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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Hospital cashier salary.  Nairobi, Nairobi Area. </h1>
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<p>Hospital cashier salary 40 per hour for Speech Therapist.  Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 9 Work-Life Balance.  Room Service Cashier.  4 Dec 2024 View all Beverly Hills Specialist Hospital jobs - Abu Dhabi jobs - Cashier jobs in Abu Dhabi; Salary Search: Hospital Cashier salaries in Abu Dhabi; See popular questions &amp; answers about Beverly Hills Specialist Hospital The average cashier salary in New Zealand is $44,801 per year or $22. Their duties include interacting with customers, balancing the cash register, determining change, recording purchases, processing returns and scanning items for sale.  Apply to Cashier, Registrar, Business Office Director and more! Salary Search: Cashier salaries in Falls Church, VA; It requires the ability to concentrate on detail work despite interruptions for cashier service.  David's HealthCare hourly pay ranges from approximately $17.  Use our salary calculator to see what the average pay is in a specific country.  401(k) Disability.  Job Profile: Responsible for processing cash, debit, credit and cheque transactions using a cash register or other point-of-sale system in a retail environment.  The average White Plains Hospital hourly pay ranges from approximately $18 per hour (estimate) for a Housekeeper to $119 per hour (estimate) for a Psychiatrist.  How much does a Hospital Cashier make in Texas? As of Feb 1, 2025, the average hourly pay for a Hospital Cashier in Texas is $12. 250.  Healthcare.  Marriott International, Inc.  Ratings by category.  Apply to Cashier, Registration, Customer Service Representative and more! Salary Search: Cashier Clerk / Mapunapuna Medical Offices / PT 20 Hours salaries in Honolulu, HI; See popular questions &amp; Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Bhy Hospital is between $22,176 and $27,472, with an average salary of $24,313.  The average Cashier base salary at Nakasero Hospital is UGX 9. Discover the average Cashier salary in your location and the salary for similar careers.  Search 431 Hospital, Cashier jobs in Dubai on Indeed.  The Nairobi Women’s Hospital employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 3.  Salary Search: Cashier (Male) for Hospital salaries in Doha; Customer Service Assistant.  $29. .  A Mt San Rafael Hospital Cashier's compensation ranges from $22,197 to $27,545, with an average salary of $24,354.  Interact directly with customers and respond to their inquiries and complaints in a timely manner, and direct unresolved issues to designated source. 30 per hour for Registered Nurse - CVICU.  Cebu City.  200+ jobs.  Visit PayScale to research hospital registrar hourly pay by city, experience, skill, employer and more.  Position Requirements: Apply for Hospital cashier jobs Explore all 80.  This position is from 6:00am-3:30pm (working every other weekend) Posting closing date: February 26, 2025.  Salary Search: Cashier Food Service salaries in Washington, DC; The average Parkland Health &amp; Hospital System salary ranges from approximately $37,160 per year (estimate) for an EVS Associate to $302,618 per year (estimate) for a Medical Director.  View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position.  Home; Cashier - Cafeteria - Food &amp; Nutrition Services - UAB Hospital North Pavilion - AM (168) $64,417.  Additionally, the ability to manage complex financial operations and contribute to cost At Coney Island Hospital, a FT Corporate Recruiter (2210) is among the highest earners, with an average salary of approximately $242,016 per year.  What salary does a Hospital Cashier earn in your area? Community; Jobs; Companies; Salaries; For Employers; Community; Salary; Cashier: $42,441 / yrLead Cashier: $43,468 / yrCashier I: $47,247 / yr.  These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.  Entry level positions start at $26,000 per year while most experienced workers make up to $39,520 per year.  LOG IN.  gift shop. 267.  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Salem Hospital is between $28,542 and $35,529, with an average salary of $31,360.  hospital.  The average annual Galesburg Cottage Hospital Salary for Cashier is estimated to be approximately $27,043 per year.  City Health Hospital - Other Jobs - HealthCare Provider Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at North Shore University Hospital is between $29,843 and $37,087, with an average salary of $32,765. 6M–UGX 15.  Altius Hospital. com shows the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Hospital Food Service Worker in the United States. ‏. 21 - $38.  Vincent General Hospital.  The average hospital cashier salary in the USA is $29,564 per year or $14.  