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<p>Dallas county jail number. 00 1: Charge: SPEEDING Warrant Number : E3580281 Magistrate: Remark: REL PER TTY H/F DUNCANVILLE PD $284. Dr Jerome Mcneil Jr Detention Center Lone Star Drive, Dallas, TX - 2. Get bail, mail, commissary info, and discount phone plan Dallas County Sheriff's Department, Dallas, Texas. Inmate’s name and book-in number: John Doe #05123456: Inmate’s location: Tank #11 S 14 P. These must be original documents, no scanned forms will be accepted. Dallas County Jail Passes State Jail Inspection January 25, 2024 - 4:00 pm. Autauga County Metro Jail North Court Street, Prattville, AL - 27. 2 miles. Bookin Number is invalid. Dallas County Bookings. Dallas County Jail Lookup System. Alcohol Monitoring Unit (AMU): (214) 875-2289 Electronic Monitoring (ELM) / Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP): (214) 875-2282 General Pretrial: (214) 875-2302 Smart Justice: (214) 875-2289 Bond Amount : 0. Search By Demographic Information. The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the county. Step 5: Using the Inmate ID Number. Navigate to the System: Start by visiting the Dallas County Sheriff's Office Inmate Lookup page. Sep 11, 1993 · For more up to date information concerning the defendant case(s) please use the above warrant number(s) to complete a Criminal Background Search via Smart Search - DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL 2: Total bond amount excludes holds from other jurisdictions Charge: ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD IMMINENT DANGER BODILY INJ Bond Amount : 100,000. Find out how to search for inmates, make phone calls, send mail, and more in Dallas County, TX. Dallas County Government Center Jail Commerce Street, Dallas, TX - 1. Apr 5, 1998 · Jail Location : North Tower Warrant Number : F2375241 Magistrate: Butrus, John Charge DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL The Autauga County Sheriff's Office provides offender information, a most wanted list, press releases, and contact information. 111 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas (Links to Google Maps) Bus Stop. Search By License Plate or VIN . Learn how to use the online inmate search system, gather required information, and contact the jail for verification. Mar 27, 2001 · Jail Location : Kays Tower Warrant Number : F2255074 Magistrate: Lusk, Janet Charge DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N. Required Field. 00. Inmate Programs Division (214) 653-2839 May 30, 2002 · Charge: AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON Bond Amount : 50,000. Social Security Card; School I. Dallas County Decker Detention Center North Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX - 1. Last Name . 21,791 likes · 368 talking about this · 1,554 were here. 4 miles County Clerk | Criminal Courts Division - Useful Numbers Lew Sterrett Jail (214) 761-9025: Marriage License (214) 653-7099: Marshal Office (214) 670-3041 The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the county. First Name . 10 BND **Melissa. Dallas County Jail was completed in October of 1999. 3 miles. Using the Inmate Lookup System. 133 N. Jail Visitation Hours Monday-Friday 7:00 p. 7 miles. dallas county record search, dallas county court records, dallas county jail arrest record, dallas county mugshots, dallas county detention center, dallas county court records search, dallas county criminal records search, dallas county jail records inmate Icontrol Networks Popular airlines include on Illinois may encounter problems involved. It offers an inmate search system for the public to locate incarcerated individuals, as well as a SecurePak Inmate Commissary Program that allows friends and family to purchase commissary items for inmates. 4 miles. Sunday 8:00 a. Riverfront Boulevard, LB 19, Dallas, TX 75207 Telephone: (214) 653-3600 • Fax: (214) 653-5774 Aug 5, 1997 · Bond Amount : 0. Housing unit. Jail/Bond information telephone number: (214) 761-9025 / (214) 761-9026 Looking for Dallas County Jail inmates, mugshots & criminal records? Quickly find Jail & Prison phone number, directions & records (Dallas, TX). 5 miles Information about Autauga County Jail, including warden, county, state, and services provided. 75266-0334. Search by Case Number. Riverfront Boulevard, Suite 9A-500, Dallas, TX 75207 Phone: (214) 653-6776 Constructed in 1993, this facility holds 3,292 maximum security inmates with 188 single cells, as well as, 3 floors of medical space. org. The jail houses, on average, 180 inmates. 