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// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
// Created by Alexander Pohoyda <>
// Geometry specification for IBM ThinkPad keyboard.
// Compatible Models: THINKPAD 560Z 2640-90U, THINKPAD 560Z 2640-91U,
// THINKPAD 560Z 2640-B0U, THINKPAD 560Z 2640-B1U, THINKPAD 560Z 2640-RR3,
// THINKPAD 600 2645-31U, THINKPAD 600 2645-35U, THINKPAD 600 2645-41U,
// THINKPAD 600 2645-42U, THINKPAD 600 2645-45U, THINKPAD 600 2645-48U,
// THINKPAD 600 2645-51U, THINKPAD 600 2645-85U, THINKPAD 600 2645-A1U,
// THINKPAD 600 2645-RR1, THINKPAD 600 2645-RR2, THINKPAD 600E 2645-3AU,
// THINKPAD 600E 2645-4AU, THINKPAD 600E 2645-4BU, THINKPAD 600E 2645-55U,
// THINKPAD 600E 2645-5AU, THINKPAD 600E 2645-5BU, THINKPAD 600E 2645-5JU,
// THINKPAD 600E 2645-8AO, THINKPAD 600E 2645-8AU, THINKPAD 600E 2645-8BU,
// THINKPAD 600E 2645-AAU, THINKPAD 600E 2645-RRB, THINKPAD 600E 2645-RRD,
// THINKPAD 600E 2645-RRF, THINKPAD 600E 2645-RRS, THINKPAD A22E 2645-45U
xkb_geometry "common" {
width = 290;
height = 150;
baseColor = "grey80";
labelColor = "white";
shape "FN0" { cornerRadius = 1, { [17, 12] }, { [2, 0], [15, 10] } };
shape "NORM" { cornerRadius = 1, { [18, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [15.5, 14] } };
shape "BKSP" { cornerRadius = 1, { [37, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [34.5, 14] } };
shape "TABK" { cornerRadius = 1, { [27, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [24.5, 14] } };
shape "CAPS" { cornerRadius = 1, { [31, 18] }, { [1, 0], [30, 16] },
{ [1, 0], [26, 16] },
{ [2.5, 0], [24.5, 14] } };
shape "RTSH" { cornerRadius = 1, { [50, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [46.5, 14] } };
shape "MODK" { cornerRadius = 1, { [27.5, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [25, 14] } };
shape "SPCE" { cornerRadius = 1, { [100, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [97.5, 14] } };
shape "ARRS" { cornerRadius = 1, { [16, 13] }, { [1.5, 0], [14.5, 11] } };
shape "LED" { cornerRadius = 2, { [3, 3] } };
shape "KEYS" { cornerRadius = 2,
{ [0, 0], [19, 0], [19, 13], [172, 13],
[172, 0], [286, 0], [286, 138], [216, 138],
[216, 124], [0, 124] } };
solid "KeyPanel" {
shape = "KEYS";
left = 2;
top = 5;
color = "black";
shape "NULL1" { cornerRadius = 1,
{ [0, 0], [50, 0], [50, 18], [34, 18], [34, 4],
[16, 4], [16, 18], [0, 18] } };
solid "NullPanel1" {
shape = "NULL1";
left = 237;
top = 110;
color = "grey80";
shape "NULL2" { cornerRadius = 1, { [17, 13] } };
solid "NullPanel2" {
shape = "NULL2";
left = 219;
top = 129;
color = "grey80";
shape "NULL3" { cornerRadius = 1,
{ [0, 26],
[72, 26], [72, 13], [76, 13], [76, 26],
[149, 26], [149, 13], [153, 13], [153, 26],
[226, 26], [226, 0], [230, 0], [230, 26],
[284, 26], [285, 27],
[0, 27] } };
solid "NullPanel3" {
shape = "NULL3";
left = 3;
top = 6;
color = "grey80";
indicator.onColor = "green";
indicator.offColor = "grey10"; = 4;
indicator.shape = "LED";
indicator "HDDActivity" { onColor = "red"; left = 100; };
indicator "Num Lock" { left = 108; };
indicator "Caps Lock" { left = 114; };
indicator "Scroll Lock" { left = 120; };
indicator "Power" { left = 128; }; = 1;
key.color = "grey60";
section "Function" {
left = 2;
top = 5;
key.shape = "FN0";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <ESC>, { <PRSC>, 155 }, <SCLK>, <PAUS> };
row {
top = 14;
keys { <FK01>, <FK02>, <FK03>, <FK04>,
{ <FK05>, 6 }, <FK06>, <FK07>, <FK08>,
{ <FK09>, 6 }, <FK10>, <FK11>, <FK12>
}; // End of "Function" section
section "Control" {
left= 2;
top = 109;
key.shape = "MODK";
row {
top = 1;
keys { { <FN>, "NORM" }, <LCTL>, <LALT>,
{ <SPCE>, "SPCE" }, <RALT>, <RCTL>
}; // End of "Control" section
section "Editing" {
top = 5;
left = 233;
key.shape = "FN0";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <INS>, <HOME>, <PGUP> };
row {
top = 14;
keys { <DELE>, <END>, <PGDN> };
}; // End of "Editing" section
section "Navigation" {
top = 114;
left = 236;
key.shape = "ARRS";
row {
top = 1;
left = 17;
keys { <UP> };
row {
top = 15;
keys { <LEFT>, <DOWN>, <RGHT> };
}; // End of "Navigation" section
shape "STIK" { cornerRadius = 4, { [7, 7] } };
solid "STIK" {
priority = 255;
color = "red";
shape = "STIK";
top = 85;
left = 126;
// 85 keys
// US/English (FRU 02K4785).
