Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\Component;
use Bitrix\Main\Context;
use Bitrix\Main\UserField\HtmlBuilder;
use CBitrixComponent;
use CBitrixComponentTemplate;
use ReflectionClass;
* Class BaseUfComponent
* @package Bitrix\Main\Component
abstract class BaseUfComponent extends CBitrixComponent
public const
MODE_DEFAULT = '.default',
* List of available media types
* MediaType === Template folder by default, may be overriding in child class
public const
MEDIA_TYPE_DEFAULT = '.default',
* @var array $htmlBuilder
protected static
$htmlBuilder = [];
* @var CBitrixComponentTemplate $componentTemplate
* @var array $userField
* @var array $additionalParameters
$userField = [],
$additionalParameters = [];
* @var string $mediaType
* @var string $mode
$mediaType = '',
$mode = '',
$availableModes = [];
public function __construct($component = null)
$this->componentTemplate = new CBitrixComponentTemplate();
final public function executeComponent()
$templateName = $this->resolveTemplateName();
$templatePage = $this->resolveTemplatePage();
if($templatePage && !$this->isExistTemplatePage($templatePage))
// changing to default templatePage if file with $templatePage name not exist ...
if($templatePage !== static::TEMPLATE_PAGE_DEFAULT)
$templatePage = static::TEMPLATE_PAGE_DEFAULT;
// ... or setting default templateName if $templatePage name
// is equal to TEMPLATE_PAGE_DEFAULT and not exist in current templateName folder
['#NAME#', '#PAGE#'],
[$this->getMode(), $this->getMediaType()],
"Cannot find '#NAME#' template with page '#PAGE#'"
final protected function initResult(): void
$this->setUserField($this->arParams['~userField'] ?? []);
$this->setAdditionalParameters($this->arParams['additionalParameters'] ?? []);
$this->arResult['additionalParameters'] = $this->getAdditionalParameters();
$this->arResult['userField'] = $this->getUserField();
$this->arResult['fieldName'] = $this->getFieldName();
$this->arResult['value'] = $this->getFieldValue();
* @return array
public function getUserField()
return $this->userField;
* @param array|bool $userField
public function setUserField($userField): void
if (!is_array($userField))
$userField = [];
$this->userField = $userField;
* @param string $key
* @return mixed|null
public function getAdditionalParameter(string $key)
return ($this->additionalParameters[$key] ?? null);
* @return array
public function getAdditionalParameters(): array
return $this->additionalParameters;
* @param array|null $additionalParameters
public function setAdditionalParameters(?array $additionalParameters): void
$this->additionalParameters = $additionalParameters;
* @return CBitrixComponent|null
public function getParentComponent(): ?CBitrixComponent
return $this->__parent;
* @param CBitrixComponent|null $_parent
public function setParentComponent(?CBitrixComponent $_parent): void
$this->__parent = $_parent;
* You can override this method in a child class
* to add the personal custom functionality of the child class
protected function prepareResult(): void
protected function initAvailableModes(): void
$modes = (is_array($this->additionalParameters['mode']) ?
$this->additionalParameters['mode'] : [$this->additionalParameters['mode']]
$modes = [static::MODE_DEFAULT];
* @return array
public function getAvailableModes(): array
return $this->availableModes;
* @param array $availableModes
public function setAvailableModes(array $availableModes): void
$this->availableModes = $availableModes;
protected function initMode(): void
$availableModes = $this->getAvailableModes();
$mode = array_shift($availableModes);
* @param string $mode
protected function setMode(string $mode): void
$this->mode = $mode;
protected function initMediaType(): void
$mediaType = static::MEDIA_TYPE_DEFAULT;
if (isset($this->additionalParameters['mediaType']) && $this->additionalParameters['mediaType'])
$mediaType = $this->additionalParameters['mediaType'];
* @param string $mediaType
protected function setMediaType(string $mediaType): void
$this->mediaType = $mediaType;
* Resolving a mode name to template name.
* By default, mode === templateFolderName, can be otherwise in child class
* @return string
protected function resolveTemplateName(): string
return ($this->getAvailableTemplateFolder() ?? static::TEMPLATE_NAME_DEFAULT);
* @return string
final public function getMode(): string
return $this->mode;
* @return string
protected function getTemplateNameFromMode(): string
return ($this->getMode() ?: static::TEMPLATE_NAME_DEFAULT);
* Return templatePage name from mediaType
* or null if mediaType incorrect
* @return null|string
final protected function resolveTemplatePage(): ?string
return ($this->isPossibleMediaType() ?
