']] = array();
$export['folders'][$row['FOLDER_ID']][] = $row['ID'];
// fill page with blocks
$landing = Landing::createInstance($row['ID']);
if ($landing->exist())
foreach ($landing->getBlocks() as $block)
if (!$block->isActive())
// repo blocks
$repoBlock = array();
if ($block->getRepoId())
$repoBlock = Repo::getBlock(
if ($repoBlock)
$repoBlock = array(
'app_code' => $repoBlock['block']['app_code'],
'xml_id' => $repoBlock['block']['xml_id']
$exportBlock = $block->export();
$exportItem = array(
'old_id' => $block->getId(),
'code' => $block->getCode(),
'access' => $block->getAccess(),
'anchor' => $block->getLocalAnchor(),
'repo_block' => $repoBlock,
'cards' => $exportBlock['cards'],
'nodes' => $exportBlock['nodes'],
'menu' => $exportBlock['menu'],
'style' => array_map(static function ($style){
if (is_array($style) && isset($style['classList']))
$style = $style['classList'];
return $style;
}, $exportBlock['style']),
'attrs' => $exportBlock['attrs'],
'dynamic' => $exportBlock['dynamic']
foreach ($exportItem as $key => $item)
if (!$item)
$export['items'][$row['ID']]['items']['#block' . $block->getId()] = $exportItem;
while ($row = $res->fetch());
if ($export['code_mainpage'])
$export['code'] = $export['code'] . '/' . $export['code_mainpage'];
$pages = $export['items'];
$export['items'] = array();
// prepare for export tpls
if (isset($export['layout']['ref']))
foreach ($export['layout']['ref'] as &$lid)
if (isset($pages[$lid]))
$lid = $pages[$lid]['code'];
// ... folders
$nCount = 0;
foreach ($export['folders'] as $folderId => $folderPages)
$export['folders']['n' . $nCount] = [];
foreach ($folderPages as $pageId)
if (isset($pages[$pageId]))
$export['folders']['n' . $nCount][] = $pages[$pageId]['code'];
foreach ($export['folders'] as $folderId => $folderPages)
$export['folders'][$folderPages[0]] = $folderPages;
// ... syspages
foreach ($export['syspages'] as &$lid)
if (isset($pages[$lid]))
$lid = $pages[$lid]['code'];
// ... pages
foreach ($pages as $page)
if (isset($page['layout']['ref']))
foreach ($page['layout']['ref'] as &$lid)
if (isset($pages[$lid]))
$lid = $pages[$lid]['code'];
$export['items'][$page['code']] = $page;
return $export;
* Get md5 hash for site, using http host.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param string $domain Domain name for this site.
* @return string
public static function getPublicHash($id, $domain = null)
static $hashes = [];
static $domains = [];
if (isset($hashes[$id]))
return $hashes[$id];
$hash = [];
if (Manager::isB24())
$hash[] = Manager::getHttpHost();
// detect domain
if ($domain === null)
if (!isset($domains[$id]))
$domains[$id] = '';
$res = self::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'ID' => $id
if ($row = $res->fetch())
$domains[$id] = $row['SITE_DOMAIN'];
$domain = $domains[$id];
$hash[] = $domain;
if (Manager::isB24())
$hash[] = rtrim(Manager::getPublicationPath($id), '/');
$hash[] = $id;
$hash[] = LICENSE_KEY;
$hashes[$id] = md5(implode('', $hash));
return $hashes[$id];
* Switch domains between two sites. Returns true on success.
* @param int $siteId1 First site id.
* @param int $siteId2 Second site id.
* @return bool
public static function switchDomain(int $siteId1, int $siteId2): bool
return \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\SiteTable::switchDomain($siteId1, $siteId2);
* Sets new random domain to site. Actual for Bitrix24 only.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @return bool
public static function randomizeDomain(int $siteId): bool
return \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\SiteTable::randomizeDomain($siteId);
* Creates site by template code.
* @param string $code Template code.
* @param string $type Site type.