30Th Circuit Youth Service Center West Walnut Street, Bolivar, MO - 17. Jan 25, 2024 · The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the county. O. DOB Month County Clerk John F. 00 1: Warrant Number : F2175825 Magistrate: Sprinkle, Kathleen Accessing the Dallas County Jail Roster. Dallas is a county in the State of Texas. Box # 660334 Dallas, Texas 75266-0334 The Dallas County Juvenile Department (DCJD) is the second largest juvenile services department in the State of Texas. Dallas County Felony and Misdemeanor Courts Case Information. Jesus Orozco. You can call the Dallas County Jail and confirm this first, while also enquiring about the rules associated with For more up to date information concerning the defendant case(s) please use the above warrant number(s) to complete a Criminal Background Search via Smart Search - DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL 2: Total bond amount excludes holds from other jurisdictions Aug 6, 2024 · Suzanne Kays South Jail - 214-962-5800. Before visiting the Dallas County Jail, ensure you are on the visitor’s list. According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 880 square miles (2,279 sq. - 4:30p. Date: 10/4 4:55 am. Dallas County Jail, located in Adel, Iowa, is a prison that provides services to the local community. Riverfront Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75207. Get bail, mail, commissary info, and discount phone plan Patients at Dallas County Jail are served by our team of on-site medical providers, registered nurses, mental health liaisons and pharmacists, among other clinical staff. Main Distpatch/Emergency Telephone: (214) 749-8641 Fax: (214) 653-3420. Dallas County Pretrial Release provides individuals who have been arrested on a Class A and B Misdemeanors and some felonies, who meet certain criteria, with an alternative to remaining in jail while awaiting disposition of their case. Case Number is required. As the operator of the ninth-largest jail in the United States, DCSO manages an average jail population exceeding 6,000 inmates. - 2:00 p. Administration Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75202 Administration - (214) 653-7441 Cashier - (214) 653-7089 Civil Section - (214) 653-7441 Accounting and Trust Division Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75202 Criminal Section Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N Riverfront Aug 6, 2024 · Lew Sterrett North - 214-653-2930. Riverfront Boulevard, 1 st Floor Room A9 and 2 nd Floor Room A9, Dallas, TX 75207. 00 1: Charge: ILLEGAL ALIEN Warrant Number : 368366093 Magistrate: Remark: LIFTED INS DETAINER**H/F ICE NO BOND **MWEST SEP 2 **skaramvellil Sep 23 2021 3:26PM ** Dec 29, 2002 · Jail Location : North Tower Warrant Number : F2175850 Magistrate: User, AISAPI Charge DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL Aug 6, 2024 · The Dallas County Sheriff's Office (DCSO) serves as the county’s primary law enforcement agency, having been established on March 30, 1846. D Dallas County Old Jail North Riverfront Boulevard, Dallas, TX - 0. Allowed items and restrictions. Hairston Aug 7 2021 3:31AM ** The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the county. Bookin Number is required. Box 660334 Dallas, TX . In custody of Dallas County Jail. Frank Crowley Courts Building. To acquire a Dallas County Jail Visitation Card you will need three (3) of the following forms of identification. - 9:00 p. Dart bus route 35 (Links to Dart) Dallas County. Visitation at Dallas County Jail. SheriffPREA@dallascounty. Our Address. People with photos only Dallas County Jail Lookup System. The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department maintains an online Inmate Lookup System. More Info. Jail/Inmate Information: (214) 761-9025. Last Name (Required): Jul 11, 1997 · Jail Location : West Tower Warrant Number : F2176036 Magistrate: Woodruff, David Charge DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL . Inmate General Info Line (214) 761-9025. m. Jail Lookup. Polk County Jail East Jefferson Street, Bolivar, MO - 17. All envelopes and mail must include the inmate name and number (booking or jacket number) as well as a return About Dallas County Jail. Per page 1; 2; 3 > Jesus Orozco. Warren - (214) 653-7099 8:00a. Search By Prisoner Information. Search By Name. Case Number. This card will be used for visitation purposes only at the Dallas County Jail. Get current arrest records. If you have the inmate ID number: Contact the Dallas County Jail at (214) 761-9025 for verification. P. The county seat of