xkb_geometry "us" {
include "thinkpad(common)"
description = "IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E, US";
shape "RTRN" { cornerRadius = 1, { [43, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [40.5, 14] } };
shape "LFSH" { cornerRadius = 1, { [43, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [40.5, 14] } };
shape "BKSL" { cornerRadius = 1, { [28, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [25.5, 14] } };
section "Alpha" {
left = 2;
top = 33; = 1;
key.color = "grey60";
key.shape = "NORM";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <AE00>, <AE01>, <AE02>, <AE03>, <AE04>,
<AE05>, <AE06>, <AE07>, <AE08>, <AE09>,
<AE10>, <AE11>, <AE12>, { <BKSP>, "BKSP" }
row {
top = 20;
keys { { <TAB>, "TABK" },
<AD01>, <AD02>, <AD03>, <AD04>, <AD05>,
<AD06>, <AD07>, <AD08>, <AD09>, <AD10>,
<AD11>, <AD12>, { <BKSL>, "BKSL" }
row {
top = 39;
keys { { <CAPS>, "CAPS" },
<AC01>, <AC02>, <AC03>, <AC04>, <AC05>,
<AC06>, <AC07>, <AC08>, <AC09>, <AC10>,
<AC11>, { <RTRN>, "RTRN" }
row {
top = 58;
keys { { <LFSH>, "LFSH" },
<AB01>, <AB02>, <AB03>, <AB04>, <AB05>,
<AB06>, <AB07>, <AB08>, <AB09>, <AB10>,
{ <RTSH>, "RTSH" }
}; // End of "Alpha" section
// 86 keys
// Tested on: DE/German, UK/English (FRU 02K4787).
xkb_geometry "intl" {
include "thinkpad(common)"
description = "IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E, Intl";
shape "RTRN" { cornerRadius = 1, { [28, 0], [28, 37], [4, 37], [4, 18],
[0, 18], [0, 0] },
{ [25.5, 0], [25.5, 33], [6.5, 33],
[6.5, 14], [2.5, 14], [2.5, 0] } };
shape "LFSH" { cornerRadius = 1, { [24, 18] }, { [2.5, 0], [21.5, 14] } };
section "Alpha" {
left = 2;
top = 33; = 1;
key.color = "grey60";
key.shape = "NORM";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <AE00>, <AE01>, <AE02>, <AE03>, <AE04>,
<AE05>, <AE06>, <AE07>, <AE08>, <AE09>,
<AE10>, <AE11>, <AE12>, { <BKSP>, "BKSP" }
row {
top = 20;
keys { { <TAB>, "TABK" },
<AD01>, <AD02>, <AD03>, <AD04>, <AD05>,
<AD06>, <AD07>, <AD08>, <AD09>, <AD10>,
<AD11>, <AD12>, { <RTRN>, "RTRN" }
row {
top = 39;
keys { { <CAPS>, "CAPS" },
<AC01>, <AC02>, <AC03>, <AC04>, <AC05>,
<AC06>, <AC07>, <AC08>, <AC09>, <AC10>,
<AC11>, <AC12>
row {
top = 58;
keys { { <LFSH>, "LFSH" }, <AB00>,
<AB01>, <AB02>, <AB03>, <AB04>, <AB05>,
<AB06>, <AB07>, <AB08>, <AB09>, <AB10>,
{ <RTSH>, "RTSH" }
}; // End of "Alpha" section
xkb_geometry "60" {
width = 290;
height = 140;
baseColor = "grey80";
labelColor = "white";
shape "NORM" { cornerRadius = 1, { [18, 18] }, { [2, 0], [16, 16] } };
shape "ESC" { cornerRadius = 1, { [17, 13] }, { [1.5, 0], [15.5, 12] } };
shape "FN0" { cornerRadius = 1, { [17, 11] }, { [1.5, 0], [15.5, 10] } };
shape "BKSP" { cornerRadius = 1, { [37, 18] }, { [2, 0], [35, 16] } };
shape "TABK" { cornerRadius = 1, { [27.5, 18] }, { [2, 0], [25.5, 16] } };
shape "BKSL" { cornerRadius = 1, { [27.5, 18] }, { [2, 0], [25.5, 16] } };
shape "CAPS" { cornerRadius = 1, { [30.5, 18] }, { [2, 0], [28.5, 16] } };
shape "RTRN" { cornerRadius = 1, { [43.5, 18] }, { [2, 0], [41.5, 16] } };
shape "LFSH" { cornerRadius = 1, { [40, 18] }, { [2, 0], [38, 16] } };
shape "RTSH" { cornerRadius = 1, { [53, 18] }, { [2, 0], [51, 16] } };
shape "LCTL" { cornerRadius = 1, { [21, 18] }, { [2, 0], [19, 16] } };