* @param mixed $additional Data for landing.demo select.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult
public static function addByTemplate(string $code, string $type, $additional = null): \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult;
$componentName = 'bitrix:landing.demo';
$className = \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass($componentName);
/** @var \LandingSiteDemoComponent $demoCmp */
$demoCmp = new $className;
$demoCmp->arParams = [
'TYPE' => $type,
$res = $demoCmp->actionSelect($code, $additional);
if ($res)
$resSite = self::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'=TYPE' => $type
'order' => [
'ID' => 'desc'
if ($rowSite = $resSite->fetch())
foreach ($demoCmp->getErrors() as $code => $title)
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error($title, $code));
return $result;
* Copies folders from one site to another without pages.
* @param int $fromSite Source site id.
* @param int $toSite Destination site id.
* @param array $folderMap External references old<>new ids.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function copyFolders(int $fromSite, int $toSite, array &$folderMap = []): \Bitrix\Main\Result
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result();
$fromSiteAccess = Site::ping($fromSite) && Rights::hasAccessForSite($fromSite, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['read']);
$toSiteAccess = Site::ping($toSite) && Rights::hasAccessForSite($toSite, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit']);
if ($fromSiteAccess && $toSiteAccess)
$childrenExist = false;
$res = Folder::getList([
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $fromSite
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$oldId = $row['ID'];
if ($row['PARENT_ID'])
$childrenExist = true;
if ($row['INDEX_ID'])
$row['SITE_ID'] = $toSite;
$resAdd = Folder::add($row);
$folderMap[$oldId] = $resAdd->isSuccess() ? $resAdd->getId() : null;
// update child-parent
if ($childrenExist)
$res = Folder::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $toSite,
'!PARENT_ID' => false
while ($row = $res->fetch())
Folder::update($row['ID'], [
'PARENT_ID' => $folderMap[$row['PARENT_ID']] ?: null
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
* Creates folder into the site.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @param array $fields Folder's fields.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult
public static function addFolder(int $siteId, array $fields): \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult
if (self::ping($siteId) && Rights::hasAccessForSite($siteId, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit']))
$fields['SITE_ID'] = $siteId;
$result = Folder::add($fields);
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
* Updates folder of the site.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @param int $folderId Folder id.
* @param array $fields Folder's fields.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult
public static function updateFolder(int $siteId, int $folderId, array $fields): \Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult
if (self::ping($siteId) && Rights::hasAccessForSite($siteId, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit']))
$fields['SITE_ID'] = $siteId;
$result = Folder::update($folderId, $fields);
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
* Public all folder's breadcrumb.
* @param int $folderId Folder id.
* @param bool $mark Publication / depublication.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function publicationFolder(int $folderId, bool $mark = true): \Bitrix\Main\Result
$wasPublic = false;
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
$siteId = self::getFolder($folderId)['SITE_ID'] ?? null;
if ($siteId && self::ping($siteId) && Rights::hasAccessForSite($siteId, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['public']))
$wasPublic = true;
$breadCrumbs = Folder::getBreadCrumbs($folderId);
if (!$breadCrumbs)
$wasPublic = false;
$char = $mark ? 'Y' : 'N';
foreach ($breadCrumbs as $folder)
if ($folder['ACTIVE'] === $char)
if ($folder['DELETED'] === 'Y')
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
$res = Folder::update($folder['ID'], [
'ACTIVE' => $char
if (!$res->isSuccess())
$wasPublic = false;
if (!$wasPublic)
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
* Moves folder.
* @param int $folderId Current folder id.
* @param int|null $toFolderId Destination folder id (or null for root folder of current folder's site).
* @param int|null $toSiteId Destination site id (if different from current).