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Barton Memorial Hospital is between $27,592 and $34,319, with an average salary of $30,306.  4K reviews.  Average St.  The average Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital salary ranges from approximately $37,605 per year (estimate) for a Food Service Worker to $221,695 per year (estimate) for a Vice President Ambulatory Operations.  Explore this page further for more salary and benefits information at Coney Island Hospital.  Part-time.  See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and The average annual Hospital Oriente Inc Salary for Cashier is estimated to be approximately $24,844 per year.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and 1,984 Hospital Cafeteria jobs available on Indeed. Salaries range from 7,840 PHP (lowest) to 27,100 PHP (highest).  Grand View Health. 261.  DEMO.  Nairobi, Nairobi Area.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and Required female cashier for our facility in Abu Dhabi.  305 job openings. 8 out of 5 stars.  2d ago Sunrise Integrated Facility.  The average Allegheny Health Network salary ranges from approximately $34,080 per year (estimate) for a Host to $357,040 per year (estimate) for a Non-invasive Cardiologist. mu.  50+ jobs.  Cosmetics Cashier. 5k salaries) ₹0. 2/5 stars.  Allah Valley Medical Specialist Center Inc.  the United States Prev Next.  5,415 Hospital Food Service Cashier jobs available on Indeed.  As a Hospital Cafeteria, I make an average base salary of $26,557 per Year in the US.  Cashier Salary 0 - 8 years exp. 46.  Search and apply for the latest Hospital cashier jobs.  $17 - $30 an hour.  ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for 125 hospital cashier jobs available.  The average bonus for a Hospital Cashier is $2,024 which represents 30,513,951 Hospital Cashier Salaries provided anonymously by employees.  Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria.  Apply to Food Service Associate, Food Service Worker, Nutritional Aide and more! Salary Search: Cashier/Cafe Aide salaries in New Brunswick, NJ; 2025, the new salary range will be $26,851 - St. 77 USD. 53 (25th percentile) to $14. 00 - 20,000. 001 seconds) To coordinate activities related to admission/discharge of patients in the hospital while providing a courteous and efficient service ensuring that all patient.  NaN. 3 Lakh to ₹4.  Visit PayScale to research cashier salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more.  $19. 6M per year, which includes base salary and additional pay.  PCT (Patient Care Technician) nyc hospital cashier jobs in New York, NY.  Finger out salary benefits for Hospital Cafeteria.  The majority pay is between $22,660 to $28,074 per year.  1 year exp.  Bekasi Salary Range: $18.  Email me jobs like this Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Washington County Hospital is between $25,291 and $31,411, with an average salary of $27,759. 3 out of 5 stars.  The average annual Altru Hospital Salary for Cashier is estimated to be approximately $28,272 per year. 3 L/yr - ₹4. 8K salaries.  Typically responds within 3 days. 29 - $75.  We are seeking dynamic and skilled individuals to join our organization as Cashier (Male) for a Hospital in Doha, Qatar.  Salary Search: Hospital Cashier salaries in Los Ba&#241;os; See popular questions &amp; answers about Calamba Medical Center; View similar jobs with this employer.  is a Hospital where in people who are working there are approachable with good manners, all Brigham and Women’s Hospital has a comprehensive Flexible Benefit Program, including pre-tax deductions designed to truly benefit our employees.  The average salary for a cashier is ₱14,719 per month in Philippines.  The majority pay is between $29,354 to $36,592 per year.  Monthly Avg 0 12500 25000 cashier : AED 3,529 : housekeeping supervisor : AED 3,630 : receptionist : AED 4,033 : data entry operator : AED 4,033 : billing executive : AED 4,134 : office assistant : Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Kingston Public Hospital is between $22,330 and $27,665, with an average salary of $24,484.  Apply to Emergency Department Registrar, Cashier, Housekeeper and more! Salary Search: Hospital Services Rep Saturday-Tuesday 5:30am to 4:00pm salaries in Lexington, KY; See popular questions &amp; answers about Kentucky Blood Center Inc; While Salary.  The average Atrium Health salary ranges from approximately $35,580 per year for Secretary to $264,969 per year for Physician.  The take-home salary calculation is based on the average Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Cashier salary in India which ranges between ₹1.  Discuss pay anonymously with real people.  The average Allegheny Health Network hourly pay ranges from approximately $16 per hour (estimate) for a Houskeeping to $144 per hour (estimate) for a Critical Care The average hospital cashier salary in Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 76,436 د.  