shape "LWIN" { cornerRadius = 1, { [15, 18] }, { [1.5, 0], [13.5, 16] } };
shape "SPCE" { cornerRadius = 1, { [97, 18] }, { [2, 0], [95, 16] } };
shape "ARR1" { cornerRadius = 1, { [17, 13] }, { [1.5, 0], [15.5, 12] } };
shape "ARR2" { cornerRadius = 1, { [17, 11] }, { [1.5, 0], [15.5, 10] } };
shape "VOL" { cornerRadius = 2.5, { [5, 5] } };
shape "TVTG" { cornerRadius = 0.5, { [0, 1], [17, 1], [17, 4], [0, 4] } };
shape "KEYS" { cornerRadius = 2,
{ [0, 0], [19, 0], [19, 16], [172, 16],
[172, 4], [286, 4], [286, 133], [231, 133],
[231, 126], [0, 126] } };
solid "KeyPanel" {
shape = "KEYS";
left = 2;
top = 3;
color = "black";
shape "NULL0" { cornerRadius = 0.5,
{ [0, 26],
[72, 26], [72, 14], [76, 14], [76, 26],
[149, 26], [149, 14], [153, 14], [153, 26],
[226, 26], [226, 2], [230, 2], [230, 26],
[284, 26], [284, 27],
[0, 27] } };
solid "NullPanel0" {
shape = "NULL0";
left = 3;
top = 6;
color = "grey80";
shape "NULL1" { cornerRadius = 0.5, { [0, 12], [17, 12], [17, 13], [0, 13] } };
solid "NullPanel1" {
shape = "NULL1";
left = 3;
top = 6;
color = "grey80";
shape "MEDIA" { cornerRadius = 0.5, { [0, 0], [55, 0], [55, 10], [0, 10] } };
solid "MediaPanel" {
shape = "MEDIA";
left = 25.5;
top = 6;
color = "black";
section "Volume" {
left = 22;
top = 8.5;
key.shape = "VOL"; = 6;
key.color = "grey20";
row {
keys { <MUTE>, <VOL->, <VOL+>, {<I1F>, "TVTG", color = "blue"} };
}; = 1;
key.color = "grey60";
section "Function" {
left = 2;
top = 3;
key.shape = "FN0";
row {
key.shape = "ESC";
top = 1;
keys { <ESC> };
row {
top = 5;
keys { { <PRSC>, 173 }, <SCLK>, <PAUS> };
row {
top = 17;
keys { <FK01>, <FK02>, <FK03>, <FK04>,
{ <FK05>, 6 }, <FK06>, <FK07>, <FK08>,
{ <FK09>, 6 }, <FK10>, <FK11>, <FK12>
}; // End of "Function" section
section "Control" {
left = 2;
top = 109;
key.shape = "NORM";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <FN>, { <LCTL>, "LCTL" }, { <LWIN>, "LWIN" }, <LALT>,
{ <SPCE>, "SPCE" }, <RALT>, <MENU>, <RCTL>
}; // End of "Control" section
section "Editing" {
top = 7;
left = 233;
key.shape = "FN0";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <INS>, <HOME>, <PGUP> };
row {
top = 13;
keys { <DELE>, <END>, <PGDN> };
}; // End of "Editing" section
section "Navigation" {
top = 109;
left = 233;
row {
key.shape = "ARR1";
top = 1;
keys { <I6A>, <UP>, <I69> };
row {
key.shape = "ARR2";
top = 15;
keys { <LEFT>, <DOWN>, <RGHT> };
}; // End of "Navigation" section
shape "STIK" { cornerRadius = 3.5, { [7, 7] } };
solid "STIK" {
priority = 255;
color = "red";
shape = "STIK";
top = 85.5;
left = 125.5;
section "Alpha" {
left = 2;
top = 33;
key.shape = "NORM";
row {
top = 1;
keys { <TLDE>, <AE01>, <AE02>, <AE03>, <AE04>,
<AE05>, <AE06>, <AE07>, <AE08>, <AE09>,
<AE10>, <AE11>, <AE12>, { <BKSP>, "BKSP" }
row {
top = 20;
keys { { <TAB>, "TABK" },
<AD01>, <AD02>, <AD03>, <AD04>, <AD05>,
<AD06>, <AD07>, <AD08>, <AD09>, <AD10>,
<AD11>, <AD12>, { <BKSL>, "BKSL" }
row {
top = 39;
keys { { <CAPS>, "CAPS" },
<AC01>, <AC02>, <AC03>, <AC04>, <AC05>,
<AC06>, <AC07>, <AC08>, <AC09>, <AC10>,
<AC11>, { <RTRN>, "RTRN", color = "blue" }
row {
top = 58;
keys { { <LFSH>, "LFSH" },
<AB01>, <AB02>, <AB03>, <AB04>, <AB05>,
<AB06>, <AB07>, <AB08>, <AB09>, <AB10>,
{ <RTSH>, "RTSH" }
}; // End of "Alpha" section