Your IP :
* Remove Pod::PlainText from the PodParser distribution once it has
replaced Pod::Text (in functin and in name) in the latest stable
Perl distribution (this is slated to happen for Perl 5.6, its currently
in 5.005_58 now but thats stil considered a development versin rather
than "stable").
* Make the test-suite more portable (for Mac + VMS + NT) without having
to use lots of ugly conditional code. There has to be a better way
to to dissect and reconstruct filepaths than what 5.004 currently
* Add the ability to use callbacks _instead_ _of_ inheritance if so
desired (or mix+match 'em as you wish). This means that there should
be a way to use callbacks instead of inheritance for the equivalent
of each of the abstract base class methods that do text processing
(like preprocess_xxxxx and {begin,end}_xxxx and others). This will go
into a module named Pod::Callbacks.
* IMPROVE PERFORMANCE!!! (its getting kind of slow)
* Implement -ranges "option" to Pod::Select & podselect
* Maybe create a Pod::Compiler class that reads a POD and returns a
list of Pod::Paragraphs objects?
* Make changes necessary to accommodate Kenneth Albanowski's Pod::Simplify
module so that it may use Pod::Parser.
* See about providing the ability (perhaps via constructor options) to turn
off certain unwanted Pod::Parser features in order to improve performance
(things like calling preprocess_xxx() methods and/or some other "virtual"
member function calls that a subclass might not want to make use of).
* Try to allow the user to provide a callback function/method which could
be used in place of the parse_paragraph() method and/or the command(),
verbatim(), and textblock() methods. Such a callback might be provided
as a constructor argument to Pod::Parser. Perhaps it might be possible
to pass the callback method an array of lines or of paragraphs (rather
than one input block at a time) if certain options are specified.
* In Pod::Checker, check that =encoding specifies a valid encoding;
possibly by using the Encode module?
* Add a check of Perl core pods (as suggested by M. Schwern):
The follow test runs each pod/*.pod file through Pod::Checker and fails
if there are any warnings or errors. There are a handful of errors and
huge amounts of warnings.
This patch should not be applied to the main sources until the warnings
are cleaned up.
--- t/pod/corepods.t 2002/12/10 22:36:52 1.1
+++ t/pod/corepods.t 2002/12/10 23:21:25
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!perl -w
+ chdir 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Pod::Checker;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Spec;
+chdir File::Spec->updir;
+my @podfiles = glob "pod/*.pod";
+plan tests => scalar @podfiles;
+my $checker = Pod::Checker->new;
+foreach my $podfile (@podfiles) {
+ $checker->parse_from_file($podfile, \*STDERR);
+ is( $checker->num_errors, 0, "podchecker $podfile error check" );
+ is( $checker->num_warnings, 0, "podchecker $podfile warnings check" );
Pod::Checker etc.:
* I do not think there should ever be any complaint about the first
=pod directive being something other than =head (or other than =pod and
=head) unless some kind of '-strictmanpagestyle' option is set. There is
no law that says the beginning of ever document has to be a heading.
Sometimes it useful to have an untitled intro. Now it *is* true that any
manpage should start with a heading, but not any POD document in general.
=> implement '-manpage' option for Pod::Checker?
Wolfgang Laun:
* =over/=back without intervening =item produces a warning even when
there are pararaphs in between. But this could be used to produce
indented paragraphs. Restrict warning to completely empty lists?
=> is this legal POD at all? Currently a warning is printed