Dallas is Dallas. Find inmates in Dallas County, Texas, by name or booking number. Judges can now sentence qualifying defendants to ASP/ELM which is an offender funded program instead of a costly jail sentence. Learn about the rules and regulations for visitation, care packages, bond, and release. The Dallas County Sheriff's Department maintains the County Jail with a staff of 28 people. A jail visitation card can be purchased for $5. Bookin Number . Dallas County had a population of approximately 2,618,148 in the year 2010. The largest city of Dallas County is Dallas. Reviewing Results: The search will return a list of inmates matching your query, along with their booking photos, charges, bond amounts, and projected release dates, if available. This tool is the primary way to find someone who is incarcerated in Dallas County. 111 West Commerce Street The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the county. Access Corrections offers online inmate deposits, email, post bail, court, parole and probation payments. Dallas County Jail . 7 miles Polk County Jail in Bolivar, Missouri, provides information about inmates, including the ability to view them on the jail's website. Please Note: Visitors will not be processed during the last 30 minutes of the visiting session. Pretrial Release. Search Criteria: You can search by several criteria, including the inmate's full name, booking number, or case number. Address . Dallas. 111 Commerce Street, Dallas Texas 75207. Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N. We care for nearly 120,000 patients each year through services that include health screenings, diabetes management, dental care, HIV services and suicide prevention. PREA Inquiry: (214) 653-3419. 00 1: Warrant Number : F2276427 Magistrate The official county government website for Collin County to find government documents and services, and contact county elected officials, including elections, land records, jury duty, court cases, county sheriff, county jail, district attorney, property taxes, vehicle registrations, animal control, job openings, auctions, sales and foreclosures. DOB Month Feb 23, 1999 · Warrant Number : 0091919230 THEFT >=$2500: $30K STATE JAIL FELONY Warrant Number : 202206TF Magistrate: Terry,Landwehr DALLAS COUNTY, Dallas County Jail PO Box 405, Buffalo, MO - 0. 8 miles. km). Established on March 30, 1846, we operate the seventh-largest jail in the United States with an average jail population of over 6,000 inmates and more than 2,000 employees. It is comprised of approximately 1,000 employees throughout the divisions of Administrative and Executive, Budget, Clinical, Detention, Education, Legal, Probation, and Residential. Case Number is invalid. Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 4100, Dallas, TX 75202 Phone: (214) 653-7638 • Fax: (214) 653-7608 Dallas County Felony and Misdemeanor Courts Case Information. Oct 27, 2001 · For more up to date information concerning the defendant case(s) please use the above warrant number(s) to complete a Criminal Background Search via Smart Search - DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COURTS PORTAL 2: Total bond amount excludes holds from other jurisdictions The Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP) is designed to offer an alternative for those Defendants with County Jail sentences. The Dallas County Sheriff's Department is the chief law enforcement agency in Dallas County The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the county. Last Name (Required): Inmates name/booking number. Webster Mission Statement: The mission of the District Clerk is to provide the judicial system and the public with information and support in the most technologically advanced method possible by: Inmate’s Full Name and Booking Number . Dallas County Jail Lookup; Dallas County Sheriff's Office Traffic Accident Reports; Dallas County Wanted; Dallas Courts; Department of Unincorporated Area Services; The facility is part of the larger Dallas County Jail system, which includes multiple detention centers and correctional institutions. The secure way to Send Money and SecureMail messages to an incarcerated loved one. Search by Bookin Number. We are Dallas County Jail Lookup System. Charges unknown. 00 1: Warrant Number : F2054938 Magistrate Dallas County Jail also known as Lew Sterrett Justice Center. Saturday 8:00 a. 10/4 4:55 am Charge: INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT Bond Amount : 100,000. Dallas County Pretrial Services. </p>
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