Your IP :
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
package Software::LicenseUtils;
# ABSTRACT: little useful bits of code for licensey things
$Software::LicenseUtils::VERSION = '0.103013';
use File::Spec;
use IO::Dir;
use Module::Load;
#pod =method guess_license_from_pod
#pod my @guesses = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_pod($pm_text);
#pod Given text containing POD, like a .pm file, this method will attempt to guess
#pod at the license under which the code is available. This method will either
#pod a list of Software::License classes (or instances) or false.
#pod Calling this method in scalar context is a fatal error.
#pod =cut
my $_v = qr/(?:v(?:er(?:sion|\.))?(?: |\.)?)/i;
my @phrases = (
"under the same (?:terms|license) as perl $_v?6" => [],
'under the same (?:terms|license) as (?:the )?perl' => 'Perl_5',
'affero g' => 'AGPL_3',
"GNU (?:general )?public license,? $_v?([123])" => sub { "GPL_$_[0]" },
'GNU (?:general )?public license' => [ map {"GPL_$_"} (1..3) ],
"GNU (?:lesser|library) (?:general )?public license,? $_v?([23])\\D" => sub {
$_[0] == 2 ? 'LGPL_2_1' : $_[0] == 3 ? 'LGPL_3_0' : ()
'GNU (?:lesser|library) (?:general )?public license' => [ qw(LGPL_2_1 LGPL_3_0) ],
'(?:the )?2[-\s]clause (?:Free)?BSD' => 'FreeBSD',
'BSD license' => 'BSD',
'FreeBSD license' => 'FreeBSD',
"Artistic license $_v?(\\d)" => sub { "Artistic_$_[0]_0" },
'Artistic license' => [ map { "Artistic_$_\_0" } (1..2) ],
"LGPL,? $_v?(\\d)" => sub {
$_[0] == 2 ? 'LGPL_2_1' : $_[0] == 3 ? 'LGPL_3_0' : ()
'LGPL' => [ qw(LGPL_2_1 LGPL_3_0) ],
"GPL,? $_v?(\\d)" => sub { "GPL_$_[0]" },
'GPL' => [ map { "GPL_$_" } (1..3) ],
'FreeBSD' => 'FreeBSD',
'BSD' => 'BSD',
'Artistic' => [ map { "Artistic_$_\_0" } (1..2) ],
'MIT' => 'MIT',
'has dedicated the work to the Commons' => 'CC0_1_0',
'waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law' => 'CC0_1_0',
my %meta_keys = ();
my %meta1_keys = ();
my %meta2_keys = ();
# find all known Software::License::* modules and get identification data
# XXX: Grepping over @INC is dangerous, as it means that someone can change the
# behavior of your code by installing a new library that you don't load. rjbs
# is not a fan. On the other hand, it will solve a real problem. One better
# solution is to check "core" licenses first, then fall back, and to skip (but
# warn about) bogus libraries. Another is, at least when testing S-L itself,
# to only scan lib/ blib. -- rjbs, 2013-10-20
for my $lib (map { "$_/Software/License" } @INC) {
next unless -d $lib;
for my $file (IO::Dir->new($lib)->read) {
next unless $file =~ m{\.pm$};
# if it fails, ignore it
eval {
(my $mod = $file) =~ s{\.pm$}{};
my $class = "Software::License::$mod";
load $class;
$meta_keys{ $class->meta_name }{$mod} = undef;
$meta1_keys{ $class->meta_name }{$mod} = undef;
$meta_keys{ $class->meta2_name }{$mod} = undef;
$meta2_keys{ $class->meta2_name }{$mod} = undef;
my $name = $class->name;
unshift @phrases, qr/\Q$name\E/, [$mod];
if ((my $name_without_space = $name) =~ s/\s+\(.+?\)//) {
unshift @phrases, qr/\Q$name_without_space\E/, [$mod];
sub guess_license_from_pod {
my ($class, $pm_text) = @_;
die "can't call guess_license_* in scalar context" unless wantarray;
return unless $pm_text =~ /
=head \d \s+
my $header = $1;
if (
$pm_text =~ m/
) {
my $license_text = "$header$1";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @phrases; $i += 2) {
my ($pattern, $license) = @phrases[ $i .. $i+1 ];
$pattern =~ s{\s+}{\\s+}g
unless ref $pattern eq 'Regexp';
if ( $license_text =~ /\b$pattern\b/i ) {
my $match = $1;
# if ( $osi and $license_text =~ /All rights reserved/i ) {
# warn "LEGAL WARNING: 'All rights reserved' may invalidate Open Source licenses. Consider removing it.";
# }
my @result = (ref $license||'') eq 'CODE' ? $license->($match)
: (ref $license||'') eq 'ARRAY' ? @$license
: $license;
return unless @result;
return map { "Software::License::$_" } sort @result;
#pod =method guess_license_from_meta
#pod my @guesses = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_meta($meta_str);
#pod Given the content of the META.(yml|json) file found in a CPAN distribution, this
#pod method makes a guess as to which licenses may apply to the distribution. It
#pod will return a list of zero or more Software::License instances or classes.