If you are experienced in the healthcare sector and have excellent communication skills, this opportunity is for you! Job Details: Position: Cashier – Male; Vacancies: 2; Location: Doha, Qatar; Salary: Starting at QAR 5,000 3,348 Cashier Hospital jobs available on Indeed.  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Plainview Hospital is between $26,455 and $32,710, with an average salary of $29,002.  Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United States For questions and clarifications, you may call our friendly Recruiters at 8835-6862 local 207 and text us at 09178716138 (look for HRD recruiter NIKKI, JASMINE and JUSTINE).  The base salary or hourly wage range for this role will vary based on multiple factors, including but not limited to prior experience Nmc Royal Hospital Salary in United Arab Emirates * Posted anonymously by employees. 3M per year. ‏ or an equivalent hourly rate of 37 د.  White Plains Hospital 169,338 Hospital Gift Shop jobs available on Indeed.  The pay scale is $48.  Applications will be accepted until a sufficient number is received.  St.  Social Security. 98 per hour.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Chile As required by various pay transparency laws, we share a competitive range of compensation for candidates hired into each position.  A Henry County Hospital Cashier's compensation ranges from $24,570 to $30,517, with an average salary of $26,971.  Hospital - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education.  Cashier salaries in Philippines vary drastically based on experience, skills, gender, or location.  Admission &amp; Cashier - Hospital.  Resume Resources: Resume Samples - Resume Templates - Resume Writing Service; Career Resources: Minimum 2 years of experience as a Cashier in a hospital or healthcare organisation.  MENU. The average hospital cashier salary in Chile is $6.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Manila, Philippines.  3.  New hospital cashier careers are added daily on SimplyHired.  Apply to Cashier, Registration, Customer Service Representative and more! Browse hospital cashier salaries by country with SalaryExpert.  12 open jobs for Hospital cashier. 1 L/yr View more similar designations .  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Swedish Covenant Hospital is between $29,414 and $36,582, with an average salary of $32,303.  The average St. 50 - $26.  A Hospital Cashier in your area makes on average $14 per hour, or $0.  Average Atrium Health hourly pay ranges from approximately $14. 89 per hour for Food Service Manager to $59.  Starting annual salary from &#163;50,017 a year, depending on experience and grade; A two-year contract at an NHS hospital in general medicine; Visa and Certificate of Sponsorship; 4,697 Hospital Cashier jobs available on Indeed.  However, pay is 4,697 Hospital Cashier jobs available on Indeed.  The estimated total pay for a Cafeteria Cashier is $38,572 per year, with an average salary of $35,040 per year.  1.  Below is the latest salary grade table for all government plantilla items and positions: Cashier I: 10: Cashier II: 14: Cashier III: 18: Cashier IV: 22: Cashier V: 24: Cemetery Caretaker: 2: Chief of Hospital I: 24: Chief of Hospital II: The average salary of a Cashier in Indonesia is between Rp 2.  Salary Cashier Nairobi We have 201 ads for keyword cashier nairobi (0. إ. 5 Lakhs to ₹2.  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Suburban Hospital Inc is between $28,178 and $35,452, with an average salary of $31,065. The average Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital hourly pay ranges from approximately $17 per hour (estimate) for an ER Medical Scribe to $75 per Lotus Eye Hospital.  Cashier Staff.  Location.  Cashier.  10,968 Hospital Food Service jobs available on Indeed. 33 (75th percentile) in Texas.  The average additional pay is UGX 5.  Sort by: relevance - date. 9.  The average Grand View Health salary ranges from approximately $22,000 per year for Nursing Assistant to $109,409 per year for Physician Assistant.  Retail Assistant Caf&#233; (Casual)- Palmerston North Hospital Palmerston North, Manawatu Factors influencing a Hospital Accountant’s salary include years of experience, size and financial status of the hospital, specialization in healthcare finance, proficiency with healthcare billing software, and understanding of healthcare regulations.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and additional skills.  View job details.  Competitive salary.  Allah Valley Medical Specialists' Center, Inc Salary &amp; Benefits reviews in Koronadal Review this company.  Register.  This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.  The majority pay is between $24,917 to $30,992 per year.  Free, fast and easy way find Hospital Salary Search: Hospital Cashier salaries in Los Ba&#241;os; See popular questions &amp; answers about Calamba Medical Center How much does a Hospital Cashier make? The average Hospital Cashier in the US makes $78,958. mu; saved jobs.  $30,139.  Qatar. 8M per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips. 8 Lakhs per year. 64 per hour depending on experience. com.  The average annual Rome Memorial Hospital Inc Salary for Cashier is estimated to be approximately $27,992 per year.  A Pet Vet Hospital Cashier's compensation ranges from $20,956 to $26,395, with an average salary of $23,124.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 95 an hour.  Log in.  Salary estimates are based on 16.  The average White Plains Hospital salary ranges from approximately $40,881 per year (estimate) for a Receptionist to $262,295 per year (estimate) for an ER Doctor. 1K reviews.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level The average hospital cashier salary in Jakarta, Indonesia is Rp105.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and additional Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Memorial Hospital is between $25,947 and $32,235, with an average salary of $28,486. 74 an hour.  It is very low for a hospital. 00 - $19.  Average ECU Health hourly pay ranges from approximately $10.  6,540 Hospital Business Office Cashier jobs available on Indeed. 8.  BAYADA Home Health Care. 1 Lakhs per year.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and Search Hospital cashier jobs. 41 (30.  3 years exp. 1K job openings. 606.  Explore related opportunities like Cashier, Lead Cashier, Healthcare Assistant to find your perfect fit today.  We have 201 results for cashier nairobi.  Browse jobs Salary.  Find best jobs and vacancies in Kenya.  What salary does a Hospital Cashier earn in your area? 30,513,951 Hospital Cashier Salaries provided anonymously by employees. 026 or an equivalent hourly rate of $3. 796.  Most Common Benefits for Actuary III.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and Hospital Cashier jobs in New York, NY.  Apply to Food Service Associate, Food Service Worker, Dietary Aide and more! Salary Search: Food Service Assistant - Second Shift - Central Regional Hospital salaries in Granville County, 4,523 Cashier Jobs in Hospital jobs available on Indeed.  Apply to Food Service Worker, Food Service Associate, Cashier and more! As of January 1, 2025, the new salary range will be $26,851 - $46,991. 58 in 2025.  The average salary for a Cashier in Nepal is रू141,499 in 2024.  The average annual Hospital Cashier salary is estimated to be approximately $32,271 per year.  The average annual St Dominic Hospital Salary for Cashier is estimated to be approximately $27,366 per year.  Job openings in Philippines.  Home; Happy Tails Veterinary Hospital.  Job Title.  13K salaries.  Hospital Staff Salary By Locations Locations Avg Annual Salary New Delhi Salary for a Hospital Staff in India ranges between ₹0. 00 JOB Apply for the Job in Cashier, Food Services, Norton West Louisville Hospital, Days at Louisville, KY.  The majority pay is between $25,731 to $32,029 per year.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at Winnie Palmer Hospital is between $22,306 and $27,662, with an average salary of $24,466.  Job email alerts.  The average annual Hartford Hospital Salary for Cashier is estimated to be approximately $35,749 per year. com to find out more. 1 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 2 years to 5 years.  David's HealthCare salary ranges from approximately $46,000 per year for Paramedic to $222,768 per year for Assistant Vice President.  The average hourly pay for a Hospital Registrar is $16.  The Work-Life Bowl.  The majority pay is between $24,638 to $30,600 per year.  The average salaries for The Aga Khan University Hospital is 51,876 Shilling. 000.  Koronadal 4 reviews.  Craig Hospital reserves the right to either close or extend a posting.  Azadea.  While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $17.  The roles include Accountant, Biomedical Engineer, Human Resources Officer, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Medical Laboratory Technician, Nurse etc. 20 The average annual salary of Diet Technician II in the United States is $45,319 or $22 per hour, ranging from $34,212 to $58,933 and $16 to $28.  Hughson, CA.  The majority pay is between $32,534 to $40,507 per year. 17, the majority of Hospital Cashier salaries currently range between $10. 000+ current Jobs in Philippines and abroad Competitive salary Full-time, Temporary, and Part-time Jobs Job Email Alerts Fast &amp; Free Top employers Hospital cashier jobs is easy to find Start your new career right now! Treasury Cashier Requirement : 1 Salary Range : P 18,000. 54 an hour.  Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs.  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier at San Joaquin Community Hospital is between $27,274 and $33,860, with an average salary of $29,931.  Apply to Gift Shop Associate, Clinical Supervisor, Speech Therapist and more! Salary Search: Business hospital cashier.  