$this->getTemplatePageFromMediaType() : null
* @param string|null $templatePage
* @return bool
final protected function isExistTemplatePage(?string $templatePage = ''): bool
$templatePage = $this->getTemplatePage();
return $this->hasTemplatePage($templatePage);
* Checking if mediaType specified when calling the component is valid
* @return bool
final protected function isPossibleMediaType(): bool
static $mediaTypes = null;
if($mediaTypes === null)
$mediaTypes = $this->getMediaTypes();
return in_array($this->getMediaType(), $mediaTypes, true);
* @return string
protected function getTemplatePageFromMediaType(): string
return $this->getMediaType() ?: static::MEDIA_TYPE_DEFAULT;
* Return all mediaTypes
* @return array
final protected function getMediaTypes(): array
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
$constants = $reflection->getConstants();
$result = [];
foreach($constants as $name => $value)
if(mb_strpos($name, 'MEDIA_TYPE_') === 0)
$result[$name] = $value;
return $result;
* @return string
protected function getMediaType(): string
return $this->mediaType;
* @return bool
final protected function hasTemplateFolder(): bool
static $checkedTemplateFolders = [];
!array_key_exists($this->getMode(), $checkedTemplateFolders)
$checkedTemplateFolders[$this->getMode()] === null
$checkedTemplateFolders[$this->getMode()] = $this->componentTemplate->hasTemplate();
return $checkedTemplateFolders[$this->getMode()];
* Returning first correct template folder from array of availables modes
* @return null|string
final protected function getAvailableTemplateFolder(): ?string
$availableMethodsKey = $this->generateAvailableModesHash();
static $availableMode = [];
!array_key_exists($availableMethodsKey, $availableMode)
$availableMode[$availableMethodsKey] === null
foreach($this->getAvailableModes() as $mode)
$availableMode[$availableMethodsKey] = $this->getMode();
return $availableMode[$availableMethodsKey];
* @return string
final protected function generateAvailableModesHash(): string
return md5(static::getUserTypeId() . json_encode($this->getAvailableModes()));
* @param string $templatePage
* @return bool
final protected function hasTemplatePage(string $templatePage): bool
static $isCheckedTemplatePage = null;
if($isCheckedTemplatePage === null)
$this->componentTemplate->Init($this, $this->getTemplateNameFromMode());
$isCheckedTemplatePage = $this->componentTemplate->hasTemplatePage($templatePage);
return $isCheckedTemplatePage;
* @return string
protected function getFieldName(): string
$nameFromAdditionalParameters = ($this->additionalParameters['NAME'] ?? null);
$nameFromUserField = ($this->userField['FIELD_NAME'] ?? null);
$fieldName = $nameFromAdditionalParameters ?? $nameFromUserField;
if (!$fieldName)
return '';
if($this->isMultiple() && !mb_substr_count($fieldName, '[]'))
$fieldName .= '[]';
return $fieldName;
* @return bool
public function isMultiple(): bool
return (isset($this->userField['MULTIPLE']) && $this->userField['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y');
* @return array
protected function getFieldValue(): array
$value = [];
if(empty($this->additionalParameters['bVarsFromForm']) && !isset($this->additionalParameters['VALUE']))
$value = (
isset($this->userField['ENTITY_VALUE_ID']) && $this->userField['ENTITY_VALUE_ID'] <= 0
? ($this->userField['SETTINGS']['DEFAULT_VALUE'] ?? [])
: ($this->userField['VALUE'] ?? [])
$value = $this->additionalParameters['VALUE'];
$value = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->get($this->userField['FIELD_NAME']);
return self::normalizeFieldValue($value);
* @param mixed $value
* @return array
final protected static function normalizeFieldValue($value): array
$value = array($value);
$value = array(null);
return $value;
* @return HtmlBuilder
final public function getHtmlBuilder()
if(!array_key_exists(static::getUserTypeId(), self::$htmlBuilder))
$this->setHtmlBuilder(new HtmlBuilder(static::getUserTypeId()));
return self::$htmlBuilder[static::getUserTypeId()];
* @param HtmlBuilder $htmlBuilder
final public function setHtmlBuilder(HtmlBuilder $htmlBuilder): void
self::$htmlBuilder[static::getUserTypeId()] = $htmlBuilder;
* @return bool
final public function isDefaultMode(): bool
return ($this->getMediaType() === static::MEDIA_TYPE_DEFAULT);
* @return bool
final public function isMobileMode(): bool
return ($this->getMediaType() === static::MEDIA_TYPE_MOBILE);
* @return bool
final public function isAjaxRequest(): bool
return Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->isAjaxRequest();
* @return string
abstract protected static function getUserTypeId(): string;