Your IP :
aOfc @ s d Z d d l Z d � Z d S( s curses.wrapper
Contains one function, wrapper(), which runs another function which
should be the rest of your curses-based application. If the
application raises an exception, wrapper() will restore the terminal
to a sane state so you can read the resulting traceback.
i����Nc O s� zY t j � } t j � t j � | j d � y t j � Wn n X| | | | � SWd d t � k r� | j d � t j � t j � t j � n Xd S( s Wrapper function that initializes curses and calls another function,
restoring normal keyboard/screen behavior on error.
The callable object 'func' is then passed the main window 'stdscr'
as its first argument, followed by any other arguments passed to
i Nt stdscri (
t cursest initscrt noechot cbreakt keypadt start_colort localst echot nocbreakt endwin( t funct argst kwdsR ( ( s&