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function moveFolder(int $folderId, ?int $toFolderId, ?int $toSiteId = null): \Bitrix\Main\Result
$returnError = function()
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
$folder = Folder::getList([
'filter' => [
'ID' => $folderId
if ($folder)
// move to another site
if ($toSiteId && (int)$folder['SITE_ID'] !== $toSiteId)
// check access to another site
$hasRightFrom = Rights::hasAccessForSite($folder['SITE_ID'], Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['delete']);
$hasRightTo = Rights::hasAccessForSite($toSiteId, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit']);
if (!$hasRightFrom || !$hasRightTo)
return $returnError();
// check another site folder if specified
$toFolder = null;
if ($toFolderId)
$toFolder = Folder::getList([
'filter' => [
'ID' => $toFolderId,
'SITE_ID' => $toSiteId
if (!$toFolder)
return $returnError();
// move folder
$res = Folder::update($folderId, [
'SITE_ID' => $toSiteId,
'PARENT_ID' => $toFolder['ID'] ?? null
if ($res->isSuccess())
Folder::changeSiteIdRecursive($folderId, $toSiteId);
return $res;
$willBeRoot = !$toFolderId;
// check destination folder
$toFolder = null;
if ($toFolderId)
$toFolder = Folder::getList([
'filter' => [
'ID' => $toFolderId
if (!$toFolder)
return $returnError();
if (!$toFolder)
$toFolder = $folder;
// check restriction to move to itself
if (!$willBeRoot)
$breadCrumbs = Folder::getBreadCrumbs($toFolder['ID'], $toFolder['SITE_ID']);
for ($i = 0, $c = count($breadCrumbs); $i < $c; $i++)
if ($breadCrumbs[$i]['ID'] === $folder['ID'])
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
// check access and update then
$hasRightFrom = Rights::hasAccessForSite($folder['SITE_ID'], Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['delete']);
$hasRightTo = Rights::hasAccessForSite($toFolder['SITE_ID'], Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit']);
if ($hasRightFrom && $hasRightTo)
return Folder::update($folderId, [
'SITE_ID' => $toFolder['SITE_ID'],
'PARENT_ID' => !$willBeRoot ? $toFolder['ID'] : null
return $returnError();
* Returns folder's list of site.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @param array $filter Folder's filter.
* @return array
public static function getFolders(int $siteId, array $filter = []): array
if (!Rights::hasAccessForSite($siteId, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['read']))
return [];
if (!isset($filter['DELETED']) && !isset($filter['=DELETED']))
$filter['=DELETED'] = 'N';
$folders = [];
$filter['SITE_ID'] = $siteId;
$res = Folder::getList([
'filter' => $filter,
'order' => [
'DATE_MODIFY' => 'desc'
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$folders[$row['ID']] = $row;
return $folders;
* Returns folder's info.
* @param int $folderId Folder id.
* @param string $accessLevel Access level to folder.
* @return array|null
public static function getFolder(int $folderId, string $accessLevel = Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['read']): ?array
$folder = Folder::getList([
'filter' => [
'ID' => $folderId
if ($folder)
if (!Rights::hasAccessForSite($folder['SITE_ID'], $accessLevel))
return null;
return is_array($folder) ? $folder : null;
* Mark folder as deleted.
* @param int $id Folder id.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function markFolderDelete(int $id): \Bitrix\Main\Result
$folder = self::getFolder($id);
if (!$folder || !Rights::hasAccessForSite($folder['SITE_ID'], Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['delete']))
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
// disable delete if folder (or aby sub folders) contains area
$res = Landing::getList([
'select' => ['ID'],
'filter' => [
'FOLDER_ID' => [$id, ...Folder::getSubFolderIds($id)],
'!==AREAS.ID' => null,
if ($res->fetch())
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
$event = new Event('landing', 'onBeforeFolderRecycle', [
'id' => $id,
'delete' => 'Y'
foreach ($event->getResults() as $result)
if ($result->getType() == EventResult::ERROR)
$return = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
foreach ($result->getErrors() as $error)
return $return;
if (($currentScope = Site\Type::getCurrentScopeId()))
Agent::addUniqueAgent('clearRecycleScope', [$currentScope]);
return Folder::update($id, [
'DELETED' => 'Y'
* Mark folder as restored.
* @param int $id Folder id.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function markFolderUnDelete(int $id): \Bitrix\Main\Result
$folder = self::getFolder($id);
if (!$folder || !Rights::hasAccessForSite($folder['SITE_ID'], Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['delete']))
$result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult;
$result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $result;
$event = new Event('landing', 'onBeforeFolderRecycle', array(
'id' => $id,
'delete' => 'N'
foreach ($event->getResults() as $result)
if ($result->getType() == EventResult::ERROR)
$return = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
foreach ($result->getErrors() as $error)
return $return;
return Folder::update($id, array(
'DELETED' => 'N'
* Tries to add page to the all menu on the site.