retail.  Negotiable (10) Not disclosed (9) 10,000 - 20,000 (2) 21,000 - 30,000 (2) Search: Sort By.  Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Cashier, Food Services, Norton West Louisville Hospital, Days A person working as Cashier in Philippines typically earns around 17,000 PHP. 8k salaries reported, updated at February 24, 2025.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and Centre Hospital Universitaire de Butare (CHUB) District Hospital and Health Center; Ministry of Infrastracture (MININFRA) Rwanda Transport Development Authority (RTDA) Road Maintenance Fund (RMF) Rwanda Public Transport Authority (ONATRACOM) Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) RWANDA CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (RCAA) Cashier jobs in Mauritius from the leading Mauritius recruitment site for Mauritius vacancies myjob.  Walmart.  Greenville, NC.  Duarte Nursery 3.  4. 000 and Rp 3.  Infection control and hospital epidemiology are akin to public health practice, practiced within the confines of a particular health-care delivery system rather than directed at society as a whole .  Moses Lake, WA 98837.  Salary.  Theresa&#226;€™s Mission Hospital 1; Salary We have 14 ads for keyword hospital cashier nairobi jobs (0. 21 per hour.  Conversely, the lowest-paid position is Maintenance Worker, earning around $37,894 annually.  The majority pay is between $25,500 to $31,677 per year.  Entry-level positions start at $39,000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $45,981 per year. com is seeing that the highest pay for Hospital Food Service Worker in the US can go up to $20 and the lowest down to $13, but most earn between $15 and $18.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Jakarta, Indonesia.  Account Assistant At City Health Hospital. 79 per hour for Medical Receptionist to $41.  All Industries. 00 per hour for Graduate Researcher to $150 per hour for Psychiatrist. 143%) more than the national average hourly salary of $13.  The average hospital cashier salary in Manila, Philippines is ₱212,360 or an equivalent hourly rate of ₱102. 02 and as low as $7.  New York, NY 10019.  Visit Salary.  The base salary or hourly wage range for this role will vary based on multiple factors, including but not limited to prior experience, relevant expertise The average ECU Health salary ranges from approximately $35,657 per year for Call Center Representative to $166,972 per year for Director of Administration.  Cashier - Pharmacy.  Familiar with hospital operations and systems, or with potential for training.  Our hospital offers some of the best health, dental, and vision plans available, with many affordable options designed to fit the needs of you and your family.  This data is collated by 17 employees from The Aga Khan University Hospital.  Get the right Hospital cashier job with company ratings &amp; salaries. 430 or an equivalent hourly rate of Rp50. 498 seconds) Sorting.  Verified employers. 6k latest salaries received from The average annual salary of Actuary III in the United States is $115,409 or $55 per hour, ranging from $93,712 to $138,564 and $45 to $67.  Cashier (PT) (VFE) Vallarta Supermarkets 3.  Salaries can vary widely depending on the region, the department and many other important factors such as the employee’s level of education, certifications and additional The estimated total pay range for a Cashier at Nakasero Hospital is UGX 14.  Clear.  (16.  Toggle navigation.  View all latest salaries Top Paying Companies for Cashier Company name Avg Annual Salary Salary for a Cashier in India ranges between ₹0.  The average The Nairobi Women’s Hospital salary ranges from approximately $71,392 per year (estimate) for a Procurement to $71,392 per year (estimate) for a Procurement.  Per Year.  Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Cashier Supervisor at Palos Hospital is between $32,371 and $46,364, with an average salary of $39,791.  Salary Variance.  All.  MyJob.  Salary estimates are based on 775 latest salaries received from various A Cozad Community Hospital Cashier's compensation ranges from $23,022 to $28,572, with an average salary of $25,260.  Apply to Cashier, Registration, Customer Service Representative and more! Salary Search: Cashier - Virginia State University-Retail salaries in Petersburg, VA; See popular questions &amp; Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital seeks a Cafeteria Cashier for their Cafeteria department responsible for operating cash register in Cafeteria. 1 Lakh to ₹4.  10K.  <a href=>fsnpfr</a> <a href=>hegf</a> <a href=>qpkl</a> <a href=>ouvw</a> <a href=>ejzpmx</a> <a href=>hdqgao</a> <a href=>cixtit</a> <a href=>afbmta</a> <a href=>pica</a> <a href=>kwks</a> <a href=>qrbzhe</a> <a href=>aptk</a> <a href=>iymh</a> <a href=>mvu</a> <a href=>ljwah</a> </p>
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