#pod =cut
sub guess_license_from_meta {
my ($class, $meta_text) = @_;
die "can't call guess_license_* in scalar context" unless wantarray;
my ($license_text) = $meta_text =~ m{\b["']?license["']?\s*:\s*["']?([a-z_0-9]+)["']?}gm;
return unless $license_text and my $license = $meta_keys{ $license_text };
return map { "Software::License::$_" } sort keys %$license;
no warnings 'once';
*guess_license_from_meta_yml = \&guess_license_from_meta;
#pod =method guess_license_from_meta_key
#pod my @guesses = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_meta_key($key, $v);
#pod This method returns zero or more Software::License classes known to use C<$key>
#pod as their META key. If C<$v> is supplied, it specifies whether to treat C<$key>
#pod as a v1 or v2 meta entry. Any value other than 1 or 2 will raise an exception.
#pod =cut
sub guess_license_from_meta_key {
my ($self, $key, $v) = @_;
my $src = (! defined $v) ? \%meta_keys
: $v eq '1' ? \%meta1_keys
: $v eq '2' ? \%meta2_keys
: Carp::croak("illegal META version: $v");
return unless $src->{$key};
return map { "Software::License::$_" } sort keys %{ $src->{$key} };
my %short_name = (
'GPL-1' => 'Software::License::GPL_1',
'GPL-2' => 'Software::License::GPL_2',
'GPL-3' => 'Software::License::GPL_3',
'LGPL-2' => 'Software::License::LGPL_2',
'LGPL-2.1' => 'Software::License::LGPL_2_1',
'LGPL-3' => 'Software::License::LGPL_3_0',
'LGPL-3.0' => 'Software::License::LGPL_3_0',
'Artistic' => 'Software::License::Artistic_1_0',
'Artistic-1' => 'Software::License::Artistic_1_0',
'Artistic-2' => 'Software::License::Artistic_2_0',
#pod =method new_from_short_name
#pod my $license_object = Software::LicenseUtils->new_from_short_name( {
#pod short_name => 'GPL-1',
#pod holder => 'X. Ample'
#pod }) ;
#pod Create a new L<Software::License> object from the license specified
#pod with C<short_name>. Known short license names are C<GPL-*>, C<LGPL-*> ,
#pod C<Artistic> and C<Artistic-*>
#pod =cut
sub new_from_short_name {
my ( $class, $arg ) = @_;
Carp::croak "no license short name specified"
unless defined $arg->{short_name};
my $short = delete $arg->{short_name};
Carp::croak "Unknow license with short name $short"
unless $short_name{$short};
my $lic_file = my $lic_class = $short_name{$short} ;
$lic_file =~ s!::!/!g;
require "$";
return $lic_class->new( $arg );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Software::LicenseUtils - little useful bits of code for licensey things
=head1 VERSION
version 0.103013
=head1 METHODS
=head2 guess_license_from_pod
my @guesses = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_pod($pm_text);
Given text containing POD, like a .pm file, this method will attempt to guess
at the license under which the code is available. This method will either
a list of Software::License classes (or instances) or false.
Calling this method in scalar context is a fatal error.
=head2 guess_license_from_meta
my @guesses = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_meta($meta_str);
Given the content of the META.(yml|json) file found in a CPAN distribution, this
method makes a guess as to which licenses may apply to the distribution. It
will return a list of zero or more Software::License instances or classes.
=head2 guess_license_from_meta_key
my @guesses = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_meta_key($key, $v);
This method returns zero or more Software::License classes known to use C<$key>
as their META key. If C<$v> is supplied, it specifies whether to treat C<$key>
as a v1 or v2 meta entry. Any value other than 1 or 2 will raise an exception.
=head2 new_from_short_name
my $license_object = Software::LicenseUtils->new_from_short_name( {
short_name => 'GPL-1',
holder => 'X. Ample'
}) ;
Create a new L<Software::License> object from the license specified
with C<short_name>. Known short license names are C<GPL-*>, C<LGPL-*> ,
C<Artistic> and C<Artistic-*>
=head1 AUTHOR
Ricardo Signes <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Ricardo Signes.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.