Your IP :
Current Path : /usr/share/perl5/ |
Current File : //usr/share/perl5/ |
package deprecate;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = 0.03;
# our %Config can ignore %Config::Config, e.g. for testing
our %Config;
unless (%Config) { require Config; *Config = \%Config::Config; }
# This isn't a public API. It's internal to code maintained by the perl-porters
# If you would like it to be a public API, please send a patch with
# documentation and tests. Until then, it may change without warning.
sub __loaded_from_core {
my ($package, $file, $expect_leaf) = @_;
foreach my $pair ([qw(sitearchexp archlibexp)],
[qw(sitelibexp privlibexp)]) {
my ($site, $priv) = @Config{@$pair};
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
for my $d ($site, $priv) { $d = VMS::Filespec::unixify($d) };
# Just in case anyone managed to configure with trailing /s
s!/*$!!g foreach $site, $priv;
next if $site eq $priv;
if (uc("$priv/$expect_leaf") eq uc($file)) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub import {
my ($package, $file) = caller;
my $expect_leaf = "$";
$expect_leaf =~ s!::!/!g;
if (__loaded_from_core($package, $file, $expect_leaf)) {
my $call_depth=1;
my @caller;
while (@caller = caller $call_depth++) {
last if $caller[7] # use/require
and $caller[6] eq $expect_leaf; # the package file
unless (@caller) {
require Carp;
Can't find use/require $expect_leaf in caller stack
# This is fragile, because it
# is directly poking in the internals of
my ($call_file, $call_line, $callers_bitmask) = @caller[1,2,9];
if (defined $callers_bitmask
&& (vec($callers_bitmask, $warnings::Offsets{deprecated}, 1)
|| vec($callers_bitmask, $warnings::Offsets{all}, 1))) {
warn <<"EOM";
$package will be removed from the Perl core distribution in the next major release. Please install it from CPAN. It is being used at $call_file, line $call_line.
=head1 NAME
deprecate - Perl pragma for deprecating the core version of a module
use deprecate; # always deprecate the module in which this occurs
use if $] > 5.010, 'deprecate'; # conditionally deprecate the module
This module is used using C<use deprecate;> (or something that calls
C<< deprecate->import() >>, for example C<use if COND, deprecate;>).
If the module that includes C<use deprecate> is located in a core library
directory, a deprecation warning is issued, encouraging the user to use
the version on CPAN. If that module is located in a site library, it is
the CPAN version, and no warning is issued.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default. The only method is C<import>, called by C<use deprecate;>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
First example to C<use deprecate;> was L<Switch>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Original version by Nicholas Clark
Copyright (C) 2009, 2011
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.