* Detects blocks with menu-manifests only.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @param array $data Landing data ([ID, TITLE]).
* @return void
public static function addLandingToMenu(int $siteId, array $data): void
$res = Landing::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $siteId,
'!==AREAS.ID' => null
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$landing = Landing::createInstance($row['ID']);
if ($landing->exist())
foreach ($landing->getBlocks() as $block)
$manifest = $block->getManifest();
if (isset($manifest['menu']))
foreach ($manifest['menu'] as $menuSelector => $foo)
$menuSelector => [
'text' => $data['TITLE'],
'href' => '#landing' . $data['ID']
], ['appendMenu' => true]);
break 2;
* Change modified user and date for the site.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @return void
public static function touch(int $id): void
static $touched = [];
if (isset($touched[$id]))
$touched[$id] = true;
self::update($id, [
'TOUCH' => 'Y'
* Makes site public.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param bool $mark Mark.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function publication(int $id, bool $mark = true): \Bitrix\Main\Result
$return = new \Bitrix\Main\Result;
if ($mark)
$verificationError = new Error();
if (!Mutator::checkSiteVerification($id, $verificationError))
return $return;
// work with pages
$res = Landing::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $id,
'LOGIC' => 'OR',
['FOLDER_ID' => null],
['!FOLDER_ID' => Folder::getFolderIdsForSite($id, ['=DELETED' => 'Y']) ?: [-1]]
while ($row = $res->fetch())
if ($row['ACTIVE'] != 'Y')
$row['PUBLIC'] = 'N';
if ($row['PUBLIC'] == 'Y')
$landing = Landing::createInstance($row['ID'], [
'skip_blocks' => true
if ($mark)
$resPublication = $landing->publication();
$resPublication = $landing->unpublic();
if (!$resPublication)
if (!$landing->getError()->isEmpty())
$error = $landing->getError()->getFirstError();
$return->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(
return $return;
$res = Folder::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $id,
'=ACTIVE' => $mark ? 'N' : 'Y',
'=DELETED' => 'N'
while ($row = $res->fetch())
Folder::update($row['ID'], [
'ACTIVE' => $mark ? 'Y' : 'N'
return parent::update($id, [
'ACTIVE' => $mark ? 'Y' : 'N'
* Marks site unpublic.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @return \Bitrix\Main\Result
public static function unpublic(int $id): \Bitrix\Main\Result
return self::publication($id, false);
* Returns site id by template code.
* @param string $tplCode Template code.
* @return int|null
public static function getSiteIdByTemplate(string $tplCode): ?int
$site = \Bitrix\Landing\Site::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'=TPL_CODE' => $tplCode
'order' => [
'ID' => 'desc'
return $site['ID'] ?? null;
* Event handler for check existing pages of main module's site.
* @param string $siteId Main site id.
* @return bool
public static function onBeforeMainSiteDelete($siteId)
$res = Landing::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'=SITE.SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteId,
if ($res->fetch())
return false;
return true;
* Event handler for delete pages of main module's site.
* @param string $siteId Main site id.
* @return void
public static function onMainSiteDelete($siteId)
$realSiteId = null;
// delete pages
$res = Landing::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'=SITE.SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteId,
'=SITE.DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'],
'=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N']
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$realSiteId = $row['SITE_ID'];
Landing::delete($row['ID'], true);
// detect site
if (!$realSiteId)
$res = self::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'filter' => array(
'=SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteId,
'=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N']
if ($row = $res->fetch())
$realSiteId = $row['ID'];
// and delete site
if ($realSiteId)
* Change type for the site.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param string $type Type.
* @return void
public static function changeType(int $id, string $type): void
if (self::getTypes()[$type] ?? null)
parent::update($id, array(
'TYPE' => $type
* Change code for the site.
* @param int $id Site id.
* @param string $code Code.
* @return void
public static function changeCode(int $id, string $code): void
parent::update($id, array(
'CODE' => $code